Well, let’s lift our hands to the Almighty God and bless His Holy Name.

Let’s give Him Glory, let’s give Him Honour and Adoration; Praise Him for keeping you from January till October. Bless His Holy Name.

Thank the Almighty God for all He has done for you as an Individual, all He has done for your family and all He has done for our Nation – Keep on Praising Him.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.


We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour.


Ancient of Days we Worship You.

Thank You for January, Thank You for February, Thank You for March, Thank You for April, Thank You for May, Thank You for June, Thank You for July, Thank You for August, Thank You for September, Oh Lord Thank You for October.

Thank You because we know that since you brought us thus far; whether the devil likes it or not, we will see the New Year.

Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.

Father, we have Prayed for our Nation – We are asking Lord God Almighty, that You will answer our Prayers by Fire.

We are Praying for all our Students – Young and Old, from Primary School Level even to the University Level; give them Wisdom, give them Divine Wisdom, give them Understanding and let all our children excel.

And Father, we are Praying for Your Children, everything they need to make sure that these children will Succeed, Father Provide for them.

In Your Own Miraculous Way, Provide for the Parents.

And as Your Children, who has been Faithful in the Payment of their Tithes and in the Giving of their Offerings, this Month Oh Lord, embarrass them with Your Blessings.

And everyone of us here Lord God Almighty here to Worship You this Day all over the world and reading now on the Label of DMC; I Pray that You will give us Dominion, let it be well with all of us and let this Particular Month be Extremely Successful for us.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen!

Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and Prophesy to them: God will bless you this Month.

And then you may Please be seated.

Today, we want to talk about: “Divine Wisdom”.

Matthew 7: 24-27

  1. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a Wise Man, which built his house upon a rock:
  2. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
  3. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
  4. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

May I start by Praying for everyone of you that your house will not fall – Amen

We have been asked to talk on “Divine Wisdom”.

But you know that today is a very Special Day for remembering our Nation – That is why you will Probably Noticed that we are a little bit out of time because the Health of our Nation is very crucial to us.

At the same time we are Praying for our Students because these Young ones are our tomorrow and we want our tomorrow to be alright.

So, if we are a little bit behind Schedule today, you must understand that it is a very Special Day.

And we have been asked to speak on “Divine Wisdom”.

Now, what is Wisdom?

I know that if we ask the Question, the Theologians will start by telling us that the Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom – Which is absolutely correct.

But we are not talking about the beginning of Wisdom now, we are talking about Wisdom itself.

And then we can go on and then do a lot of Studies on Wisdom:

☆ How Wisdom is Greater than Strength.

☆ How Wisdom is a Defense.

☆ How Wisdom give Life.

Et cetera et cetera.

But we want to look at Wisdom from the Perspectives of the Correct Application of Knowledge

When you gain Knowledge – Which is why we send our children to Sxhool, using the Knowledge that you have gained for your benefits is Wisdom.

For Example, when you are travelling on some of our roads – You are travelling on a road that you have never travelled before.

And we are all travelling on a road that we have never travelled before called “The Road of Life” – We don’t know what will happen tomorrow and so we have to keep on moving forward.

When you are travelling on a road that you have never travelled before and suddenly you see beside the road a Sign that says: “Narrow Bridge Ahead”.

As soon as you see that Sign, you have gained Knowledge – You haven’t seen the Bridge yet but that Sign has told you that there is one Bridge ahead that is Narrow.

Narrow Bridge ahead means that the Bridge cannot take two (2) cars at a time.

If you are Wise, what will you do? You will slow down. Because you may suddenly approach the road on the Bridge and found out that another Vehicle is on the other side of the road.

If you slow down, then you will be able to stop safely for that other Vehicle to Pass before you continue on your Journey.

But if you are not exactly Wise – I don’t want to use the word Foolish; you say Narrow Bridge ahead? And so what? I am an International Driver, and then you step on your Accelerator, and you increased your Speed.

And all of a sudden, you appeared on the Bridge and then there is a Trailer on the other way; then you have to make up your Mind: Do you want to die by Head-On Collision or you want to die by Drowning because in those days, those Narrow Bridge were built over a very deep water.

