Let’s talk to the Lord; Let’s Glorify His Holy Name.

He is the reason for our living and the essence of our existence. We are what we are because of His existence.

Let us Magnify and Glorify His Holy Name – He is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

He is the Uncreated Creator, the Unchangeable Changer, the Unkillable Killer, the Unmake Able Maker.

He is the One who can do all things; and no Plan of His can be aborted – Let’s Extol His Holy Name.

He is so Big that the Heaven cannot contain Him and He made the whole Earth His Footstool.

He has the longest legs and the biggest eyes, He sits in Heaven and oversees the affairs of the whole Earth.

There’s nothing He cannot do – He made the Blind to see, made the Lame to walk, He made a Virgin conceive without meeting with a man and she gave birth to our Lord Jesus Christ.

He brought water out of a rock; turned fibroids to Fine Boy and Fine Girl – Let’s Celebrate Him.

He brought money from the mouth of a fish, He turned fish to ATM; made a way where there was no way – Let’s celebrate our God.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.


Father we Thank You.

We Appreciate You, we Adore You, we Magnify and Extol Your Holy Name.

You are who You say You are – You have not reduced in Power, and Your Glory has not faded.

From Everlasting to Everlasting, You are God, the Unchangeable Changer who can do all things – We Celebrate Your Supremacy.

You are the same yesterday, and today and forever.

What can You not do? You made the Blind to see; the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak.

You brought Possibility out of Impossibility, You brought money from the mouth of a fish, You made a Virgin conceive without meeting with a Man.

Lord Jesus Christ, You turned fibroids to Fine Boy and Fine Girl.

You brought water out of a rock; made a way where there was none before – We celebrate You LORD.

Father, be exalted in in the Name of Jesus Christ

We have gathered today to be blessed of You – Father, bless us from Above in the Name of Jesus.

On this Exalted Altar: let the Man of God disappear, and let the God of Man appear.

Let every arm of flesh disappear, and let the God of all flesh appear.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus, let man be reduced, and let God alone be exalted.

Let the Fullness of Man cease, and let the Voice of God alone be heard, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

This Morning, whoever hears me will hear God, in the Name of Jesus.

At the end of this Ministration; the Speaker and the Hearers, including those reading now on the Label of DMC shall be blessed together, and all the Glory would be returned unto You.

Thank You King of Glory.

For I’ve Prayed in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

Anywhere God can find the loudest Amen, may He show up in your Life – Amen.

Anywhere God can find the loudest Amen, may He manifest Himself in that Life – Amen.

And may the Power of Dominion Possess you, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.

While we are still Standing, we want to Celebrate our Parents-In-The-Lord – They are Parents of Parents: Daddy Enoch Adejare Adeboye, and Mummy Folu Adeboye.

If you are clapping for Jesus in their lives, do so very well.

Our Daddy is the Daddy of daddies and our Mummy is the Mummy of mummies. Our Daddy is the Pastor that Bishops call father.

Let’s Celebrate God in the lives of our Parents-In-The-Lord.

Thank you Daddy and Mummy for the Platform you have given to the Younger Generation of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), to express themselves.

Daddy, you will not diminish in Grace, you will not diminish in Glory, you will go from Strength to Strength; from power to power, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

You both will finish Strong, and finish well, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.

I want to Celebrate God in the Life of our Intercontinental Youth Pastor – Pastor Belemina Obunge, for the Privilege.

Look at your Neighbour, say: it just occurred to me now that since I came into this Auditorium, I have not formally and Officially greeted you.

I want to greet and Congratulate you for sitting by my side – It’s an opportunity and a rare Privilege; because any moment from now, my Level is Changing.

Now that you are Privileged to sit by my side, shake my hand now that it is available. Because when Level Changes, friendship can Change – “New level, New friendship.”

Now go ahead and shake the hand of your Neighbour.

And I Pray for you: after the Encounter of this International Youth Convention 2024, your Level would Change, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

You may Please, take your seats.

I am to speak on: Exposition of Dominion.

I will say a few things – For we know in Part and we Prophesy in Part. And I want us to be attentive.

Dominion refers to the Authority and responsibility given by God to Humanity to rule, to govern and to manage His Creation.

Dominion is the Power to exercise Control or Dovereignty over the Earth as entrusted by God.

But look at this Clause: it comes with the beauty to Steward and care for Creation in a world that reflects the Character of God in His Likeness for the Purpose of Dominion.

Listen to me, if you are not going to dominate, God would Change your Image.

