1. Let us lift up our hands to the Almighty God and give him Glory, give him Honour and Adoration.

He is worthy to be Praised. He is worthy to be adorned. Let us Bless Him, Let us Magnify His Holy Name. Let us thank Him for bringing us to the last Divine Encounter Service of the year2018

Let us magnify His Holy Name (x2).

Oh yes Lord, you are worthy to be Praised. We give you all Glory, we give you all Honour, we give you all Adoration. We bless your Holy Name (x3). Blessed, blessed, blessed be your Holy Name. Thank you Father

You are worthy (x2) to be Praised. Blessed be your Holy Name, Lord.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed – Amen!

2. Let us lift our voices to Him and say: Father, every Prophecy concerning me, please fulfill before the end of this Month.

Let us talk to the Almighty God, every great Prophecy concerning me

Lord, please fulfill before the end of the Month

Yes, I know you can do it even today. So long before the end of this Month Lord, fulfill every Prophecy concerning me.

Thank you, Father

In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed – Amen!


You are worthy to be praised (x3)

My Redeemer

You are worthy to be praised (repeatedly)


Ancient of days, you are worthy to be Praised

The one who controls sunrise and sunset, you are worthy to be Praised

The one who said let there be light and there was light, you are worthy to be Praised. Please accept our thanks in Jesus name (Amen).

Every one of your Promises concerning your children, please before the end of this Month, fulfill them all (Amen).

In Jesus mighty Name, we have prayed (Amen)

Let someone shout Hallelujah!!!

Alright, shake hands with one (1) or two (2) people and say good morning

God will bless you today.

BIBLE TEXT: 1 Kings. 17: 8 – 16

8 And the word of the Lord came unto him, saying,

9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee.

10 So he arose and went to Zarephath. And when he came to the gate of the city, behold, the widow woman was there gathering of sticks: and he called to her, and said, fetch me, I pray thee, a little water in a vessel, that I may drink.

11 And as she was going to fetch it, he called to her, and said, Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of bread in thine hand.

12 And she said, As the Lord thy God liveth, I have not a cake, but an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse: and, behold, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die.

13 And Elijah said unto her, Fear not; go and do as thou hast said: but make me thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee and for thy son.

14 For thus saith the Lord God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth.

15 And she went and did according to the saying of Elijah: and she, and he, and her house, did eat many days.

16 And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the Lord, which he spake by Elijah.

In the Name that is above every other names, your pocket will never be dry again (Amen).

This is a story you know very well and you know that our theme for this Month is: “MY SUN SHALL RISE AGAIN”.

As many of us as were there on Friday, am sure our Sun is already risen and it will never, never set (Amen).

Now in the story of this woman: the widow of Zarephath, the sun was already setting. Infact, it was about to set completely financially speaking and even concerning the life of the family. But then help came and all of a sudden the sun rose again.

I am praying this morning, that help will come to you (Amen)

If there is anything specific that this story teaches us is that, to be down does not necessarily mean to be out. You might be down today, but it doesn’t mean you are out.

Well, if you know a little about boxing, when two people are fighting and then one knocks the other fellow down. As long as that fellow gets up before the count of Ten (10), the fight continues.

So the fact that somebody is down, doesn’t mean he is out. He is out if only he could not get up again.

As a Christian, even if you are down financially, it doesn’t mean you are out. As a matter of fact, there is no way a true child of God can be down forever because Deuteronomy 33:27 says ‘underneath are the everlasting arms’.

So if the enemy thinks he has knocked you down, under you are still the everlasting arms of the Almighty God. And when God picks you up from where the enemy thinks they have knocked you down to, He can still lift you up much higher than all your enemies (Amen).

And this story teaches us that the empty can be full again. This woman said I have nothing left in the house, just a little flower and a little oil but from that day onward everything was full again and again and again. Everyday this woman got abundant supply from the Almighty God. And according to Psalms 68: 19, the bible says our God daily loads us with blessings.

Psalms 92: 12 – 15, says that God can cause you to flourish for a particular purpose just to show that the Almighty God is upright.

Am saying therefore, as many of you as are committed to the Holy One of Israel, on a daily basis God will load you with blessings (Amen). And it doesn’t matter what the situation maybe looking like now, you are going to flourish (Amen).

