DATE: 14TH JUNE 2023


Let Us Pray!


Emmanuel, Emmanuel
Emmanuel, my Lord Emmanuel
Emmanuel, Emmanuel
Emmanuel, my Lord Emmanuel

The King of Kings
The Lord of Lords
Emmanuel, my Lord Emmanuel


Father Almighty, we Worship You. King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Ancient of Days, we bow before You.

Thank You for all the Conventions that had taken Place on this Campground; Thank You for what You are about to do this Week. Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.

My Lord and my Saviour, even before this Night is out; Prove Yourself.

In all our lives Father, Please do something New.

Before tomorrow Morning Lord God Almighty; give us Divine Visitation.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: God will bless you Mightily.

I want to Thank the Almighty God for all the Organisers of this Program; for the way they have put tonight Program together – We need to appreciate them.

I thank God for the Musicians; I thank God for the Preachers – I thank God for everyone who has come before me.

I thank God for the one who brought the first Message and made the Altar Call.

I thank God for Bro Okonkwo – Like Mummy GO said; whether he is a Bishop or Apostle, but at least he is a Brother. Glory be to God.

And I thank God for the Zonal Presentations – As usual, my children had done “Marvelously Well”.

But of course, you know that as your Coach, I am never going to Stop with “Good” or “Very Good”; when there is something missing, I’m going to Point it our.

  1. Some of my boys were not repeating the Bible Passages.

When you mentioned the Bible Passage the first time, People don’t hear you because they were following your Previous Pronouncements.

And while they are still trying to absorb that, you made the Bible Quotation; then they realised.

It is when you repeat that Bible Quotation that they get what you said!

Every time you make a Bible Quotation, you must repeat it!

  1. No matter how brief your time is, you must Pray before you begin to Preach.

Because without Him, you can do Nothing!

No matter how beautiful your Sermon is, if you don’t start with Him; He may make sure that the People don’t hear you.

The Foundation to every Sermon must be:

I. You Worship Him.
II. You Pray to Him,

  1. And then not only that you must Pray before; you must Pray after.

You must Start with God and then Close with God because without Him, you are just making a Noise!

Back home in Nigeria, they say that if God is going to catch Imam, it will not be in the Presence of the Student of Qur’an.

I won’t comment on Pastor James Fadel (DMC NOTES: Pastor James Fadel is The Americas Continent Continental Overseer) in your Presence. He is my Host or else he won’t invite me next time.

If there is anything that needed to be corrected, we will do that in Private.

Thank God for Dunsin Oyekan – Thank God because we were able to get a taste of what Convention used to be! (DMC NOTES: Watch Out for the Video Ministrations of Dunsin Oyekan on our YouTube Channel).

When we have Convention, we sing, we dance, we are Free because in the Presence of God, there is Liberty and there is Fullness of Joy.

They asked me to come and give you “The Father’s Blessings” but on the Program, I saw “Main Talk”.

Which Talk is Main? We have already had all the Talks!

Ecclesiastes 12:1-7:

  1. Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy Youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no Pleasure in them;
  2. While the Sun, or the Light, or the Moon, or the Stars, be not darkened, nor the Clouds return after the rain:
  3. In the day when the Keepers of the house shall tremble, and the Strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened,
  4. And the doors shall be shut in the Streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of musick shall be brought low;
  5. Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the Streets:
  6. Or ever the Silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.
  7. Then shall the dust return to the Earth as it was: and the Spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

Sooner or later, no matter how Young you are if the Lord tarres, you are going Home!

We all came from Heaven and in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, we will return to Heaven – Amen!

James 4:8 says: Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

If you take a Step towards God, God will wait for you to take the first step.

The first Step you take to Him may be small – Your steps will be determined by the size of your legs.

And then, He will take one step towards you – And His Own step towards you will be determined by His Own Legs.

And His Legs are Mighty Long.

Isaiah 66:1 says: Heaven is His Throne, the Earth His Footstool.

… So, He has very long Legs!

Take one step towards Him, He will take one step towards you. But His one step towards you will be a Mighty Giant step!

In 1 Samuel 2:30, He made something clear – Those who Honour me, I will Honour.

For the rest of your Life Beloveth children, learn to Honour God – If you Honour Him, He will honour you!

