Lift your voice and Worship the Almighty God. Bless His Holy Name.

Let’s give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration: Bless the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Ancient of Days. Worship Him.

Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration. Worship Him!

There’s no one like Him – He is the Alpha, He is the Omega; the Beginning, as well as the Ending.

Praise His Holy Name. He is Worthy!

Thank You Jesus. Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.


We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour;
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour (Jesus).


Ancient of Days we Worship You.

The Beginning and the Ending, we bow before You.

Father, we can never Thank You enough, for what You did Yesterday (Day 2). And we are Thanking You in advance for what You are about to do Tonight (Day 3).

Father Please, accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name.

We are asking Lord God Almighty that, like never before; Your Spirit would descend upon us.

And just like You Promised Yesterday (Day 2), we Pray that for the rest of our lives; the only way People can describe our lives would be, “Radiant.”

Help us to Shine for You.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell them: God will surprise you yet Tonight.

And then you may Please, be seated.


Well, the Total number of babies born during this Special Holy Ghost Service now stands at Eleven (11) – Six (6) Boys and Five (5) Girls.

… It looks as if everything is almost equal.

All the same, let the Boys shout Praise the Lord!

And the Girls shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Tonight, we are just going to continue to decree – DMC NOTES: Pronouncing Decrees, started from the Day 2 (Holy Ghost Service Night).

While I was in the Prayer Room Daddy spoke to me again and He referred me to that Story in Ezekiel 37 – The Valley of Dry Bones.

When He asked His Servant “Can these dry bones live again?”

And the Man of God said, only God knows – Because the bones had become very, very dry.

But then He asked him to speak to the bones – The Man of God obeyed!

And when he spoke, the dry bones began to come together – Bone-to-bone and then flesh came, covered it.

And then God told him to speak again – And he spoke a second time, and the Wind blew!

And what was dry bones got up and became a Mighty Army.

So Daddy said to me: “Son, don’t be afraid, decree and leave me to bring it to Pass.”

I don’t know how He will do it; but I want to start by saying:

I hereby decree, your Dry Bones shall Live again.

I decree, where your situation appears to be Totally Hopeless, you would get a Surprise!

And just like Moses did unto the Red Sea – I decree into your Life; where there had been no way before, there will be a way now.

Because I represent that God – Who is the Unchangeable Changer; that God who can bring water out of the Rock.

Just like that Lady Testified – Who said she had Nothing, and now God has blessed her Mightily;

I decree, before the end of this Month (March 2025), God will bring water out of the Rock for you.

In the Name of the One who made Heaven and Earth, when you return next Month (April 2025), you would return with Songs.

There will be Everlasting Joy upon your Head!

There is something called, “The Oil of Gladness.”

David said in Psalm 23:5, Thou Preparest a Table before me in the Presence of mine Enemies: thou anointest my Head with Oil; my cup runneth over.

I decree in the Name that’s above every other name, your Joy would Overflow.

You see, the Purpose of the Oil is to get Fire burning – The Anointing of Tonight is to Prepare your head for Fire from Heaven.

In Acts 2:1-end (it’s a beautiful Chapter) – When the Fire of God descended and alighted on the head of the Disciples; they were filled with so much Joy – Many People thought they were drunk.

There’s a kind of Joy that People would look at you and say “Are you alright?”

… That Joy is beginning from Tonight – Amen.

But then, when you read John 2:1-11; that first (1st) Miracle that Jesus Performed at a Wedding in Cana of Galilee. When they ran out of wine – Then He turned water to Heavenly Wine.

The Master of Ceremony (MC) said to the Bridegroom, “You have kept the Best Wine till now.”

I have three (3) Special Decrees before we go to the Holy Communion Service.

The God I serve – The God you all refer to as “The God of Adeboye”:

That God will give you the Best Tonight – Amen.

In 2 Chronicles 1:6-15, when God told Solomon to ask for something.

You know, before God says you should ask for anything, He has already Prepared for what you are about to ask – Because He knows the end from the Beginning.

All along you know He showed Special love to this boy called Solomon.

And the boy asked for Wisdom – And Wisdom is the best thing he could have asked for.

Because the Bible tells us in Proverbs 4:7 that Wisdom is the Principal Thing.

Solomon asked for the Best, and God gave him the Best!

I decree one more time: Before you leave here Tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: God will give you the Best – Amen.

Still talking about Solomon, God told the boy, you are going to be the Best.

  • There won’t be any King like you – Before you.
  • There won’t be any King like you – After you.

I decree Tonight, in the Name of my Father in Heaven, you will Excel – Amen.