The only important thing here that we need to note is that if you are down, make sure it is not God that pushed you down because if it is God that knocked down a man, that is the end of the story.

For example, in Hosea 5:9, God said concerning somebody, his name was Ephraim. He said Ephraim shall be desolate.

Now to be desolate means to be gone completely, wiped out.

That God said somebody is wiped out that is the end of the story. That is why we don’t want to offend God, we want to be sure we don’t offend Him.

What was it that Ephraim did that caused God to say we will wipe him out?

We will find it in Hosea 4:17. God said Ephraim has joined himself to idols, leave him alone.

In other words, God has warned Ephraim again and again but instead of Ephraim surrendering to the Almighty God, he just kept on doing his own things. So finally, God said there is no hope for this one, leave him alone. But He said he will become a sign unto others because he shall become desolate.

I am praying for you one more time, what you will do that will cause the Almighty God to knock you down, you will never do it again (Amen).

So we learnt something again from this widow that if we are down and we want to rise again, we must stay Holy.

What do we mean? This widow could have stolen but she was aware that Exodus 20:15 says ‘thou shall not steal’. She was hungry, the son was hungry, she could have excused herself and say I am stealing to feed myself or to feed my son but she did not steal.

Child of God, don’t steal!

Don’t steal from man, don’t steal from God.

This widow could have sold her body for money but she was aware of Exodus 20:14, ‘thou shall not commit adultery’, she could have traded her body for money; she refused to.

The widow could have been angry with God or with His servant but she was aware that the bible says in Ecclesiastes 7:9, ‘anger rest in the blossom of fools’. She could have said God don’t you see, I am a widow, this and that. No, no, no, she refused to be angry with God so much so that when she saw the servant of God asking her for her last meal, she was still willing to let go. She could easily have doubted God. When the man of God said go and prepare my own first, after that prepare for yourself and your son because this is what God said.

She would have said which God are we talking about? Where has that God been? How come that He allowed me to get to this situation? Get away from here, Prophet. But she believed God.

2 Chronicles 20:20 said if you believe God you will be established, if you believe His Prophets you shall prosper.

I stand here today as a representative of the Most High God, none of you will die poor (Amen).

Like I prayed for all of you yesterday, from the Headquarters, none of you will die a tenant (Amen).

Right now it may not look as if you can ever build a house but I have Good News for you; in the Name of the One who says the Earth is mine and the fullness thereof, you will not die a tenant (Amen).

Finally, probably the greatest lesson we will learn from this woman was that she was willing to put God first.

Psalms 37: 3 – 6 says you trust in the Lord, do good and you shall be fed.

That is what the Bible said. It says delight yourself in Him also and He will give you the desires of your heart. Trust in the Lord, do good and you shall be fed.

Brethren, every time you eat, please remember that it is God that is feeding you. That is why the Lord Jesus Christ told his disciples to pray, give us this day our daily bread. He is the one feeding you.

The first time I travelled by air, I was going to Sierra Leone as a Mathematician to go and do something there. When I got into the air and I looked down, it was a clear day and I saw villages upon villages upon villages all the way from Nigeria to Sierra Leone. Suddenly, I began to think and we were flying along the coast so I can see the ocean all the way. I said oh God, how great is thy works, only you know how many fishes are in the ocean; only you know how many domestic animals are in all these villages; only you know all the birds that are flying below me and you feed them all.

I decree in the Name that is above every other names, from today onward you won’t be hungry again (Amen).

You have never seen a bird drop from the air dead because of starvation. You have never seen an animal dead because of starvation. It could die because of sickness or something but starvation no way.

Unbelievable as it may sound, you will find a lot of mad people walking about naked, somehow in a way you cannot explain how they are fed and you are a child of the Almighty God.

Tell your neighbour, I will never be hungry again.

He said trust in the Lord, just trust Him. Continue to be good, He will make sure you are feed and then as we said on Friday in Psalms 30:5, weeping may endure for a night, joy comes in the morning.

May I be bold to say, that before the New Year, the poor among you will be shouting I have enough (Amen).

The Almighty God, the Great Provider will see to it that by the time we are entering the New Year, you can tell anybody, I have enough (Amen).

So keep doing your own part and leave the rest to the Almighty God.

