Today I am beginning a Three-Part Series, and it is related to what Jesus told His Disciples to do after His Resurrection: concerning how His work should be done.

So I am starting a Series I have titled: “THE GREAT COMMISSION” – And this is Part 1. And my Subtitle is “GO”!

The Great Commission is the description of the Assignment that Christ gave to His Disciples. After He resurrected, He assigned them to go and represent Him, to continue with His Mission and to ensure that what He has started would reach out to the rest of the world.

That is the Great Commission – And that is what I would be focusing on.

If you read through all the Four (4) Gospels, they report the Great Commission in different forms.

But I will be focusing on Matthew’s Account of the Great Commission because I think it captures it very clearly and very well.

Matthew 28:16-20 (NKJV)

16 Then the eleven Disciples went away into Galilee, to the Mountain which Jesus had appointed for them.

17 When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.

18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All Authority has been given to Me in Heaven and on Earth.

19 Go therefore and make Disciples of all the Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

20 Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

It’s interesting to note in the Passage that when Jesus issued the Great Commission there were Worshippers, and there were Doubters. There were People who were fully committed, and there were people who were not fully committed.

It is also interesting to note that many times in the Presence of the Lord, there are People whose hearts are fully behind what God wants to do in their lives and there are People who are not fully committed.

Even in this Church: There are Worshippers and there are Doubters, there are people in Church who say, I want to go all the way with Jesus and there are also People who say, I don’t know whether I want to fully commit or not.

So, at the Great Commission there are Worshippers and there are Doubters.

The Question I want you to consider as I do this Three-Part Series is: Which one are you?

Don’t say it with your mouth, ask yourself “What am I – Am I a Worshiper, am I fully committed or am I a Doubter?”

“I am here, do I really want to go all the way with Jesus or I just want to worship Him conveniently – I will meet Him on the Mountain but I am not too sure about what this is all about.”

And I hope there would be more Worshippers than Doubters in the House of God – Amen!

We are going to look at the Great Commission, and we are going to break it down as I normally do – Try to define what the word means and then try to apply it to our lives.


The first thing we are going to look at is the verb – The command “Go”!

When Jesus says “Go”, what is He talking about? What does He wants us to do when He says we should “Go”?

  1. First, it means to depart from where you are:

What Jesus is saying “Go”, if you are going to obey me, you are not going to stay where you are – You have to move. There has to be a movement.

It you were a Jew and you hear that command “Go”; it would be big for you, because everything about the Jewish world is not about going, it is about everybody coming to them. Especially after the Temple in Jerusalem was built; All Nations were supposed to come to Jerusalem.

So for a Jewish man, “everybody must come to us: they must come seeking God from us.”

But Jesus didn’t say stay for People to come to you. He said, “Go”!

The center of Christianity is actually about going, not just waiting for People to come to us, but we making efforts to move to where the People are.

Anyone who wants to fulfill the Great Commission must be ready to “Go”.

If you want to Preserve your dignity, then you would never “Go”, because going is risky – When you go out you can be rejected just like Jesus Himself. But the Great Commission starts with departing from where you are.

It doesn’t necessarily mean a Geographical Position; it also means an Emotional Place in your Mind, mentally making efforts to reach out to somebody.

That’s the first definition of “Go”!

  1. The second Definition of ‘Go’ is to carry something to another Place:

It has the idea of either carrying yourself or carrying something.

That means we don’t go empty-handed, we go with something – And what we go with actually is the Gospel (which we will find out soon). But we go carrying something.

Can you imagine someone who travels a long distance; it used to happen when we were kids. I don’t know whether it still happens – We used to have Uncles and Aunties who come to visit us back then. And they come with bread, gifts, etc. We were always excited to see them. They didn’t just visit, they came carrying something.

Are you getting me?

So if these Uncles and Aunties come and said, “Oh I am here (without bringing anything)! We would all be looking and say okay, show us what you came with.

‘Go’ is not just about going; you must have something that you will give to the People – Your “Go” must be worth the going!

When Jesus says “Go”, He is not just talking about movement, He is also talking about taking something with you when you go.

