Let Us Pray!


Immortal God
Invisible God
Immortal God
How Great thou Art!

… Repeat!


Father Almighty; the Alpha and the Omega; the One who never Changes; the One Greater than the greatest, Older than the oldest; Wiser than the wisest – We worship You, we adore you Lord. Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Father, we are Praying that You will send Your Words to Your Children today and Your Words will Heal and Deliver and Guide and Direct so that Your Name and Your Name alone will be Glorified.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

We are continuing with our Study, with our Series on: “GOING HIGHER”.

And as you know, our Bible Text is 1 Kings 17 – And today, we are going to be reading from Verse 1 all the way to Verse 3 as we move to Part 7 of the Series – 1 Kings 17: 1-3.

1 And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the Inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I Stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these Years, but according to my word.

2 And the Word of the LORD came unto him, saying,

3 Get thee hence, and turn thee Eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan.

The Word of the Lord came to Elijah as we learnt last week!

DMC NOTES: You can access the Full Text of the Part 6 of the Series on this Link:


But Specifically, what is it that God said to him (Elijah) – Three (3) Major Things in the Verse 3 that we have read:

  1. Get Thee Hence
  2. Turn Eastward
  3. Hide in Brook Cherith.

If we want to put it in very Simple Language; God said: Move, Turn and Hide!

You said: What has this got to do with my going to Higher Ground?

Well, we will find out very soon.

But the first thing that you need to note is that: God is a God of details.

When He is giving Instructions, the Instructions will be in details.

For example as we learnt the last time:

I. In Joshua 6: 1-21 – He told Joshua in details: Walk round the Wall of Jericho once a Day for six (6) Days; seven (7) times on the Seventh (7th) Day; No Noise until the Seventh (7th) time and then Shout – Details!

II. In 2 Kings 4: 1-7; when the Widow of one of the Sons of Prophet ran to Elisha for Help; Elisha gave her Instructions:

A. Go Home
B. Borrow Empty Vessels
C. Borrow Not a Few
D. Lock the Door on yourself and your sons
E. Begin to Pour out the Oil
F. Set aside that which is Full.

… And so on and so forth.

III. In 2 Kings 5: 1-14; the Bible said Elisha sent a Messenger to Naaman – Go to River Jordan, dip yourself seven (7) times in it and then you will be Clean.

The Problem with most of us Children of God is that we do not wait for details!

The moment God says: Run, we begin to run. You need to know how am I to run?

If God asked you to Jump; you need to know how High.

… Details! Details!! Details!!!

You need to Pay Specific attention to God for details because His Words will keep on coming to you.

When the Word comes; ask for details or Pay attention to details because where He sends His Words, it will be in details.

  1. Now, the first thing He said to Elijah is: “GET THEE HENCE”.

… Make a Move on!

What does He mean by: Get Thee Hence?

Some Blessings are for you alone!

I. You know in the case of Abraham in Genesis 12: 1-4; God told him: Get out of your Country, get out of your father’s house, go to a Land that I will show you specifically and then I will do the following.

And Abraham got out of his Country, got out of his father’s house but took a Relation with him – He took Lot with him.

God said: Hey, Hey; the Blessing is for you alone.

And then you will see what happened – You can read the whole Genesis Chapter 12 and see how Abraham got into one trouble or the other.

And then go on to Genesis 13 – You have heard Sermons on those ones before; that’s why I’m not spending much time on that.

If you read the Story in Genesis 13 and you go from Verse 1, all the way to Verses 14 and 15; the Bible said that it was only when Lot departed from Abraham that Abraham heard from God again.

God now said: Now that your Obedience is Complete now; that you have obeyed me in details; I can now renew my Promise – The Land that you now see is to you I’m going to give it to. Not to you and Lot.

… It is only for you!

II. You see when you read Ruth I: 8-18; it is not just Ruth alone that followed Naomi; there is the other lady called Oprah – She also followed.

But there is a Blessing God has for Ruth and for Ruth alone.

So, when Naomi told the daughter In-law to go back; only one left (Oprah left) and the mother In-law Pleaded with Ruth too – You too go.

Ruth said: No, I’m not going anywhere. Wherever you go; I will go.

At the end of the day; if you read Ruth 4: 13-17; Ruth gave birth to Obed; Obed gave birth to Jesse; Jesse gave birth to David and David became the Great Grand Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

There are some Blessings meant for you alone.

There are some Companies you cannot continue to keep if you are ever going to reach the Goal that God has set for you!

… Get Thee Hence! – There are some People you must be separated from if your Dreams are to be fulfilled.

