Let the Soldiers of the Lord shout a Glorious Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

We give Glory to God for that Powerful Greetings from Pastor Stephen Rathod.

And he has reminded us, “The enemy is over there and not here.”

… The enemy is over there and not here!


I want to give Glory to the God of Heavens.

And I want to Thank God on behalf of our father and mother, for this Exceptional Grace and opportunity that I’ve been given, to bring a word here Tonight.

I’m trusting God that every one of us shall be Wise Virgins, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

If you don’t mind, I would like us to rise on our feet (if you can) and just wave our hands to God.

Appreciate Him for the Great and Mighty Things that He’s been doing in our midst.

Day one, Day two, Day three and Today (Day 4) – For how He has imparted our lives so Mightily.

For all He has done, and for all that He still has in stock to do in our lives.

Just wave your hands to Him and appreciate Him – We serve a Living God.

Give Him Glory, give Him Honour.

Thank You Heavenly Father. Blessed be Your Name.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.


Glorious King, we Thank You.

We know, without any doubt that You are here to bless us the more.

Father Almighty, it doesn’t matter how much we have received, we know we can receive more

We are Presenting our Vessels unto You today:

Heavenly Father, we are asking that You would fill us, in the Name of Jesus.

Speak to us again, so that Lord; by the time we are leaving this Campground, every one of us shall be Wise Virgins.

Thank You Father.

We Pray in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

… And everybody would say – Amen!

God Bless You – Amen.


Are you in that Number?
Are you in that Number?
Are you in that Number?
Saved by Grace?

Are you in that Number?
Are you in that Number?
Are you in that Number?
Saved by Grace?

… There is a Second Version we are bringing to you:

Are you in that Number?
Are you in that Number?
Are you in that Number?
Going to Heaven?

Are you in that Number?
Are you in that Number?
Are you in that Number?
Going to Heaven?

God Bless you Choir – Amen.

Matthew 25:1-5

  1. Then shall the Kingdom of Heaven be likened unto ten Virgins, which took their Lamps, and went forth to meet the Bridegroom.
  2. And five of them were Wise, and five were Foolish.
  3. They that were Foolish took their Lamps, and took no Oil with them:
  4. But the Wise took Oil in their Vessels with their Lamps.
  5. While the Bridegroom tarried, they all Slumbered and slept.

What a Story!

I want you to just Picture a few Minutes, this Narrative which our Lord Jesus Christ gave as a Parable in a Particular Parish, in a Branch or a Local Assembly of Believers.

These People were saved, they were sanctified, they were filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit and they were living daily in Expectation of the Soon Coming King – The Bridegroom and our Commander-In-Chief.

But the Bible says by the Lord Jesus Himself, who is the Truth; that five (5) were Foolish, five (5) were Wise.

And I want you to help me tell your Neighbour: You will not be a Foolish Virgin – Amen.

Bear in Mind that these are very Special Group of People;

  • They were not just Members of a Church.
  • They were not just Born Again.
  • They were not just Workers.
  • They were not just Ministers.
  • They didn’t just carry Titles.

The Bible didn’t tell us of their Titles: They were Virgins.

  • They were chosen out of many.
  • They were Chaste; People of Characters.
  • They were Competent, as far as the work of God is concerned.
  • They were Compassionate about Souls.
  • All in all, they were the Best of the the best!

Yet, five (5) were Foolish and five (5) were Wise.

And They were all expecting the Bridegroom – Their Commander-In-Chief.

The Bible says in Titus 2:13, Looking for that Blessed Hope, and the Glorious appearing of the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

Many Churches today do not talk about the Soon Coming of the Lord Jesus anymore.

Several of us, because we are now more comfortable than we used to be, we don’t want our ‘Enjoyment’ here on Earth to end.

Whereas, like our Daddy (G.O) told us some years ago; it doesn’t matter how much you enjoy here on Earth; one day in Heaven, you will forget all your enjoyment on Earth.

That’s the reason why Tonight, it is time for us to ask ourselves some Basic Questions; and then Pray it into our lives.

Our Lord Jesus revealed to us that there are Categories amongst the Best of the best – Categories!

Even though they were the Best of the best, they were not all of the same stuff – Five (5) were Wise, five (5) were Foolish.

The Bible also says by the Lord Jesus Himself, that what differentiated those who were Foolish from those who were Wise was their Level of Preparedness – Their Preparation.