So, Wisdom is: As soon as you gain Knowledge, you use that Knowledge for your own benefits!

I will give you few Points on how you can use the Knowledge that you have gained from the Word of God for your benefits so that for the rest of your Life, you will be treated even by God as Wise!

Now, there are two (2) Categories of Wisdom which I need to mention briefly:

  1. There is a Wisdom that comes from Above – The kind of Wisdom that God Himself gives.

The Bible says that Wisdom is Pure, Clean and Holy.

  1. And then, there is Wisdom that comes from the devil.

And that one is evil – The kind of Wisdom when we talk of Yahoo Yahoo.

Yahoo Yahoo People – They have Knowledge and they are using it for evil.

We are talking this Morning about the Wisdom that comes from God – That is why we call it “Divine Wisdom”.

In Jeremiah 33:3; the Almighty God made a Promise – You call on me, I will answer you.

That’s Settled!

But then, some of you are Business Men and Women – You know that for every Contract, there is what they called “Defined Lines”.

There are certain Clauses that are sneaked into the Contract that will determine whether I must keep my Contract with you or not.

God says that if you call on me, I will answer.

But He added in Isaiah 55:6 – It says: Hey, seek the Lord where He may be found, call on Him while He is near.

… You call on Him, He hears. Then the answer will come.

He then said that you better call on Him while He is near so that He will hear.

And so, how do I know when He is near because He is Invincible?

Job said: I looked at the right, I can’t see Him, I looked at the left, I can’t see Him; Forward, He is not there, Backward, He is not there.

How do I know that He is near?

Well, in the Bible, it is also written in John 4: 23-24 – It says that our God is a Spirit; they that Worship Him must Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth and the Father seeketh such to Worship Him.

Saying what? You know how to Worship God, you don’t have to seek Him as He will seek you.

So, when you don’t know whether He is near or not; begin to Praise Him and He will draw near you.

And if He draws near and then you call on Him, the answer will come.

  1. In other words, if you want to apply that now to get Wisdom: Whenever your Prayers seems not to be working, try Praise!*

… You have been Praying for something for a long time, the answer hasn’t come; Put Prayer aside and begin to Praise Him.

If you Praise Him correctly He will give you what you want!

A Good Example is in Matthew 15: 21-28 – It tells us of a woman who came crying to Jesus Christ: My daughter is grievously vexed of the devil. Help me.

The Bible said that Jesus Christ didn’t answer her a word.

The Disciples came and said: Hey send this woman away, she is “Too Noisy”,

Jesus said that I can’t even give the Bread of children to dogs.

The woman Changed tactics – She went before the Lord, fell on her knees and Worshipped Him.

Minutes later, she already got what she wanted.

If you learn to Praise God, even Things that you are not asking for, you will get it.

That is why you must have learnt from me by now that before I begin anything at all, I ask you to shout Hallelujah to draw the attention of the One we are about to cry to.

If you learn to Praise – If you have tried Prayers and Prayers had failed, try Praise.

Because you see, there are certain battles that you cannot afford to loose – There are certain Prayers that God must answer,

And if the answer is not coming by Prayer, try Praise.

Many of you will remembered the Story of one of our Weddings here in Lagos – Somolu to be exact.

When there was a Wedding, it was going on well and then it was time to Sign the Register and the People were already in the Vestry.

As usual, the Congregation was dancing and rejoicing.

The husband had Signed, they had given the pen to the wife to Sign on the dotted line; when the husband heard a voice – Somebody called him and he is the only one who heard and he answered.

And the Elders said that they know the meaning of that.

As soon as he answered, he just dropped down from the chair and died.

So, all manners of Prayers began – I mean if you are there, you will Pray too.

5 Minutes, 10 Minutes, 20 Minutes, 30 Minutes – And the People in the Church were wondering what kind of Certificate were they Signing?

In the meantime, the Bridegroom was getting Colder and Colder.

Then the Lead Pastor remembered that I taught them that when Prayer fails, try Praise. And so he told the People in the Vestry to stop Praying and to begin to Praise God. Then he ran into the Church and told them that we are comimg o.

