Tonight, for your Miracle all over this Ground, all across the world wherever it is that you are Watching from tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC; lift up your hands, lift up your voice and begin to bless the Name of the Lord – The One who has made tonight Possible.
That at Last you are alive to meet your Appointed Time, that at Last you are here and that long Lasting issue, that long Standing challenge, that long Lasting Problems has now finally come to and end.
If you believed like me that there is a God that sits in Heaven that makes the Earth His Footstool, who is able to do Exceedingly Abundantly above all that you can ever ask tonight according to the Power that worketh in us.
To Him be all the Glory, Honour and Adoration forever and ever. For His Kingdom shall be Everlasting Kingdom, His Dominion shall be an Everlasting Dominion; for He is the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, the One who was, the One who is, the One who is to come.
Immortal, Invincible and the Only Wise God – In Him we have our Being, He is the God of Possibilities, He is the God of our Destiny, He is the Changer of Life, He is the Redeemer of Hope, He is the Giver of Children, He is the Giver of job, He is the Maker of Destiny, He is the One that Positions, He is the One that kills, He is the One that makes Alive.
All over this Ground, all over the world – If you believed that by two (2) Immutable Things by which it is impossible for God to lie, that tonight is your Appointed Time; shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
If you believed tonight that this is your Appointed Time, if you believed tonight that Yes you have had many Holy Ghost Services but this one is with a difference – This one is Destiny Changing, this one is Transformational – Stand Up on your feet, raise your two (2) hands up and shout a “Believing Hallelujah” – Hallelujah!
We have come for an Appointment with Destiny tonight – This is not an “Ordinary Holy Ghost Service” Night. We have come on a Date with the Father tonight, we have come to the Light of the Coroner where deep will call to the deep.
Tonight, Mountains will move, Valleys will give way.
Tonight, there will be Springs in the Desert, Destiny will Spring forth tonight, the Lame hear my words will walk tonight, the Blind you will see tonight, the Barren you will be Joyful Mother tonight.
The Nation of Nigeria, you will Arise and Shine tonight for tonight is your Appointed Time.
Give the Lord a “Believing Amen” – Amen!
DMC NOTES: Coroner is a Government or Judicial Official who is empowered to conduct or order an inquest into the manner or cause of death, and to investigate or confirm the identity of an unknown person who has been found dead within the coroner’s jurisdiction.
You’ve got Times and Seasons in Your Hands
You called for Light out of Darkness
You don’t Need a Man to be the God You are
But you have Chosen to call me Your own
You are God from Beginning to the End
There’s no Place for argument
You are God all by Yourself.
The Creator of the Ends of the Earth; the Owner of Time, who lives in Time, yet He is Timeless.
Oh, the Architect of the Whole Universe – Even those that don’t believed in God when they are in trouble, they say: Oh my God; how much more we that believed You Oh God.
Tonight, we come in the Company of Innumerable Angels.
This is named afterall as “The Holy Ghost Night” – Therefore Holy Ghost do Your Thing tonight. Tonight, do the Unprecedented.
The God of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), arise tonight; the God of our Father in the Lord, Prove Yourself tonight.
Let us have an Encounter with Destiny tonight, let Divinity kick Humanity for our sake tonight.
I decrease Completely that You might Increase Absolutely.
I hide behind the Cross, let no Man see or hear me, let every Man hear or see You tonight.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus Name we Pray – Amen.
Common on make a Joyful Noise to God all ye People – And God Bless you.
You may be Please be seated in the Wonderful Presence of the Lord!
Tonight, I bless the Name of the Lord for this Great Honour and Opportunity to Stand before this Exalted Altar and bring the Word of the Lord to you and to me as well because we all need it tonight.
I want to Thank our fathers and mothers in the Lord – Thank You for what You not just do for The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) but for the entire Body of Christ Globally.
Nicodemus went to Jesus Christ at Night and he said: We know that no Man can do these things except he has been Called.
We also know that no Man can do what You do except he or she has been called.
My Prayer is that God will sustain you – Amen; my Prayer is that you will not know a “Better Yesterday” and that your tomorrow will be Greater than today – Amen!
Our fathers and mothers in the Faith, I salute you all – Thank You for all that you do.
We are who we are today because of who you are.
Thank You: For Training us, for Raising us, for Shepherding us – We Honour you.
I honour you all tonight sir’s and ma’s – Thank You so much.
God Bless You All in Jesus Name – Amen!
