DATE: 1ST JULY, 2018.


1. Let’s begin to bless the Name of the Lord and give Him all the Glory and Adorations. Praise His Holy Name that He has brought you to the second half of the Year. Thank you for January, February, March, April, May and June. Thank Him for life, health, strength and rainfall – there are Nations praying for rain but here we have it in abundance.

2. Father, in every home where there is sorrow today, Holy Spirit please comfort them and let there be no more tragedies in Nigeria. No more accidents, no more killings. And replaced their sorrow with joy.

3. Father, please bless all mothers, mothers-to-be, pregnant women, widows, nursing mothers, mothers – young and old. Let it be well with all of them. Prosper all mothers, take care of them as they are all so special to the Lord.

4. Preamble: The 7th Month of the Year is July. Seven is the Month of the number of Perfection.

So lift up your voice and say: Father, everything pertaining to me, perfect them this Month – Perfect my Joy, Peace, Health, Success, Anointing.


Glory be to God in the highest Amen … Hallelujah (2ce)

For His Mercy endureth forever amen … Hallelujah (2ce).

OPENING PRAYER: Merciful God, King of Glory, the All Sufficient God. Glory be to your Holy Name. Thank you for January, February, March, April, May, June and now July. Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Father, we ask that in every home today where there is sorrow either as a result of the killing or accident, Father please send your Comforter to them. Replace their sorrows with Joy. And I pray that in Nigeria there will be no more accidents and killings.

Father, as we bring our Thanksgiving to you, please receive it. Let it be well with all of us.

In Jesus Name we have prayed … Amen!!!

Let me hear somebody shout Hallelujah!!!


1. Now the LORD had said unto Abram, get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father’s house unto a land that I will shew thee.

2. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing:

3. And I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Tell your neighbour that God is talking about me.

It is a good thing to be blessed because when you are blessed everything begins to work for good for you.

In the book of Genesis 27: 22-23; Isaac blessed Jacob. If you study carefully the blessings there; he simply invited every force in Heaven, on Earth, even underneath the Earth to serve that young man. As a result of this, by the time we get to Genesis 30: 37-43; the bible said that this young man has become exceedingly great because he was blessed.

May I (daddy) as a representative of the Most High pronounced on all of you here and on all my children all over the world that: May the Almighty God blessed you.

Proverbs 10:22 says: The blessing of the LORD, it makety rich and He addeth no sorrow with it.

But there is something better than to be blessed and that is to be a blessing.

In Genesis 39: 1-5; the bible says that God blessed the households of Portiphar for Joseph’s sake. It is a great thing that when you are in the house because of you the house is blessed. If you are in an office because of you the office is blessed. When you are in a Church because of you, the Church is blessed.

It is a wonderful thing to be a Blessing. There are some people if they travel from their congregation, office or compound, nobody will notice them. They can be gone for six (6) Months and nobody will know because of why? They are not a Blessing. However, there are some people if they travel for just two (2) weeks; everybody will be saying when will he be back.

Daddy prayed that beginning from today, you will become a blessing to others (Amen).

It is good to have Joy because Joy is the opposite of sorrow and sorrow is a terrible thing.

According to Job 17:7; sorrow can dim your vision. If someone is sad for too long, it can even affects his eyes.

The book of Proverbs 17:22 says: A merry heart works like medicine.

If you found someone who has Joy, it is always difficult for such person to be sick. But the broken spirit dries the bone.

Daddy prays for someone that for the rest of your life, you will never weep again (Amen).

Is it not written in the book of Nehemiah 8:10 that the Joy of the Lord is your strength?

Whatever is causing you sorrow, in the Name that is above all Names, I (daddy) rebukes it today in Jesus Name (Amen).

In Philippians 4:4; Paul wrote to the Philippians. He said: Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice.

It will amaze you to know that he wrote that letter from the prison. But he refused to allow the circumstances around him to put him down – he kept on rejoicing. Do you know that when you just allow the Joy of the Lord to fill you up, it becomes very difficult for the devil to overpower you. It is a disgrace to the devil when he has tried everything that he could and you just keep on shouting Hallelujah.

But He says rejoice in the Lord and not rejoice in a new car because a new car as soon as you drive it out of the workshop has become a second hand. Don’t rejoice in a new house because it can burn down. Don’t rejoice in position because you can never tell, the people who promoted you can still fold up … So rejoice always in the Lord!

The Lord is always CONSTANT – He is the same yesterday, today and forever. So if your Joy is in the Lord, then your Joy is Permanent. That is why someone like me (daddy) everywhere he goes, he kept on shouting Hallelujah!

But there is something far far better than to have Joy and that is to be a Joy to others. That is for you to arrive and everybody will say Joy arrives.

Do you know that there is something about Joy: It wants to be shared. When you are reading a book and you find something funny, you will laugh and the next thing that you want to do was to share that same thing with somebody else.

Daddy is praying for someone here today that for the rest of your life, wherever you go; Joy will go. When you arrived, Joy will arrive (Amen).

May I ask you to just smile?

In Acts 8: 5-8; the bible said that Philips went down to Samaria and there was a great Joy in the City. He brought Joy to a whole City.

Galatians 6: 7-8 has a great meaning that many of us ignore. It says that whatever you sow is what you will reap. Sow Joy and you will reap Joy. If you sow sorrow, what will you reap – Sorrow!

Whatever you sow; plan to be a Joy, plan to smile, plan to bring smile to others. Life is too short to spend it in sorrow.

And when you say: What if I have nothing to smile about?

Are you sure? You woke up this morning and went to the toilet by yourself. You lifted your hands, the hands were moving. You opened your eyes, you can still see. You opened your mouth, you can still shout Hallelujah.

