TEXT: ACTS 2:1-4
Let’s lift our hands to the Almighty God and bless His Holy Name. Let’s give Him Glory, Let’s give Him Honour, let’s give Him Adoration.
Bless Him for the Wondrous things He has done here today. Magnify His Holy Name. He is Worthy to be Praised. He is Worthy to be Adored.
Praise Him! Praise the King of kings, Praise the Lord of lords. Worship Him, Magnify His Holy Name.
Thank You Father, Thank You Lord! In Jesus’ Mighty Name We have Worshiped – Amen!

We give You all the Glory,
We give You Honour;
We give You all the Glory,
We give You Honour (Amen!)
Ancient of Days, we give You all the Glory, we give You all Honour, we give You all the Adoration. Thank You for the Salvation of our Souls, Thank You for keeping us in Your Love.
Thank You for Your children who have Graduated, Thank You for those Ordained and for those who will soon be Ordained; Thank You for those who will be Ordained in the Future. Please, accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name!
Thank You for Your Church; Thank You that Your Church is Marching on. Thank You that the gates of Hell will not prevail. Accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name!
Father, once again we have come before You, we ask that we we will have an encounter with You again; Bless everyone of us!
And if there be any problem remaining in our lives; Father solve the problems today!
Thank You Almighty! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, let someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Shake hands with two (2) or three (3) People and say: “The Anointing will destroy the yokes in your Life!”
And then you may please be seated – God bless you!
Once again, let me Congratulate all those who Graduated from the School of Disciples; from the Bible College. And all those who have been Ordained!
I rejoice with those who have been Ordained.
Am sure that any time it is Ordination Time; I remembered when I was Ordained (in 1975).
I remembered how I treasured the Oil that came on my head: for three (3) days I didn’t take my bath!
Of course, I didn’t know what I know now – that there is no amount of water or soap that can wash away the Anointing. So, don’t follow my example!
As for those of you who are their friends; the fellow you came in with, is not the one you are going out with – They have become Anointed; they are different now.
The Word of God is clear: it says “Touch not Mine Anointed and do my Prophets no harm”.
So treat them with respect, they are different now!
ACTS 2:1-4
… And while you are opening your Bible, let me seize this opportunity to say ‘Thank You’ to all those who sent us gifts.
And don’t expect me to write to each of you individually (we don’t have the time for that).
If we are writing any letter on your behalf, we will write it to God. We will ask God to bless you, so that next time you will be able to do more!
ACTS 2:1-4;
1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
2 And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of a rushing Mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
3 And there appeared unto them Cloven Tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
On the “Day of Pentecost”, everyone present in the Upper Room got the Baptism of Fire – All of them!
They caught the same Fire, the same Day, the same Place!
In other words, they were all Ordained the same day, at the same time.
But, very, very soon it became clear that the Fire of Peter was burning much brighter than the Fire of all the others.
Acts 5:12-16; by the hands of the Apostles (all of them who got the Fire) Miracles were Performed. Everyone of them was used of God to Perform Miracles!
But, Peter was different!
Because in his own case, his Shadow now began to heal the sick.
As a matter of fact, the Bible recorded for us (in the Bible Text I have just mentioned) that; whenever Peter was coming to Town, people would find out:
Is he coming in the morning? – So that they can lay the sick on the wayside. So that if he is coming from the East – his Shadow will then fall on the sick people on the Wesr. When he is coming in the evening, they lay the sick people on the East.
And yet, the other Apostles also caught the same FIRE; the same Day, the same Place! They were ALL Baptised by the Holy Spirit at the very, very same Venue: but his own Fire burnt brighter!
WHY? – Every wood in the forest is a Potential firewood.
Every wood in the forest has a Potential built into it (from Heaven) to produce fire; or to cause Fire to spread.
.. Every wood is a Potential Firewood!

How quickly a piece of wood will burn therefore – quickly from wood into fire is determined by how Dry the wood is.
John 7:37-39; Jesus Christ said: “In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink….”
…. And the Bible says, by that; it is talking about the Holy Ghost.
The river may be the same! We may all come to the river to drink. But how much of the river we drink will be determined by how Thirsty we are!