I have a long way to go tonight and a very short time to get there.
So, I’m going to move very fast. I will ask that you will Please run fast with me as we go tonight.
But tonight, I bring more than a Message – I bring Good News tonight.
Tonight, Gabriel is unleashed as an Angel to bring Good News just as he brought it to Mary and said that you will bear a son.
All Mary could say is that: Be it unto me according to Your Words.
For someone tonight; that is all that you need to say: Just agree with Heaven.
I bring you Good News tonight because there comes a time in a Man’s or Woman’s Life when everything that you have ever Hoped, Prayed or Dreamed of becomes a Reality.
There comes a Night when Barrenness is Terminated, there comes a Night when Joblessness comes to an End; there comes a Night to a Day when a Nation emerges and become who and what God has created it to be.
… This is such Night
How do I know?
It is not coincidental that between now and December; the Theme for the Holy Ghost Congress is: “The Siege is Over” and the Theme tonight is: “The Appointed Time”.
For you to return in December and say “The Siege is Over” in just thirty (30) days time; it means that you must have an Appointment with God tonight.
Do you agree with me?
So therefore, tonight is like the Eve of what is to come in the Holy Ghost Congress 2021.
But we are not waiting for thirty (30) days, it just begins tonight.
Now, 5th of November 2021 will become a Memorial for you – Amen!
I. You will remember today like the day you gave your Life to Jesus Christ.
II. You will remember tonight like the day you were born.
III. You will celebrate tonight!
How do I know? – Turn your Bible with me to Psalms 102:13.
It says: Thou shalt arise, and have Mercy upon Zion: for the Time to Favour her, yea, the Set Time, is come.
When is the Time to Favour her? – Now!
I didn’t write it – It says that the Time to Favour her, yea the Set Time is come.
Let me read it to you in the New International Version (NIV) – It says: You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show her Favour.
… The Appointed Time has come!
Let me read it to you in the Amplified Version – It says: For it is Time to be Gracious and show Favour unto her; the Appointed Time, the moment designated has come.
I bring Good News tonight – Tonight is your Night (Amen).
Friends, the Appointed Time is a moment Predesignated, Pre-agreed, Preordained, Preorganized, Pre-purposed for a Predestined Event to be triggered.
When a Predestined Event is triggered by a Predestined Moment, we say that it is the Appointed Time.
People of God, if you look at this Scriptures – Psalms 102:13; time will fail us to really dig deep.
But there are different Elements here that I need us to look at very quickly – 5 of them:
- This is the Element “You”.
… You will arise! – This is Speaking about God.
You see, the Personality of who has given you an Appointment is more important than the Appointment itself!
Who has given us an Appointment tonight – God!
This God was trying to describe Himself to Moses when He was about to give Moses an Appointment.
Exodus 3:14 – He couldn’t even described Himself.
He said: Tell the children of Israel that my Name is “I Am”.
I. I am everything that you Need now and everything that you will ever Need.
II. I am what you Need that you don’t even know that you Need.
III. I am what you needed yesterday, what you Need today and what you will Need tomorrow – What you Need forever!
In Me is everything that you Need – “I Am”.
- The Second Element is “Arise”.
Now, this is a Position of Action.
I decree and declare over someone under the Sound of my voice today or reading now on the Label of DMC that God will take a Position of Action over your Life tonight – Amen.
At least according to Psalms 68:1 – We know that when God arises; what happens to His enemies? – They scatter.
- The Third Element is “Mercy”.
This is Perhaps the most important Part of this Bible Text.
Why? – Romans 9:5 again God speaking to Moses.
He said that I am in Charge of Mercy, I am in Charge of Compassion – I show Mercy on whom I will show Mercy and I will have Compassion on whom I will have Compassion.
Tonight, I Pray on who can hear me or read now on the Label of DMC and can shout Amen in Faith tonight; God will discharge Mercy for you – Amen!
- The Forth Element is “Favour”.
You see, the Dictionary says that: Favour is an Act that is Performed out of Goodwill or Generosity.
Psalms 5: 12 says – For thou, LORD, wilt bless the Righteous; with Favour wilt thou compass him as with a Shield.
- The Fifth Element is “Time”.
… Not just “Ordinary Time” but the “Appointed Time”.
When we put all of these together; we can conclude that when your Appointed Time is here, three (3) things will happen to you and to me:
- God Arises.
- Mercy is Discharged.
- Favour locates you.
Let me again announce to someone tonight: Tonight is your Appointed Time – Amen.