The Foolish took their Lamps and took no Extra Oil with them.

That is in Matthew 25:3, They that were foolish took their Lamps, and took no Oil with them:

But the Wise took Oil in their Vessels with their Lamps.

There was something about the Wise that differentiated them from the foolish. And Brethren, suddenly I discovered what that something was.

The Two (2) Groups were listening to different Drum Beats.

When you see two (2) different Groups of People listening to different Drum Beats, their dancing steps would be different. Yes or No? Yes!


The Wise were listening to the Voice of Grace, that was ministering to their Spirit Man; and engaging them on a Daily basis, reminding them the Word of the Lord.

They were listening to the Voice of Grace.


What is it telling them?

  1. Matthew 22:14, For many are Called, but few are Chosen – The Voice of Grace!
  2. Matthew 20:16, So the Last shall be first, and the first Last: for many be Called, but few Chosen.
  3. Philippians 2:12, Wherefore, my Beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my Presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own Salvation with fear and trembling – The Voice of Grace speaking to their Hearts.

Many People are no more hearing the Voice of Grace warning them; telling them, work ‘your own’ and not someone’s else – “Work out your own Salvation with fear and trembling”.

The Voice of Grace was speaking to their Hearts, and that kept them on their toes.

Even as they were Preparing, something was telling them in the corner of their Mind, “Let’s be over Prepared.”

The others were looking at them and saying, “what’s wrong with you? Why are you Preparing this way? Why are you Preparing “Too Much?”

Several times, People would say, “it is not as serious as you take it.”

The moment you hear that, you know the Group that they belong to – The Foolish Virgins.

  1. Romans 9:16 says, So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth Mercy.

Over and again Today and during this Congress, we have been told; it is not so much about our Prayer and all we do; but we need the Mercy of God.

Tell your Neighbour: We need the Mercy of God!

  1. The Voice of Grace continued to speak to them.

1 Corinthians 10:12, Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

  1. The Voice of Grace does not leave them alone; it would wake them up in the Night and say;

Matthew 7:14, Because strait is the Gate, and Narrow is the Way, which leadeth unto Life, and few there be that find it.

Even though they find themselves in the middle of those who are Best of the best; they still discovered that it is Possible that they may not make it.

  1. Mark 13:33 and 37 says, Take ye heed, Watch and Pray: for ye know not when the time is. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch. The Voice of Grace!


The Foolish Virgins were also hearing a Particular voice – They were listening to a different drum beat.

… It is called the Voice of Disgrace.

  1. The voice was telling them, “we don’t need to go through all these troubles.”

They believe there is no need of striving towards Spiritual Maturity.

  1. They are Flaunting their Experience, while simultaneously, they are Flouting Spiritual Laws.
  2. They are no more exercising themselves into Maturity – They have become familiar with the Things of God.

When Someone is Preaching they would ask, “who is the fellow who is going to Preach?”

When Someone is going to Sing, they would ask, “who is the fellow who is going to sing?”

They look at their own experience and they say: “Oh! I have been on this Particular Journey for decades – These people cannot understand!”

… Flaunting their Experience, while Flaunting Spiritual Laws.

“Familiarity breeds contempt”: They have become too familiar with God – Voice of Disgrace!

If at any Point in time, you become so familiar with the things of God that:

  • What you are hearing from the Word of God;
  • What you are hearing from Ministers who are not even at your level; are no more Ministering to you;
  • If you are no more awakening to Righteousness;

You have become too familiar with the Word of God!

  1. They engage in Positive Confession without Positive Action that Produces Positive Impact.

And the Bible reveals to us; Demas started very well, but somewhere along the line he loved this Present world.

He suddenly discovered, “Oh! Look at this Present world that everybody is enjoying: I think I just have to enjoy a little bit of it.” And then he lost his own Soul (DMC NOTES: For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this Present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia. 2 Timothy 410).

May you not lose your own Soul, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

So Tonight, the Word that is coming to you is asking a Question:

  • Which drum beat are you listening to?
  • Who is Singing for you?
  • Is it the Holy Spirit or it is Satan?

It is Satan that is urging you on, saying: Don’t worry, all will be well.

Don’t worry, you are doing well, just keep moving.

And Satan knows you are going down.