So, when He says: Remember now your Creator in the days of your Youth, He is saying:

  1. If you remember your Creator, He will remember you.

People who are supposed to help you may forget you and they may forget you for years – It doesn’t matter how Good you are to them.

I. You know the Story of Joseph in Genesis 40: 1-23.

Joseph interpreted a Dream to a Man – He told him: Sir, God is going to restore you to your Position. When you get back to Pharaoh, tell Him that there is a boy in Prison who shouldn’t be there.

As soon as the Man got his Dream interpreted and fulfilled; he forgot Joseph for two (2) Solid years.

But if you remember God, He will remember you.

I believed that God brought you to this Convention (DMC NOTES: RCCG “The Americas” Convention 2023) because the time has come for Him to remember you!

Because if He remembers you; in less than 24 hours, He can fulfill all the Promises that He has made to you!

He has Promised Joseph when he was a Young Boy – You are going to be Great, you are going to be a Ruler, your Brothers and even your Parents will be bowing down before you.

God said this and there was Silence.

But one day, God remembered Joseph and all the Promises of God became fulfilled in less than 24 hours.

I have Good News for Somebody who is here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC – Before the Sun rises tomorrow, God will remember you (Amen).

II. In Genesis 30: 22-24; the Bible says that God remembered Rachel and opened her Womb and all the years of her Fruitless Efforts ended.

Rachel got into trouble not because she did anything wrong; the only Problem she had was that she was beautiful.

So beautiful that a Man was willing to wait for her for 14 years and Labour for 14 years to marry her.

  • It wasn’t the fault of Rachel that she was beautiful.
  • It wasn’t the fault of Rachel that her Sister wasn’t such beautiful.
  • It wasn’t the fault of Rachel that the Husband loved her and didn’t like the Sister so much.

But the Bible says that when God saw that Rachel was loved and her Sister (DMC NOTES: Rachel Sister is called Leah) was hated; He shut the Womb of Rachel.

I don’t know if I am not digging “Too Deep”; but there might be some of us who are in trouble today not because we did anything wrong. We are in trouble because of what our Forefathers did and we are still Paying for what they did.

But a Day came when God remembered Rachel and all of a sudden, she began to succeed where she used to fail.

I’m decreeing for all of you my children – In the Name that is above every other name, whatever is it that has been hindering your Progress will be gone tonight (Amen).

III. In Exodus 2: 1-24; the Bible tells us the Story of about how Israel got into trouble. They cried to God and finally, God remembered His Covenant.

He remembered His Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

And because He remembered His Covenant, He remembered Moses – Exodus Chapter 3.

Because God remembered the Covenant with Abraham; He remembered a Fugitive, He remembered a Man in a Strange Land, He remembered a Man and brought His Destiny to the forefront.

I don’t know exactly all that God wants to do during this Convention (DMC NOTES: RCCG “The Americas” Convention 2023); but I have a feeling that He is going to remember His Covenant with the Founders of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) and as a result:

I. Some People in the Land where they were not born.

II. Some Guests in a “Strange Land”.

III. Some Immigrants – Some of them not even Legal

God is going to remember you!

Now, some of you who Dreamt long ago that you are going to be Great.

And when I said Dreamt, I am not talking of the Dream you had when you Sleep; I am talking of something within you just telling you: “You are not made to be Ordinary”.

There are People just like that – They just knew that they are going to be Great.

They can’t really say why they feel like this and years had Passed and instead of things getting Great, it seems things getting far from being Great.

Somehow, I feel that Day has come when God is going to remember you!

If you are the one, let your Amen sound like Thunder- Amen!!!

IV. You know that by the time we read in Acts 10: 1-end – The Story of Cornelius.

We just read it casually, but if you Pay close attention; the Bible says God said to him: All your Alms, all Your Good Deeds have come up before God for a Memorial.

Memorial means that this thing has been in the Memory of God for quite a while.

It might be Possible that there might be Somebody here who has been working for God, serving God, doing the Best you can. You don’t have to be Old – You could be Young and you have not been Rewarded.

But God never forgets – Everything you do for God, He records it. There is a Computer of God that Stores everything you have done for Him!

I have a feeling that before this Convention is over; the Book of Remembrance will be opened in Heaven and your Rewards will begin to come – Amen!