In every areas of your Life, you will Excel – Amen.

Whatever you do, you will Excel – Amen.

And because He is going to Anoint you Tonight, in Preparation to setting you on Fire for Himself; He is going to use you more than your Colleagues – Amen.

There is one more decree that is coming – I just want to explain, so you would know the full impact.

Years ago, there was this Magazine that was comparing Cars;

  • They said: Mercedes Benz is the Strongest.
  • They said: BMW is the Fastest.
  • They said: Lexus is the Most Comfortable.

And then somebody asked, “What about Rolls Royce?”

And the fellow said, we are talking about cars, and you are talking about Rolls Royce?

They said: As good as all the other cars are, they don’t use their engine to fly a Plane.

  • They said: when we are talking about cars, Rolls Royce is in a Class by Itself.

In the Name that’s above every other name, when they are talking about you in the Future, you will be in a Class by yourself – Amen!

Thank You Father!

The Lord said there’s Somebody here tonight, including those reading now on the Label of DMC, who says:

“Oh! Thank You Daddy for the decrees. But how can these things be in my Life?”

The Lord asked me to tell you: “Don’t leave Me out of the Equation.”

He asked me to tell you that He can pick up a Beggar from the Dunghill, and cause him to sit among Princes.

Whosever you are, the Lower you are now; the Greater would be your Testimony – Amen.

In Acts 5:14-16, the Bible says God Performed Miracles, Wonders, by the hand of the Apostles:

But then He Singled out Peter

All the others were doing very well; Performing Miracles. But it says, Peter excelled – His Shadow began to Heal.

Then in Acts 19:11-12, the Bible says, God Performed Special Miracles by the hand of Paul.


Because you came to this Year’s Special Holy Ghost Service, inclusive those reading now on the Label of: You shall be Special – Amen.

And as you Partake of the Holy Communion Tonight, anything that is in you, that is not put there by God – Sickness, Disease, Ache, Pain and Demons.

Anything that is not of God in you, before Tomorrow (Day 4) Morning, would already be gone – Amen.

You heard the Testimony of one of the Sisters Tonight – She was talking about things getting out of hand.

You may not understand; there are things you were not born with:

  • Some things you ate in your Dreams.
  • Some things the Enemies sneaked into your System, etc.

Since He said that, “Everything not Planted by My Father shall be rooted.”

In the Name of the One who called me; whatever is in you that is not put there by God will get out Tonight – Amen!

My Daddy has told me to speak to the Bread;

The Bread you will eat Tonight is going to Uproot the Source of Sorrow in your Life – Amen!

And the Oil of Tonight will be “Oil of Gladness” – Amen.

And I just want to remind you of the Testimony of a Professor – One of the Professors at the University of Ibadan.

Years ago, I went to the Campus; and this Professor gave his Life to Jesus.

When I returned the following Month; because I was going every Month in those days; the Professor came to me and said Sir, I have a Question for you – I have told you the Story before.

And when a Professor says he has a Question for you, you better get ready.

So I thought he was going to ask a big Theological Question.

He looked at me in the eyes and said: “Sir, I hope it is not dangerous to be happy all the time?”

Ha! I said Sir, that’s what God wants for you.

He said: Because since I gave my Life to Jesus Christ, I just find myself Rejoicing.

In the Name that’s above every other name, I decree:

When you wake up, you would be Rejoicing.

When you go out, you would be Rejoicing.

When you come in, you would be Rejoicing.

When you sit down to eat, you would be Rejoicing.


I beg you, if you are not a True Child of God, don’t come to the Table Tonight – It is a very, very Special Table Tonight.

So, if you are not sure of your Salvation, Please run quickly to the Altar.

We would give you just two (2) Minutes to Pray for your Salvation. Then we can hurry up to do what God has Prepared for Tonight.

If you have not given your Life to Jesus, or you are a Backslider – and you want to return to Jesus Christ; I am going to count from one (1) to Seven (7) – Before I say seven (7), make sure you are already Standing before the Altar; so that we can Pray for your Salvation, or Restoration.

I’m counting now…

The Bread of the Almighty God is for His Children.

And if you are not a Child of God, you are not Permited to eat.

If you want to come, do so quickly.

Okay! Cry to the Almighty God and say: Just have Mercy on me, Jesus.

Save my Soul: I want to be a Child of God, I want to do Your Will. Forgive all my Sins; and be my Lord, be my Saviour.

Come and dwell in me; and I Promise You, I would do Your Will.

Just help me, save my Soul.

And the rest of us, Please Stretch your Hands toward these our New Brothers and Sisters, and intercede for them.