If you are not going to dominate, God would dislike you – Because in His Likeness He created you for the Purpose of Dominion.

If you must retain your Image, you must exercise Dominion. Because if you do not exercise Dominion, you would be disliked.

I Pray for everyone under the sound of my voice, including those reading now on the Label of DMC: None of you would be disliked by God – Amen.

Dominion is the essence of your Existence.

Genesis 1:26 says: And God said, Let us make Man in our Image, after our Likeness: and let them have Dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the Earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the Earth.

Dominion is the reason for living – You are not free to live until you have Dominion.

Like I said, you were created in His Likeness for you to have Dominion. If you refuse to have Dominion, He will dislike you.

If not for the Purpose of Dominion, God would have made you a fish swimming in water; waiting for fishermen to catch with hook, and roast you with Pepper.

If not for Dominion, God could have made you a cockroach, ready to be roasted.

He could have made you a dog, barking outside.

Or a goat, constituting nuisance to the Neighbourhood.

By creation, you are meant to have Dominion – He created man for Dominion.

“And God said, Let us make Man in our Image, after our Likeness: and let them have Dominion…”

He didn’t say, let us make “Men”. God created Man, but gave Dominion to “them.” Because inside Man was ‘them’ – You and I.

So when He was talking to Adam at creation, He was looking at you and I.

He created Man; but when He was to give Dominion, He did not limit the Power of Dominion to the Man He created alone. He extended it to every Man that would come out of the first Man He created.

Hence He said, “And let them have Dominion…”

It would have been, let ‘him’ have Dominion – Because it was one Man he created and not Men.

He said: “And let them have Dominion over the fish of the sea…”

Whether you were at the beginning or not; God saw you ahead of time – He did not only create you to dominate; He empowered you to Dominate.

Genesis 1:28 says, “And God blessed them.”

It could have been, And God blessed ‘him.’ But the Bible says, He Blessed ‘them.’

To be Blessed is to be Empowered; and to be given Capacity.

Because God will never ask you to become what He has not given you the Capacity to do – He created you for Dominion and He also empowered you for Dominion.

Genesis 1:28 says, And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be Fruitful, and Multiply, and Replenish the Earth, and Subdue it: and have Dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the Earth.

Dominion is not just saying it or shouting it; you act Dominion!

You don’t just say or shout it, you put it into action in everything you do.

Dominion is not just about ruling, it is about accepting responsibility – It’s about serving God’s Purposes and expanding His Kingdom on Earth. Note that!

Let us walk in the Authority that God has given us: Living our lives to honour Him, and reflecting His Dominion over all creation.

Dominion is about becoming Giants of Faith in the Secular Arena:

  • Daniel was a Giant of Faith in the Secular Arena.
  • Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego were Giants of Faith in the Secular Arena.
  • Joseph was a Giant of Faith in the Secular Arena.

You don’t have to carry any Title to be able to fight battles.

You don’t have to carry Title without the Entitlement.

Why? Because you have been empowered to dominate anywhere you find yourself.

  • How can you be in a Place and they are looking for another Person?
  • How can your Presence be equal to your absence?
  • How can you carry God inside of you and still remain Ordinary?

You don’t need a Platform to Perform; your Performance can give you a Platform for Greater Performance.

If you want to exercise Dominion, it is your Performance that gives you the Platform.

Men of Dominion don’t struggle for Position; rather they opt for Performance that gives birth to Position.

They don’t lobby for Position because they don’t want to remain in the Lobby.

They don’t settle for Title without Entitlement.

They don’t go for Mantles that Produce Entitlements.

David was not the one on the Throne, yet he was in Control.

Why? Because your ability to have Dominion is not traceable to the Position you occupy – It is in the DNA.

Peak Milk advert says, “It’s in you.”

It’s in you! It is not on the seat – The Power to have Dominion is not in the office of the General Overseer, Intercontinental Overseer, Regional Pastor, Provincial Pastor, Zonal Pastor, etc; the Power is inside you.

The Power is not in the office of any Title holder – Because you can be on the Throne and not be in Control;

If you don’t have it, you don’t have it.

If you don’t have it, you can’t take it.

And if you can’t take it, you will soon fade away – For every fake thing will fade away with time.

So you must have it to act it.

Our understanding of Dominion must Change – We have attached Dominion to Titles and Positions.

You don’t need title to activate Dominion.

Hear me Brethren; David became an Actor in a battle he was not enlisted to fight.

When he showed up, they enlisted him to fight.

Remember, when he showed up they belittled him.