  1. Remember your Creator in the time of your Youth, could be a little more than Remembering – It could mean “Re-establish your Link with Him (God).

One of my boys who spoke said: Emmanuel is God’s Plan for you.

He wants to be with us but some of us because we became “Too Intelligent” for God; we have lost Contact with Him.

Some of us, as Young as we are; use to hear from God, some of us have Prophesised before – Accurate Prophecy!

Not all Prophecies will come with Somebody Standing Up and saying: Thus saith the Lord.

There are some Prophecies that will be as if we are just discussing – Something is going to happen very soon and it will happen.

But for one reason or the other; we have lost Contact.

And there are some Men of God who used to Prophesy accurately but when they discovered that the Prophecies were no longer coming; they begin to fake it.

We had a Meetimg in Houston USA just before we came here and only Men of God were there – Mighty Men of God!

I was inspired by God to make an Altar Call – Not for Someone who want to be saved but People who realised that the Fire is no longer there.

It will amazed you that those who responded to the Altar Call are more than seventy Percent (70%) of those Present.

I have Good News for those of us who are at this Convention – The Almighty God will Re-establish our Links (Amen).

You know occasionally, I have to Struggle – Struggle between obeying God all the way or upsetting my friends.

But at the end of the day, you know who will win – God wins!

Not long ago, God was discussing with me – And I am saying that with all Humility. He is my Daddy and He talks to me once a while about things you won’t even think about.

And we were talking about my friends – Those that I regarded as close to me. And He was talking to me about how backsliding they are.

They still Pray – You know “Real Prayers”; even though the Fire may not be there.

You know, long after the Power is gone, the Fan is still rotating; long after the Electricity is gone, the Fridge will still be cold.

And He was trying to Prove it to me that I need to intercede more for my “So-Called Close friends”.

And He choose an area to illustrate His Point – But I find it a bit embarrassing.

He said that there are some of your friends that you liked, that you considered “Close Friends”; that when you visit them, they give you as much as a thousand Dollars ($1,000). And I said yes I know them.

He said: But do you remember that more than 10 years ago, they gave you a thousand Dollars ($1,000).

I said yes and I’m grateful that they still give me a a thousand Dollars ($1,000) this year.

He said if they gave you a a thousand Dollars ($1,000) 10 years ago and they give you a a thousand Dollars ($1,000) this year; what does that tell you?

That they are 10 years behind!

He said because everybody knows what a a thousand Dollars ($1,000) can buy 10 years ago but its not what it can buy now – There is something called Inflation.

I tried to say: Daddy, but you know very well that these my friends, they just give whatever they gave me just to show friendship. They know that I don’t need the money.

He said that is the Point I’m making – They know God has moved you on, but they have not moved on.

Whoever I am talking to tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC; I Pray that God will open your ears to hear – Amen!

I am not saying this because I need an Offering – No! He has blessed me and I can’t deny that because I have learnt the Secret of Blessings long ago – Total Surrender!

You need to remember your Creator now in the days of your Youth before it is “Too Late” – Some of us are years behind!

When you discussed backsliding as defined to you before.

If we are talking of backsliding, we aren’t talking about really falling back to sin; we are talking of you not being where you ought to be.

If you are in Grade 9 in School this year and next year, you are still in Grade 9; you are no longer in Grade 9 because your Colleagues has gone to Grade 10 and they have left you behind.

But the Bible wants you during this Convention to know the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth; so that the Truth can make you Free.

… Remember now! So that you can return to your Creator.

Emmanuel is waiting, He doesn’t Change – His Name is “I Am”. If you have drifted from Him, you are the one to come back to Him.

He says if you return to God, He will heal your backsliding.

Emmanuel is asking you to Link Up with Him!

I. When you Link Up with Him, you will discovered that your Success will be easy.

Some of us are succeeding by Struggle – He can give you Success without a Sweat.

I’m sure that some of you will tell those who organise this Evening that you shouldn’t have brought this Man up tonight; you should have left him to Thursday and Friday.

But God brought you here tonight because before tomorrow, Emmanuel will be by your Side.

II. When you Link Up with Him as the Bible says in Isaiah 40: 28-31; even though you are a Youth, Youth will become weak, they too become tired.

