Praise the Name of the Lord – Hallelujah!

Let Us Pray.


Eternal Father, we want to say Thank You.

Surely, You are The Master Builder, You are the Master Provider – You are More Than an Impart, and You are the God that Gives.

All that happens between the Time the Foundation of this Parish was done and now the Dedication Program; You are there.

And Thank You Daddy for seeing us through; Thank You for the Help from Heaven; Thank You for the Gift of Lives; Thank You for all the Pastors You have brought even at the Appropriate Time; Thank You for Dependable and Wonderful Members; Thank You for the Resources that You sent to us and Thank You for Your Help that was so Marvelous.

Lord, we can behold the Beauty and the Glory here today and so we say be Lifted Up in the Name of Jesus.

So, on behalf of Your Son – Pastor E.A Adeboye; we kneel down upon this Altar to Dedicate this Church – The RCCG Jehovah Jireh Parish this Day: Sunday, 28th April 2024; in the Name of God The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit.

We decree and declare that from today; let the Heavens be Opened upon here and let there be Rains of Blessings.

We declare this Place: “A Miracle Center”.

Each Time that People come to Worship here:

I. Let there be Signs and Wonders and let there be Miracles.

II. When the Barren steps here, let them become Fruitful in the Name of Jesus.

III. When the Poor comes here to Worship, let them Prosper in the Name of Jesus.

IV. Even when the Failure enters here, let them become Success in the Name of Jesus.

V. Lord of Heaven, everything that is happening at The RCCG Redemption Camp; right from this moment, let it begin to be happening here.

VI. Everything that is happening wherever Your Son – Pastor E.A Adeboye Stand to Minister; each Time Your Ministers Stand Up here to Preach, let the same Miraclea happen in the Name of Jesus.

Thank You Eternal Father!

Everyone that You have used to make this Place a Reality; Lord Eternal, You will build their lives, You will build their homes, You will build their Businesses, and You will build their Finances in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Lord, I Pray for the Pastor that started this Parish and even the Current Pastor (DMC NOTES: The Pioneer and Current PIC remains Pastor Deji Afolabi); let Your Fresh Oil be Released upon them in the Name of Jesus.

The Lord Jehovah Jireh will Enlarge you, He will Expand you, He will Promote you, and He will Protect you.

All the Projects that you have mentioned and you still want to embark on; Jehovah Jireh will Supply our Needs and all of them will turn to Testimony.

Thank You Eternal Father.

Lord we Pray that in Your Kingdom – Where You have gone to build our Mansions; all of us will not be found wanting.

As we speak Your Words: empower Your Words, Anoint Your Words and let Your Words be a Vehicle of Blessings to us.

Thank You Eternal Father!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Somebody that believed that Jehovah Jireh will Supply all his/her Needs, shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Please take your Seat – The Lord bless you in the Name of Jesus (Amen).

I have never seen any Parish like this all around Region 12 of RCCG.

I want you to Celebrate our Beloveth Pastor in the Province – DMC NOTES: Pastor Chatles Otoki and Pastor (Mrs) Eunice Otoki (PICP AND WPICP, Ogun Province 8).

The Lord bless you sir – Amen.

More Glorious Things will happen in your Tenure in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

All our APICP’s in the Province – The Lord bless you and keep you and your Family in the Name of Jesus (Amen).

DMC NOTES: Pastor and Pastor (Mrs) Peter Olumade (APICP and WAPICP, Admin) and Pastor and Pastor (Mrs) Oluwaseun Oduntan (APICP and WAPICP CSR).

All the Ministers on the Altar – God Bless You.

DMC NOTES: In attendance and seated on the Altar: Pastor J.K Olofin (PIC Shalom Area/Zone); Pastor John Idowu (PYP Ogun 8); Pastor and Pastor (Mrs) Francis Popoola (Glory Area, Ogun 20) and Pastor and Pastor (Mrs) Oludare Falola (House of Favour, Redemption Camp)

And the Pastor In Charge of this Parish and his Wonderful and Beautiful Wife – The Lord bless you.

DMC NOTES: PIC and WPIC Parish of RCCG Jehovah Jireh Parish are: Pastor Deji Afolabi and A/P Omotayo Ayo-Afolabi.

I heard your Pastor saying some Prophesy – They want to buy Land and fix Air-condition into this Place – I Promise you that if you put Air-condition here, every Sunday, I will be coming here to Worship.

I just want you to know that we are with you and I Promise you that I will send something to you!

I just love your Church – Very Portable, very Transportable and very Loveable.

