DATE: 27TH JULY, 2018


1. Give Him all the Glory, Honour and Adoration. Let Him hear you say you love Him and appreciate Him. Give Him Glory for who He is and what He has done for you in the past and bless Him in advance for what He will yet do for you today. He is indeed worthy to be Praised.

2. Father, if you are visiting only two (2) people here tonight, let me be one of them.


1. What a Mighty God we serve Hallelujah

What a Mighty God we serve

Heaven and Earth adore Him

Even Angels bow before Him

What a Mighty God we serve.

2. Hallelujah for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth

Hallelujah, Hallelujah Praise the Lord

Hallelujah for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth

Hallelujah, Hallelujah Praise the Lord.

3. He is Lord

He is Lord, Amen

He has risen from the dead

He is Lord

Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord.

OPENING PRAYER: Eternal Rock of Ages we worship you. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the Mighty Man of war we adore you. The One who is, the One who was and the One who is to come, the Almighty God; Glory be to your Holy Name. Thank you because we know that you are here. Thank you because we know that you will do Mighty things here tonight. Please accept our worship in Jesus Name.

In the lives of everyone here tonight, please do something Mighty, save souls tonight, heal tonight and set the captives free tonight. Let there be Miracles here tonight; let there be Signs and Wonders and let everybody go home with at least one Major Miracle.

Father, before the sun rises tomorrow, let everyone sing a New Song.

And for those listening to us and reading this all over the world, Father bless them also.

… And in this land of Scotland, let there be Revival again.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have pray … Amen!

Let somebody shout Hallelujah!

Please shake hands with one (1) or two (2) people and tell them: Welcome to your Victory.

… And you may be seated.

How many of you are attending the Festival of Life for the first time?

Oh…this is quite a large number – about 70% of the people here tonight.

I need to therefore quickly make you understand some things:

1. When God wants to address people, no matter the number, He addresses them as individuals. For example in Revelations 3:20; when He was talking to a whole Church and He said: I am standing by the door and knock. If any man hears my voice…

He talks to individuals. He said for God so love the world that He gave His Only begotten Son that whosoever – again He is addressing an individual.

So as we go on tonight, if it pleases the Almighty God to send a message through us; you might hear Him saying there is someone here and then He will tell you what is the problem of that person or what is the solution. And at the end of the day, that someone may be 100 or more.

Don’t think that we have made a mistake that is the way God speaks. For example, there is someone here tonight who will never weep again. Where is that someone? The someone can be all of us.

2. The Holy Spirit flows like a river. Jesus Christ said it Himself that if any man is thirsty let him come to Him. Out of His belly flows rivers of Living Water.

Those of us that came from the villages, when we need water we go to the streams to fetch the water. If it is your turn to use your bucket to bring out the water, you don’t hesitate as the river will not wait for you.

So tonight, as we go along and you suddenly dose off and God spoke of your case and someone by your side said his amen and then you wake up and said what he said; by then it will be too late.

… So tell your neighbour please don’t dose tonight.

3. In Civilised Nations they have this particular restaurant where they asked you to come and eat all you can. But you go in (everyone) and all you can take is just one spoon of rice and salad with a little chicken. When daddy sees such people, he always wonders why are they here because by the time he is leaving such restaurant they will know that they have heard a visitor.

… Now the way you laughed means there are some people like me here.

Daddy is saying all these because tonight the Lord has set a table before you. On the table there is Salvation, Healing, Deliverance, Miracles, Signs and Wonders.

So how much of it do you want? – I want ALL!

4. When you go into the Scriptures, you will discovered that almost everyone who got a Miracle from God got it by Faith.

Jesus Christ will ask that do you believed that I can do this? If the fellow said “Yes”; He will said let it be to you according to your Faith or your Faith has made you whole.

Daddy want to assured you all that God is here tonight. He said we should ask him how he knew?