That is why I read that Passage to you – It says: Remember Him now that you are Young.

You are still Strong, you can still jump up and down, you can still do things that Somebody as old as myself can’t do – But He is telling you that a Day is coming when leg begins to tremble, when the teeth will no longer be thirty two (32) because some of them would have gone.

He said: Remember now, so that He will begin to carry you from now on – Because that is what He wants to do!

He wants you to succeed far, far beyond your wildest Imaginations!

III. Remember now – Don’t sow “Wild Oats”

That I am Young, I want to enjoy myself – The Bible tells us that if you sow “Wild Oats”; you will reap “Wild Oats”.

Ecclesiastes 11:9 says that you are Young, enjoy yourself, satisfy yourself, fool yourself as much as you want but remember you are going to Pay.

If there is any regret that I have in Life, it is that: Oh God, why didn’t I get saved earlier?

Ask those of us who get saved a bit late in Life – God healed the wounds but the scars remained. We made some Mistakes but some of us still Paying for theirs till now!

But it is written that the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sins – That is true but every trees Planted bear Fruits.

You don’t believed me, ask Apostles Paul – He was telling the Story of how many times he was beaten by rods et cetera et cetera and how many times they threw him into Prison.

It is what he sowed that he was reaping!

When he complained about that, God says: My Grace will be sufficient.

I want you to learn my children – Learn from your daddy!

Can you believed where we would have been now if I have met the Lord Jesus Christ maybe at the Age of 20 years? I can’t even begin to imagine where we will be by now.

You see because the Day of Harvest begins to come from the Day you sow – Until you sow, they don’t begin to count the number of days towards the Harvest!

Remember your Creator now, Link Up with Him now; Surrender all to Him so that your “Harvest of Joy” will come sooner!

Nobody can tell you this kind of Truth except me.

Because in a Beautiful Night like this; the kind of Sermon People want to hear will be the one that will take us to Clapping and Shouting!

No, I want you to go to your bed sober – Thinking what must I put right before tomorrow this week.

IV. You can Link Up with Emmanuel through His Word.

He said your Words have I kept in my heart so that I may not sin against you (DMC NOTES: Psalms 119:11).

He says by which means can a Young Man Cleanse his ways; He says by Paying attention to the Word of God (DMC NOTES: Psalms 119:9).

V. You can Link Up with Emmanuel through your dad – Your father can Link you Up with Emmanuel.

I have said it again and again – Where your father ends, that is where you are supposed to begin.

That is why you should Pray that your father will not die Young; Pray that your father will keep on getting Higher and Higher because you are going to Stand on his Shoulder to see your Future!

In Genesis 27:33; Isaac said to Esau – I have blessed Jacob and he shall be blessed.

I am going to bless you tonight – And in the Name that is above all names; in the Name of the One who called me, you shall be blessed – Amen!

Blessings does not come from the father unless the son has made Provisions!

Isaac said to Esau – Go and get me meat, make the kind of food that I like.

Like one of my friends will say – Make my belly Sweet that I can then bring the Blessings from the bottom of my Heart.

You know that he (Esau) came looking for Antelope, his brother had gone to get one Sheep. When they had added spices to it, Papa didn’t know the difference – Meat is Meat, he just enjoyed it.

By the time the boy came from the bush, Papa said that my stomach is full, I have blessed him and he will be blessed.

In the Name above all other names, you shall be blessed on Credit today – I will bless you first and you will Pay later!

Even a “Leftover Blessing”; if the Blessing comes from your father, even a crumb is enough to make you Great!

Because when Esau said: Papa, are you telling me that you have only one Blessing?

The father said that I have already made him your Lord!

Esau said: Anything left at all?

His father said: Okay, I will give you a crumb – Genesis 27: 38-40; just a little Leftover.

But what happened with the Leftover? – Read Genesis 32: 3-7; the Bible said that when Jecob was returning home and he sent Message ahead to go and tell his brother. The People he sent came back and said: We told your brother and he is coming to meet you with four hundred (400) Bodyguards.

… Crumb of a Blessing and it took that one from Nothing to a Man with four hundred (400) Bodyguards!

Ordinary People don’t go out with Bodyguards.

