DATE: 26TH MARCH, 2023


Let Us Pray!


You are Worthy Oh Lord
You are Worthy
You are Worthy to be Glorified
You are Worthy Oh Lord
You are Worthy
You are Worthy to be Glorified

Angels are Singing
You are Worthy Oh Lord
You are Worthy Oh Lord
We are Singing
You are Worthy Oh Lord
You are Worthy Oh Lord


Father, You are Worthy – You are Worthy to be Glorified, You are Worthy to be Adored. There is no one like You – You are the Prince of Peace, You are the One who Speaks and say: “Peace be Still” and all will be well.

Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.

Please today, open the Heavens; Speak Peace to our Storms; Speak Peace to our Nations and let all be well.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

We are continuing with our Series and we are talking about: “For Whom The Heavens Open – Part 10.

And we will be reading the Bible Text from Joshua 5: 13-15

Joshua 5:13-15:

  1. And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?
  2. And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the Earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto his servant?
  3. And the Captain of the LORD’S host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy. And Joshua did so.

Now, it may surprise you – Those of you who has been following us and reading on the Label of DMC; that we have been reading this Bible Text again and again (From Part 8 to 10) and we are yet to even talk about it. Don’t worry, we will talk about it.

Because like we said, we started this Series – “For Whom The Heavens Open” based on what happened to Elisha in 2 Kings 2: 9-15

But we said that the Heavens Open to Elisha and that Heavens had opened to others before him.

And so, we started looking at other People “For Whom The Heavens Opened”.

And in this Case (Bible Text); we see clearly that the Heavens opened to Joshua. He was facing a very big Problem – That is the Wall that is blocking his way.

Later on, we will talk about that – We will talk about Walls, we will talk about the difference between a Wall and a Mountain et cetera et cetera.

There are lot of beautiful things to learn from the Story.

We will get to that.

But we said that there are some things that we should keep on reminding ourselves about.

And one of the things that we said that we should remind ourselves about was the issue of some of us sitting down at home and not going back to Church.

Because one thing that you need to know is that when the enemies want to take a Champion, he doesn’t come with a “Frontal Attack”.

When he wants to leak the tank of a Strong Man of God, he doesn’t dig a deep hole in the tank. He will dig a very tiny hole so that the fuel will just begin to drop just a little at a time so that the Man of God will not even realised that he was loosing fuel until a day will come when he suddenly wake up and decided that I will go up as at before and then discovered that the tank was Empty.

You don’t believed me, ask Samson – Samson will tell you that Delilah took a little step at a time down the Hill.

Oh, if they bind me with New kind of rope, until he little by little began to talk about if they weave my hair; before finally he said: Cut Off the hair.

You see, when you sit down at home, you may not realised it – But little by little, you are losing Heat.

And I don’t want you to wake up one day and discovered that your Fuel Tank is empty – Get back to Church!

THE reason we keep on going back to the Church is that the fact that you drank water yesterday doesn’t mean that you don’t need to drink water today.

If you stop drinking water, you will dehydrate and Nothing kills like dehydration.

A man can do without food for a long time but he can’t do without water.

Get back to Church and begin to drink from that Well that will never run dry.

It is so important that I have to keep on repeating it until I believed in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ that it will Penetrate into you so that by next Sunday; you will be back in Church in Jesus Name – Amen.

And then we have discussed what exactly we meant by: “When The Heavens Open”. And we said that well, when Heaven opens, certain things happens. And we gave reasons:

  1. It could be that God wants to reach out and Pluck Out Someone Special out of the “Jaws of Death”.
  2. We said that He Stretch Out His Everlasting Arms to Pick Up somebody who is sinking in a Miry Clay and Promote him.
  3. It could be to “Knock Down” Someone who was becoming “Too Big” for his own Good and People around him.
  4. It could be to arrest Someone who is trying to block the Spread of the work of God.
  5. It could be that God wants to start a New Era – God wants to start something New like He wants to bring the Gospel finally to the Gentiles.
  6. When God wants to Introduce Someone Special – A Special Personality.
  7. When He wants to Welcome a Great Warrior of Christ to Heaven Above.
  8. It could be when God wants to Welcome Home Overcomers of Death.

Further reasons why the Heavens could Open include the following:

  1. You can get so close to the Almighty God that the Heavens can open to you and cause you to Cheat Death.

You see, there are some of us who are listening to the Message of God now or reading now on the Label of DMC; who will never die Physically.

There are some People when they hear us say that: The Almighty God will make you Whole, that you will never be sick again; they hesitate to say Amen!

Because they are asking the Question: If I don’t fall sick, how will I ever be able to die? Do they have to be Sick to go to Heaven?

And I’m Praying for all of you who are listening to me now or reading now on the Label of DMC – In the Name that is above every other names, for the rest of your Life, you will not know Sickness (Amen).

There are People before who went to Heaven without falling sick:

I. Enoch happened to be one of them – That is one of the reason that I believed that I may go with the Rapture.

In Genesis 5:24; the Bible says that Enoch walked with God and he was not because God took him.

