Father we just want to Thank You for this Word.

Thank You for this Church, Thank You for the way You are using the Church and I thank You for this Particular Convention despite the attempts of the enemies – The thoughts of Lockdown and restrictions; we are holding our Convention, we are still Praising You and Souls are still been saved. People are still been Healed, Your work is still been done.

For this Heavenly father, we Thank You as we give You all the Glory and Praise.

Please, anoint my tongue to speak Your Words and not my word in Jesus Name – Amen.

The Theme of this Convention is “WONDERFUL”.

When you hear the expression Wonderful, it brings about “Self Reactions”.

It brings a smile on your face, it lifts your Spirit – It is just one (1) of those words that make you feels Good.

The dictionary defines the word “Wonderful” as something that inspires life like Pleasure, Admiration, “Extremely Good” – Words like Magnificent, Glorious, Incredible, Amazing, Calmly, Awesome, Mind Blowing and even Fantabulous are even used by Younger Generations as Terminologies for “Wonderful”.

The Name of our Lord and Saviour Prophetically speaking was given hundred of years ago before He came.

The Prophet told us that: God has already given His Child that is to come a Name – And His Name would be called “Wonderful”.

You know there is just something about names that are a bit more than what a Person is called.

For us as human beings; names contain our hopes, dreams and aspiration for the Person who is being given that name.

And when God gives you a name; it is more than a hope, dream and aspiration. It is more than a fact – It is true and a reality.

When God through a Prophet said the Name of His Son is going to be called “Wonderful”, it is just a hope that He will be wonderful, it is just a dream that God had that He will be wonderful, it is just an aspiration that he would be wonderful. It is a truth and reality that He would be called wonderful.

You can listen to the audio here: What Is In A Name – Pastor Agu Irukwu

So, what is so Wonderful about His Name?

Let me tell you a few things that is Wonderful about His Name:

  1. His love is Wonderful – John 15:13

What is Great and Magnificent about that Name is that His Name is Love.

And we see the Love in action – He demonstrated it and the Love cannot be questioned.

Romans 5:8 – It is a settled matter that His Wonderful Name is expressed in His Love for us.

  1. His Wonderful Name is expressed in the Price He Paid for our Salvation

This is another Wonderful Thing about His Name – Phillipians 2:6-8.

Isn’t that Wonderful that God Himself left Heaven and came down to this Earth. Isn’t that incredible and amazing that He died like a criminal for you and I to be Saved?

The travail He went through as at when He died on the Cross as nails was driven into His hands and legs. Spear pierced His side and crown of thorns on His Head just to save you and I.

… It is actually a Wonder.

  1. His Resurrection

The Gospel of His Resurrection was recorded in the Book of Matthew 28:6-7.

Maybe I should just pulse here and speak by the Spirit into someone’s life – Just as it was said concerning you that it would happened, so will it happen.

He doesn’t say and it doesn’t come to Pass – If He says it, it will come to Pass.

What do you think would be the words the women were muttering as they ran? What do you think was going through their minds?

Well, I can answer because I’m sure they were muttering under their breathe: Wonderful, Wonderful based on what the Angel told them because it was truly Wonderful that God had risen from the dead.

It was Glorious and Amazing.

It inspire delight in them that God had risen from the dead as they rushed filled with Joy – They would have been muttering Wonderful.

  1. His Wonderful Name expresses His Grace

You know there are many stories I could tell in this Message that empresses the “Expression of Grace” of this Wonderful Name.

But I think the one that settled it for me is His Genealogy.

And if you read the account of His Genealogy in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 1 – You will find out that five (5) women were mentioned there.

Each one speak Powerful Story and Powerful Message to us.

I. The first one is Tamar in Genesis 38 – Here was a woman who slept with her father-in-law, Judah after disguising as a Prostitute. She gave birth to two (2) sons: Perez and Zira.

II. What about Rahab?

Most People refer to her by her Profession – Rehab the Prostitute.

Who would have imagined that Prostitute could find herself in the Lineage of the Saviour of the world?

This is why His Name is called Wonderful – He took People that have scars, that have made mistakes in their Past, People who circumstances has cancelled them and put them in His Lineage by “Unmerited Favour”.

The story of Rahab was told in Joshua 6.

III. Another one is Ruth – A widow. But not just a widow but a Moabites.

God was very clear about the instructions He gave – That the children of Israel must not have anything to do with the Moabites.

The Moabites were their enemies and in their own world were Outcast.

But what He did was just to show us how Wonderful He is – So Wonderful that you cannot fathom His Grace. He reaches out to us through the Moabites and He put her firmly in the His Lineage.

The woman who was disqualified by birth was qualified by Grace.

IV. What about Uriah’s wife Bathsheba.

In the account of the Matthew Gospel, her name was not mentioned as Bathsheba but Uriah’s wife.