The enemies cannot Stand it, demons can never stop it, there is Nothing devil and his mother In-law can do about it – Tonight is your Appointed Time (Amen).
Let me Zero-In on the last Element which is “Time”:
I. We must understand Time that in Ecclesiastes 3:1 – To every thing there is a Season, and a Time to every Purpose under the Heaven:
II. We must understand Ecclesiastes 9:11 – I returned, and saw under the Sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the Strong, neither yet bread to the Wise, nor yet riches to Men of Understanding, nor yet Favour to Men of skill; but Time and Chance happeneth to them all.
III. We also know from Genesis 8:22 – While the Earth remaineth, Seedtime and Harvest, and Cold and Heat, and Summer and Winter, and Day and Night shall not cease.
IV. John 12:23 – And Jesus answered them, saying, The Hour is come, that the Son of Man should be Glorified.
I believed that this is the Time that the Son of Man should be Glorified – Amen!
Very Quickly – How does an Appointed Time becomes triggered?
- There is Divine Remembrance.
I Prefer to call it “Divine Conspiracy.
When a Man’s or Woman’s Appointed Time comes; Heaven begin to Plot on your behalf.
A. Heaven begins to orchestrate on your behalf:
I. Heaven can make crisis occur because of you.
II. Heaven can cause Recession in a Nation because of you.
III. Heaven can create a Need in a Company because of you.
B. When a Man’s or Woman’s Appointed Time comes like tonight; Heaven can begin to create “Divine Conspiracy”.
How do they do it?
Exodus 3:9 – When the Appointed Time for the children of Israel came according to the Word of God that is spoken – Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them.
That cry will get God to begin to move on your behalf – Amen.
… You may not know it yet, you may not see it yet!
That is how that Song says:
You may not know how
You may not know when
He will do it again.
But now we know when – We know that it is tonight!
… And so, Heaven started to create this Conspiracy!
- When an Appointed Time has come; God triggers it with a “Divine Decision”.
I Pray for someone tonight under the Sound of my voice or reading now on the Label of DMC: Heaven has decided to entertain you – Amen. Tonight is the Night of Intervention – Amen.
Exodus 3:10 says: I will bring my People out of Egypt.
… It was a Decision because the Time had come!
- There is then a “Divine Action”.
Exodus 3: 21, He said: I will give the People Favour.
… Remember the Scriptures that we read – Psalms 102:13.
When I give them Favour, this is what it will lead to.
Exodus 14:30 says: Thus the Lord save Israel that day.
… Thus the Lord save Moses today; thus the Lord save DMC today.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I. Joseph was in Prison – Heaven created a crisis in Egypt, it triggers his Appointed Time to become a Prime Minister.
II. David was a Shepherd Boy – Heaven created a crisis in Israel, it triggers David’s Appointment.
III. The Widow of Zarephath was in Great Lack – Heaven orchestrated Elijah’s Supply to dry up; so that he will go and meet the Widow.
It doesn’t make sense for a Widow to sustain a Man of God
It wasn’t for Elijah sake; it was for the Widow of Zarephath so that she can live in Abundance forever.
God creates crisis, He creates circumstances, He orchestrate things so that you can step into Destiny.
As I begin to bring this to a Close – There was a Picture God put Infront of me early hours of this Morning as I was Praying for tonight.
A few Years ago when my first daughter was about to be born. My wife was in a far Country and I had to travel for about fourteen (14) hours to be with her.
The Doctors had told us that she was going to be due a week even before I arrive. But I said let me go ahead on time just in case.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m going somewhere; Stay with me.
The Night as I arrived very late – Tired and Jet-lag; I said let me take a nap – It was about 9pm in the Evening.
I only slept for about one (1) hour; she touched me on my leg – As somebody will touch you tonight (Amen).
And said to me: Sweetheart, it is time.
… It’s time for what?
She said that my water broke, I’m feeling Contraction.
DMC NOTES: Uterine Contraction – This is the tightening of Uterine Muscle fibres that occurs briefly and intermittently throughout Pregnancy, and more regularly and forcefully during Active Labour.
Tonight, somebody water is breaking – Amen!
In the Spiritual Realm, somebody water is breaking – Amen. Somebody Destiny is feeling Contraction – Amen!
Why? – Because it is Time!
I bring to you Good News tonight – I say: It is Time!
And as she was saying: It is Time; we grabbed our bags and started heading to the Hospital.
I was fluttered because it is Time!