You know the Story of Joseph – Genesis 37: 5-28.

The Dream of Greatness was given to Joseph; his brothers were determined to kill him so that the Dream could die.

But God separated them and send Joseph to Egypt.

You need to be separated from Dream Killers!

My Prayers for you is that those People no matter how close they may appeared they might have been to you who will kill your Dreams; God will separate you from them – Amen.

And then “Move” could mean something entirely different.

It could mean: “Enlarge Your Vision”; “Enlarge Your Coast”.

Genesis 13: 17-18; the Almighty God said unto Abraham: Now, Lot is gone; this Land I’m going to give it to you.

Now, get up and walk – The Length and the Breath of the Land – Move!

Because as far as your eyes could see; I will give to you and you need to cover more Grounds – Move!

And I believed that God is speaking to someone right now: Don’t stay Stagnant.

There is difference between Contentment and Stagnancy.

Thank God for all He had done for you but He has more – Move!

When you read Genesis 26: 12-14; the Bible tells us about Isaac.

It said: He wax “Great”.

But he didn’t stop there; he went forward and then grew until he became “Very Great”.

There is difference between “Great” and “Very Great”.

Keep Moving! – Some of us think that where we were is Good enough for me.

Hey, God is not interested in “Just Being Good”; there is something called “Better”; there is something called “Best” and then God has something better than “Best”!

When we got to the Redemption Camp; the Total Land we had was approximately two (2) Hectares (Four and half Acres).

And then God began to enlarge our Coast until we had close to thirty (30) Acres (Roughly fourteen (14) Hectares).

And some People said that this is enough – I mean when you compared that to where we were coming from in Ebute Metta (The RCCG National Headquarters in Lagos State Nigera) where we had less than an Acre, now to have thirty (30) Acres – That is Great!

DMC NOTES: Let’s note the following about Acre and Hectare:

Acre, unit of Land Measurement in the British Imperial and United States Customary Systems, equal to 43,560 Square Feet, or 160 Square Rods. One (1) Acre is equivalent to 0.4047 Hectares (4,047 Square Metres).

Hectare, Unit of Area in the Metric System equal to 100 Acres, or 10,000 Square Metres, and the equivalent of 2.471 Acres in the British Imperial System and the United States Customary measure. The term is derived from the Latin area and from hect, an irregular contraction of the Greek word for hundred.

Unfortunately for me; I listened to them until the Almighty God sent His Words to me in a Dream – He woke me up one (1) day and told me: Who told you to stop?

I challenge everyone of you today my children: From this moment onwards; you will continue going Higher and Higher – Amen.

And no matter how Great you are now; you will become Greater and Greater and Greater until the Lord comes – Amen.

You see when you read Marks 4: 3-9; the Bible made it clear: There is something called thirty (30) folds and then there is sixty (60) folds (That is double thirty (30) folds) and then there is one hundred (100) folds.

And do you know that there is a Promise of God that says: He will multiply you a Thousand (1,000) times more than you are?

In other words; don’t even stop at one hundred (100) folds; go for a Thousand (1,000).

A Thousand (1,000) folds means ten (10) times a Hundred (100) folds – So, keep Moving!

2 Corinthians 9:6 says: Keep sowing bountifully.

I shared with my Children in one of our Morning Devotions – I said that the first (1st) Year Isaac sowed in the Land; he got a Hundred (100) folds Returns and he wax Great.

The following Year; he sowed more than he sowed in the first (1st) Year – That is the meaning of: He went forward. He sowed more, he reaped more.

And then he said: Ha, this thing is working.

He sowed much more and that is why the Bible said: He grew – He wasn’t just making Horizontal Motion now; he began to make Vertical Motion.

The Bible said: Not only did he became “Very Great”; a whole Nation envied him – Read the Story!

He became “So Great” that the Landlord of the Land where he was sowing came to him and said: Sir, I think you still have to move because you have become “Too Great” for us.

… You are Greater than us (Far, far Greater).

I Pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ; for those of you who are Tenants – A day is coming when your Present Landlord will come and see your own house and opened his mouth wide – Amen. Because God will move you Higher and Higher and Higher – Amen!

You see in Proverbs 11: 24-25; the Bible says that: There is he that scattereth and yet increaseth.

… Keep Scattering and keep Increasing!

So, God told him Number 1 – Move!

  1. God told him Turn!

Turn where? – Turn Eastward.

What is the meaning of Turn?

Turn means to Change Direction

That is why you need to hear from God constantly – He knows what Project is not Good enough for your Progress anymore.