And everybody Changed their Prayer – You are the Almighty, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Ancient of Days, the Lord of Host.

And all of a sudden, the Man on the floor sneezed – He said that what am I doing on the floor? They said you get up first and then we will tell you.

Is there anybody who has been Praying for something and you haven’t gotten the answer yet? Shout Hallelujah !

  1. From Studying the Bible, it is clear that you can use what you have to get what you need.

Proverbs 11:25, the Bible says that he that watereth shall be Watered.

The African Elders will say: You pour water before you, then you can walk on Soft Ground.

In 2 Kings 4: 8-17; there was this woman that the Bible called Great Woman. And she had only one Problem that her Money and Wealth cannot handle – She was barren.

You can’t buy a Child in the Market and in those days, there wasn’t anything like IVF or whatever (DMC NOTES: In Vitro Fertilization, also called IVF, is a Complex series of Procedures that can lead to a Pregnancy. An egg is fertilized by injecting a Single Sperm into the egg or mixing the egg with Sperm in a petri dish. The fertilized egg, called an Embryo, is transferred into the Uterus).

But constantly, she saw a Man of God Passing by and one day she confronted the Man of God and said: Sir, you must come to my house to eat.

The Man of God said, who told that I am hungry? She said that you are not going as you must come to my house to eat.

The Bible said that she compelled the Man of God – Thank God for Stubborn Woman who are Stubbornly to God.

The Man of God went on to eat and found out that the food in this woman house is different from the “Buka” and kept on coming back ((DMC NOTES: “Buka” refers to Roadside Restaurant or Street Stall that sells Local fare at Low Prices).

And the woman said that I think we will go a step further and so built she an Apartment for the Man of God.

The Bible tells us that one day, the Man of God was lying on the bed that the woman laid for him and the Spirit of God came upon him – You have been eating this woman food, sleeping on the bed she made; you didn’t even asked her if she has a Problem?

And when the Man of God asked her: What can I do for you? I can talk to the President and King for you.

She said that I don’t want anything.

But then, the Man of God discovered that she was barren and he said that I can give you something that Money cannot buy.

There are certain things or Power that your Position or your Influence cannot buy.

There is always a Saying: Money can buy you bed but it will not buy you Sleep!

But you can use what you have to get what you want.

Meaning what? Even if you don’t have anything at all, you still have your Voice – With that Voice, you can bring the Heavens down.

In 2 Chronicles 1: 6-15; the Bible tells us that Solomon offered to God a thousand Burnt Offerings.

That boy knew that he needed Wisdom to rule his People – He was a King alright but he needed Wisdom.

And so, he decided to use what he had to get what he wanted – He Sacrificed a thousand Burnt Offerings and the Almighty God had to visit this boy.

The one who can Worship me like this deserves a Visitation.

I decree in the Name that is above every other name, that Somebody will receive a Visitation from God – Amen!

I remembered very clearly the Story of one of my daughter – A Great Medical Doctor. She had her own Hospital and doing very well.

But all these years, Nobody had ever come to her to say: Sister, how now! – Beautiful Lady, highly Educated, doing extremely well but dying Practically of Loneliness.

Amd then, she got a Brainwave – She heard that I am coming to visit Town and she had a lot of Money and went to buy a car and that I must use her car instead of them renting one for me.

And funny enough, you find out that each time that I will enter the car, she spread a kind of beautiful Tower Cover where I will sit.

After I left, she Parked the car in the Garage and every Night, she will go and sit where I sat and said: God, Your Servant sat here; there must be a little bit of Anointing left there. Use that Anointing to destroy my Yokes.

About a Year later, I got a Phone Call from America – They said: You remember Sister So and So? I said yes, she is in the Hospital.

Oh, what is the Problem?

Shortly after you left, a Man came and said: How now! And so 3 Months later, she got married and now she is in the Hospital to deliver the first baby.

I may not have Money, I may not have Influence but I have my mouth!

Do I hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

  1. There is this Law called “The Law of Harvest” – It is there in the Bible.

Galatians 6: 7-8 says: Be not deceived, God is not mocked; whatever a Man sows, that is what he shall reap.

