Let Us Pray!
We Bless You, Lord
We Bless You Lord
We Bless You Jehovah Almighty
We Bless You, Lord
We Bless You, Lord
We Bless You Jehovah Almighty
We Love You, Lord
We Love You, Lord
We Love You Jehovah Almighty
We Love You, Lord
We Love You, Lord
We Love You Jehovah Almighty
The Almighty God – The Highest, The Only One who can answer by Fire; we worship You.
We Thank You because there is Nothing too hard for You to do; we Thank You because Your Fire can consume all Offerings, can consume Wood, can consume Irons, can lick up tears, and can transform bodies.
We Thank You and we worship You – Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
As we continue Lord God Almighty in our Series; Please continue with us, send Your Words, Heal us, Lord, save Souls, Set the Captives Free and let all just be well.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Wave to one (1) or two (2) People and say: Good Day; God Bless You Mightily – Amen!
And then you may Please be seated.
As we continue with our Series; we will be discussing: “GOING HIGHER – PART 32.
And our Bible Text will be 1 Kings 18:40.
If you want to give it a Sub Title, you want to say: “GIVE NO ROOM FOR THE DEVIL.
1 Kings 18:40
And Elijah said unto them (The People who have fallen to their faces now shouting Jehovah is Lord), Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there.
… He (Elijah) killed every prophet of Baal.
It is interesting to note that he did the killing himself – He didn’t ask the People to help him do the killing.
… He killed every one of them – Four Hundred and Fifty (450) Prophets of Baal!
My Prayer is that: The Almighty God will open your Heart today; that you will be able to absorb what we are about to teach
Our God is a God of Absolutes!
1. When God is talking about Purity; He is talking of “Absolute Purity”.
James 1:17 says that: He is the Father of Light; in Him, there is no Variableness or Shadow of Turning.
… His own Light has no Shadow hiding anywhere.
Jesus Christ says in Ephesians 5: 25-27 – It is written that Jesus Christ is coming back for a Bride without Spot, without Wrinkle, without any Blemish at all.
Ephesians 5: 25-27:
25. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it.
26. That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word.
27. That He might present it to Himself a Glorious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
The Word of God says in James 2:10 that: If you keep all the Laws and you offend in one, you are guilty of all.

If you have been alive for say seventy (70) Years and during these seventy (70) Years you have been “Self Law Abiding” and then in a day after your seventieth (70th) Birthday; you discovered that you killed a Man (Commit Murder); Nobody will remember that for seventy (70) Years, you have been keeping the Law.
… For that one Law that you broke, you will die!
2. As far as God is concerned; there is “No Room for Half Measures”.
In Revelation 3: 15-16 – He said clearly: If you want to be Cold, be one hundred percent (100%) Cold; if you want to be Hot, be one hundred percent (100%) Hot.
If you are lukewarm – Either here or there; He said that: I will spare you out of my mouth.
Revelation 3: 15-16:
15. I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou were cold or hot.
16. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Incidentally, that is a Letter written to the Churches; that is a Statement in the New Testament; that is a Statement in the “Dispensation of Grace”.
… God says: You are lukewarm; you are gone!
And if God says that I will spare you out of my mouth – If God spue you out of His mouth, He is not going to take you back.
God is not a dog – It is only a dog that goes back to its vomit!
… You cannot afford to be lukewarm.
Elijah killed them all – All!
Brethren, it is written: Every Plant my Father did not Plant shall be routed out.
Why? – Why must you get rid of everything that is not of God?
Ask the Doctors – They will tell you that if they find any infection in you and they give you Antibiotics to deal with the Infection; they will tell us that you use every bit of the drugs we have recommended.
Because it you stop halfway or ninety Percent (90%) on the way and a single bit of this Infection remains; it will come back bigger than before.
1 Corinthians 5:6 says: Your glorying is not Good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.
In Joshua 11: 21-22 – The Bible tells us that when Joshua was clearing the Land of Anakims – The Producer of Giants. He wiped out the Anakims in every bit of the Land except in Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod.
… He left some Giants behind in Gaza, Gath and Ashdod.
Joshua 11: 21-22
21. And at that time came Joshua, and cut off the Anakims from the mountains, from Hebron, from Debir, from Anab, and from all the mountains of Judah, and from all the mountains of Israel: Joshua destroyed them utterly with their cities.
22 There was none of the Anakims left in the Land of the children of Israel: only in Gaza, in Gath, and in Ashdod, there remained.
Years later; you know the Story in 1 Samuel 17: 1-16 – The Anakims that Joshua left behind Produced Goliath.
If you allow any little bit of evil of the devil to remain in you; you are only Preparing for trouble in the Future.
Years ago, I Preached a Sermon which I’m sure many of you Younger ones never heard, and Probably even the Older ones would have forgotten.
The title of the Sermon is: “THE DEVIL’S JOKER CARD”.
… Maybe if you go to the Archives, you might be able to get it.
Those of you who have ever Played Cards – You know in Cards, you have Kings and Queens and Spade or Axe et cetera et cetera.
And then, there is a Card called “The Joker Card”.
What does the “Joker Card” do?