Mark 3:13-15:

  1. And he goeth up into a Mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him.
  2. And he Ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to Preach,
  3. And to have Power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils:

The emphasis is on Verse 13 – The Bible says: They went up to the Mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him.

The Theme for your Dedication is: “COME UP HIGHER”.

Come Up to where? Higher!

And you are going Higher in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

Going forth by the Theme, it is a kind of “Divine Invitation”.

From the beginning of this Year 2024, the Lord has given The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) a Divine Invitation – And that Invitation says: “Divine Repositioning”.

And I believed that we are emphasising that Theme.

“Come Up Higher” is an Invitation to all of us.

And I don’t know where you have been seated before now; I say to you that your Destiny is Coming Back and Coming Up in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen!

It doesn’t matter where you have been in Life, there is always a Way forward!

There is always the tendency that there is a Potential inside of you – I mean to Change your Location.

When you look at Psalms 40: 1-3; David said:

  1. I waited Patiently for the Lord and He inclined unto me and heard my cry.
  2. He brought me up also out of an Horrible Pit, out of the Miry Clay and set my feet upon a rock and established my goings.
  3. And He hath put a New Songg in my mouth, even Praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear and shall trust in the Lord.

I Prophesy to Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – Out of that Miry Clay, you are Coming Up in the Name of Jesus (Amen).

Why am I sure?

Because you served a God that we called “The Most High”.

And you can’t serve “The Most High” and become “The Most Low” – It has never occurred.

What does Come Up Higher Implies? Where is the Place called “The Higher”?

  1. It is a Place of Seduction and a Place of Incubation.

There is always a time in the Life of an Individual that the Lord wants us to Step Out of the crowd and just come behind Him.

  • He just want to Brood upon us.
  • He wants to Prepare us.
  • He wants to Repack and Repackage us.

And the Problem with many of us is that we don’t know how to deal with the crowd – We just want to be with the crowd despite the fact that the crowd cannot give us any Good.

And if you go through the Scriptures, you will discovered that Great Men knows when to appear before the crowd and they know when to withdraw from the crowd.

So, when the Lord is saying: “Come Up Higher”; the Lord is saying “Come to the Place of Seduction and Incubation!

And after this Encounter, your Next Level is that Higher Place – Amen!

Psalms 42:1-2 – David told us one of the Secret Place.

He said:

  1. As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my Soul after thee, O God.
  2. My Soul thirsteth for God, for the Living God: when shall I come and appear before God?

There must be a Time in your Calendar, there must be a Time in your Program that you will Withdraw and Stay Put in the Presence of God!

And that is why we said that every Child of God; at least a Day of the Week should by highmarked to Fast and Pray!

And to most of us, we don’t know when to eat and not to eat again – Because we can wake up in the Morning and God gives us an Assignment and off we go.

And anybody who knows how to appear before God consistently; you can never disappear before your Time!

Now, I Pray for you today – Your Sun will not Set in the Afternoon (Amen).

Many of us are seeing our father-in-the-Lord looking Younger than his Age; the Secret is the Place of Incubation and Seduction.

He knows when to appear and he knows when to disappear before the crowd.

  1. It is a Place of Insulation and Lamentation.

A Place of Safety and Security; a Place of “Touch Not”; your Hidden Place – That’s the Place called “The Higher Ground”.

And when Battles of Life are Pursuing you and there is no Help in any other Place, that is where you can run to.

That is why the Bible says in Psalms 18:10 – The Name of the Lord is a Strong Tower, the Righteous runs to it and they were saved.

I don’t know how the battles you are fighting now – The ones from your father’s and mother’s house that has been Pursuing you. Today, in the Name that is above every other names, all your “Unrepentant Pursurers”, the Ground will open and swallow them – Amen!

Psalms 91:1-7 – The Bible says that:

  1. He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the Most High shall abide under the Shadow of the Almighty.
  2. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
  3. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome Pestilence.
  4. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
  5. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
  6. Nor for the Pestilence that walketh in Darkness; nor for the Destruction that wasteth at noonday.
  7. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

Why? Because you have come to the Place of Insulation and Divine Lamination; as from today, I declare you: “Touch Not” – Amen!

A woman wanted to travel and went to her Pastor – That is the Higher Place she could run to for Cover.

She said: Sir, I am travelling Abroad and I need your Cover. And the Pastor just spoke a word: “Go and come back with Testimony”.

So she left – Boarded a Plane and then along the line in the course of the flight; the devil strucked and there was Pandemonium in the Air such that the Plane almost crashed.