The first time that the President of Nigeria came to the RCCG Holy Ghost Congress in Nigeria; he came with two hundred and fifty (250) Bodyguards – That’s a President!

Esau is more than a President – He was travelling with four hundred (400) Bodyguards.

No matter how little of the Blessings of tonight that you get; you will be Greater than the President – Amen!

I said that your father can Link you Up with Emmanuel – When you read 2 Kings 2: 9-15; it was the God of Elijah that opened River Jordan.

Elisha knew – He was Wise enough. He didn’t say: Where is the Lord God of Elisha. No! Where is the Lord God of my father!

And God said: Alright, what I did for your father, I will do it for you.

And when River Jordan opened and he crossed over; the Son of the Prophet came to Him because they said: The Spirit of Elijah thus rest on Elisha.

I don’t want to tell you Stories – But once upon a time in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); there was a handful of People that the Elders said: Please don’t mind them, they have the Spirit of Adeboye.

At that time, Adeboye was a Nobody.

Those boys /girls that they said had the Spirit of Adeboye; one of them is Pastor James Fadel (DMC NOTES: Continental Overseer, RCCG Americas). All the others are all over the world. If you look for them, you will fund them in Charge of Nations as far away as in Australia or any Part of the world.

They had the Spirit of Adeboye, that is what they said!

I am an “Ordinary Man” – You should know that by now.

Don’t believed anybody who says “I am an Angel” – Angels don’t eat Pounded Yam.

But somehow, it has Pleased the Almighty God to bring me in Contact with Himself through my father-in-the-Lord (DMC NOTES: Reverend Josiah Akindayomi).

And we have heard Testimonies that some of you won’t even believed – When Peoole found themselves in very tight corners and they say: Oh, God of my Daddy, father Adeboye.

I will share one with you and then I will bless you.

There was this Testimony of Someone that was taking his Relation to the Hospital because she wanted to give birth.

You know thary occasionally, we have what we called “Traffic Jam” – Incidentally, I discovered you can have it in America. Blessed America!

So, there was this very serious “Traffic Jam” – You can’t go forward, or backward and the woman was in a very Crictical situation/crises.

To cut the long Story short, she died.

And the Fellow with this woman in the car said: What will I do now? Cars not moving, the Hospital still far and everything was at a Standstill.

Then she remembered – I have a God. If He doesn’t hear me, He is likely to hear my Father.

He took an Handkerchief that we have Anointed, laid it on the dead body and began to Pray – God of my father Adeboye, come to my Help now!

After 1 hour, the woman came back to Life.

Now, ask the Medical Doctors; they will tell you that if the mother has been dead for 1 hour, definitely the baby in the Womb will be gone too because the baby gets his own air through the one the mother is breathing.

The woman came back to Life, delivered the baby in the Vehicle – Mother and baby doing fine.

There is a God who answers Prayers – If your father has a Link with God, that Link is likely going to speak for you!

So, I am going to ask you to speak to God for few Minutes tonight – Maybe you want to say: Emmanuel, You are the God of my father; bless me tonight.

Go ahead and talk to God!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, all I am asking for tonight is that as I Stand before you as a Representative of these Your Children; You will grant their Requests.

Emmanuel, I know that You are with me because that is Your Promise when You Called me into “Full Time” Ministry – That wherever I go, you will go with me. And so, I know that You are here.

And so in Your Name, I hereby Pronounced the Blessings on all Your Children:

Beginning from now, you will be Blessed – In the Morning, you will be Blessed; in the Afternoon, you will be Blessed; in the Evening, you will be Blessed; whatever you Touch will Prosper, your Destiny will be Preserved

Everything Good that God wants to do in your Life that remained Dormant will be Activated tonight.

By tomorrow (Day 2, Thursday15th June 2023), you will dance more for God.

And the Grace for you to remain Connected to “My God” forever; God will give unto you.

It shall be well with you, even in your bed tonight; Emmanuel will Pay you a visit.

And if the Lord Returns before tomorrow (Day 2, Thursday15th June 2023), then together we will be with Him.

Thank You my Father and my God – Thank You because I know that it is done.

For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Who get the “Biggest Blessings” tonight; then shout the “Biggest Hallelujah” – HALLELUJAH!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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