Unknown to them, inside the little boy is the Mantle to fight the battle.

They carried Titles without the Entitlements.

You may carry Title and cockroach will chase you out of the bedroom.

When you have it you have all the benefits attached to Men and Women of Dominion.

You can’t walk in Dominion if you lack the sense of accepting and taking responsibility.

If you don’t accept responsibility you will become a Liability and a bundle of Problem to your Generation.


  1. Understand your Identity and Walk in the consciousness of your Identity.

This is because the consciousness of your identity will serve as your Stronghold in the day of Adversity.

Psalms 49:20 says, Man that is in Honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that Perish.

You can have Dominion; but when you lack the understanding you will Perish like a beast.

You will not Perish like a beast, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.

You must be conscious of this – God is your Source, so be conscious of your identity. Because your source determines your size.

An Elephant can never give birth to a rat. Never!

Elephants give birth Elephants, snakes give birth to snakes.

The poison in a small snake is as deadly as the Poison in a big snake – There is no small snake.

Also, there is no small Holy Ghost, there is no female or male Holy Ghost. In manifestation there is no discrimination in the Holy Ghost. There is nothing like – American Holy Ghost or African Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is Holy Ghost everywhere.

There is nothing like Lagos Holy Ghost, Aba Holy Ghost, Kano Holy Ghost, Delta Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is Holy Ghost.

There is nothing like Holy Ghost for Elders, Holy Ghost for Youth, Holy Ghost for Children. Holy Ghost is Holy Ghost.

Like one of our Pastors would say: “If a little child can be Possessed by Witchcraft; then the Holy Ghost can also Possess a little child.”

Because in the Holy Ghost Manifestation, there is no Gender Discrimination – There is no Age or Racial Discrimination.

So, your Source is your size. And you must work with that identify “I came from God.”

Psalms 8:3-4 says, When I consider thy Heavens, the work of thy fingers, the Moon and the Stars, which thou hast ordained; What is Man, that thou art Mindful of him? and the son of Man, that thou visitest him?

For God to be Mindful of you means the Mind of God to be full of you.

Why will God not be Mindful of you when a Part of Him had been transferred to you at creation when He breathed into your Nostrils and you became a Living Soul?

That breath is God’s Zoe – The Personality of God was transferred to you at Creation. What makes Him God was transferred to you at Creation.

“The Spirit that worketh in God was transferred to you at Creation.” What does that imply?

  • It implies that what determines you is not the Container, but the Content.
  • What makes you who you are is the you that is within.

So you must understand that God is Mindful of you.

When Moon appears, it is everywhere.

When stars appear, they are everywhere.

As conspicuous as they are, God is not Mindful of them.

You are not everywhere at the same time – As you are here now, nobody can see you outside there.

But if Moon should appear here, it would be seen by those outside.

If Stars appear here, they would be seen by those outside, and everywhere.

Meaning that God’s Mindfulness towards you is not a function of your appearance but it is a function of the connection between you and God.

“What is Man that God is Mindful of him?”

It is because a Part of God was transferred to Man at Creation. Man cannot do without God – You and God have been cojoined, you are connected together and Nobody can separate you.

Sin made an attempt to separate you from God, but He could not let you go.

Why? Because a Part of God has been given to you. And the Gift of God is without Repentance.

Let me tell you how Valuable and important you are:

When Man sold himself to the devil and God was to buy Man back, He could have bought you with the blood of goat, but the blood of goat is took cheap and small for your Personality.

He had to use His Own Blood to redeem you.

What is the meaning of that? Price is the Value attached to a Commodity in Monetary term.

How Valuable you are is determined by the Price Placed on you.

The Price God places on you is His Own Blood.

God came as a , offered Himself at Golgotha for you to Manbe bought back.

You are so important that God cannot ignore you and you are so loaded that you can never be defeated.

Heavens of Heaven cannot contain God – He made the whole Earth His footstool.

As Big as God is, He wrapped and threw Himself into your Life, saying, “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.”

Meaning you are too loaded to be defeated.

Where a Man’s Treasure is, that is where his heart would be. Hence, God is so Mindful of you.

God would abandon everything and pay Man a visit, even in the Garden of Eden.

He has put all things under your feet, including the devil that wants to stop you.

  1. Be Possessed by the Indomitable Spirit of God.

The Indomitable Spirit is an unyielding, resilient and unquestionable attitude in the face of Adversity. When you carry this Indomitable Spirit, and you advance in Adversity; you’ll have the ability to remain Strong, Persistent and Optimistic, despite Challenges or Setbacks.

