Father we want to thank You.

We want to bless Your Holy Name for this Year’s Youth Convention.

We want to Thank You for the Word we are about to hear: Let this Word inspire us, let it activate us, let it energize us, let it bring about turn a around in our lives in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

You can use anything, Father; use me to inspire your People in Jesus Name.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Name we Pray – Amen.

I want to use this opportunity to thank my father and my mother in the Lord for the opportunity they have given me to Minister in this Year’s National Youth Convention 2020.

My Prayer is that God will continue to keep both of you for us and anoint you a thousand times more in Jesus Name – Amen


Today I will be bringing you a Presentation on the topic: CAREER DEVELOPMENT.

During the course of this discussion we will be looking to attempt to answer four (4) key questions:

  1. What is Career Development?
  2. What are the concept of Career Development as well as the factors that affect a Person choice of Career or Career Development Process.
  3. What is the Process of Career Development.
  4. What strategy can I deploy or employ to enhance my Career Development.

Let’s get started!

Before we define what Career Development is all about let’s first look at what a Career is.

A Career according to the Oxford dictionary is a Person’s Course or Progress through life.

It also entails or pertains to an individuals occupation or Profession that usually involve Special Training or formal Education and it’s considered to be a Person’s life work.

There are several or different types of Career – For the purpose of time I will just mention a few.

I. One can choose to have a career in Education or Medicine or Public Service.

II. You can also choose to have a career as an Entrepreneur or as a Military Person or even in Ministry.

III. And there are also some emerging Careers, that are currently emerging and by 2030 it will become very strong and relevant like Currency Banker – People who will be trading and managing bitcoins.

Now that we have defined what a Career is, let’s try and attempt to define what Career Development is all about.

It requires successfully navigating your Occupational Options to choose and train for jobs that will suit your Personalities, your Skills and your Interest.

In a nutshell from that definition, it means that Career Development is a Process of Learning and developing your skills so that to enable you do well in your current job and also to Position you to Progress into a New Job.

Also listen to the audio here: Career Development – Pastor Osato Noah

From that definition also we realize that there are certain key words or certain things we need to know about Career Development.

I. First, It is the fact that Career Development is a life long Process. It is not an event – It’s a process that carried on true life.

And it’s link to every aspect of our lives: Socially, Psychologically, and Mentally.

Career Development involves everything that has to do with us from birth on.

II. The second thing is also the fact that Career Development is applicable to everyone irrespective of your age or stage in life.

No matter where you have attained in any Organisation you want to move your Career forward – If you are at the Entry Level you want to move on to the Next Level.

If you are already an MD (Managing Director) or a CEO (Chief Executive Officer) you want to move your Career to become a Board Chairman.

It affects us at every age and at every stage of our lives.

Now there are two (2) Key Perspectives to Career Development:

It is either Organizational Led or Individual Led.

And each of them have their individual objectives.

I. When it is Organizational Led the objectives of such Career Development is all about maximizing Human Resources Productivity to achieve the Goal of the Organization and ensuring that there is a best match between People, their Skills and the job they do.

II. But when it is an Individual Led, it can serve as a Launch Pad for you to achieve your Personal Objectives which could be anything from getting a higher Pay, receiving Incentives or even bonuses, or even to achieving job flexibility or satisfaction.

Irrespective of the Perspective of Career Development Brethren, the most important thing is that you should take responsibility and Ownership for your Career.

Now, on the average we will spend almost forty (40) years of our lives working.

For instance, if you Graduate at twenty four (24), NYSC one (1) year, from age twenty five (25) to sixty five (65) you spend forty (40) years on the average of your life working and this means a total of eighty thousand (80,000) hours.

It is very important then to ask a very key question that each of us must answer which is the fact that: How do you want to spend this eighty thousand (80,000) hours before you retire?

That is why you must take time to Plan your Career Development and follow through with the implementation of your Plan.

There are about five (5) Stages of Career Development that I will quickly talk through:

I. The first stage is the Exploratory Stage.

And it happens between the age of fifteenth (15) to twenty four (24) years.