1. God told Him that where two (2) or three (3) people are gathered together in His Name that He will be in their midst. Now, we are more than two (2) or three (3) and gathered in His Name so daddy is sure that He is here with us.

2. When God called on daddy into Full Time Ministry; He made a promise to him that son wherever you go, He will go with him. So He is here with him (daddy) now. Right now, the headquarters of God is in Glasgow Scotland.

Now the question is: When do you want your Miracle? The response is NOW!

So shall it be in Jesus Name.

BIBLE TEXT: MARK 10: 46-52

46. And they came to Jericho and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus sat by the highway side begging.

47. And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth he began to cry out and say, Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me.

48. And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David have Mercy on me.

49. And Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man saying unto him, be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee.

50. And he casting away his garment, rose and came to Jesus.

We are talking tonight about Divine Victory.

Two (2) words are key here: Divine and Victory.

Divine automatically means anything that has to do with God. Anything pertaining to God.

Victory is the success you have either in competition or in war.

A competition is like football, boxing or any sports. When you are in a competition, there are three (3) possibilities: you can win, you can lose or you could have what we call a draw.

But in war, there is no draw – its either you win or lose.

Daddy wants to start tonight that the mere fact that you came; in the Name that is above all Names, you will never lose another war again.

Now when we talk about Victory, Victory can be temporary. For example in Joshua 6: 1 to end; the children of Israel has a tremendous Victory. There was this great wall of Jericho blocking their way. They did what God asked them to do and they got a tremendous Victory. But by the time they got to Joshua chapter 7; almost immediately after the great Victory in Jericho they have a tremendous defeat.

So we found out that it is possible to be Victorious yesterday and be defeated today. This will not be your portion.

And then some Victory can be Incomplete. For example, in Joshua 11:22; the bible says that during the time of Joshua, the giants were destroyed in the land except in some places like Gaza, Gath and Ashdod. In other words they have Victory but the Victory were incomplete. Later on, a giant came from Gath called Goliath and he gave Israel horrors for 40 days.

But when Victory is Divine; the Victory will not only be complete but will be Permanent. For example, when David knocked down Goliath with a stone; he did not stop there – he grabbed the sword of Goliath himself and cut off his head.

In Africa, they say that you have not killed a snake until you have cut off its head. When the head of Goliath was hanging in the hand of David – he was saying my Victory is Divine. This is a Complete and Divine Victory.

Daddy wants to Prophesized to someone here tonight that the Victory the Almighty God will give you tonight will be complete and will be permanent.

… If you believe, let your amen be loud and clear.

Now to make you understand, daddy has chosen a case study of a man that you all know very well – BARTIMAEUS.

Daddy says that if he asked that do you know about Bartimaeus?

Some of you will say “Blind Bartimaeus”. When he was blind about 2,000 years ago, he didn’t die blind but he has tremendous enemies.

Daddy wants to go over his enemies one by one. And maybe you can relate with one among the many enemies that he has and obtain your own Victory too tonight.

If you asked even a child what Victory has Bartimaeus; the youngest of us will even say that he has Victory over darkness.

Why? Because he was born blind (he has never seen light until the day he met with Jesus Christ).

There are many of us today who are fighting with forces of darkness. As a matter of fact, the battle over you has always been between forces of darkness and forces of light. The battle started from the very beginning in Genesis 1: 1-3. You will discovered that in the beginning when God created Heaven and Earth, the first thing that we saw was that darkness covered the whole place and then God spoke – Let there be Light and there was Light.

… And so in the Name of the One who created the Heaven and the Earth; am saying to someone here tonight that: Let there be Light!

Ephesians 6:12 says that we are not really fighting against flesh and blood, we are wrestling against forces of darkness, principalities and power of wicked spirit.

But then thank God there is someone who can redeemed you over from forces of darkness because in Philippians 2: 9-11; the bible tells us that God has given Jesus Christ a Name that is above every other names; that at the mention of the Name Jesus, all things must bow – all things in Heaven, on Earth and even beneath the earth.

