The laws of nature do not care whether you accept it or not. It does not care whether you are a christian or muslim, man or woman, fair or dark as it applies equally to all human being.

No matter how hard and long you pray, if you jump from a 10 storey building, you will not float. The best thing that can happen to you, is that you will book a very quick appointment to heaven. Why you may want to ask? The law of gravity must apply to you, irrespective of your faith.

So life is governed by laws, which great men somehow manage to discover on their own, or work in line with it, even if they are oblivious to the law.

The following 3 laws are absolutes, and it will do you well to learn and practice them.

  1. The Law of Association

The people you associate with on a daily basis, are going to have the greatest effect on what you become in the next 10 years. If they are fools, then you will be a fool soon. If they are millionaires, you will be a millionaire soon. if they are leaders, you will soon be in a leadership position. Wherever they are aiming now, will soon be your destination.

It is a very simple law, and that is why many people overlook it. It is the easiest law to apply, yet very few people apply it consciously. The vast majority of people called the “masses”, just flow with anyone around them, irrespective of their morals, so they end up being like everyone.

Please dear, check out every great man or woman, and you discover, that they were hanging out with each other, long before they became wealthy.

Bill Gates, Paul Allen and Steve Ballmer, were school mates, and fellow pranksters, long before Microsoft, Today they are all billionaires. Mike Adenuga (GLO), Orji Uzor Kalu and Aliko Dangote, where young friends, long before they became billionaires.

Don’t play with the law of association, or it will play with you. Take time to assess where your current friends are heading, and if it is not where you wish your life to go, JUMP ship at once, and find another boat !

  1. The Law of CANEI

Nobody will ever become great in life, without practising this second law. Whether they are aware of it or not, this law is another absolute law, and if you put it to practice, I can guarantee 99%, that once there is life, you will be a great person.

They say that Nature abhors Vacuum, but there is something else that nature abhors, and that is Permanence.

In life, nothing is permanent. Everything is constantly moving.

The only thing that is permanent is change. Now if you park your car and leave it untouched for long, its condition will not be permanent, it will start depreciating.

Anything left unused, begins to depreciate. If you don’t exercise, your muscle starts depreciating.

CANEI stands for Constant And Never Ending Improvement.

This philosophy is ingrained in the Japanese culture. The Japanese understood that the only way to excel, is through constant and daily improvement, and thus it is not surprising that although Japan is virtually without any mineral resource, yet, it is the 3rd biggest economy in the world today.

Anyone who wishes to excel, must understand the law of CANEI, the moment you stop improving any area of your life, you will immediately start depreciating in that area.

If you see a lawyer who does not constantly study and update himself or herself with the latest happenings in the legal world, you are looking at a charge and bail lawyer. A doctor that quits studying, can never be a consultant, and may continue to inflict unnecessary pain and suffering on his patients, because of his refusal to update his skills. (Do you know that some surgeries can now be conducted without actually cutting someone open and the patient can walk home the same day?) .

How does this law apply to me and you?

To excel in life, you must continue to be a student. Successful people continue learning new things, unsuccessful people think that they know it all. You must continue to seek new knowledge in your area, you must continue to read books, attend seminars, and take courses in the area of your business.

Can you imagine a top footballer, who decides to stop practicing for one year!

But that is exactly what most people do. Because they are now working or doing business, they decide that they no longer need to study further or improve their skills.

Do you know that even till date, the richest man in the world for over 20 years now, Bill Gates, still reads one new book every week of his life? When was the last time you read a full book?

If you are opportuned to mingle with most top self-made billionaire, you will notice that they are always running from one workshop to the other, from one training to the other, and ironically, their teachers and coaches are not even as wealthy as they are. But they never underestimate the power of kn

So, start applying the law of CANEI, remember that nature abhors permanence, if you are not moving forward, don’t think that you are standing still. No one stands still. It’s either you are moving forward or you are moving backwards.

Keep learning, practicing and sharpening your skills. Keep reading and studying. If you are a sports man, practice every single day. Better still, don’t be penny wise and pound foolish, pay a coach to push you every single day. That is the only way elite sports men are made.

No great man ever became great without practicing the principles of CANEI, whether he knows about it or not.

And for every one out there, never stop improving. In whatever you do, find a way to learn one thing new about it every day. Before long, you will be among the top in your chosen career.


Legal luminaries will tell you that ignorance is not an excuse in matters of law. Same applies to laws of nature. That you didn’t go to school, and therefore ignorant of the law of gravity, will not save you, if you mistakenly fell from a 10 storey building.

The reason for great frustration among youths, is usually because they fail to understand and work in line with the law of growth. It has also led to the death of many magnificent dreams, because the dream bearer never learnt the law of growth.

No child can run without first walking, or walk without first crawling. Many people are trying to reverse that natural law of growth, because they aspire very high, but are not willingly to start very small. BUT everything in this realm must obey the law of growth or die.

If you need the greatest oak tree, you first have to plant the smallest acorn, Just as you can’t go to University without first passing through secondary school, nor can you go through secondary school without passing through the primary school.

Understanding and following the law of growth is absolutely essential to your success.Stop living in fantasy island. Stop chasing an illusion that is destroying your financial livelihood.

“He who works his land will have abundant food,
but he who chases fantasies lacks judgement.” Proverbs 12:11.


You see, nature teaches us that all things must advance step-by-step. Plants know it in their DNA, thus no seedling is frustrated that it is not yet an IROKO tree tomorrow, It will patiently wait 30 years to grow, while all the time spreading it’s roots into the deepest subsurface, in search of ground water to sustain it in all seasons. Great men know this by instinct, and are not frustrated that they are not billionaires tomorrow. They just put in the hours every single day working on their “tap roots”, deepening it everyday, for the days of growth ahead.

The secret behind the Law of Growth is that you must first learn how to make
N1000, N5000, or N10,000 before you try to make N100,000. Once you can achieved it is called your first ‘Financial Victory’, it will be one of the most important events in your entrepreneurial life! The Law of Growth is a MUST for your entrepreneurial success.

This is not in any way discouraging you from aiming for the stars, Aim high, but start small. There is a point where we can be aiming so far above our current abilities that we are doing ourselves more harm than good. It will make us to do things and spend what we can’t afford, because we are hoping for this great result, as such destroying our finances instead of building it.

You destroyed the little finance you already had, because you start living in fantasy island. Instead of thinking big and starting small, you thought big, and also started big. That is a recipe for bankruptcy ! When you show diligence in small things, then you are worthy and prepared to be set over many, this is a wisdom of the ages.

Everyday, I see the lack of understanding of this law, destroying destinies and homes. People struggling to live a lifestyle they are not yet up to, thus destroying their current finances and making it harder to succeed.

So why are successful people not teaching this law, even though they know it from experience?
Because that is not what many people want to hear. And because it is boring. Every one wants to hear that you will breakthrough the next month, and that blinds the masses to the incredible power of the law of growth.

If you fail to start applying this law today, you may regret it later in life. Start now and see your life grow steadily.

But Youths, remember this, crime does not pay.

What you need to do as a young man, is to invest in developing yourself. You will come to a point, when you will realize that the wealth you are looking for, is right within you, and no matter where you are in the world, you will never be desperate.

I think a word is enough for the wise. You can bring a camel to the stream, but drinking from it, is entirely the camel’s decision. I will leave you with one last advice. Seek wisdom and understanding. Wisdom is the principal thing. Wisdom is not just knowledge, but applied knowledge.

I hope you make it to the top. I will be waiting to see you all.

God bless!!!

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1 Response

  1. Webnda Eric says:

    Thanks so much. I have learned much by this. God help me to practice.

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