The key driver of your Exploratory Stage of Career is really all about gaining knowledge, exploring different Career options so that you can gain knowledge through the classes you take while you are in school, the course you choose, the hobbies you choose or even the temporary jobs like internships.

They are all geared towards helping you to gain knowledge and experience.

II. Now the Next Stage is the Foundational or Early Career Stage.

That is between the age of twenty five (25) to thirty four (34) when you would have Probably started working.

The key driver of Career Decision at this Point is really all about Skills acquisition and experience through the different jobs that you do.

And at this point; it is where you make a decision on the Career Path that you want to follow.

III. Then the Next Stage is what we call the Establishment or the Mid Career Stage.

This is between the age of thirty five (35) and forty four (44) years.

At this Point you want to continue to improve your skills, to improve your chances of strategically being positioned for current or future job opportunities.

I quickly repeat this: The Establishment Stage is a Stage where you continue to improve yourself to enhance or improve your Strategic Positioning in your current job or future job opportunities when they Present themselves.

At this Point, you begin to demonstrate Strong Leadership Skills in your Organisation, your own People and Resource Management Skills.

IV. Then the Next Stage is the Maintenance Stage.

This is between the age of forty five (45) and fifty four (54).

At this Point, you are also continuously improving yourself to stabilize, consolidate your Strategic Position in order to take higher Leadership Role in your Organisation.

The key driver at this Point is really all about Financial Freedom as well as Strategic Leadership and Mentoring.

V. Then the Final Stage is what we call the Late or Retirement Stage.

This is from age fifty five (55).

At this Point, you are Preparing for Retirement, you are attaining Strategic Leadership in your Organisation and Mentoring as well as you are thinking of well legacy you want leave in your Career.

So, those are the key or the five (5) Stages of Career Development.

Now that we have understood the five (5) Stages of Career Development, let’s make attempt to look at the different factors that typically affect a Person’s Career Development.

There are five (5) Things that typically affect People’s Career Development:

I. Personality, Characteristics or Trait.

Now your Personality type, your Interest or Aptitude affects what Job you like and want; Job you want to do as well as the environment you will strive.

For example: If you have someone who is shy in a field of Marketing or Sales, chances are that this Person may find it advancing in that job more difficult or slower than somebody who is a Goal Getter or he is an Out Going Person.

That is why some organisation they have got some sort of employees Personality Traits Analysis that they need to do and when they do such they are able to know where to fit those Personalities.

Now, there are several free Online Materials for your Career Aptitude and Assessment Test – You can go take them and that tells you the kind of Person you are and the kind of job that fits you.

II. Skills, knowledge and Experience.

We all know that your skills, your knowledge and your experience can determine your chances whether you are going to be hired or you are going to be rejected during a Job Recruitment Process.

Now according to the World Economic Forum, there are “Emerging Skills” of the future that would determine Career Development from the year 2030 and beyond.

Some of them include the Traditional Jobs that we have today like: Accounting, Medicine, Teaching or Education.

Now, there are also other Jobs that you need to know or other Skills you need to have to be able to advance:

A. The first one is Technology Skills – Like Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics .

B. The second one is Higher Cognitive Reasoning Skills – Such as Quantitative and Statistical Skills, as well as Critical Thinking and Research Analysis.

C. The third one is Social and Emotional or what will typically call the Soft Skills – They are Negotiations Skills, People Management Skills, Business Development Skills.

Now the requirements for Jobs of the future would significantly be different from their requirements today hence the need for you to continue to develop yourself and own your Skills to remain relevant beyond today.

III. Now the third factor that influence Career Development is Financial Obligations.

Some People because they have loans or they have mortgages or they have to pay rent or even children school fees; find it difficult at some Point in time to switch Jobs or to change their Career.

They Probably have attained some level of status and all that because of their current Career – Like a Director wanting to start his own business, he feels so it may be very very difficult if he just plunge into a business now, his current lifestyle might have some issues.

And so what would such a Person do?

Some of them may give up on their dream of actually starting up their own business but the advice or what you need to do is to actually have a Career Plan that shows you how you can transition gradually from your current job to your desired job.

IV. The fourth thing is family obligation.

Some People’s Career stalls because of the fact that they start taking care of their children due to child care or elderly care for their sick Parents.