In other words there is a Name that if you can just call that Name; it doesn’t matter the number of forces of darkness waiting for you, you will have Victory.

Do I hear you shout Jesus!

In Marks 5: 2-20; the bible tells us of a man that we normally referred to as the mad man of Gadarenes. This man has a legion of demons waging war against him. They captured him – humanly speaking there was no way he can expect to escape and then the One whose Name is above all Names came on the scene and that man who everyone thought will die (a mad man), ended up to become an Evangelist.

The devil saw that God has a great purpose for this man and he decided to see if he could truncate the destiny of this man. But the One who gives Absolute, Complete and Permanent Victory visit the scene and suddenly the mad man became an Evangelist.

Daddy has Good News for someone here tonight, he does not want to know how many evil forces waging war against you; tonight you will have Victory.

In John 9:5; Jesus Christ said that as long as he is in the world: He is the Light of the world.

In John 1: 4-5; the bible says that in Him was light and the light the light of men. And the light shines in darkness and darkness could not comprehend it.

In the Name that is above all names, every darkness that might be troubling Scotland will be brushed aside tonight in Jesus Name.

PRAYER: Father, every evil forces, forces of darkness waging war against me; deal with it tonight – from whatever sources – above the earth or underneath the earth. I want Victory over forces of darkness.

… You are the Light of the world that shines and darkness could not comprehend it.

Now if you asked someone who is a little older what Victory has Bartimaeus apart from Victory over darkness, daddy will probably tell you that he has Victory over limitations.

There is a limit to what a blind man can do. A blind man can sing, he can play instruments, he can study the bible but am sure you know that a blind man cannot play soccer, cannot paint (don’t even know colours), cannot be s surgeon. But the day Bartimaeus met with Jesus Christ, he has Victory over limitations.

There are many of us who are limited in one way or the other. Tonight as the Lord lives; every limitations in your life is going to come to an end.

In Matthew 12:22; the bible says that they brought to Him a man possessed of the devil – he was blind and dumb. He was brought to Jesus Christ and with just ONE Word, the blind man began to see and speak.

In Marks 2: 1-12; the bible tells us about a man paralysed from neck downwards. It took four (4) of his friends to carry him to Jesus Christ. They were tired of attending to him and so brought him to the One who can give him Victory. The Almighty God gave him Victory and from that day onwards, he ceases to be a burden.

May I prophesized to someone here tonight that in any area of your life where you are a burden to others; God will give you Victory tonight in Jesus Name.

In Acts 3: 1-11; the bible tells us the story of a man who was born lame. He was sitting at the beautiful gate of the Temple; watching people Praising God, dancing and be couldn’t join them until the Almighty God intervened. The moment God intervened, this man was not just walking and leaping; the bible says that he was Praising God at the same time.

Daddy knows without any doubt that there are some of us who has great hunger to do Mighty things for God but we are limited. Some of us would have loved to build Churches for God all over the world but are limited. Some of us will like to sing too. But whatever may be your limitations, the Almighty God will remove it tonight in Jesus Name.

The man who was born lame began to teach people how to dance, how to praise God and magnify His Holy Name.

In Psalms 51:15; David prayed a prayer there: Open thou my lips and my mouth shall show forth thy Praises.

There are some of us that something in our life is not allowing our Praises to be full and not allowing our Joy to overflow. There are certain things people see in our life and begin to query where is the Power of your God.

As the Lord lives who has sent me (daddy) to Scotland; everything that is stopping your mouth from witnessing and singing the Praise of God shall be dealt with tonight in Jesus Name.

PRAYERS: Father, every limitations in my life that is not allowing my Joy to be full deal with it tonight. Everything that the enemies has been using to slow me down; not to serve you the way I wanted; please deal with it. I want Absolute, Complete and Permanent Victory tonight in Jesus Name.

