Let Somebody Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


Father, Thank You for another Anniversary of the Holy Ghost Service.

Thank You for Your Sons and Ministers and those who has gone ahead of us.

Thank You our father-in-the-Lord and our mother-in-Lord that You have been using as Instruments up till now.

Thank You because we know that without You, we can do absolutely Nothing.

Thank You for eighty three (83) Hours of Praise.

Thank You for eighty three (83) Days of Prayers.

Thank You for all the other Avenues and other Ministrations that has been happening for this Birthday Celebrations.

Thank You for the Team that has been working behind the Scene.

Thank You for Your Help and Your Supports.

Thank You for sending us Helpers

Thank You for what You are going to do this Season.

Thank You for what You have started to do Oh God.

And Thank You for what You did not allow to happen.

We give You all the Glory and Honour Almighty Father.

We say Thank You, Thank You and Thank You.

Be thou Exalted Almighty Father.

In Jesus Precious Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

In Mark 9:23; Jesus Christ said to a Man that if you can believe, all things are Possible to him who believes.

Stand on your feet and hold your Head as you want to make some Declarations with your mouth – Because all things are Possible to him who believes.

  1. As you are holding your Head, say:

☆ My Head, you will not loose your Crown and you will not miss your turn.

☆ Receive Wisdom, receive Understanding and receive Favour.

  1. Go ahead and touch your Eyes and say:

☆ My Eyes, you will not go Blind.

☆ You will receive Light – You will see the Invincible and see the Right Path.

  1. Touch your Ears and say:

☆ My Ears, you will not go deaf – You will hear God this Season and you will receive Clear Instructions.

☆ It is only Good News that you will hear.

  1. You will touch your Heart and say:

☆ My Heart: Receive Peace, give Peace, dwell in Peace, dwell in Love, dwell in Righteousness.

  1. Go ahead and then touch your Legs and say:

☆ My Legs, in this Year of Landmark, you will not step into Landmines.

  1. Then go ahead and look at your Hands and say:

☆ My Wonderful Hands, Nothing Good that is in you will die.

☆ Everything that you touch from now on; Prosper in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

If you believe, then shout a loud Amen – Amen!

Please, let us be seated.

I Celebrate and Honour all the fathers and mothers in the House.

There is a lot of Anointing on this Stage – Judging by the number of all those who has come to Celebrate our father-in-the-Lord and mother-in-Lord in this their Season of Celebration.

Mummy GO will turn 77 years Old this Year on July 13th – That is Double Perfection.

Our father-in-the-Lord just turned 83 years Old.

Normally, People will say a Prayer – And the Prayer will be that: “You will live long for us”.

But I am saying that: “You will live long for God” – Amen!

So Mummy and Daddy, I have just one word for you – I am not in the Position to Pray for you both.

But in Romans 8:11; it says clearly that: If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you (Which I know it does); He who raise Christ from the dead will give you Life and quicken your Mortal Body.

Can all of us Stretch forth our hands wherever we are towards our father and mother in the Lord and say: “May that Spirit quicken every Single Part of their Bodies in the Name of Jesus” – Amen!

I am representing the Pastor Seed Family (PSF) – Which is the Continuity for the Great Vision that RCCG has.

And on another side, RCCG Youth Province 1.

And on another side, Joseph’s Palace – Where Dreams become a Reality.

Today, all my Brothers (DMC NOTES: Speakers Representing all the four Geographical Zones of Youths in Nigeria) had said all the Points that I have written down – There is almost Nothing left to say.

But with Daddy GO as your Coach and Mentor, you should know that you can always go to another Angle and come from another end of the same Subject matter.

Habakkuk 3:17-18 (NLT Translation):

  1. Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty,
  2. Yet I will rejoice in the LORD ! I will be Joyful in the God of my Salvation!

Grab Somebody and say: I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be Joyful in the God of my Salvation.

The definition of Joy has been given to us – That it is not Happiness.

Happiness comes when you have gotten something New – Maybe a new Home, a new Car, or a new House.

But after you are used to it, the Emotions fades away.

Joy is a Constant State of being happy as my Brothers had explained earlier.

But by thinking of several things, Joy can easily fill you:

☆ Being around Daddy GO will give you Joy.

☆ Knowing that you are going to see Mummy GO will give you Joy.

☆ When you come Home to the Seed’s Family will give you Joy.

☆ When you remember what your wife can do, has done and will do; will give you Joy.

So we can then go to another Part – Joy does not allow you to give room to Sorrow.

Please Note that: Whatever controls your Emotions, controls you.

So, refuse to allow any form of issues that is not Joy to control your Emotions.

It is recommended that a bird can fly over you but you should then not allow it to then land, Perch, or build a house rent-free on your Head.

I will say a Prayer for Somebody that can say a “Believing Amen” today – Whatever Enemy has been living rent-free in your Head, Home or any Space that belongs to you; if you can shout a “Believing Amen”; you will order out that Enemy now in Jesus Name – Amen!