… The Heavens just opened and God just took him away – He wasn’t sick, he didn’t die; he just went.

One day, a Sunday School Teacher asked his Class – Who can tell us what happened to Enoch?

And one Student just got up and said: Enoch and God were so close friends that occasionally, God will come down from Heaven to Pay Enoch a visit. And on one occasion, He (God) Paid Enoch a visit and Enoch was escorting God back to His Own House and they kept on going and going. And by the time they looked back, the house of Enoch was far away.

And so God just said: Don’t go back to your own house – Just come along with me to my house.

It sounds like the Story of a Child, but full of Meaning!

You can get so close to the Almighty God that the Heavens can open to you and cause you to Cheat Death.

When you hear the Story of how some People Passed away without Sickness, without Ache, without Pain; you will want to say: Oh God, how I wish the Heavens will open when it is time for me to come home.

I still remembered an Uncle of mine – He went to Church on Thanksgiving Sunday (A Pastor); had a fantastic Thanksgiving Service, got home, took Breakfast; then the wife was Preparing Lunch and just as they were Pounding the Yam, he decided to go to the Toilet to ease himself.

And they finished Pounding Yam and they said the man should come out of the Toilet. They opened the door to find out that he was gone.

… Now, that is a beautiful way to go!

II. Of course, what about Elijah in 2 Kings 2: 9-11.

I like the way Elijah left – It was so Dramatic. He was a Dramatic Man and so left Dramatically.

The Almighty God sent His Own Rolls Royce to go and bring in His Great Man of God.

He didn’t just went in the Rolls Royce of the Almighty God; he had escorts to lead and went with a Whirlwind – The Holy Spirit came, surrounded him and they zoomed off.

Elijah never tasted Death.

When you considered that there was a Stage in his Life that he was so said that he was asking God to kill him. And instead of God killing him, God fed him twice.

It Pays to be a friend of God; it Pays to be close to the Almighty God. God looked at him and said: Kill you? You won’t even taste Death.

III. And more interestingly in 1 Corinthians 15: 51-58 and then 1 Thessalonians 4: 15-18; the Bible gives us the Dramatic Descriptions of what will happen at the Rapture.

When those of us who remains till the Lord returns; when it is time for us to go; we won’t go quietly; the world will know that something is happening – The Trumpet will sound, the whole world will know the News because there will be many People left behind.

The News all over the world will be – We don’t know what happened, all we know is that Millions had disappeared. They are here today and they had gone tomorrow.

Oh, how beautiful the Rapture will be.

Some People had tried to describe it for us – That there will be a lot of Traffic Jam on that Day because many Drivers will disappear; a lot of of Air crashes because the Pilots had disappear.

Unfortunately, some Pastors don’t even want to talk about it anymore – Prosperity has dull their senses to the fact that Heavens is about to Open.

Some People don’t want to leave the world – They are falling in love with the world and the things that are in the world.

I have Good News for you – If you don’t leave these Goodies, the Goodies will leave you. One day, your hands won’t be able to hold on to anything.

That is why it is better for you – Like Jesus said; He said: If you want to keep your Life, you must be willing to loose it to me

Because if you say: No, No, No; I want to hold on to Life, you are going to loose your Life. Sooner or later, it is Appointed unto man to die – You can’t take any car with you, you can’t take any Mansion with you; all the money you are hoarding that is not allowing you to serve the Almighty God, you won’t be able to take a Single dime with you.

How Wonderful will it be when the Rapture comes, that you welcome the Lord Joyfully because you are moving to Mansions built with Gold, you will be walking on Streets Paved with Gold.

When the time comes to leave this world, you can’t take anything along.

I have always told my children the Story of a Man in my Hometown who was a Wealthy Man but so Mindful of Money. He never trusted any Bank, he kept his money in a “Big Room” in his house.

And he was so Mindful of money that he will follow the wife to the Market – The wife will Price the Goods, he will Pay. The wife will come home to Prepare the food for him, he will keep the soup under his bed.

Then he died and his children who had gone Abroad came back home and they were still looking for the key to the “Big Room” but they couldn’t find it.

And one of the children suggested – This Rascal might have swallowed the key. So they picked up his body, turned his back and began to slap his back. And out of his mouth jumped out the key.

You brought Nothing into this world and you are not going to take anythimg Out.

Prepare for the Rapture – The Heavens can open anytime and those of us who are ready will go with Him.

  1. Now when the Heavens open, Divine Visitation is to be Expected.

A. It might be an Angel that the Almighty God will send.

I. An Angel may be sent to bring Good News like in Judges 13: 1-14.

It is talking about the family of Manoah – They were barren and the Almighty God wanted them to know that they were about to have a very Special son.

The incident waa so important that the Almighty God needed to send an Angel to tell them the Good News.

My Prayer today and even as you read on the Label of DMC; is that the Almighty God will send to you and bring you some Good News – Amen!