If you go a little deeper, the next thing you will see is that this man has Victory over Poverty.

He was a beggar. The bible says that he was by the highway side begging. But from that day, he never begs again.

Daddy wants to tell us something: Poverty simply means not having enough. And it does not necessarily has to do with money only. You have heard people talk of “Poor Memory, Poor Communication, Poor Health” etc.

So the word “Poor” is not talking of money alone but not having enough.

… In every area of your life where you have not gotten enough; in the Name that is above all names, you will get Victory tonight.

PROPHESY: The Lord asked daddy to tell someone here tonight that from now on, there will be no more harassment in your dreams.

The Bible says in Proverbs 10:15: the destruction of the poor is their poverty.

In other words, poverty is a disease. If you know how many people die before their time simply because they don’t have money to buy drugs or to attend hospitals, then you will pray never to be poor.

Poverty is not a good thing and the bible says in Proverbs 14:20 that the poor man is hated by his neighbours but a rich man has many friends. It means that poverty can make you lonely and create enemies for you.

But Psalms 34:6 says that this poor man cried and the Lord heard him.

… If He hears then be rest assured that He will answer you tonight.

Daddy has a Good News for someone: In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, even though you might be drowning in debts now; the Almighty God will set you free tonight.

The book of Job 36:15 says: He delivers the poor in his affliction.

This is to tell you that God view poverty as afflictions and He can deliver you.

In 1 Samuel 2:8; God says that He can raise up the poor from the dust and lift up beggar from the dunghill to set them among princes and even make them to inherit the throne of Glory.

In 2 Kings 4: 1-7; the bible tells us of the widow of the son of Prophet. Her husband was one of the people that feared God but he does not believe in Prosperity. He believed that all you need to do is to get to Heaven poor.

Daddy wants to tell us the basic truth: you can be the poorest man on earth, if you don’t give your life to God, you will still end up in hell. And if you are the richest man on earth and you give your life to God, daddy will see you in Heaven.

Daddy does not know which one you preferred?

This Prophet piled up debts for his wife and then one day the creditors came to the widow that there is nothing in her house that is worth her husband’s debt except the two (2) sons. That same day, the same sister realised that all is not well and cried to God. That very day, God prospered her so much that she was able to pay up all her husband’s debt and never has to borrow again.

Daddy wants to boldly declared and decreed to someone here today that in the Name that is above all names; you will not die poor and you will never borrow again.

… A single word(s) of prayers can put an end to your poverty.

Daddy has come to tell you tonight that if only you can cry to God; whatever any poverty: financial, material or spiritual; my Father will put an end to it.

PRAYERS: Father, the All Sufficient God; put an end to every form of poverty in my life – be it Physical, Financial, Emotional, Spiritual and even in my Ministry.

Going deeper, you will see that another area Bartimaeus got Victory the moment he began to cry for Mercy.

All of a sudden, a lot of people gang up against him and asked him to shut up. Until that day, he didn’t know that he has so many enemies; but that day, God gave him Victory.

Daddy has a Good News for someone here tonight, your enemies (known and unknown); God will give you Victory over them.

When you are dealing with enemies that are known, the job is easy – like Samson did with the lions in Judges 14: 5-6; the lion roared against Samson, the Spirit of God came upon him and he tore the lion into two (2). If you are dealing with a bear like we have in 1 Samuel 17: 34-37. David said that the lion came I punched him to dead; the bear came I killed him and the same God gave him Victory over Goliath – the same God that did it for them will do it for you tonight.

But there are some enemies that are more difficult to deal with.

In Matthew 7:15; the Bible talks about wolves in sheep clothing. There are some enemies that are smiling at you that you think are your friends. There are enemies going in and out with you that you don’t know but thank God that God knows them. And because you came here tonight; everyone of them will be dealt with by God.