I. When it is Time – Menopause becomes Menostart.
II. When it is Time, the barren becomes Joyful Mother of children.
III. When it is Time, those who could not get a job is getting ten (10) jobs.
IV. When it is Time, the Single Lady suddenly marries.
V. When it is Time, a Struggling Ministry begins to explode with Members.
VI. When it is Time, a Nation emerges out of Shackles into Freedom.
VII. When it is Time (Appointed Time); my dear Music Ministers even if you don’t want fame, fame will look for you.
VIII. When it is Time, The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) becomes the Leading Light in the Body of Christ and lite every Nations out of Darkness into His Marvelous Light.
Because it is Time tonight, God is about to move on your behalf.
IX. When it is Time, a Generation arises.
X. When it is Time, what you have been chasing begins to chase you.
XI. When it is Time, God collapses the Time for your sake.
XII. When it is Time, like tonight; things that has never worked before begins to work.
XIII. When it is Time, you buy a Key Holder even though you don’t have a car.
XIV. When it is Time, you begin to buy baby Clothes even though there is no baby.
XV. When it is Time, you buy a Wedding Ring for Proposal even when there is no Woman.
XVI. When it is Time, you begin to get your Suits ready because job is coming.
XVII. When it is Time, you have a Call of God upon your Life but there is no Microphone yet. Nobody is seeing you but you lock yourself up and begin to Preach the Word of God to yourself and you begin to Preach to her and hear yourself and hear God.
XVIII. When it is Time, you draw crowds into the Inner Chambers of God.
… It is Time tonight
Let me hear you say it – It is Time!
Pay attention as I Close – I have got two (2) Pentecostal Minutes left. Something must shift in our “Collective Destiny” tonight – Amen!
As my father in the Lord comes up tonight to declare the Words of God; the Ground of Faith must be Prepared.
Tonight, we must Stand ready.
You see, there are some Nights that you don’t want to miss – This is one of the Nights!
Whether you are connected Virtually, Listening Physically or reading now on the Label of DMC: You don’t want to miss tonight – Amen
How do I know?
When it is Time, there are Strange Occurrences that will be happening.
… And there will be Strange Occurrences Spiritually tonight – Amen.
Mark 10: 46-49 – Ladies and Gentlemen; Baetimeaus who I refused to call “Blind Baetimeaus” because he is no longer Blind.
He heard that Jesus Christ was in Town (Like Tonight).
He remembered and read in a Book: Psalms 102:13 – That you shall arise and have Mercy upon Zion, for the Time to Favour her, yea the Set Time has come.
But he understands that the Key there is Mercy!
Man cannot show you Mercy until God has discharged Mercy.
Man has no capacity to show you Mercy or compassion until God has shown you Mercy.
The reason why the Appointment has not been granted is because a Man is refusing to show Mercy – You need God to show Mercy, to unseat the Man or to turn the Man’s heart around.
Hear me and hear me very well – He got the information that Jesus Christ was in Town and he cried out and said: JESUS!
He understood the Personality of the Appointment – He said: JESUS!
He went further; he called Him to His Root – Thou Son of David.
What should He do? – Have Mercy on me!
And the Bible says that: Jesus Stood Still.
Heaven is Standing Still Right now – It depends on the decibel of our cry tonight.
He has to cry louder than everybody else for Jesus Christ to hear him.
Many other People must have been crying but he had to cry louder.
DMC NOTES: Decibel is a Unit used to measure the intensity of a Sound or the Power Level of an Electrical Signal by comparing it with a given level on a Logarithmic Scale.
And the Good News came – They said Jesus Stood Still and said: Bring him.
They turned to him and said: Be of Good Cheers, He calleth thee.
Tonight, He calleth thee; DMC, He calleth; Nigeria, He calleth thee; America, He calleth thee; Wherever you are Watching or reading from, He calleth thee tonight.
As I wrap up; we close and we Pray.
Hear me – He said in that moment: Have Mercy on me and Jesus Stood Still.
The only Person that cannot receive Mercy tonight is someone who has not surrendered to Jesus Christ.
As my father in the Lord makes the Altar Call – Hebrews 9:27 says: It is Appointed unto Man once to die, after is Judgement.
Before you keep an Appointment with death, make it right with God tonight.
Let’s lift up our two (2) hands as we cry:
Say: Jesus, thou Son of David have Mercy upon me, discharge Mercy.
Open up your mouth and Pray that Prayer now!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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