It is often advised that if you want to take up such Job, you should have a Strong family Support System that can help you or Support you for child care as well as elder Care so that your Career can still Progress.

V. The fifth thing that typically affect Career or factors that influence Career Development is age.

Now your age or Perception of it can determine your Career Development – You may worry about the fact that you are too Young to change your Career or you are too old to begin to change your Career Path or to advance in your Career or even make a Career change.

Now instead of focusing on your age why not just focus on your abilities as well as your motivation.

Kanayo O. Kanayo a renowned Nollywood actor recently at age fifty eight (58) became a lawyer. He has this as a life dream to be a lawyer and a Barrister. He was recently called to bar to be a Barrister and he achieved it just at the age of fifty eight (58).

That means no matter who you are, you can achieve whatever you desire to achieve.

At this Point he is a “Learnered Colleague” with his son who who is already a lawyer.

… He desired it and he achieved it.

You would be the next in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.

I heard the story of a woman several years ago who was a typist and was wondering when will People start typing for her.

She met her Pastor and her Pastor told her if you want People to start typing for you; Please ensure you go back to school and develop New Skills.

She laughed and she said you know what when will I go back to school in the same class with People who are my children’s age mates.

But Pastor told her and gave her something that really struck her – Pastor said in ten (10) years time you will either be a Typist grandmother or you would be a graduate grandmother.

That thing struck her – She went back to school, she got her degree and then actually ten (10) years time she became a grandmother who was a graduate and People started typing for her.

I wanna challenge you: No matter that your Career Development desire, take a step of Faith today and you will achieve it in Jesus Name – Amen.

  1. Now what are Career Development Concept.

There are about four (4) Career Development Concepts.

I want to quickly touch around.

I. The first one is Career Plan.

A Career Plan is a Blueprint or a Road Map for navigating your Path Way to your Career Goals and Aspirations.

Now the Plan must be written down; it must highlight the Strategic Options or Alternative Path Ways to your Career Goals or Aspirations.

It must be re-evaluated and updated on regular basis so that they can remain relevant and you may need the help of a Career Coach or a Career Mentor or a Counselor to give you Guidance in your Career Plans.

While the Process of actually developing that Career Plan, the delibrate Process of knowing who you are and then determine where you want to be or where you want to go and what you want to do with your life at some point in future is your Career Planning Process.

The Career Planning Process typically have five (5) Stages:

No 1. This is your Self Assessment Stage where you do a Personal Strength-Weakness Assessment and there is opportunity and threats for you.

Exploring Career options maybe about thirty (30) Careers that fits your Self Assessment.

Then you narrow down the list to about five (5) that you really, really love and then from there you decide and choice the best option and there after you set your Career Goals.

No 2. The next concept is Career Goals.

Career Goals are the anticipated or a future Career Level or a Role. Career Goal give directions to your Career Development.

The Goals can be short, they can be medium or long term with definite time lines and milestones.

Examples of Career Goals are you want to learn New Skills like this woman who went back to school or you want to deepen your industry experience. It could also be that your Career Goal is you want to be an Expert, an Opinion Leader in your industry or you want to start your own business as an Entrepreneur.

These are Career Goals and whatever the Career Goals are, they must have short term timelines as well as long term and medium.

No 3. Now Career Choices.

Your Career Choices a Process of choosing a Career Path based on he combination of factors such as your Personality, your Motivation, your Abilities, as well as your interest.

Now your Career Choices ranges from what i have talked about before and if you don’t like this, for example your Career Choice could be you could choose to become a doctor, a lawyer or a even a teacher – Those are Career Choices.

But the reality is this: In making your Career Choice for example, if you don’t like the sight of blood, it is of no use in Pursing a Career as Medical Doctor or a career in Medicine or Nursing.

If you are acrophobic that means you have an irrational fear of height or you are airophobic you have a fear of flying or being in the sky and flying at any point in time; Pursing a career as a Pilot will be of no use to you.

So you must align your Personal Interest, align your Personality as well as your Motivation to your Career Choices.

No 4. Now the forth Point under the concept of Career is the Career Path.