Her case was challenging because she had adulterous relationship with the King. As a result of that relationship her husband was murdered by the King.

Why would you put someone like that in your Lineage?

This was an act of adultery but with her adultery He took her, cleanses her and put her in His Lineage.

My brother and my sister; you are not too far gone that His Grace cannot reach you.

V. And of course we have the story of His mother who really was the one who carried Him.

Yes, she was a Virgin but wasn’t Special.

What was Special was her relationship with God. But in the Society she wasn’t Special but Grace reaches her.

The Angel said to her that she is Blessed and “Highly Favoured” and Grace reached her where she is.

  1. His Mercy

The story of the woman caught in adultery in John 8:4-11, says it all.

Now, I really had wondered over the years about what He was writing on the dust?

But I can answer and guess – I suspect He was writing their various sins.

Let us not deceive ourselves; we can hide our sin from anyone but we can’t hide it from God.

He looks down from Heaven and sees everything lay bare before His eyes.

You know Religion want to condemn you when you sin but our Lord and Saviour by the expression of His Grace had Mercy.

Jesus didn’t condemn the woman.

  1. His Power

God is so Wonderful about His Name.

The Power of God was displayed through the Power of Jesus.

That Magnificent Power of God was said to Mary in Luke 1:37.

To fully embrace that Wonderful Name, we have to come to terms with the “Omnipotence Power” of God that: With this God, Nothing is Impossible.

There is no door He cannot open. There is no circumstances He cannot change. There is nothing He cannot turn around.

It hasn’t gone so far that He can cause it to reverse – He is God!

This Wonderful Son of God can do Wonderful Things in our lives by His Power.

And you and I are blessed because that Name has been given to us.

We call on our God in Heaven because of that Wonderful Name.

That is the Name that unlock the doors of Heaven on our behalf.

  1. His Holiness

You see; that Name is not just any other name; it is the Name that was given to Him by His Father – A Holy God gave that Name to His Son.

We can’t embrace that Name if we haven’t embrace the Holiness of God.

Every time we encountered God, one of the things that we encountered is the Holiness of God.

And so for you and I to enjoy the Fullness of that Name, we must commit to a life of Holiness by living Rght with God and by Pleasing Him.

But the beauty of that Name is that as He came, died, resurrected and went back to Heaven. He left the Spirit of God with us to enable us live to the Standard of that Name.

And so we don’t strive on our own Strength to be able Holy because when we do, we will likely fail.

The standard are too High but by the Spirit of God; we can be Holy if we allow the Spirit to do a work and work through us. We rest in God and then we can walk in Holiness.

It is only God who can make us Holy as He is Holy. But we must be Willing to Submit ourselves for this to happen.

And so what is our response as we talk about this Wonderful Name?

When we embrace His Wonderful Name, certain things happen to us:

  1. We embrace His Love.
  2. We experience His Salvation because of the Price that He paid.
  3. We are constantly in contact with His Resurrection – Understanding that the same Spirit that brought Him to life has been deposited in us.
  4. We enter a New Dimension of Grace, of “Unmerited Favour”.

We know that life has disqualified us, others has disqualified us, circumstances seems to have disqualified us and mistakes has disqualified us – But we know that we are qualified by His Grace.

  1. We experience New Dimension of His Mercy.

When we know that we are guilty we know we should not be Judged.

We know that when we embrace that Wonderful Name; Judgement is held on our behalf.

  1. We experience the Magnificent Power of God coming to work in our lives as things that we thought impossible come to Pass.
  2. We are confronted with the Holiness of God.

We desire it, we hunger and thirst for it.

But then we also realised that we cannot get it by our Strength and by our Will. We depend on the Holy Spirit through close Fellowship and Intimacy with Him to help us live a Holy Life that we desire.

And the last thing I want to talk about is the Wonderful Relationship that God desires to have with you and I.

*Frankly speaking; He wants to have a Wonderful Relationship with you and I.

Look at the Price He Paid.

And so, as I end I would like you to think carefully:

  1. Have you embraced this Wonderful Name?
  2. Have you embraced Him as your Lord and Saviour?

We can’t enter into the Fullness of what He has for us until we embraced that Wonderful Name.

And so: I will give you an opportunity to embrace that Wonderful Name.

I’m not necessarily asking you to join the Church or the Religion but you can allow Him into your life and embrace His Salvation.

*If you are ready say this after me: Heavenly Father, I come before you today. I open the door of my heart. I surrender my life to you. Please forgive me my sin, wash me clean by the Blood of Jesus and grant me the Grace to be for You for the rest of my life.

Thank You Lord for accepting me into Your Family by Faith.

In Jesus Mighty Name I Pray – Amen!

So, it is as simple as that.

Welcome into the Family of God!

God bless you – Shalom!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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