That’s the reason why you’ve got to check – “Which voice am I listening to?”

I want us to stand on our feet (if you can).


I want you to Pray for yourself;

  1. Say Father, if I have been listening to the Voice of Satan urging me on;

If I have been listening to the Voice of Disgrace that would not allow me to make Heaven;

Please Lord, shut my ears from the Voice of Disgrace.

Cry to the Lord for yourself – Please Lord, shut my ears from the Voice of Disgrace.

Demas thought he was doing well; he thought the other Apostles were being foolish;

That they were not Gathering together the things of the world – He didn’t know that these People knew where they were going.

He had lost focus of where he was going – He started well, but along the way he loved the world. He was listening to the Voice of Disgrace.

Cry to the Lord: Please, shut my ears to the Voice of Disgrace.

Thank You Heavenly Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

  1. You are going to say: Heavenly Father, open my ears to hear only Your Voice.

Because Jesus said, My Sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me (DMC NOTE: John 10:27).

Because of that LORD; let my ears hear only Your Voice.

Cry to Him: Let me hear only the Voice of Grace. “Straight is the Gate, and narrow is the way.”

You cannot pack so many things into it. And everything you have packed – Things you have surrounded yourself with: Every extra luggage must go today!

That exact thing that makes you think that you are standing well hence, you are no more taking heed;

Let the Almighty God open your eyes to see them Tonight.

Every Spirit of familiarity with the Things of God, the Living God Himself, will remove it from our lives.

Thank You Heavenly Father. Blessed be Your Holy Name.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

  1. Cry to the Almighty God: Let me make Heaven. Whatever You have to do for me to make Heaven, Please do it.

Don’t spare me! “For what shall it profit a Man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own Soul?” (DMC NOTES: Mark 8:36).

LORD, let me make Heaven – Whatever You have to do to help me, You must do.

Thank You Heavenly Father. Blessed be Your Holy Name.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

The Holy Spirit is just reminding me of something;

… Open your eyes Please!

When I asked the Lord, “Show me exactly where I am located in Your Plans – Show me how I am doing in my walk with You.”

So He gave me a Dream – In that Dream I found myself driving.

In those days I used to drive a lot. But in the Dream I drove for hours, but I didn’t get anywhere.

So I woke up.

The Holy Spirit said: that is where you are!

You are working very hard, but you are not going anywhere; you are not getting anywhere.

Today we are doing a lot. But does the Lord know what we are doing?

Are we getting Closer to Him?

Do we know Him more? We don’t!

Today we fight for Titles; Today we fight for Ordination – Something is wrong somewhere.

  1. Lift your voice to the Almighty God and say: Heavenly Father, let me focus on what is important.

Cry to the Lord: My Father don’t let me be a Loser. Don’t let me carry Titles here and over there You would say, “I never knew you.”

Many People think that there would be Second opportunity – There would never be!

The Foolish Virgins came back, knocked at the door – They said, “we are one of the People waiting for You.”

Cry to the Lord: Help me to focus on what is more important.

Thank You Heavenly Father. Blessed be Your Holy Name.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


King of Glory, we appreciate You.

The Lord that sits upon the Throne of the Universe, Lover of my Soul.

You know exactly where we are Located in our Journey in Life.

You know where we’ve missed it somewhere along the line.

You know we started very well: we were Compassionate for Souls. Nobody would tell us before we went out to Preach the Gospel.

We were always in Expectation of the Soon Coming King.

We were thinking of no other thing, but the Return of the Lord Jesus.

Everything that we did: in our eating, drinking, going to School, in our Conversation; even in the dress we would wear – We were conscious that the Lord Jesus would Return anytime.

Gone were the Days!

Today, we are familiar with God.

Father Please, have Mercy on us.

We need Your help – If You don’t help us, who would do it?

We need Your help Oh LORD – Arise and help us.

Thank You Father.

And so Daddy, we ask just simply, that You will help us to focus on what is more important.

We ask Tonight, that by the Power of Your Holy Spirit and by the fact that Your Love is with Eternal Love, wake us up!

Many of us are only listening to the Voice of Motivational Speakers – We don’t hear the Voice of the Scripture anymore.

The Motivational Speakers would say: Oh! You must make it. Anyhow, you must make it.

And we take that to be the Gospel Truth and we are Lost.

Father, wake us up!

Thank You for the Answered Prayer.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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