I heard our father-in-the-Lord tells us a Story once – And I’m sure that you are wondering: A Story again?

But let me tell you this free of Charge – Everything that we are reading from the Bible is a Testament.

It is a Testimony by People.

It is a Story written and Inspired by the Holy Spirit as we have in 2 Timothy 3:16 (DMC NOTES: 2 Timothy 3:16 says: All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God and is Profitable for Doctrine, for Reproof, for Correction, for Instruction in Righteousness).

So therefore, all the Stories that he Shared works Perfectly.

Because if you are looking through the Book of Enoch, Chapter 5 Verse 3, this might be one of the Stories that you will find inside it.

That King David told one of the Jeweller to Please make him a Ring.

DMC NOTES: A Jeweller is Someone that makes or sells or repairs Jewels or Jewellery or Watches.

And he said that Ring anytime he sees it, if he is “Too Happy”, he wants to be sober and when he is sad, he wants to be Happy.

So the Jeweller was confused as to what kind of Ring do I have to make for the King.

So while he was moving around, he saw a little boy called Solomon Playing in the Yard.

And Solomon saw him and said: Why are you looking so sad?

And he said that this is what the King – The Royal Highness has told me to do.

And Solomon already being infused with Wisdom from a very Young Age said: That is very Simple.

All you have to do is to make a “Cheap Ring” and write on top of it: “THIS TOO SHALL PASS”.

And then the Jeweller was like – What is this: “This too shall Pass”?

In Galatians 6:9, it says: Let us not grow weary of doing Good, for in Due Season, we will reap if we do not give up.

Which means that: “A Season of Dryness will also Pass”.

In 2 Corinthians 4:17, it says that: For this momentary light affliction is Producing for us External Weight of Glory far beyond all comparison (DMC NOTES: New American Standard Bible).

So, if you are suffering right now – This too shall Pass (Amen).

So the Jeweller was happy and he made the Ring and then gave it to the King.

And then because there is an Upgrade and Update; speaking to our father-in-the-Lord that maybe the Story can also be Updated and Upgraded because there is a Slight flaw to the Story in a way.

It would have been Good if the Jeweller made two (2) Rings!


☆ If I am happy, I do not want my Happiness to go.

☆ If I am full of Joy, I do not want my Joy to Pass.

So, there will be two (2) Rings made:

☆ On one Ring – Maybe the one on the Left; it will say: “This too shall Pass”

☆ On the Second Ring – Maybe the one on the Right; it will say clearly: “This shall not Pass”.

The Bible says in Romans 10:10 – It says: “With the Heart Man believes unto Righteousness and with the mouth, Confession is made unto Salvation”.

Please jump up on your feet quickly!

So you will use those Hands – It will be interesting to know that there is Nothing you do that you do not do with your Hands.

☆ We touch our Heads with our Hands.

☆ We touch our Eyes with our Hands.

☆ We touch our Ears with our Hands.

☆ We touch our Hearts, we touch our Legs and we even spoke straight to those Hands.

  1. So you will look at your Left Hand – That Ring: Whatever you don’t want left behind, will be on that Left Hand.

So go ahead and say it Prophetically – Looking at that Hand that has the Ring: “This too shall Pass”.

You will say: In the Mighty Name of Jesus

☆ Sickness – You shall Pass.

☆ Failure – You shall Pass.

☆ Lack in all areas – You shall Pass.

☆ Barrenness – You shall Pass.

☆ Mockers and Haters – You shall Pass.

☆ Emotional and Mental Problems – You shall Pass.

☆ Not being able to Complete Projects – You shall Pass.

☆ Loneliness – You shall Pass.

☆ Death – You shall Pass.

☆ Gambling Issues – You shall Pass.

☆ Generational Curses – You shall Pass.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen!

  1. Now switch to the Right Hand – Remember that on this Hand, you have the Ring that says: “This shall not Pass”.

So as you are looking with the same Energy and Faith, you will look at that Hand and say:

☆ Victory over sin – This shall not Pass.

☆ All-Round Prosperity – This shall not Pass.

☆ My Wedding this Year (2025), if I’m Single – This shall not Pass.

☆ Peace in my Marriage – This shall not Pass.

☆ Deeper Walk with God – This shall not Pass.

☆ My Promotion this Year (2025) – This shall not Pass.

☆ All the Good Prophesies in Year 2025 – This shall not Pass.

☆ All-Round Freedom – This shall not Pass.

☆ New Babies for those who are Barren and those who want Extras – This shall not Pass.

Go ahead and call anything that you don’t want to Pass into that Ring with your own mouth – Believing God!

☆ The Health, the Protection, His Presence, His Greatness, a Deeper Flow, a Fresh Oil – This shall not Pass!

☆ That which I have been waiting for – This shall not Pass me this Year (2025).

☆ The Projects that I have been trying to Complete; this Year (2025) – This shall not Pass.

Thank You Almighty God!

In Jesus Precious Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

And if you truly believed that God has answered you and He will keep answering you; shout an Hallelujah that will bring down your Joy – HALLELUJAH!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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