And that is what the command ‘Go’ means – To carry something with you from a Place to another Place.

Now where did Jesus say we should go? What is the target? What is the Group? Who are the People we must go to?

Jesus called them Nations: Go therefore and make Disciples of all the Nations (to the Outsiders).

When we “Go”; we are going to those who are the Outsiders.


  1. The Outsiders are the Entire Human Race as a whole:

Jesus says go to all Nations, not some of them – It means the entirety of the Human Race.

Go to all the Nations – And this includes the Human race in every Parts of the world. The People and the Geographical Space they live in

  1. Secondly, the Outsiders represent Identifiable Group of People:

You are not going to the masses, but to Identifiable Group of People of different races, colours, ethnic Groups and different Tribes.

There is something that marks the People out as different – They speak different dialects and have different Cultures.

They look different from you, and that is very challenging. Because many times, we want to treat everybody as the same – One size fits all.

But the Gospel is not a one size fits all Message – It is going to different Groups of People wherever they are.

  1. Outsiders represent the Gentiles, Pegans or Heathens:

When the Jews use the word Gentiles, they normally mean People who don’t worship the God of the Bible – People who are Idol Worshippers, People who have other Belief Systems.

When Jesus says, “Go into the Nations”; He is saying you are going to step out of your Comfort Zone, and you are going to confront People in a totally different world. Different groups of People – Gentiles, Heathens and so on.

This is what made the early Missionaries come to our Part of the world – Many People came from Europe, later on from America, to come and Evangelize Africa. And because we were People who hadn’t heard the Gospel, they came and Presented to us the Gospel.

But now there is a Change! We in Africa have mostly become those who have the Gospel. And they in Europe have become those who don’t have the Gospel. So those who brought us the Gospel are now empty of the Gospel. Evangelism is now from Africa to the world, because Europe has become Post Christian.

From the last sixty (60) years ago, Europe was the center of Christianity – That was where all major Christian ideas took Place.

But as God always warned the Isrealites – Remember when you become Wealthy and are Strong, that you do not forget the Lord your God. The Europeans have forgotten the One who made them who they are. And if you look at the Global World: Europe, America and the Global World are going down very fast.

Those of you who are running down there, you are running into a sinking ship – It’s going down!

I mean, it’s just a matter of time, America would not be the Super Power again; Europe would not be the Super Power again – They are just going down.

And the main reason is that they’ve forgotten who the Source of their help is – We think that it is Civilization; the Bible calls it Apostasy.

DMC NOTES: Apostasy in Christianity is the repudiation of Christ and the Central Teachings of Christianity by someone who formerly was a Christian (Christ-follower). The term Apostasy comes from the Greek word Apostasia meaning “Rebellion”, “State of Apostasy”, “Abandonment”, or “Defection”.

Now they are the Gentiles, Pegans and Heathens. And when we think about the Gospel we don’t think about People bringing the Gospel to Africans; we are thinking of Africans taking the Gospel to the rest of the world.

When Jesus says go to the Nations, He meant all Group of People – Whether in Africa, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, wherever they do not know Jesus as their Lord – Go to them.

Sometimes you go to them in their Country; sometimes you go to them from your Country – But you have to go to them.

Let’s examine the Great Commission – Our Assignment in the Light of what “Go” means and what the Nations represent.

  1. First, it means to reach out to People as they are and where they are:

Sometimes it means travelling to where the People are.

But it is not the only way to go to the world because as you know, about Seventy (70) years ago, the only way you could go to where the People were was to travel to where they are.

And then we invented Radio – And through the Radio you can go to where People are without travelling to where they are.

We invented Telephone – Now you can call People where they are without going to where they are Geographically.

Now we have Television and we have Social Media – You can pick up your WhatsApp, do a small Message and blast it to every Part of the world in an instant. You can share Daily Devotionals and Sermons to everywhere.

So going is not just about Physically travelling; going is using every means necessary to take what you have to where People are – Go to where they are!

And we have to be so mindful of it so that in our reaching out to the world we don’t become small Minded and say, “I must always travel to where People are because People are now reaching out to where the People are.”