A Career Path is the root or a course that you take as an individual to achieve your Career Goals. It Provides you the alternatives or options that you need to take to your Career Goals.

Irrespective of the Potential, circumstances or changes in your industry, your Career Path should still lead you to your Goal.

For example, if you are in an industry that would change you to restructuring or automatum digitization, down-sizing or right sizing just as a result of the Pandemic; a lot of industries they have add to the right size.

Your Career Path should be able to tell you where you should go next.

Career Path is having a Plan B at any time T to how you want to achieve your Career Goals.

There are basically four Career Paths:

I. Steady State Career Path.

This is somebody having a long time commitment to one Career in an Organization.

It is characterized by deepening your Skills or Knowledge in a Particular industry.

For instance, there are some People who want to be Expert, they want to be a Professor they don’t want to be HOD (Head of Department) in any Department, they don’t want to be Vice Chancellor – They just want to be Professors, that is all they are after. They want to be the best, they want to be Subject Matter Expert.

That is a Steady State Career Path.

II. Another one is Linear.

This Person likes to move upward – Very fast Upward Mobility.

They either achieve it in their own organization or elsewhere – They are always on the move.

III. Now the next one is the Transitory Career Path.

For Transitory Career Path, he is someone that constantly seek for variety or independence.

Now these is what they consider as really the job of the future.

There are so many People that don’t want to be your employees, all they just want to do is work for you, they just want to work for several companies as independence. They value their time, they want to be in charge of their time and their independent.

What most People do is that they Probably work for nine (9) Months of the Year, they use the rest three (3) Months, somewhere doing some Missionary Job or doing Social Impact Job or some of them even go to the Caribbean just to rest for three (3) Months and then come back again do another nine (9) Months and then to go and rest – They like that flexibility.

Such a Career path is called Transitory.

IV. There is the last one which is the Spiral or Regular Check Career Path.

The one that has to do with having regular changes usually every two (2) to three (3) years without any change, mobility upward but just more Lateral.

This typically happens in flat organizations where People cannot really move except someone leave for the next position.

If someone ahead of them leaves, that is when they have the opportunity to move or when they need to move somewhere else in that same organization.

So, you need to understand the different types of organization you are going to before you can begin to Plan your Career Path, and decide whether you can achieve your Career Goal in your organisation or elsewhere.

  1. Now quickly let us look at Career development Process.

There are five (5) Stages in Career Development Process.

I. Self Assessment
II. Career Awareness
III. Goal Settings
IV. Skill Development
V. Career Management

Let us quickly start.

I. What is Self Assessment?

Self Assessment like I said earlier is Personal sword – Assessing your your Strength and Weakness is very important in making your Career Decisions. It is also very important in making Career Choices, your Paths as well as setting your Career Goals.

Your Attitude which tells us your mindset and how you think; your interest, what you love doing and what you want to do; your Personality whether you are an introvert, extrovert, analytical Person or an emotional Person as well as your Skills, your expertise and your level of Mastery of that Skills.

They all Play important roles and it is Part of your Career Development Process.

II. The next thing is Career Awareness and what you do during Career Awareness Stage in your Career Development Process is to match or align your Career Choices with the various opportunities that are out there.

Your opportunities universe or opportunities that may present themselves to you could cover the following:

A. Your organisation or the subsidiaries of that organization

B. Other organizations or industries; that is where you should look for jobs whether in your organisation or elsewhere.

C. Another career opportunities you should be looking at when you are trying to understand the careers that are open out there is entrepreneurship or Self Employment Opportunities.

Do you want to start a new job? Do you want to start your own business? Do you want to work with somebody? These are all opportunities that are out there for you.

III. Now the third point is Skill Development.

Most times it takes more than you doing a Good Job to be able to get Promoted.

In a situation where everybody is doing their Job, it comes down to who is adding a Greater Value in an organization before you can get Promoted.

That is why you need to broaden your Skills or knowledge and to own or improve your Skills constantly so that the value you bring can continue to increase in your organisation.

According to the University of California UC Beckley, they Proposed what they call the seventy twenty ten (702010) rules when it comes to developing your Skills.