Once you are the one who Picked the “Joker Card”; it doesn’t matter what the other fellow may have – He can have King, Queen; let him put all his Cards down and you put down your “Joker Card”, you win!
When the devil wants to deal with a Person; he looks for one Weakness in that fellow – All he needs is just one Weakness. And as soon as he discovers one; he has gotten a “Joker Card”.
… And he (Devil) can wait Patiently until the very crucial moment and then he will Present his “Joker Card”.
And I will give you Examples:
1. Take Noah.
That family; the only family that God spared; the one who found favor with God after the Flood.
The Bible says in Genesis 9: 20-27 that Noah loved just a little bit of wine once in a while.
But one day, he took a “Little Extra” and became drunk and lay naked inside the Tent.
His Youngest son saw him, saw the father lying Naked – Ha, Ha; what kind of joke is this? – The boy went out and told his brothers: Come and see Papa O. Papa is drunk and lying Naked.
The Elder Brother because they were wiser, took a Piece of Cloth, went inside backward, and dropped the Cloth on their dad.
Papa woke up, he heard what the son had done, and placed a curse on him.
… He had three (3) sons and he destroyed as it were the future of one of the three (3).
… Devil’s Joker Card!
2. Or in case that you are not fully convinced of that – What about Lot?
The Bible tells us in Genesis 19: 30-38 – Lot of love is just a “Glass of Wine” occasionally.
And one day, the two (2) daughters – People who have been rescued from Fire and Brimstone, held a Meeting: Let us give Papa “Extra Wine” today. When he is drunk, the Elder will go and sleep with him and then tomorrow, the Younger will do the same.
This Man, rescued by an Angel of the Highest God from destruction because he had this “Little Problem” – He doesn’t drink outside, he was always drinking at home, little at a time; he Produced two (2) boys through his own daughters.
The first one was called Moab and the other Ammon.
It will interest you to know what God said about these boys:
I. In Jeremiah 48: 25, the Almighty God says: The horn of Moab is cut off, and his arm is broken.
… It is God who said that
II. In Ezekiel 25:10; God that Ammonites will not even be remembered.
“Unto the men of the East with the Ammonites, and will give them in possession, that the Ammonites may not be remembered among the Nations”.
… Just look at what a little evil in the Life of Man that has been so favored of God can Produce – His Heritage was wiped out!
3. Or consider another case that you know very well – This fellow called Esau in Genesis 25: 29-34.
The Bible tells us that Jacob Prepared a Pottage; Esau came hungry – Give me food.
The boy (Jacob) said that if you want my food, give me your Birthright.
He (Esau) said: Who cares? Give me your food!
Read in-between the lines – The brother (Jacob) had discovered that this Man can’t control his appetite. He will do anything to get food.
… And so he (Esau) bargained for something of Eternal Value – He let it go because he can’t control his Tommy.
Some of us can hardly ever Fast! – Your stomach controls you. I hope that you will do something about that today.
Do you know what Bible Scholars believed of what happened in Genesis 27: 1-40?
When the Blessings of the First Born was about to be released on Esau and the father said: Hey, come and get me an animal. Prepare the food, the kind of food that I love and I will Pour my Blessings on you.
… You know the rest of the Story!
While he was gone, Jacob has Prepared something and the father had eaten and blessed the boy.
But the Bible says in Verse 30 (Genesis 27:30) there – That just as Jacob was getting out of the Presence of Isaac; Esau came.
… They almost met at the door.
Do you know what Bible Scholars say – They said that the reason Esau came that little bit late was that after he Prepared the food for the father, he decided to taste it.
They said that he saw the food smelling nice and say: Papa won’t know that I have eaten my own Portion before I brought his own.
… He was busy!
When the day of Blessing came, the devil Presented the “Joker Card” – What is the hurry? – You have cooked the food; take, eat a little bit!
4. But let me take a Classical Example – The one I am sure that I treated in detail in the first Sermon years ago.

… And that is Moses – Wonderful Man of God.
In Exodus 2: 11-12; two (2) People were fighting – One was Hebrew and the other was an Egyptian.
Moses got there and decided to fight, to defend his kinsmen – He was angry!
Because I have heard some of you talk about “Righteous Indignation” – You are angry for God!
DMC NOTES: “Righteous Indignation” is typically a “Reactive Emotion of Anger” over Perceived Mistreatment, Insult, or Malice of another. In some Christian Doctrines, “Righteous Anger” is considered the only form of anger which is not sinful. For example: When Jesus drove the Money Lenders out of the Temple (Gospel of Matthew 21).
But even if you want to defend your brother; do you have to kill?
Moses Temper was Uncontrollable! – Before you know what is happening, he has killed the other fellow and buried him in the sand.
… And the devil said: I see, I know your Weakness!
And then just in case that you don’t believe that he had that kind of Temper – Read Exodus 32: 17-20.
He was coming down from the Mountain where He has gone to receive the Commandments and saw the children of Israel already Worshipping an Idol – The Bible says that his Anger wax Strong.
What did he do?
The Tablets of the Commandments; he smashed them down.