  1. Our Assignment is to reach out to People in a way they Understand:

The means by which we communicate to People differ:

Some People would go to a Gospel Crusade to hear the Gospel Preached.

Others would be happy to welcome somebody into their homes.

Some would listen to Social Media.

When I was a young Christian you know, I was very zealous for the Lord. I used to preach everywhere – Everywhere I go I’m Preaching, everywhere I sit I’m Preaching. And I used to Preach on Public Transport. I did that for a long time.

We used to do something called “Dawn Broadcast” – Where you go and stand at Dawn behind People’s Windows and tell them, “Repent, Judgement is coming!” And they would wake up early in the morning at 4:30a.m scared of Hell and give their lives to Jesus Christ.

I used to do House-To-House Visitation – I used to go to knock on People’s doors.

But now some of these things are becoming difficult because you cannot go to Government Residential Areas to do Dawn Broadcast and say, Repent! Security would carry you (laugher).

So if you think of the old way you may feel, then I can’t reach them again. But there are many ways you can reach them;

  • You can Print Brochures and leave it in their Phones.
  • You can reach them on Radio, Television, Telephone and Social Media.

There was a time we had to hold a big Crusade in other to reach People.

This time, WhatsApp can reach more People than a Crusade can reach.

So let us be Creative in thinking on what it means to “Go”.

Of course, there are still certain People that you have to go to their homes – I mean, if you go to certain Neighbourhood, People are happy to welcome Visitors, because Nobody comes to them. And they are happy when somebody comes to them. But some areas are very Private, and they don’t want you knocking on their doors when they have not invited you.

In fact, there are certain Parts of America, when you knock on somebody’s door, or you enter somebody’s yard without Invitation, they would pull out a riffle and they’ll say, my friend I give you three (3) counts, leave my Property. And if you don’t leave, you are gone!

So you have to reach out to People in a way they understand – Reaching out to Younger People is very different from reaching out to Older People.

I Preach to everybody, but there are People who can reach a Younger Generation – People in their fifties, sixties, etc far better than I can do because they speak their Language.

The Younger Generation have different terms and different forms of understanding. And each one of us, there is a People which you can reach out to, that Nobody else can reach.

I can speak my Native Language, but I can’t Preach well with it – I Preach well in English Language.

But someone can take my Message and Preach it in the Native Language that it will be sweet in the People’s ears.

Are you getting what I’m saying?

We reach out to People in a way they understand, because we are reaching out to different Groups of People.

If you go to America to Preach, you’ll Preach differently from the way you Preach to Africans.

You can’t go to Spain and say, hey, your mother is a Witch, your father is a Wizard, but God will give you Victory.

They would say you are crazy, where is it coming from? Is it From the middle age or what? But if you say that in Africa, People can relate to it, because they understand the concept of Witches or Wizards, and whatever it is in their concept. It is a Language they can relate to. But that Language is obsolete in another Culture.

So in Preaching the Gospel, we are Customising to every Group. That is what Jesus meant by Nations – Not Masses of People, but Identifiable Group of People. Some can Preach to Poor People, others can Preach to rich People.

  1. It means to reach out to People with the Gospel of Christ:

… This is very important.

When we are reaching out to People, we are not Promoting ourselves but we are trying to draw them to Christ.

But remember this, that not everybody responds to the Gospel the first time they hear it. There is something called Pre-Evangelism.


These are the things you do to Prepare a Person’s heart to receive the Gospel.

This includes: Being friendly with People, being nice, building a Clinic in a Community, building a School in a Community so that people are won to hear the Gospel.

The Early Missionaries did a lot of that – They would go to a Place and render Services there until the People are won to hear the Gospel.

That is Pre-Evangelism!

  • Taking Water to the People will not save them, but it would open their heart to the Message of Salvation.
  • Building a School will not save them, but it makes them Pre-disposed to hearing the Gospel.

When I Preach I have so many People who listen to me on Radio and Television.

I would never forget a conversation I had with somebody in a Hotel in Accra -This Person from another Religion said to me, “I’ve been listening to you everyday.” I said, woow! You listen to me? He said yes, I listen to you.