And there are enemies that you even know them but don’t know how to deal with them. For example in 1 Samuel 18: 1;12; you will discovered that the one who became the No 1 enemy of David was his father-In-Law.

How do you deal with that kind of enemies?

There are enemies you don’t know how to handle but there is a Lord of Hosts that will help you tonight.

… Any enemies (known or unknown) standing in your way(s) to the top; the Lord will deal with them tonight.

PRAYERS: Father, you know what I don’t know; Lord of Host, every enemies known and unknown deal with them for me tonight yourself and do it in your own very way.

You can still go a step further to see one big enemy that God gave Bartimaeus Victory over. This is the enemy called “Discouragement”.

When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus Christ was passing by, his faith rose up that his own day of deliverance too has come and so began to cry loud.

But all of a sudden, instead of him hearing Jesus Christ talking, all what he heard was for him to shut up, instead of them encouraging him.

Daddy is sure that some of you knows what is discouragement?

Discouragement is a killer. If you go through the scriptures, you will see some examples of people who has to deal with discouragement. Almost everyone of them call on the Almighty God to end their life.

For example, see Moses in Numbers 11: 11-15; Moses cried to God that he is fed up and He should kill him.

The No 1 cause of suicide is discouragement.


1. The Lord asked daddy to tell someone that He will put an end to premature death in your family.

2. The Lord says to someone: I will unblock your Vision.

3. The Lord says to someone that when you are young you have some great dreams and as you are getting old now, the dreams seems to be fading. The Lord asked daddy to assured you that the dreams will still come to pass.

1 Kings 19: 1-4; is the story of a man called Elijah. When you talk of Prophets, Elijah is one of them. This is a man that called on fire to fall from Heaven on Mount Carmel; the man that shut Heaven and says no rain for three and half years and a man that spoke a word to the widow of Zarepheth and the food kept on multiplying. But when discouragement came, he asked God – “Please kill me”.

If you are here tonight discouraged; daddy has a Good News for you: as long as Jesus Christ is in you then you have the “Hope of Glory”.

… Daddy wants to say as a Servant of the Most High God that your tomorrow will be alright.

PROPHESY: The Lord  says that there is someone here tonight when it happens you will know: He said that an harm pit has been prepared for you but you will not walk into it.

And David said in Psalms 42:5; he was talking to his soul that why are you cast down my soul. You will yet Praise God.

Daddy believes that David wrote that Psalms after what happened in 1 Samuel 30: 1-end. He led some people on an escapee. By the time they came back, the enemies had invaded their camp. The bible says that these mighty warriors wept until there was no strength in them again. And then the people he (David) was leading turned to him and accused him of being a bad leader and thought of stoning him. But the bible says that David encouraged himself in the Lord.

Daddy has Good News for someone here tonight that the God he (daddy) serves will make sure that your tomorrow will be alright.

Proverbs 13:12 says: Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is the tree of life.

Daddy knows that there are some of us waiting for one thing or the other from the Almighty God that has not come yet; it will come in soon. There are some Prophesies that you have heard that is yours and have waited and waited and nothing seems manifesting. Daddy has a Good News for you: “IT WILL MANIFEST”. If it comes from God then it is settled.

Daddy has come to you in the Name of that God that says to you tonight: If you can cry to Him, your discouragement will go tonight.

PRAYERS: Father, you are the hope of the hopeless; please let my tomorrow be alright. Even if the doctors said to me that there is no hope for me and even if am discouraged, right now let my tomorrow be alright.

Let us go a little step further; when they told Bartimaeus to shut up, he shouted louder.

Why you may asked?

You see when he heard that Jesus Christ was passing by; his Faith was high but when he cried the first (1st) time and Jesus Christ didn’t seems to bear and there was a multitude following Him; all the multitude could have said was that: Lord, there is someone here calling out for you but they rather asked him to shut up his mouth. So his Faith became shakened as it looked as if he was about to miss this opportunity.