You don’t take ‘No’ for an answer; you become optimistic in the midst of Challenge.

To be Optimistic is to see Possibilities in the face of Problems; to advance in the face of Adversity.

Judges 8:4 says, And he said unto the Men of Succoth, Give, I Pray you, loaves of bread unto the People that follow me; for they be faint, and I am Pursuing after Zebah and Zalmunna, kings of Midian.

How can a Man be fainting yet Pursuing? A Man that is fainting should be sitting down; he is assumed to be failing.

So you have no excuse to fail. That you were not born with a Golden Spoon is not an excuse for you to fail. Even when your Strength is failing you, keep Pursuing.

A Man with an Indomitable Spirit can be fainting and yet Pursuing. He is tired yet running.

If you wait you will waste!

No more waiting, no looking back, no more sleeping; keep running, keep Pursuing.

They were fainting yet Pursuing. Those are men who are walking in Dominion, with an Indomitable Spirit. They don’t take ‘No’ for an answer. Try advance in Adversity.

What stopped others don’t stop them; what killed others don’t kill them; what Limited others don’t limit them; what overcame others don’t overcome them – They are fainting, yet Pursuing.

I Prophesy into your Life: What stops People in your family will not be able to stop you – Amen.

Where your mother stopped, you will go beyond that – Amen.

What holds People to ransom in your Lineage will not hold you to ransom – Amen.

People with Indomitable Spirit often exhibit Courage, Determination, Perseverance, and they refuse to be defeat by Life’s difficulty.

The top is not meant for Cowards; the top is meant for Men of Indomitable Spirit; who will never take ‘No’ for an answer.

The heart of an Indomitable Spirit filled Man cannot fail him in the face of Life’s battle.

1 Samuel 17:32 says, And David said to Saul, Let no Man’s heart fail because of him; thy Servant will go and fight with this Philistine.

The entire Army of Israel was held ransom for forty (40) days. When David showed up he knew that the Problem was not in the lack of Weapons; lack of Strength, lack of Energy or lack of God’s Blessing – The Problem was their heart!

You can be an Eagle and be thinking like a Chicken – You will never fly.

I Pray for you, in the battle of Life, your heart will not fail you – Amen.

Indomitable Spirit makes you matter where it matters;

  • David was not on the Throne yet he fought in the battle.
  • He became a Victor where he was meant to be a Spectator.
  • He became a One-man Battalion in the battle against the Philistines.

He was initially belittled, but he showed up with Power. Men with Indomitable Spirit don’t lose their Position in the face of Opposition. They always walk in Dominion, for God has not given them the Spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7).

  1. Be Fruitful
  • Until you are Fruitful, you are not Useful.
  • Until you are Fruitful, you are Useless.

Be result Oriented, be a Goal Getter. Fruitfulness is beyond Procreation; it is Producing a kind of God that He has deposited in you.

You can Procreate and not be Fruitful; but you cannot be Fruitful and not Procreate.

To be Fruitful is to give birth to your kind Spiritually, in order to expand the Kingdom of the Most High.

God has Produced His kind in us and we have been empowered and mandated by God to Produce His kind in others.

For us to walk in Dominion, we must replenish and we must remain under Authority.

You must remain under Authority for you to walk in Dominion.

If you are not under Authority, you will lose your Identity and end up in Captivity.

It is the Authority that you have in Christ Jesus that makes you Superior to the devil.

Luke 10:19 says: Behold, I give unto you Power to tread on Serpents and Scorpions, and over all the Power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

If you don’t Submit to the Authority of God, you would lose your Authority over the devil.

James 4:7 says, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Until you Submit to the Authority of God, you can never exercise Authority over Creations, over Powers and Principalities.

Anyone that tells you the devil is not Powerful is deceiving you.

The devil is Powerful, but he is not All-Powerful.

What gives you an edge over the devil is not because you are as Powerful as the devil. It is because, before you exercise Power over the devil, you remain under Authority.

The devil is likened to a dismissed Soldier whose Uniform was not collected from him – So he uses the same Uniform he was wearing when in Active Service to harass People all over the Place.

With the Army uniform you will believe he is a Soldier, whereas, he has been dismissed – No longer under Authority.

Now, another Soldier who is still in Active Service, under Authority can arrest the one claiming to be a Soldier but who is no longer under Authority. We have seen fake Soldiers been arrested by another Soldier.

What is the difference – Afterall they wear the same Uniform and same Strength? One is under Authority while the other is no longer under Authority.