The only fellow who can die poor is the one who refuses to give his/her life to Jesus Christ because God said say he to the righteous it shall be well with him. But He said woe to the wicked, it shall be ill with him.

So if you have not given your life to Jesus Christ, get away from those people whose future will be terrible and come over to the side of those people whose future shall be Glorious. So if you want to give your life to Jesus Christ, come very quickly now. I am going to count from  1 – 5, before 5 come and stand before me.

We will pray that the Almighty God will forgive your sins, save your soul and you will become one of the righteous and then you have an assurance of a Glorious tomorrow. I am counting now 1, 2, 3……… God said I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers. If your soul prospers when you give your life to Him, surely He will see to it that you prosper………4, 5.

Those of you on the way, just keep coming and those of you already at the front, talk to the Almighty God, ask Him to please save your soul. Ask Him to take you into His family, promise Him you will serve Him for the rest of your life.

And the rest of us, please let us stretch our hands towards these people and intercede for them that the One who saved our souls will save their souls also. Pray for them, intercede for them that the Almighty God will have mercy on them and His blood will wash away their sins. Pray for them brethren.

Those of you in the front, talk to the Almighty God, I have come to surrender my life to you: have mercy on me Lord, be my saviour, be my Lord and I will serve you for the rest of my life. I will serve you, I will put you first in everything. Thank you, Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed (Amen).

GO PRAYS: Father Almighty, we want to thank you for your word, we want to give you all the Glory and Honour for your children who have come forward today to surrender their lives to you.

Please receive them in Jesus name (Amen). Forgive them in Jesus name (Amen). Save their souls, oh Lord and write their names in the Book of Life (Amen). And I pray that as from now, each time they call on you, you will answer them by Fire (Amen). And please Lord, don’t let them ever backslide in Jesus Mighty Name, we have prayed (Amen).

Those of you in front, let me hear you shout Hallelujah.

Congratulations, I want to promise you that from now on I will be praying for you, so am going to need your names, your addresses and your prayer requests. So if you turn to your left, you will see a man there waving a placard, follow him some Pastors are waiting, they will collect the information I need and will bring you back quickly. God bless you and you can begin to go. God bless you! God bless you!! Thank you, Father (Amen).


Well, we want to put God first, show Him that everything we have belongs to Him and that whatever He wants from us, we are ready to give. So we will take a good offering this morning and even while you are praying maybe God may lead you to do something extra before the end of the year. Get ready to obey Him, He will not fail you. So take your offering and then let us stand on our feet and lift the offering to Him and say: Father, beginning from this moment the Sun of my finances let it rise never to set again.

Father, do it for me and I will show you that I am also a faithful son. Let the Sun of my finances rise to shine brighter and brighter everyday never to set again, never to set again, in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed (Amen).

With joy in our hearts dance to the nearest basket and drop your offering.

Now some people wrote asking for Special Prayers and they were told that if they come after Divine Encounter, we will pray for them and they will hear us pray. If you are one of such, you can come to the altar now so that we can pray that prayer for you.

The rest of us, everything we want God to do for us this Month, let us go ahead and begin to tell Him. Everything we want God to do for us this Month, so that we can March Victoriously into the New Year,. Let us begin to tell Him now. Let us go ahead, pray for Two (2) minutes and then will join my faith with yours and cry to God on your behalf.

Thank you, Father in Jesus Name we have prayed (Amen).


My Father and my God, your children are here crying to you. You Promised that if we call on you, you will answer us, we have called on you now. Father, answer them (Amen). Almighty God, you said that if we seek you, we will find you. These your children have come very early in the morning to seek you, let them find you today (Amen). You said if we knock, the door will be opened unto us. They have come to knock at your door. Father, give them open doors (Amen).

Before the end of this Month, everything that will make the Joy of these your children full

Father, give unto them (Amen).

Let this Month be a Month of Supernatural Blessings (Amen).

Father, bless the offerings of your children, sanctify it, use it for your Glory.

And I pray that the sun of the finances of these your children will never set again (Amen).

Thank you, Father

Glory be to your Holy Name.

I pray that in your kingdom, none of us will be missing (Amen).

In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed (Amen).

Let me hear someone shout Hallelujah!!!

Thank you so much for reading.





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