Ha, is it God who offended him (Moses)?
The Tablet that the Almighty God Himself cut from the Mountaintop and wrote His Commandments on.
He was so angry and forgot who he was – He smashed them!
As if that was not enough; he took the idol – Ground it to Powder, put it in water, and said: All of you drink it!
The devil said: Fine “Brother Moses” keep going – I have my “Joker Card”.
That is why in Numbers 20: 11-12 – When the People were already at the border of the Promise Land.
And God said: These People are murmuring again.
Alright, go and Stand before the Rock, speak to the Rock and it will give them water to drink.
But he (Moses) was so angry that instead of the instructions God gave him, he said: You “Stiff Necked People”; must I bring you water out of the Rock?
… He (Moses) turned himself to God – Forgetting the fact that he is not the one bringing the water out.
Angry People say all sorts of “Horrible Things” – That is why Anger is called “Temporary Madness”.
You know the rest of the Story – Instead of speaking to the Rock; he (Moses) struck the Rock. Not even once but twice!
And God said: Sorry o! You ain’t going!
The devil must have laughed – After forty (40) Years in Ministry; I got you!
5. We don’t want to talk about Samson – You know Samson!
Judges 14: 1-3 – Samson saw a girl that is not of his own People.
The Parents said: With all the girls here?
He said: Who is talking? I am Samson Men! Get her for me. I saw her and she Pleases me.
The devil says: Oh, Oh, Oh; you can even disobey your Parents over a girl?
No Problem Samson – I got my “Joker Card”.
You know the rest of the Story.
You know how from there on, he saw a harlot, went in to her and then finally Delilah came.
I have said it before – Nobody should say that Delilah killed Samson.
Samson killed himself – All that Delilah did was that she helped to bury him.
Listen to me Beloveth: What is that thing in your life that you are tolerating?
I. Well you know that I am not Proud! – I just have “Self Respect”.
II. I never get angry unless somebody Provoked me?
III. It is not every time that I eat like this you know! – I just feel like feasting today.
Any Weakness – No matter how tiny you may consider them, they must go otherwise, the devil may just be laughing at you.
With all your running up and down saying that you are serving God; if he has gotten a “Joker Card” against you, he will pull it out at a Critical Moment!
That is why you need to cry to Him today (or as you read on the Label of DMC): Every Plant You have not Planted in me; every Plant You have not Planted in my Body, in my Soul, in my Spirit; uproot Oh Lord!
Paul the Apostle had only one Problem – Pride! He loves to boast.
You read Philippians Chapter 3 – You will see him boasting.
But he came to a realization: Hey, if I don’t do something about this thing; I might not make it o.
Read Philippians Chapter 3 and see him boasting until he finally said: All you gave to me, I count them as lost that I may win Christ.
How did he overcome?
In Galatians 2:2 – He says: I am crucified with Christ.
… He said that I have to die Completely!
Don’t let anything remain in you that is of the devil!
Let everything that is not one hundred percent (100%) Godly be crucified today!
So, those of you who are not even Born Again; if this is the situation for those who are “True Children” of God, what do you think is going to be your own situation?
We are talking of those who are already on the Side of God – That they must be completely Clean.
What about those of you who are working hand in hand with the devil?
You better run to Jesus Christ now and let Him save your soul and let your Salvation be one hundred percent (100%) Genuine.
And if you claimed that you are already Born Again and you are still living in sin; you are deceiving yourself.
What the Word of God says is that: If any Man is in Christ, he is a New Creature; Old Things has Passed away, all things have become New!
So, if you are not one hundred percent (100%) sure of your Salvation; come to Jesus Christ today – Cry to Him that He may save your Soul.
And I will Pray with you now!
Call on Him – Say: Lord make my Salvation Absolutely Genuine so that I can serve you one hundred percent (100%) for the rest of my life.
And those of you who are Christians and you realized that you are lukewarm; you better cry unto Him and say: Father, I don’t want to be lukewarm, I want to be one hundred percent (100%) on Fire for You.
Please Lord, crucify everything in me that may grow up to become a danger to my Future.
Thank You, Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God; once again I want to Thank You for Your Words.
I want to Thank You because Your Words is Sharper than any two (2) Edged Sword – It can Penetrate the Innermost Parts of our Being.
So, I’m Thanking You for those who are surrendering their lives to You today; I’m Thanking You for those who are asking for Genuine Salvation – Please give it unto them.
Save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins, let everything become New for them.
For those who claimed that they are already children of God but they are still harboring one “Little Harmful Habit”; my Father and my God, Please Lord send Your Fire Lord, destroy that Habit, make every one of us one hundred percent (100%) Pure so that Your Name alone will be Glorified.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Once again, I want to thank those of you who have given your life to Jesus Christ.
I want you to know that by the Grace of God, I will be Praying for you.
So, Please contact me as soon as Possible – Let me have your name, your address, and your Prayer Request and I Promised you that I will be Praying for you.
And Please, find a Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) near you – Tell the Pastor there that you are now Born Again and he will tell you what to do next.
So that from now on when you Pray; God will answer you by Fire!
God Bless You All – Amen!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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