And do you know what? God is the Almighty. We all agree to that as there is nothing that He cannot do. In Jeremiah 32:27; He said: Behold I am the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me?

Now this same God who speaks and its done in Psalms 33: 8-9 says that let the whole earth fear before Him. He speaks and it is done.

He is the one that said to Abraham: I will bless you and I will make you a Blessing and through you, the whole earth shall be blessed.

But as Mighty as God is; He needed Sarah to bring that Prophesy to past. As long as Sarah remained barren; there is no way Abraham can be a blessing to the Nations. But then a day came, God visited Abraham as God is going to visit someone here today. In Genesis 18: 9-14; after God and Abraham had a wonderful time; God said alright I know I promised you certain things but where is Sarah thy wife? Oh, she is behind the tent. Alright, tell her that the Joy I promised, the blessings I promised will begin to come to pass through her. Nine (9) Months later, Sarah gave birth to Isaac. Not long after that Isaac gave birth to Esau and Jacob. Before you know it, by the time you get to Genesis 46:27; a crowd of seventy (70) souls had come from the line of Isaac. By the time the children of Israel were leaving Egypt, the crowd was six hundred thousand (600,000) men without the children.

One woman gave birth to one child; that child multiplied. The multiplication continue until we began to talk of 600,000.

The Almighty God is looking for just one fellow who will become the joy of many Nations.

Will He find somebody like that here today?

Oh, it is possible for the Almighty God to make sure that there will never be sorrow again in your Nation. But He is looking for just one fellow.

… And who will that fellow be?

It could be a mother in the Physical. It could be anyone in the Spiritual.

Let us just take one more example as daddy really wants us to cry up to God this morning. You are not listening (or reading) this by accident.

The Almighty God is trying to tell someone that I have a Purpose for your life and that Purpose is to be a Joy to Generations.

Let us take a look on Saul of Tarsus in Acts 9: 1-22. He was an Antichrist. He was worst than the leader of Boko Haram. He was killing men, women and children and throwing them to prison. And he even had government approval to do so. Then one day as he was journeying, God knocked him down and he asked who are you? And God answered him that I am the One you are persecuting. He then asked God what do you want me to do?

God has done His part of the job but then God still needed a man called Ananias. He told Ananias that there is someone called Saul of Tarsus that is somewhere and waiting for him. Then Ananias said: Oh Lord don’t you know that man? He is a killer. And God told Ananias that he (Saul) is going to be a Joy to many Generations. But he needs him (Ananias) to come and lay hands on him (Saul).

You can never tell; the next person you bring to Jesus Christ can be a World Evangelist. It is one fellow that preached the Gospel to Billy Graham. And daddy is saying this with all humility that it is one fellow who brought him to Jesus Christ. So as he travels throughout the world; he thanks God for the salvation of his soul and also thank God for the countless number of souls coming to Jesus Christ through him.

.. In all of these: he still remembers to say thank God for the one that brought him to salvation.

The Almighty God is looking for someone – it might be a boy, girl, man or woman who wants to be a Joy to generations. Somebody who will say Father send me and I will go – as I leave the Church, I will witness; as I go to the office, I will witness; in fact everywhere I go, I will witness because I don’t know maybe my next convert will be somebody who will take the Gospel to the whole world.

You are not in the world by accident. God created you for a Purpose and time is flying. You should not die without that Purpose being fulfilled.

Each time somebody marks birthday; there is a tendency for the older ones to say this fellow is getting old. The truth of the matter is that we are all getting old. Nobody asked a parent how young his child was but what question do they ask? – How old!

We are growing old everyday and time is flying. Very soon, the Lord will return. If He doesn’t return on time, we will go. But don’t go without fulfilling the Purpose of God for your life.

Daddy has a feeling that the Purpose of God in the life of somebody here today is to be a Joy to Generations.

Who is that fellow here?

Let me hear you shout Hallelujah!

In conclusion, someone said that it is what you have that you can give. If you don’t have Joy then how can you give Joy? If you don’t have Christ, how can you give salvation to others?

So if you are here this morning and you are yet to taste the Joy of Salvation; daddy is inviting you now to come and surrender your life to Jesus Christ. Let Him save your soul. As soon as He has saved your soul then you can turn round to be a witness and win the souls of others for Jesus Christ.

So if you are here this morning; I (daddy) will count from 1 to 7 and before I (daddy) will say 7, come and stand before the altar so that daddy can pray for your salvation. You can never be what God wants you to be for Him without first giving your life to Him.

For those people already in front; talk to the Almighty God and ask Him to have Mercy on you and save your soul.

For the rest of us, let us stretch our hands to these people. Let us intercede for them. Pray that the Almighty God that saved our soul will save theirs also.

DADDY GO PRAYS: My Father and my God. I want to thank you for your Words. I want to thank you for these people who has come to surrender their life to you, please on their behalf; accept my thanks in Jesus Name.

Father you promised that whosoever comes to you you will not cast away. They have come to you now, please receive them in Jesus Name. Forgive their sins, save their souls and let your blood wipe away all their sins. And as from today onwards, write their names in the Book of Life. Accept them into the family of God. And anytime they call on you, please answer them by fire.

Thank you my Father, in Jesus Mighty Name have prayed (Amen).

Preambles: If the plan of God for your life is to be a Joy to many Generations and that Purpose is not fulfilled then it will be a terrible thing.

… So stand up on your feet now and cry to the Almighty God saying: Father, if you are looking for one person to be a Joy to many Nations; I am here Lord let me be that person. I want to be Joy to many Generations even unborn … please Lord, let that Purpose be fulfilled in my life!

Thank you so much for reading.



Discovery Media Crew

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