Seventy Percent (70%) must come from on the Job activities like collaboration, Projects, first knowledge of your work; twenty Percent (20%) should come from interaction with Other People like through Mentoring, through Coaching and Volunteering Job while ten Percent (10%) of your Skills should come from training, attending training classes, course work and seminars or conferences.

So your conferences, seminars cannot take the Place of hands-on Development.

So for you to develop your Skills, you must be hands-on Development

IV. The forth thing regarding Career Development Process is Goal Setting.

Now like I said earlier, Goal Setting is setting a desire future or a vision state that you want to achieve in your Career.

For example: You want to be the MD (Managing Director) or the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of a Multinational Manufacturing, Oil and Gas or a bank, you have to set that Goal.

Once that Goal is set, then you need to have what we call the short term, the medium term and the long term Plans to achieve that Goal.

Now Goal Setting Promote long term vision and short term motivation. it motivates you

Your Career Goal must be clear – It must reflect what you want in a Career based on your inside from your Self Assessment as well as your Career Awareness effort.

Now, your Career Goal must highlight your Career Vision Statement.

Now your Career Vision Statement that is in your Career Goal must be your work life aspirations – What you want to get out of your work life.

And your Career Development Action Plan which details the step by step action you want to take to achieve both your short, medium and long term Career Goal.

Now your Career Goal must be written down as I said before and it must be re-evaluated regularly – You could re-evaluated your Career Plans quarterly, you can re-evaluate your Career Plans biannually (every six ml(6) Months) or every year.

Now your Goals must also be smart – They must be Specific, they must be Measurable, they must be Attainable, they must be Action – oriented, Relevant as well as Time bound.

V. The fifth thing in your Career Development Process is Career Management.

In managing your Career; you will focus on building relationship.

A. Most People discount the importance of relationships in their Career Development and by so doing they are not able to reap the best benefits from whatever relationship they have.

Your Career Relationship Universe must entail various People that you have interacted with at different times – This should include your bosses, your supervisors, your co-workers, your subordinates, People that are working under you as well as your customers.

Like the saying goes: Your Network is your Net Worth.

I know of someone who has changed his job twice, both facilitated by someone in his Network.

B. The second thing in your Career Management has to do with Continuous Career Planning.

Planning your Career is not a straight line graph.

Everything about your Career may not happen the way you Plan it – Certain things do happen, things do change.

Now when situation changes or circumstances changes around the factors that we mentioned earlier; you then have to begin to also change your Career Plans so that it can suit the moment and become very relevant.

For instance if you lose your Job for example, it gives you an opportunity to research your Career and by resetting your Career; you may have to go back to school or you may what to relocate for some People that are relocating.

They may have to reset that Career Plan, develop New Skills because the Skill relevant to where they are living may not be relevant where they are going to.

Or for health reasons some People due to health reason they may have to leave their Career and change their Career, so you must continuously Plan your Career to remain relevant.

C. The third thing is Setting New Goals.

Your goals will continue to change like we said earlier.

Your Priorities will change, your needs or expectations will change.

It may be that at the beginning of your Career you wanted to gain knowledge. Now that you hve gain knowledge that knowledge has to give you money and so your New Career Priority is money and if you realized that your organisation cannot pay you the kind of salary you want, you may have to change that organization.

Or when you started your Career, it was all about money. Now you realized that you need work-life balance and your organisation cannot give you that work-life balance, you may have to as well change your organisation or look for a New Job.

Certain New Goals entails getting rid of certain Old Goals as well as refining the Old Goals you have so that they can become sharper or become relevant to your current Goals.

  1. The final question we want to answer is around the strategies you need to deploy for your Career Development.

There are four Strategies that you can deploy for your Career Development.

Regardless of the Nature of the Job you do, if you want to advance in your Career you must be intentional in your application of the following five Strategies:

  1. Appropriate Preparation
  2. Strategic Positioning
  3. High Performance Delivery
  4. Proper Perspective
  5. Continuous Prayers

I. Preparation:

Preparation entails making Learning and Personal Development a habit.

You must learn, unlearn and re-learn.

Preparation they say Preceeds great Performance.