Pray that the One who saved your own Soul would save their Souls also.

That God will give them Genuine Salvation; and that they will become True Children of the Living God.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, we want to Thank You for Your Word.

We want to Thank You for those who have just Surrendered their lives to You.

Father Please, receive them in Jesus’ Name.

Have Mercy on them and let Your Blood wash away their sins.

Please, save their Souls Tonight, write their names in the Book of Life and receive them into the Family of God.

And from now on, anytime they cry unto You for anything; Please, answer them by Fire.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Alright! Those of you who have just given your Life to Jesus Christ – Congratulations!

I want to Promise you that by the Grace of God, from now on I’ll be Praying for you.

So I’ll need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

God Bless You!

Let’s give the Lord a big round of applause.

I don’t think we should be stingy with clapping for the Lord.


Now, as usual, when they serve you the Bread – After I have given you the Signal, you can go ahead and eat.

And your Prayer is just simply: Everything that is in me that is not of God, get out now!

You’ll Pray with confidence; because the decree has already gone forth.

When they serve you the Wine, as usual: you hold it until we have all been served – So we can drink together as one.

And I will tell you how to Pray when we get to that Stage.

The Lord Jesus Christ; the very Night in which He was betrayed took the Bread and when He has given Thanks, He broke it saying: Take, Eat; this is my Body broken for you; do this in Remembrance of Me.

As you eat the Bread tonight, join your Faith with mine – I have already decreed that anything that is in you that is not put there by God would get out.

… And that is the way you too should Pray.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit – Amen.

Let’s go ahead and Pray!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Shall we all Please Stand?

Jesus Christ said: In the Last Day, that Great Day of the Feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any Man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of Living Water (DMC NOTES: John 7:37-38).

You are going to Pray as you drink the Wine;

That from Tonight onward, Rivers of Joy would be flowing out of your belly.

That your Joy would become infectious – People who come in contact with you would suddenly lose all their Sorrows.

That God would use you so Mightily; that anybody who bumps into you by accident would receive a Miracle.

So that you’ll become a Distributor of Joy!

After the same manner also; He took the Cup when He has sup, saying: This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood, Please do ye as oft as you drink it in Remembrance of Me.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit – Amen.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

So shall it be, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

Please, let’s be seated; and remain in an attitude of Worship.


When the Lord was going to feed five thousand (5,000) People, they brought to Him five loaves and two fish.

After He has given Thanks, He began to break; and as He broke, He gave to the Disciples to go and distribute.

As the Disciples were distributing, the bread kept Multiplying in their hands

Now, it’s not the hands of the Disciples that Multiplied the bread and fish; it is the Hand of Jesus – Amen!

So, it is not the one who puts the Oil on your head that matters; it is the Oil that is going to do the the job.

And the Oil draws its Power from the Source.

When you come forward Tonight to be Anointed, it doesn’t matter the fellow who is applying the Oil on your head; it is the Oil that would do the job

And whether you believe it or not; I have decreed as my Father asked me to – It is going to be an Oil of Gladness!

The Oil is to Prepare your Head for the Fire of the Holy Spirit.

As soon as you receive the Oil, go back to your seat and begin to cry out to God:

Let Your Fire come upon me Tonight, so that even by the time I get home, everybody will know something Great has happened to me.


Thank You Jesus!

… I believe that the Fire of God is already burning in your Life.

And you will continue to Shine for Him for the rest of your Life – Amen.


And I am decreeing that from this moment onward, when Forces of Darkness see you coming, they would run!

From this Hour onward, whenever you arrive, it would mean, “Joy has Arrived!”

So shall it be!


Now, we want to say Thank You to the Almighty God.

We want to Thank Him for the Holy Communion.

We want to Thank Him for the Anointing Service.

We want to Thank Him for the Special Holy Ghost Service (2025).

In the meantime, let’s take our Thanksgiving Offering; after that I would bless you, and we would be on our way.

Over to the Band!


In the Name that’s above every other name;

Those Legs that have been dancing for Jesus will never go Lame.

Those Hands you have been clapping for Jesus will never whither.

You will never know a “Better Yesterday”.

From now on, the Almighty God would move you from Glory to Glory.

He would bless your Offering; He would use it for His Glory. And you will never Lack.

Go in Peace!

The Almighty God would go with you.

You would return with Mighty Testimonies.

And if the Lord returns before we meet again; I will see you in Heaven.

So shall it be!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name I have decreed – Amen!

Now, I want to hear your Biggest shout of hallelujah – Hallelujah!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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