A Soldier of Christ that is under Authority can arrest the devil who is a dismissed Soldier, and put him under Control.

Please, rise up on your feet and say with me: I am a Soldier under Authority.

The devil has been dismissed by God – He is just wearing the uniform to harass you. He is no longer under Authority.

Today, every fake Soldiers shall be arrested – Amen.

In your family, no more harassment – Amen.

Hear me: The harassment of the devil is illegal. The day a real Soldier discovers a fake Soldier, that’s the day the Power of the fake Soldier will be put to rest.

One of the things that keeps you under Authority is Obedience and Submission.

The devil wants to reduce your Destiny to his Level; so that you too can become a fake Soldier to Christ; then he can torment you.

That is why he will cause you to disobey Authority and become arrogant.

He disobeyed, was Puffed up with Pride and was cast out of Heaven.

The devil knows what made him to fall.

He is not the Creator, he is an Imitator of what the Creator has created. He has no Originality in his Agenda. He is going about, not even like a Lion; but like a ‘Roaring’ Lion – Everything about the devil is fake. There is no Originality in the devil.

If you do not Submit to the Authority of this Great God, you would lose your Power of Dominion.

As I close today, I want to say this: In John 3:8, the Bible says, The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

When you are Born Again, you are born of the Spirit, for God is a Spirit.

And when you are born of the Spirit you operate like wind: which is another dimension of Dominion.

When you operate like wind, wherever you want to go, you’ll go.

The Bible says, “the bloweth where it listen…”

What you want to become in Life, you’ll become it.

Where you want to go in Life, you’ll go.

The extent to which you want to rise, you’ll rise because you have the Power of Dominion.

You are Unstoppable, you cannot be harassed, and no one can molest you.

Why? Because you operate like the wind.

  • Nobody can stand on the way of the wind.
  • Nobody can hold the wind to ransom or tie it down.
  • Nobody can barricade the wind.

There is Nothing like “Closed door” to the wind – Close the whole Place, wind will enter and you will become Unstoppable.

Anywhere you want you can go and Nobody can stop you because you operate like the wind.

Hear me, they can’t stop you. You will get to where you want to go; you’ll become what you want to become and achieve what you want to achieve.

Why? Because you born of the Spirit.

What is the meaning of that? It means if you are not born of the Spirit they would know where you are coming from and where you are going. They would see you, they would behold you, and the would tie you down and capture you.

  • Sin will make you visible to the enemy’s attack.
  • Sin will make you to stink.
  • Sin will make you tangible for the enemy to molest.

But you if you are born of the Spirit, you’ll operate like the wind. Nobody can see you, Nobody can touch or harass you. They don’t know how you are doing it, but they are seeing results.

They can’t deny the effect of your result. Why? Because you are operating like the wind.

I Prophesy to your Life: After this encounter, your Glory will become invisible for the enemy to attack – Amen.

Sin will make you Physical to behold. But if you are born of the Spirit you are like the wind – Nobody can hold the wind.


If you are not Born Again, the enemy will use your Destiny for Pepper soup.

If you are still struggling with sin, Surrender to the God that can help you.

Proverbs 28:13 says, He that covereth his sins shall not Prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have Mercy.

If you want to Genuinely Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ today, wherever you are, say with me:

Lord Jesus, I Surrender Genuinely to You today; give me the Power to Dominate.

Stretch forth your hands: Say LORD Jesus, I am very sorry, I have messed up. But there is a Mercy that can clear my mess.

I want to work in Dominion from today. I want the Power of God to rest on me.

I confess Jesus Christ as my Personal Lord and Saviour. I renounce the devil and all his works.

Please Lord, show up for me.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


Father, we commit these Your children who have just Surrendered Genuinely to You, into Your able hand.

Have Your way in their lives; write their names in the Book of Life. Give them Grace to conquer sin.

Uphold them from falling; may they never go back to their vomit.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Say with me: I am created for Dominion. I am born of the Spirit, and I am operating like the wind.

What I want to become, I become.

What I want to achieve, I achieve.

Where I want to give, I go.

No more Limitation, No more Barrier, No more Obstacles.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Go and Dominate!

Go and Possess your Possession.

Go and radiate God’s Glory.

Go and be what you’re destined to be.

Go and conquer, go and confront the enemies, go and win, go and succeed, go and expand!

Go and Replenish, go and Subdue, go and Multiply, go and be Fruitful, go and Dominate.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

God Bless You – Amen.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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