And then he said, because I listen to you, I have bought a Bible. When you Preach I also open the Bible to read. And then he said something that touched me. He said, “I am very close to becoming a Christian.”

I didn’t force him and say Repent. No! God is working on him. The Seed has been sown, it is been watered.

Not everybody get Born Again instantly – So when we are Preaching the Gospel, don’t be disturbed about lack of Instant result.

The Early Missionaries sometimes go to Places and Preach, and for thirty (30) years Nobody would give their Life to Christ – Until thirty (30) years later there would be a first convert. And then the second, then the whole Village comes to know Christ.

What we are saying is that we are reaching out to People with the Gospel of Christ – Sometimes it’s giving People food, visiting People in Hospitals, showing care and affection to Relatives.

Don’t push them to receive Christ by force.

Be a nice Uncle or Aunt; buy the children bread when you go to.visit their homes. Next time when you say, “I bring you Jesus” they will like it.

Not that you travel without buying anything and then one day you said, “I have something to give you, I want to give you Jesus” – They won’t listen.

We have to win People’s heart so that when the Gospel comes, they trust the one who is Preaching because he is a good Person.

When you say, I’m bringing you Good News, they will truly believe it hat you are bringing them Good News.

  1. And finally, Reach out to People in the Authority of Christ:

Jesus Christ before He started the Great Commission said, “All Authority has been given to Me in Heaven and on Earth.”

In other words, “Go”, because I have the Authority.

That means that when we “Go” out with the Message of Christ, we have the full backing of all Authority in Heaven and on Earth; and no Demonic Entity can harm you – “Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord.”

When you “Go” in the Name of the Lord you have God’s Cover and Protection.

Yes you will confront Demonic Powers, Witches and Wizards, and all kinds of entities but we are not going empty; neither are we going in our own Authority.

We are going because the One who told us to “Go” said, before you go remember, “All Authority has been given to Me in Heaven and on Earth.”

So we “Go” in His Authority and in his Power. We go fully aware that He Covers us, Protects us and we can go to every Enemy’s Territory and know that, nothing shall by any means hurt us.

The Great Commission begins with “Go”! And we are to go to the Nations; different Classes of People; and each one of them needs the same Law but needs the same Law Presented in a slightly different way.

And as a Christians, each one of us must Participate in this.

There are many ways to Participate:

  • Going Yourself,
  • Sending People
  • Financing it
  • Paying for Television/Radio Airtime

All of that is Part of going, because what we do on Radio and Television as a Church is Evangelisation.

Each Message may not end up in Altar Call – People feel that every Message must end in an Altar. No!

Some Message is just to Prepare People – Prepare their heart so that when they hear the Gospel they are no longer doubters. They become Worshippers. Because all their Questions have been answered or their heart is opened to the Gospel.

So let me ask you the Question I began with: Jesus started with the Great Commission, there were Worshippers and there were Doubters. There were Believers and there were Non-Believers. And they were all in front of Jesus.

And so for all of you here this morning or reading now on the label of DMC, what are you?

Are you a Worshiper, fully committed, ready to work with Him?

Or are you still trying to figure it out? “I will think about it later.”

I hope that each one of us here today inclusive all those reading now on the Label of DMC are True Believers of the Lord Jesus Christ?

True Worshippers, committed to Him and committed to the Assignment He gave – The Great Commission?

Let’s Pray!.


Father we Thank You this Morning for Your Word which is Life and Light to each one of us.

Thank You Lord for the Privilege You have given to us to Partner with You in Sharing the Gospel to many People.

Thank You Lord that even in our ignorance You can still use us

Thank You Lord that even in our fear You can still use us

Thank You Lord that even in our Uncertainty, You can still use us.

So I Pray Father for everyone here inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, that each of us would be a Worker with You;

And we would be Mindful that we have an Assignment to reach the whole world, our immediate Community and all over the world, in all Nations with the Gospel of Christ.

And help us Lord, not to be Doubters in Your Presence, but to be Worshippers who are committed to
Your Word.

In Jesus’ Name – Amen and Amen!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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