There are many of us here tonight who started off as giants in Faith but over the years one thing has happened after another: one prayer seemed unanswered, you have done the best you could do and nothing seems to be happening and now faith is shaking.

If you are here tonight and your Faith is shaking,  welcome to the club because daddy will show you from the scriptures that there are several people like these too in the bible.

Take for example Abraham the father of Faith in Genesis 15: 1-6; God said to him: Abraham look at the stars in the sky that is how your children will be. The bible says that he believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. But years passed, the one who will be the father of many Nations was approaching 100 years old and his wife approaching 90 years old.

And in Genesis: 17: 1-18; God came again and said: “father of many Nations have I made you”. The bibles said he laughed until he fell on his face. He said to God: let us stop this joke and let us forget this idea of this one child as I have Ishmael already.

In John 1:29; it was John the Baptist that saw Jesus Christ coming and he said: behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world. He was still the same person that said later on that the One who sent me told me that the person you see the Holy Spirit descending on as a dove and alighting; that is the One.

But sometimes later in Matthew 11: 2-3; when John the Baptist found himself in the prison and expected Jesus Christ to come and set him free and He didn’t come – he called two (2) of his disciples to go and asked Him: are you the One to come or do we expect another?

Brethren, there is always a time in the life of a Christian when you begin to wonder: Do I believe right? Is the bible really the Word of God? Can I truly say forever oh Lord thy Word is settled?

If you found yourself in that kind of situation, I want you to do something similar to what happened in Marks 9: 17-27; a man brought a child to Jesus Christ and said: Help me this child has demons. Jesus Christ said if only you can believe; all things are possible to those that believeth. The man said I believe but help my unbelief.

If your Faith is shaking, please don’t forget that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is still the Almighty God. He is still seated on the throne as He has not travelled. He is never asleep and He is still in Control.

PRAYERS: Father, help thou my unbelief. Oh, situations has shaken my Faith but please Lord help my unbelief. I believed but if my belief is not strong enough, help then my unbelief.

Bartimaeus has Victory. Why you may asked?

Because God sent Help to him. The Bible says that Jesus Christ stood still and He said: “Go and bring him”.

He (Bartimaeus) has tried: cried, faced discouragement and his Faith shaken but before his Faith was uprooted, God sent Help. Suddenly, his enemies became his servants. The very people that asked him to shut up are the ones that said: “Be of Good Cheers, He calleth thee”.

Daddy does not know to whom God has sent him tonight. But God is saying to somebody: Be of Good Cheers because He has sent for you.

Whenever God finds His children in precarious situations before it is too late, He will send Help.

In Daniel 6: 19-28; when they threw Daniel into the den of lions. He (God) sent an Angel. Before Daniel landed into the den, an Angel was already there shutting the mouth of the lions.

In Acts 27: 20-26; the bible says that when Paul was in a storm and it appeared as if all hope of escape lost; God sent an Angel to go and encouraged him.

And occasionally, when He finds out that the situations not the kind of one that He will send an Angel; He will come down Himself as in Daniel 3: 14-30 – when they heated up the furnace and it was seven (7) times as hotter than before. God did not send an Angel but came Himself.

That is why daddy told us at the beginning of this sermon that God is here and He is here because there is somebody here who must have a breakthrough tonight.

He is here because there is someone here whose Miracles can no longer wait – so He has sent Help.

Daddy says that it is the Almighty God that has sent him tonight and he was sent because of someone – someone who must have Victory tonight.

PRAYERS: Father, please give me All-Round Victory tonight as I know that you call this meeting because of me.

Now in closing; two (2) important points:

1. When Jesus Christ sent for Bartimaeus he came and when he came, we saw it in his action that after he received the Miracles he didn’t go back to his sins again. As he was coming, the garment he wore; he threw it away saying: I won’t wear you again.

That is the message to someone here tonight: If you know that this very night is your “Night of Victory” then you must come to Jesus Christ with a determination to say bye bye to your old way of life.