When you come to the river to drink: the same river, flowing full of water. What you get out of the river will be determined by what you have come to get.
In the river, there is Fish: you might have come to fish.
At the bottom of the river, there is Sand! You might want some sample of the sand at the bottom of the river.
Or maybe you have come to DRINK.
Today now, several People have been Ordained by their own blessed situation. They have been Ordained by the same General Overseer;
In Nigeria, when it is time for Ordination: because even the Pastors alone will number more than two thousand (2,000). I can’t come and shake hands with two thousand (2,000) People (if I don’t want them to begin to Pray for my hands).
So after my wife and the AGOs (Assistant General Overseers) have helped me to Anoint them; I will stand at the Pulpit, I make Proclamations, I will Pray the Prayer and I will wave at them: “God bless you, go back to your seats!”
But in the case of the ones Ordained today; I even came down, after I have done the Anointing; after I have laid hands on them; after I have made the Proclamation and Prayed. I still came down to shake hands with them – One by One.
But within a year; you will see the differences!
You will see one exceeding another!
WHY? – Because, even while we are doing the Ordination, some People are busy checking whether the cameraman is taking their Picture.
All they are interested in is: they want to hang a Picture on the wall – showing the General Overseer laying hands on them! – They will get the Picture.
And yet, there are others who are GONE (in the Spirit). I could hear one of them crying: “Lord, just have Mercy on me, fill me up”.
What you get, is determined by what you have come for!
The same ORDINATION SERVICE; the same Person doing the Ordination, and yet, results could be vastly different!
WHY? – “What you GET, is determined by what you have come to get!”
I mean, you know the example in 2 Kings 2:9-15; Elijah said to Elisha, “What do you want?”
What do you want me to do for you before I will be taken away from you?
He said: I want double portion of your ‘Spirit!’
The Man of God said: You have asked for a HARD thing.
What kind of boy are you? You have seen what a single portion of my Spirit can do: I call down Fire from Heaven, anytime I wanted. I raised the dead!
You now say you still want double that?
He said, you are the one who asked me to ask, Sir! I have just told you what I wanted!
He told him, he said: alAm sorry, what you asked for, is even beyond me to give.

But, I will commit the One who sent me – “If you see me when am been taken away, you will get what you want.”
I remember what happened in 1979 when I attended Kenneth Hagin Camp Meeting. And I had appointment to see the Man of God.
Now, there were some of us who left from Nigeria; as soon as they heard that I have made an appointment with this Man of God, they all jumped on the Bandwagon!
We got to the office of the great Man of God (now of blessed memory). He said he would see us for fifteen (15) minutes – I said that is more than enough!
So he turned to us and said: “So, what can I do for you?”
Before I could speak, somebody had already said: Sir, I want to be distributing your Books in Nigeria (I will be adding a little bit to the cost). He said, Ok!
The second fellow said: I want to be distributing your Tapes. He said Ok!
Another one said I want permission to be distributing your Monthly Magazines. – Ok!
Finally he turned to me and said: “Young Man, now what do you want?
I said: Sir, “Everything is in you, that makes you, YOU – that is what I want!”
He said, WHAT?
I Said, EVERYTHING in you, that makes you, YOU! That is what I want.
.. That is why I hooked the appointment.
He said alright!
He called in his Secretary, he said: This fellow wants Books, give him Books! This fellow wants Tapes, give him Tapes; This fellow wants Magazines, give him Magazines.
… And they all moved out to the office of the Secretary.
He said to me: Young man, kneel down.
I knelt down!
I saw him coming towards me with his hands raised. That was all I remembered!
When I woke up; I was on the floor. He was kneeling by my side – his two (2) hands still on my head; Praying furiously in the Spirit.
When I got up; I knew I got what I wanted.
What do you want? That is what you will get.
When He has given you the Fire; use the Fire and it will grow.
Check Peter: The moment the Fire came on him on “The Day of Pentecost”; he was the one who spoke, the one who Preached – Check Acts Chapter 2; read it throughout all the way from verse 1 through to verse 41.
He was the one who Preached – He couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
And so, it was no surprise that by the time you get to Acts Chapter 3; he was the one who is making the lame to walk.