This Law works for everybody – Whether you are a Christian, Muslim or Idol Worshipper.

And then, the Bible went on further to say in Matthew 7:16; that it is what you sow that you will reap.

You can’t sow Thorns and expect to reap Grapes.

And believe me honestly – If you sow rice, you are not going to reap rice.

I have told you the Story before – When the Holy Ghost Service was small at the Redemption Camp and People were less than 2,000 or 3,000 coming.

When it is time to Pray, I will lay hands on everybody. But little by little, the crowd grew and by the time we were running into thousands, I decided that I have to use Wisdom.

And so, I got some of my Senior Pastors, that they will join me in Praying. And to encourage them, I gave each of them a tie that I have used to Minister – I told them that there is Anointing in the tie. Wear it and the Power of God will be working through you.

Amd they believed – And you know that the Just shall live by Faith.

Suddenly I discovered something – Whenever anybody travelled and they are comimg back, they will bring me a tie.

After some time, I said can’t these People find something else? God, what is going on?

I heard God say: You sow ties and you are reaping ties – I said okay!

So, I found some of the Pastors who were the same shoe size as mine and I gave them shoes.

And I waited – 1 Month, 2 Months, 3 Months; Nobody bought me shoe. And so, I went back to God: Where are my shoes?

Amd the Lord spoke to me and said: When you sow corn, you will reap in 3 Months; if you sow Cocoa, you have to wait for 3 years. That as Precious as what you sow is, that is how long it will take before the Harvest begin to come.

And soon, shoes began to come.

Whatever you sow, that is what you will reap – So, you sow something Good, you will reap something Good, you sow something evil, whether you believed it or not, evil will be waiting.

I will give you one more Example:

I was once Teaching in a village and in that Village, there was one Man – He was tough.

When it comes to Wickedness, he was Number One – He was so tough that if you are Passing through the front of his house, you tiptoed. And he had only one daughter.

And one day, he travelled and before he came back, some six boys raped the daughter – They raped her until she fainted.

So, when the People in the Village heard, they said, okay o, those six boys are dead because you don’t offend this Man and go scot-free.

When he came, and they told him; everybody thought that fire will fall.

Do you know what he said? He said I am reaping what I sowed. He said that God was repaying me for what I did to other People’s girls.

What are you sowing?

Harvest is coming and there is no way that you can stop Harvest from comimg except you Restitute your ways.

Because if you have been sowing evil things, before that thing can begin to Produce Fruits, if you quickly uproot the trees by Restituting your ways; then all will be well.

  1. The Bible says in Proverbs 22:29 – It says: Seeth thou a Man diligent in his Business, he will Stand before Kings and not before Mean Men.

You want to reach the Top? You want to make First Class? You want to be the Best in the Class? You need more than your Brain – You need Hatdwork!

I said this during the RCCG October 2024 Holy Ghost Service on Friday, 4th October 2024 and I’m still repeating it now – To tell you how important it is.

My Professor and Head of Department (HOD) of Mathematics way back in 1963 at the University of Lagos, told us that you have to read the same thing ten times before you can remember 70% of it.

That is what he told us – He got his PhD from the University of London in 1928 and so he knew what he was talking about.

What he said helped People like me – We thought that we were Brilliant but what the Old Man told you is that you must add Diligence and Hardwork to your Brain; then you will reach the Top,

We later discovered that he was speaking the Truth.

So, you my children, stop wasting Time – You are sent to School to learn.

There will always be Time for everything – The Time to Study is when you are Young.

You will keep Studying throughout Life but there are certain things that you can learn when you are Young.

Ask the Scientists, they will tell you – There are certain Languages you can no longer learn after you have reached a certain Age.

  1. God is Sovereign – Everybody should know that.

You know the meaning of Sovereign?

Sovereign means the One who can do anything thar He wants.

Our God is the “Original Kabiyesi” (Kabiyesi means King) – He is the One who is Higher than the highest.

So, when you hear that the President of a Nation considers himself as the Number One Citizen of the whole Nation; don’t argue – Just remember that there is Someone Higher than the highest.