For example:

I. In Luke 5: 1-7; when Peter fished All Night and caught nothing; what was it that Jesus Christ said to him?

Launch into the Deep – Turn into the Other Direction!

He was already washing his Net – God said: No; this is not the End of your Story. Turn the other way.

… Launch into the Deep!

Why? – Because God knows where your fishes are gathered.

I Pray that God will turn you in the Right Direction – Amen; and He will do that today – Amen.

He knows where your fishes might be gathered together; including the one with your money in it’s mouth.

In Matthew 17: 24-27; God told the same Peter: Don’t use Net, use a Hook.

You can catch a “Single Fish” and that fish can be more than all the Net can enclose.

God can give you a “Single Idea that will reduce all your Present Project to “Very Little”.

Learn to listen to Him so that when He asked you to Turn; you Turn!

Not only that; the Bible said in Proverbs 14:12; it says that there is a Way that seems Right to Man but the End thereof is the Way of death.

God knows that there are certain things you do which may look nice right now but may lead to your destruction.

So, when He asked you to “Turn”; then you “Turn”.

But He said to him: Don’t just turn; turn Eastward.

There is Westward, there is Northward, there is Southward but God said: No, No, No; turn Eastward

Why? – Malachi 4:2; the Bible says: Unto those that feared His Name will the Sun of Righteousness arise, with Healings in His Wings.

Who is the Sun of Righteousness?

… That is Jesus Christ!

And where does the Sun arise from?

From the East!

Revelations 22:16 called Jesus Christ “The Bright And Morning Star” – Not the “Evening Star” but the “Morning Star”.

What is that saying?

God is saying: Hey, focus on “The Author And Finisher of our Faith” – Hebrews 12:2.

… Turn, Pay attention to the Lord Jesus Christ!

Revelation 1:8 says: I am the Alpha and the Omega.

… He knows the End from the Beginning!

Pay more attention to Jesus Christ!

Remember that He is the One who said: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and its Righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.

Turn Eastward; Spend more Time doing the works of the Kingdom and see yourself Expanding and see your Growth becoming an Explosion.

… Turn in the Way of the Lord!

Well, you know my Story: My Greatest ambition in Life was to become the Youngest Vice Chancellor (VC) in Africa – That was what I wanted!

And I was making Progress towards this until the Lord says: Turn and let’s do My Work; let’s do things My Way.

I did and I have not regretted at all today.

Spend more time with “The Brighter Morning Star” and do His Will.

… And you will find yourself going Higher and Higher everyday!

  1. The Third (3rd) Thing He said to him is: Hide!

… That, you will find funny.

How can I be Hiding?

I mean: Here is a Man who was already a “Palace Evangelist” – I mean he has Ministered before a King and now God said: Go and Hide!

Well, the Bible says that: There is Time for everything – Ecclesiates 3: 1-8.

So, there is a time to “Show Up” and there is a time to “Hide”.

For Example: In Luke 2: 4-14; when Jesus Christ was born – The Host of Heaven came to announce His arrival; the Mass Choir of Heaven came to sing.

But shortly after that in Matthew 2:13 for example; the Almighty God spoke to His father Joseph in a Dream and said: Take the boy and run.

… Go and Hide!

Ha, the first (1st) time that I read that Story; I found it very difficult to understand.

Where are the Angels? – He said that a King is coming to kill Him.

So, what? Let the King come! Let the Angels deal with the King. Afterall, one (1) Angel can kill one hundred and eighty thousand (180,000) Soldiers in one (1) Night.

… That is more than all the Soldiers the King has.

But God said: Hey, go and Hide!

When you read 1 Samuel 16: 15-23; you will discovered that after David was anointed King; he went back to looking after his flocks.

Oh, they came to get him from there, took him to the Palace where he was now beginning to Minister to the King.

But if you read 1 Samuel 17:15; a time came when he went back to looking after the flocks again.

It was from the “Secluded Place” that he was now brought out to come and face Goliath.

You see the truth of the matter is: The Higher a Building is going to be; the Deeper the Foundation must be.

If you are going to go High; there will be a time for Hiding!

In Genesis 39: 40-41; you discovered that Joseph was kept in hiding for years – First in Portiphar’s house.

When he was Shinning Bright in Portiphar’s house and the devil wanted to end his Destiny; God moved him to a Prison.

He got to the Prison and he became Interpreter of Dreams and he thought well maybe I will soon get out of there.

No, the Bible said that the Fellow he told: Don’t forget me; forgot him for two (2) Years.