You must come to Him and asked Him to please save your soul. You must come to Him and say bye bye to the world; satan and sin because the bible says that: If any man be in Christ, he is a “New Creature”; old things are passed away and behold all things has become new.

2. The bible says that after he received his Miracles, be followed Jesus Christ on the way.

Anyone who wants “Permanent Victory” must stick to Jesus Christ and not that you collect a Miracle and run away – “YOU MUST ABIDE”.

So if you are here tonight and you are yet to surrender to Jesus Christ; this is an opportunity for you to come to Him and say bye bye to sin.

If however you are already a Christian and you know that your Victory before had turned to defeat. The problem(s) with you is that you have backslidden. Come back then to Him – He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. David said: Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life because I too will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.

So am calling the two (2) groups to come and stand before me now on the altar so that I can pray for you. Before l finished counting from 1 to 10; make sure you are standing before me.

For those of us already outside, tell Him in your own language that you have come to surrender to Him: have Mercy on me, save my soul, forgive my sins and I will serve you for the rest of my life.

And for the rest of us, stretch out your hands to these people and intercede for them. Pray that God will have Mercy on them, that the One who save you will saved their own souls too. Pray that the Almighty God will wash them clean in His blood.

GO PRAYS: My Father and my God, I want to bless your Holy Name. I want to thank you very much for your Words and I want to thank you for these people who has come to surrender their life to you. Father please remember your Promise that whosoever come to you, you will no wise cast  out. They have come now, please receive them, save them, let your blood washes away their sins, write their names in the Book of Life and receive them into the family of God. And from now on, anytime they call on you please answer them by fire. I pray that they will never backslide again but serve you to the end. In Jesus Name we have prayed.

Daddy will join his faith with us in the next prayer. So like Warriors, lion/lioness pray very well:

Father, Lord of Host; arise and fight my battle(s) for me.

Now, we want to say thank you to God and then anoint our handkerchiefs.

In giving thanks to God, it is not in how much you give but how joyful you gives it because God loves a cheerful giver.

GO PRAYS: My Father and my God, I pray that as a gratitude tonight, your children has brought this offering to you. I pray that you receive it, bless it, sanctify it and use it for your Glory. I pray that these your children will never lack again. If any of them is owing, in your own Miraculous way, pay the debts. And in a way that they cannot understand provide for them so that they will never borrow again. Very, very soon my Father and my God, let them live in surplus. In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayer.

.. Quickly let us rejoice and drop our offerings.


Lift the handkerchiefs high. Don’t forget that it is written that the Just shall live by Faith.

My Father and my God, you are the All Sufficient God – the One that is More than Enough. See all these handkerchiefs lifted up to you now. Father as I wave my hands, I pray that the wind of the Holy Spirit will blow and touch these pieces of clothes and saturate each piece of clothes with your anointing so mightily that wherever they used it; yokes will be destroyed, Miracles will happen and your Name alone will be Glorified.

Father, if they lay these pieces of clothes on the sick, let the sick be healed. If they lay it even on a dead business, let the business rise again. Anytime they wave these pieces of clothes and call on you, answer them by Fire. And Lord, let the Miracles begins right now.

I decree in the Name that is above all names that everyone of you that came tonight will remain blessed forever. Wherever you go, God will go with you: He will support you, He will open doors unto you. And each time that I hear from you from now on, it will be Good News. And you will serve God to the end. So shall it be. In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed.

… Amen!!! If you received that shout a loud hallelujah!!!

And then while the anointing is still fresh; lay your handkerchiefs on your own head and Prophesized to yourself.

… Just mention your name (Moses Durodola) it shall be well with you. From now on, you will move from Glory to Glory, you will move from success to success. You will never be defeated again. Your Victory will be Permanent and Absolute.

… Go ahead and Prophesized to yourself for one (1) or two (2) minutes before you go!





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