– A tale of two (2) Prophets as recorded in the Book of Jeremiah Chapters 28 and 29

In the Biblical Account in the Book of Prophet Jeremiah; we have a Story of two (2) Prophets – Jeremiah and Hananiah.

God had earlier spoken by Jeremiah concerning the consequence of the sins of Israel. He said they will be seventy (70) Years in bondage in Babylon.

Hananiah later comes on the scene with a Pseudo Prophetic utterance that was very appealing but really worsened the situation at the end of the day for the Israelites.

… He declared that they will not spend seventy (70) Years in bondage but just two (2) Years in bondage after which their great God will deliver them.

Hananiah was even dramatic – he went and demonstrated the breaking of the yoke, acting it out as he Prophesied.

Obviously, two (2) Years in bondage sounds more appealing than seventy (70) Years.

Everyone in Israel must have rejoiced and shouted at the words of Hananiah over and against the words of Jeremiah.

You can imagine the experience to know how you sit and listen to a message highly applauded but it is nothing more than Psyching the People.

It must have been like: “Yes, this is the True Word that shows and says that God Works Miracles among His People”

However, the Prophecy of Hananiah simply worsened the situation for the children of Israel.

Jeremiah announced to them in reply that: You have broken the yoke of wood and replaced it with iron over the neck of the Israelites.

Why was this so?

Because a false expectation of quick Victory had been created and they were expecting to be back home in two (2) Years.

Now Jeremiah knew this will lead to deep disappointment and broken hearts making the seventy (70) Years now look much longer than it really seems to be.

So, in the literally sense of it and in effect; the False Prophecy may have done “Good” momentarily but ultimately it was going to bring much more greater damage.

The picture of its effect can be depicted as like a doctor administering pain killers to relieve the pain without dealing with the real root cause of the ailment in the first place.

To this God asked: Is there no Balm in Gilead?

Why are my people not recovering from their wounds?

Jeremiah 8:22 says: “Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?”

Friends, the reason for the no Complete Healing and Restoration in the land of Israel then was the False Prophecies being given out about the Complete Recovery without going through the Process Ordained by God Himself to deal with the root cause.

Jeremiah 8:11 says: “For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, Peace; when there is no Peace.”

If indeed we desire to get it right in our present predicament; It is time to get to the root of our Social Ills, and deterioration of things by teaching how true reformation occurs rather than succumbing to the delusion of Prophecies that circumvent God’s Ordained Processes for Change for our dear life.

The truth of the matter is that: “Every daily efforts that you failed to make use of will gradually erodes your position in life”. The Choice therefore is yours … SO PAY THE PRICE!


Yours Always


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