There is always a time when God will want you to just be growing quietly.

Tap Roots downwards; so that when you finally come up, no wind will be able to blow you out!

Someone asked me several Years ago.

When he came, I think one of these Big Media Houses came to one of the Holy Ghost Congresses, saw the crowd and said: How come the world does not know about this? We haven’t heard about this in the West? We have never seen a crowd like this before!

I told him that when I was growing up with my father in the farm; whenever he lit a fire in the bush, when the flame is small, he will shield the flame with his hands until the flame become big enough to Push away his hands

And when I asked why?

He said when the flame is small; a little wind can blow it out.

I Pray for you my Beloveth Children – Like I told you last week; the moment you begin to rise, enemies will come.

I Pray that the Almighty God will Shield you in the Hollow of His Hands until you become too big to be blown away by any wind – Amen.

And then comes the Big Question: Why will God tell His Man to go and Hide after a Brilliant demonstrations before a King?

I believed that God wanted to find out: Can I really trust this boy with Power?

Can you that is listening to me now or reading now on the Label of DMC today be trusted with Greatness?

Can you be relied upon to obey the Instructions from God even when the Instructions seems Foolish?

Go and Hide!

Me! – Don’t you know who I am?

I am Evangelist, Prophet, Apostle Elijah – By Royal Appointment; The Prophet of Ahab!

Can you be trusted with Greatness? – Because when you read 1 Samuel 15: 1 to End; you will see the Story of King Saul there.

He was a “Small Man”; he was an “Unknown Man” but God made him King.

As soon as he became King; he ceased to obey God completely and he lost his Kingdom!

Now listen to me very well my children: There is nothing as terrible as being an “Ex-Champion”; an “Ex-Great” – It is a terrible thing.

It is better never to become Great than to become Great and then become Nothing.

That is why I’m Praying for everyone of you: In the Name that is above every other names; once you start Rising, you will never fall again – Amen.

But for you to keep Rising; you must be one hundred Percent (100%) Obedient to God.

God wants to know: Can I trust you with Greatness? Will you obey me absolutely whatever I asked you to do?

If I ask you to go from the Palace to Cherith; will you obey?

In Conclusion: In Matthew 7:21; Jesus Christ said: Not all who says to Me Lord, Lord will enter into the Kingdom of God.

… Only those who will do the Will of My Father; only those who will obey Instructions.

As your Journey to Greatness begins my Children – And you are going to be Great in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ (Amen); I Pray that that “Rugged Determination” that I will obey God, it doesn’t matter what He says; may God give it to you in Jesus Name – Amen!


Now, as to those of you who of course has not given your Life to Jesus Christ; now one of the Major reason(s) why you don’t want to give your Life to Him is that you know that the moment you give your Life to Him, you have to obey Him. You can’t just have Him as your Saviour, He has to be your Lord

But refusing to surrender to Him is not hurting Him – It is only hurting you.

That is why the Word that I will keep on using again and again is: Surrender your Life to Him. Let Him take over your Life and you will never regret it.

So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ now; if you will now your Head wherever you are and cry unto Him; I will join my Faith with yours and He will save your Soul.

So, cry unto Him and say: Lord, I surrender now – I surrender my Life to You, be not just my Saviour, be my Lord. Just forgive all my sins and take control of the rest of my Life. And I will serve You all the days of my Life.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God; I want to Thank You once again for Your Words.

I Thank You because I know that You love us so much that when You give us Instructions; You will be giving us Instructions that will be even be for our own Good.

I Thank You for all those who are surrendering their lives to You now Father; Please receive them, save their Souls, forgive all their sins and Lord God Almighty give them the Grace from now on to obey You all the days of their lives so that they can move Higher and Higher still.

As for Your Children, my Father and my God who are saying: Speak Lord for Your Servant hears. Whatever You want us to do, we will do Lord.

And Please Lord; keep on taking us Higher and Higher even as our Roots grows Deeper and Deeper in You.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Again, those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ – Congratulations to you as you have taken the Right Step!

Please, get in contact with me and I Promise you that I will be Praying for you.

And contact the nearest Redeemed Christian Church of God to you – Tell the Pastor there that I sent you and he will guide you to the next steps that you should take.

For those of us who are already Children of God; cry unto Him and say: Father, just give me Directions.

Tell me what to do; tell me where to Turn and tell me when to Hide and when to Stand Up.

And He will do it and your Journey to Great Heights will be accelerated in Jesus Name – Amen!

Thank You Father!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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