You know the rest of the Story of Samson:

  • The Angel came and spoke with the Mother that the Child will be very Special. So be careful what you eat or drink.
  • The husband wasn’t there and so the husband said that I will like to hear this Good News myself. And so the Angel came back the Second time.

II. And in Luke 1: 15-17; the Almighty God again opened the Heavens and send an Angel to go and tell His Servant, His High Priest, a Man who has been serving God Faithfully all the Years.

The Bible says that both himself and his wife were Righteous.

There are some of us who has been serving God wholeheartedly. And in some cases, we have find Man of God – And I believed that God is speaking to one Paricular family today or reading now on the Label of DMC: They have been serving God, Praying for Others and they have been receiving Answers to their Prayers but there had been a Problem in their lives that they have Prayed and Prayed about and Nothing had happened.

Oh, may the Heavens Opened today or as you read now on the Label of DMC – Amen; may the Almighty God send you a Visitor of Joy to you – Amen!

B. So when the Heavens open, Divine Visitation is to be Expected – It might be an Angel or God Himself coming.

I. In Genesis 18: 1-5; the Bible said that Abraham was sitting at home infront of his Tent and the Heavens opened and God came.

And God didn’t just come alone, He came with at least two (2) Escorts.

You know the rest of the Story – When Abraham lifted up his eyes, he knew immediately that these were not Ordinary Men and he invited them into his house. And then a lot of things followed.

II. But in Exodus 3: 1-6; you will noticed that in the case of Moses, God came Personally.

He Paid Moses a visit – He saw the bush that was burning with Fire and the bush was not consumed.

And the Bible says that God spoke to him out of the Fire – It wasn’t an Angel that He sent, He came Personally.

May the Almighty God visit Somebody Personally today – Amen!

Because when He comes Personally, it means that several things will happen:

  1. For God to come Personally, the first thing that He needs to do is to “Stand Up” because He is seated in Heaven.

Isaiah 66:1; the Almighty God said that Heaven is my Throne and the Earth is my Footstool

The Almighty God doesn’t have to leave Heaven to do anything on Earth – The Earth is under His Footstool and so all He has to do is to speak a Word and whatever He wants to happen on Earth will happen.

The Bible tells us in Psalms 115:3; it said: Our God is in Heavens, He does as He Pleases.

But occasionally, the Heavens will open and the Almighty God will “Stand Up” on His Throne and when He stands up, a lot of things happen:

For Example:

I. Psalms 68: 1-3; the Bible says: Let God arise and what follows is that His enemies will Scatter.

Oh, how I Pray this Day that the Almighty God will arise for you, that the Heavens will open and the One who made Heaven and the Earth will arise because when He does, His enemies Scatter.

And you know that God has no enemies other than your own enemies.

When He was talking to Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus, after he knocked him down and He said: Saul, why are you Persecuting me?

And Saul said: Who are you? How can I be Persecuting you when I can’t even see you?

Jesus Christ said: As long as you are Persecuting my children, then you are Persecuting me.

II. When God arises, He takes over your Battle – He begins to fight for you because your enemies are His enemies.

You need to Please understand this – That it is written that whenever you suffers, God is suffering also.

He said that with all his Afflictions, I am afflicted.

Take Note that the Almighty God is on your Side.

And the Lord of Host will fight for you – Amen!

We will continue from here in the Next Series!

So, you now know the reasons why you can’t afford to miss out even from following this Series with us @ Discovery Media Crew (DMC).

But that Passage that says: Let God arise and His enemies be scattered; is enough to tell you that if you are not in the Side of God, when God arises, you will be one of those who will be scattered.

When God arises, it means that the One who is called “The Consuming Fire” is arising. And believe it or not, some People are going to cry to God today and they will say: Oh God, arise.

And when He arises, you better be on the Side of God because otherwise, you will be one of those that He will deal with.


So, I’m appealing to those of you who are still joking with the Issue of your Salvation – You can’t do that anymore because the time for God to arise has come. Be on His Side so that you won’t be scattered.

So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ now; Please Stand wherever you are and cry to God.

And say: Please save my Soul, I can’t fight you because who am I to fight “The Consuming Fire”.

Please save my Soul, make me one of Your Own; forgive all my sins Lord and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

So that when you arise, you will be arising for me and not against me.

Call on Him now and I will Pray with you just now!


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You once again for Your Words. I want to say Thank You, Thank You, Thank You because I know that there are many People now surrendering their lives to You at this moment.

Please receive them, have Mercy on them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins and write their names in the Book of Life.

Please receive them into the Family of God and be for them rather than being against them.

And I Pray Lord God Almighty for all of us who will be crying to You today; Please open the Heavens and arise for us.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

All of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ today – I Congratulate you that God is now on your Side and I know that it is going to be well with you.

And I Promise you that from now on, I will be Praying for you.

So, Please get in contact with me very – Let me have your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests. And I will be Praying for you.

Please, locate the nearest The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to you, tell the Pastor there that I sent you and he will tell you what to do Next.

God Bless You!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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