And as soon as that happened, he Preached another Sermon and won more Souls.
And so, it wasn’t surprising that by the time we get to Acts Chapter 5; he was already killing People who are Hypocrites in the Church – Simply by saying so!
… He used the Fire; so the Fire burnt brighter and brighter for him.
I am going to ask you to Pray in a moment.
But there can be one (1) or two (2) People here who suddenly have heard about the Willingness of God to set People on Fire.
So that when they touched the sick, they get Healed; when they wave their hands; Miracles happen.
… And they want something like that – God is Willing and He is more than Willing.
I was an ordinary Teacher. But by the Grace of God when I got the Fire; now I could stand here and wave my hands and handkerchiefs can be as Anointed that it can Perform Miracles.
But the first (1st) step of course before He can Baptise you with the Holy Spirit is that: You Must be Born Again.
He has to wash away your sin before He can put Power on you.
He is not going to pour His Anointing on a Life that is full of sins – He will not do that.
You don’t Anoint yourself until you have taken your bath first unless there is something wrong with you.
So in case there is one (1) or two (2) People here who will want the Powerful Blood of Jesus Christ to wash away your sins so that they can become available for the Power of God to descend upon their lives.
I will give you two (2) Minutes to come and stand before me and I will Pray for your Salvation and then we will round up the Service.
So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ; I will count from one (1) to five (5). Before I say five (5); please stand before me and we will take care of that.
… Am counting now …
And you might be the only one Person – I don’t expect many People here or two (2) it might be. This is your Day.
God bless you Sister, you welcome and God bless you brother. Nobody is too young to be saved. You can become Mighty Vessels in God’s Hands.
The Choice is yours: You can live an Ordinary Life or you can live a Life that is Full of Power and Anointing of the Holy Spirit.
But if you want the Almighty God to turn you to a “Vessel of Honour”; you must be Born Again first.
Now, if you want to come, you have to hurry up now because we are getting to the Final Countdown.
Thank You Father. Come, let us make this your Day – Your Hour of Decision and your Turning Point.
Now those of you on the way, just keep coming and don’t stop.
Now those of you who are already in front let us lift our voices to the Almighty God. Just say: Lord have Mercy on me, save my Soul, let Your Blood wash away my sins, be my Lord, be my Saviour and I will serve you for the rest of my Life – Go ahead, talk to Him.
And the rest of us, let us stretch our hands towards these our new brothers and sisters and intercede for them.
Ask that the Almighty God will forgive all their sins, save their souls and give them a Brand New Beginning. Pray for them.
… And if anyone wants to come, its not too late you can come.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Saviour, I want to bless Your Holy Name because not only do you save; you also Baptise with the Holy Ghost and with Fire.
And I just want to Thank You especially for Your children who have come forward today to say: Yes Lord, we want to surrender our lives to you. Please receive them in Jesus Name; Forgive all their sins in Jesus Name. Let Your Blood wash them clean in Jesus Name.
And as you are Saving their Souls today Lord, please write their names in the Book of Life in Jesus Name.
Lord I Pray that from now on, anytime they call upon you please answer them by Fire.
And am Praying that Lord God Almighty that even as they join us in Prayers this moment; You will Baptise them with Your Holy Spirit in Jesus Name.
Thank You my Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Now, I want to rejoice with those of you who has come forward today. And I want to Promise you that I will be Praying for you.
So, am going to need your names, your address and your Prayer Request. And I Promised you that I will be Praying for you.
So, in a moment the Counsellors will take you to where some Pastors are waiting. And they will collect all the information that I needed.
But before you go; I want you to be Part of the Prayers we are going to Pray now.
The rest of you; are you ready to Pray – Yes!
If you believed that God will answer you today; let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
I want you to lift up your voice to the Almighty God and say: Father, I don’t want to live a “Useless Life”; set me on Fire for You.
Go ahead, talk to the Almighty God. I want to be a Vessel unto Honour. Lord, set me on Fire for You.
… So Mightily Lord that when I lay hands on the sick, they will recover. When I lay hands on the dead, the dead will rise.
Set me on Fire for you Lord!
… So shall it be in Jesus Name – Amen!!!
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