And in Psalm 115:3; the Bible says that He is in Heavens, He does as He Pleases.

Your Future is in the Hands of the One who does as He Pleases!

I was sharing not too long ago – Read Romans Chapter 9, and you will discovered what God can do.

If He says that you will be at the Top, Nobody will be able to Stand in your way.

And one thing about Him – Ephesians 2:4, is that as Powerful as He is, He is full of Mercy – The Bible says that He is Rich in Mercy.

However, in Romans 9: 13-16; He made a Conclusion that God says that: I will be Merciful to whom I will be Merciful; I will show Compassion on whom I will show Compassion.

He says: “If I decide to be Merciful to Somebody, Nobody can Query me because I am the Original Kabiyesi (King).

And you know what that means?

Many atimes, we go to God in Prayer and we begin to tell Him reasons why we think that He should do something for us.

You will say: God, You have to do this – Don’t you know who I am? I am Apostle Supernatural.

Does He cares? He decides that He will be Merciful on whom He will be Merciful.

Is there anybody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC, who needs the Mercy of God? The DMC Family Members!

Let me see you say: Lord, have Mercy on me.

One Bible Study Leader – They are the ones that teach Smaller Groups like the Sunday School Teachers in the Church; he was Brilliant as he knew the Bible very, very well.

So, whenever his Leader wanted Somebody to talk to Married Peoole about situations in the family; they ask this boy to come and teach.

And he will teach then how Husbands should behave, how Wives should behave and then he will come to the issue of Child Bearing.

And one of the things that he taught People is that when your wife is ready to deliver, what you should do is to bind all bindables and loose all the loose loosables and then Command the baby to come.

Then he got married, the wife got Pregnant, the Day of Delivery came – He bounded every bindables, he loosed all loosables and he Commanded the baby to come but the baby didn’t come.

Day 1, Day 2, when the 3rd Day came, he ran to the back of the house, fell on his face in the Bush and say: God, just have Mercy on me.

Before he returned, the baby had come.

Just cry today: God, just have Mercy on me!

Proverbs 28:13, the Word of God says clearly – You conceal or cover your sin? It says that you can’t Prosper. But if you confess your sin, and forsake them; you will obtain Mercy!

God is Sovereign, but you can get Him to say that the one you are to be Merciful upon is me!

How do you do that?

Confess your sin and forsake them and then you will obtain Mercy!


So, if you are here today and you have not given your Life to Jesus Christ orr you claimed that you have given your Life to Jesus Christ and you are still living in sin: Hey, there is only one Person who can be Merciful unto you. And that is God!

And for Him to have Mercy on you, you have to Confess your sin, and you have to forsake them.

So, if you really mean to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, that you want to put an end to a Life of sin – Come now!

I am going to count from one (1) to five (5) – Before I say five (5); come and Stand before the Altar and I will Pray that the Almighty God will save your Soul.

And when He has done so, you can begin to enjoy His Mercy – Come very quickly.

Now, those of you who are infront and those on the way, let’s cry to the Almighty God:

Lord, have Mercy on me and save my Soul and let Your Blood wash away my sins. I will serve You from now on and by Your Grace, I won’t live in sin anymore.

Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God!

And the rest of us, let us Stretch our hands towards these People and Pray for them:

Pray that the Almighty God will have Mercy on them, that He will save their Souls, and that His Blood will wash away their sins.

Pray that the One who saved your own Soul will save their own Souls also.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


Ancient of Days, I just want to say Thank You for Your Words and Thank You for the People who has responded to the Altar Call.

Please receive them Lord, have Mercy on them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins, make them Your Children from now and give them a Brand New Beginning.

And Lord God Almighty, show them Mercy.

From now on, anytime they Call on You, answer them by Fire.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Those of you who want God to show them Mercy, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


In the next few Minutes, the first thing that you are going to do is to Praise God like you have never done before so that He can Pay attention to you in Particular.

Praise Him, Eulogise Him and call all His Names that you know.

And then, cry to Him and ask Him to show you Mercy!

Let’s go ahead now!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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