Preparation entails staying informed about New Trends and New Development in your field of interest or in your Industry or even the Industry you desire to work in.

It also entails developing prerequisite skills or expertise to enable you demonstrate Mastery when the opportunities show up.

Preparation must be all encompassing. It must involve your aptitude as well as your attitude. It must include your intellectual , emotional, social and Psychologically well being for you to Prepare.

I have seen situations where they want to Promote somebody for a Job and some People say yes he or she has the Skills, he or she has the Intellectual Capability but in terms of attitude this Person has no Maturity to handle this level and so they Pass them for that Job.

And so Preparation must be all encompassing – You must develop intellectual in developing your Skills and developing your attitude as well.

Preparation also entails developing the Right Network of People and connection that will support your Goals.

Proper Preparation is the first essential steps for a successful career.

Abraham Lincoln said: I want to live in such a way that when I am called I am ready.

In order words he said: “I will Prepare and some day my chance would come”.

You are as you Prepare yourself for that next Career Level.

I Pray that someday your chance would come in the Name of Jesus.

That leads me to a story that I heard about a Senior Pastor in RCCG (Redeemed Christian Church of God) – She decided to read a Masters in a Particular field and after reading that Masters she was working in an industry.

Suddenly there was a change in regulation in that industry and they said anybody that must be an MD/CEO in this Particular industry must have this particular degree in that industry.

And then as they look at that organization where she works from the MD, even down until it got to her none of them have that requisite qualification, and they all had to go.

And suddenly from nowhere she became the MD/CEO.

Why? – Because she Prepared herself.

If you Prepare for the future, you will dictate the outcome of the future.

I Pray for somebody today as you Prepare for the future you will dictate the outcome in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

II. Positioning. Career

Positioning simply means putting yourself at the Place where you are at the competitive advantage or a competitive edge for your next Career move.

Each Position you take in your organisation, each work you do whether in your organisation or Church or wherever you are they must all Position you for next career level.

For an Entrepreneur, Career Positioning is where your brand is in the mind of your customers.

Strategic Positioning enhance your visibility, it Position you for high responsibility and Promotion, it enhances your value or work to your customers, clients and employer.

Putting in the extra efforts, going the extra mile will Position you for Promotion.

III. Performance. Performance.

No matter where you are and no matter the Career you are Positioning, or no matter the stage you are in your Career, you need to demonstrate competence before you can advance your Career otherwise you may not advance your Career.

There are typically four (4) level of Career Advancement:

Level 1 is when you are dependent – You are a learner, you are a helper. You perform the subtask that are given to you under supervision.

All you doing is the fact that you are still largely dependent

Level 2 is that the individual is known for a distinctive competence.

He or she is a technical expert and an individual contributor. This Person works independently.

Level 3: A higher level of Performance you need to desire is a level where you are the coach.

You are guiding other People, you are Mentoring them and you are in charge of several other People and you take responsibility for their Career as well.

At this Point you are independent

Level 4 -:Which is the highest level of Career Performance, is where you bring values and determine what course your organization take.

You are a Pathfinder and everything in that organization has to do with you.

At this Point, you are also an independent worker.

Now let me quickly buttress this point by just sharing a quick story: I heard of the story of two (2) Young men who joined an organization at the same time. Very soon one of them was being Promoted rapidly and even became the boss of the of the second one.

When the second Young man could not take it any longer. He went to meet his director one day and he threw in the towel and he said he wanted to leave that he cannot continue.

He sent in his resignation and then the boss ask him why do you want to leave?

He said look myself and this Person started working on the same day, but have been Passed several times for Promotion and this Person has become my boss.

And then the boss told him to wait and called the other guy and then he started to say: Ok you, you know what? Go to somewhere, just go and get me the Price of an Hiace bus and then the Young man went out.

He got there, he ask how much do you sell an Hiace bus? He came back, he told the boss, he said: Oh an Hiace bus cost about twenty million naira (#20,000,000).

And then the boss said is that all? And he said yes.

He said fine. He called the other guy and said Please go and get me the Price of a Hiace bus.

The Young man came back and said you know sir, I have gone round and have made some findings. He said there are different People that sells the Hiace bus.

There is Toyota – Toyota Provide Hiace bus, but there are different distributors and sellers in the Market and out of those distributors, these Person sell at “X” amount, that Person sells at “Y” amount.

And not only that there is a Manual Transmission and then there is Automatic Transmission, whichever one you want. If you want manual this is the Price range for Manual. For automatic this is the Price range. If you want it delivered they will deliver in another twelve (12) days and then if you want to also get credit for this Particular delivery you can get a credit of up to fifty percent (50%).

They are also willing to give us a discount of twenty five percent (25%) if we pay between “X” time. And then the other guy was wondering how did the guy that has being Promoted got all this information.

I mean if you want to Promote anybody between these two (2) guys; who will you Promote?

Your guess is as Good as mine – The guy that has value, that got more information

IV. The forth thing is Perspective.

No matter what Career you Pursue, if you are going to find genuine and lasting fulfilment in what you do, you must as a matter of fact have the “Right Perspective” or the Mindset.

Your Mindset or Perspective shapes your Value, your Value shapes your Career Goals, and your Career Goals shapes your Career Development.

And I Pray that today you will have the right Perspective in the might Name of Jesus – Amen.

V. The fifth thing you need to know about your Career Development or Strategy you need to employ in your Career Development as children of God is Prayer.

Now as children of God, after all the four (4) dimension; without Prayers things may not happen the way you want them to happen or when you want them to happen.

What Prayer does is that Prayer bring the God factor even to your situation or your Career Pursuit.

Through Prayers you attract the Holy Spirit the Game Changer to work with and for you.

The horse, the bible says Prepare for the battle but Safety is of the Lord according to Proverbs 21:31.

The Bible says the race is not for the swift nor battle for the Strong nor yet bread for men of Understanding but time and chance happens to them all – Ecclesiastes 9:11.

I heard of the story a sister who did not apply for a Job but she was very Prayerful She had the qualification but she didn’t apply.

Her organization put out an advert and in that advert after looking at all the candidates that applied none was fit for the Job.

And then one day somebody was going through the files and found her file and discovered that she had the qualification on everything they required for the Job.

And secondly the fact that she was already in the organization, so she will be able to hit the ground running.

That is how they pulled up her file, she told her boss, they requested to see her, they interviewed her and they found out that she was more than qualified than every other Person they have spoken to for that job.

That is how the Sister got that Job.

The lady got the Job and from that Promotion she got a Position higher her boss.

You know what? – That is the work of Prayers. That is what Prayer does.

Prayer changes things.

Your Skills can qualify you but Prayers amplifies you.

In summary, of the strategies you need to apply in enhancing your Career Development:

I. You must be Prepared to make a difference.
II. You must be Strategically Positioned to seize the moment.
III. You must be a hard Performer to remain relevant.
IV. You must change your Perspective to change your world and the value you bring.
V. Above all be Prayerful to guarantee a successful Career.

Your Career is one of the carriers of vehicle God uses to carry you to your Next Level.

And I Pray for you that you will move to your Next Level in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.

The summary of everything I have been talking about is in four (4) points:

  1. When you know your Value you gain confidence.
  2. When you explore your Options you can make informed choices.
  3. When you Plan your actions you can set reachable Goals.
  4. Finally, when you create your future you are in control of your life and your work
    According to the words of Elionel Roosevelt the former first lady of the United State of America; in conclusion she said: “The Purpose of life after all is to live it; to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences”.

My Prayer for you today is that you will reach out for newer and richer experiences in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Shall we Pray!


Father I thank You for Your children.

Everyone that have heard me today, that have lost their Jobs; Lord Please let these Words inspire them to go and get a New Job.

For those who want to change their Career, let them be energized by these Words.

And for those who are thinking of going to start their Career let these Words activate them to go and take the right decision that would lead to their Career Advancement.

Thank you Father for everything.

Bless these Words.

In Jesus Name we Pray – Amen!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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It is outrightly wrong and a sin we frowned at it for anyone to consciously remove the original source of the work that does not emanate for him or her!

Discovery Media Crew … Reaching out to the World through the Power of the Gospel!!!




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