As a matter of fact, the Pilot had announced: Get ready as the Plane is about to crash.

So, there was Pandemonium inside the Plane and everybody crying that is this how we are going to end it?

And the woman stood up and told everybody – All of you may die but I will not die and this Plane will not Crash because my Pastor said: Go, I will see you when you returned.

And suddenly, the Angel of the Lord came inside the Plane and the Death Sentence was turned around and there was Stability in the Air.

I speak over your Life – What kills others will not kill you; what end others Life will not end your Life and you will not die before your Time (Amen).

  1. It is a Place of Revelation.

Let me announce to you that Revelation Precedes Manifestation!

A Man of Revelation is a Man of Manifestation.

And the Place that you can Contact that Revelation is a Place that is called: “Higher Ground”.

And that is why today – You must make up your Mind: Occasionally, I will Withdraw, and Step Out of the crowd.

And when we say: Occasionally; it could be just a Flash – You are going in a Market, you just noticed something, you just step back and say some things and then you returned back.

And immediately you speak – You are not the one speaking but God is speaking through you.

… You are speaking out of you the burden of Revelation.

If you go to Galatians 2:2 – Apostke Paul says: And I went up by Revelation, and Communicated unto them that Gospel which I Preach among the Gentiles, but Privately to them which were of Reputation lest by any means I should run or had run in vain.

Are you at this Level and you want to get to the Next Level?

It is not by just hear-say but it is by Revelation.

And where you can get that Revelation is at the Mountain Top.

I remembered several years ago – Almost 30 years now.

I was Struggling with the Call of God upon my Life – Should I say Yes or No.

I went on seven (7) Days and by the time I finished, it was clear to me that this is the Path to my Destiny.

I received so much from the Revelation that I documented some of them in my Spirit Man.

And almost 30 years now, it has been from Glory to Glory.

So, I speak into your Life – The Revelation that will take you to the Next Level, receive it now in Jesus Name – Amen!

  1. It is a Place for your Preparation.

And if you fail to appear in the Place of Preparation; frustration is waiting.

Somebody said that: When Preparations meet with Opportunity; the Manifestation becomes inevitable.

Opportunities fly everyday.

The Bible says in Psalms 68:19 – That He daily loads us with benefits (Opportunities)..

Every Hour, Minute and Seconds, there is opportunity to make it in Life.

Even the Man seated by you is an opportunity.

You may not believed it – A boy went to the Church and as the Pastor was Preaching, he stood up and say Amen.

And the Man that sat beside him said it is like you are looking for job and he said Yes. And the Man said, see me tomorrow.

And do you know that many of us Play with opportunity.

Like I can tell you now – Since we come, you behave like Holy Man of God. And the Man sitting beside you, you didn’t even greet him and little did you know that this one carry what you need.

Please don’t take anybody for granted in the Journey of Life:

  • It doesn’t matter how they appear.
  • It doesn’t matter their Status

At least greet everybody with Honour and Dignity.

You may not know if they are your Destiny Hrlpers or the one that will take you to the Next Bus Stop or know if what you are looking for is already at their Finger Tips.

I Pray for Somebody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – The Next Opportunity will not elude you (Amen).

As I begin to round up:

Do you know that the ball is already in your Court?

Where we read in Matthew 3: 13-15 – The Bible says Jeaus went to Higher Ground and many People came to Him.

So, the One who is on the Higher Ground is always waiting.

And that is why we say in Matthew 11:28 – It says: Come unto me all ye that Labour and are heavy ladened.

And in my Language, they normally say: “Omo to ba si pa, iya e a gbe” (DMC NOTES: Meaning that it is the Child with open hands that the Mother will carry).

And the word “si pa” (Open Hands) means “Surrender”.

Don’t Play Games with this God, don’t Play hanky-panky with Him at all.

And that is why I Pity some of you that will be in the Church and after the Church they are in another Place – They are not focused.

Let this God be your God:

  • The moment He knows that He has a Rival in your Life; He will step aside because He is a Jealous God.
  • And the moment that He knows that you don’t have anybody to Compete with, He will carry you up.

And this Evening, He will carry you – Amen!

Rise up on your feet now:

I want you to lift up your hands to Heaven – Just say: Father, I am tired of the Valley, take me to Higher Ground.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

People of God, as our eyes remained closed:

Sin is a Sinker and Righteousness is a Lifter.

If you don’t believed me, ask Samson – He kept on sinning. Going from the Lap of one woman to another until he sunk with his Enemies.

But when Righteousness is in your Life – Like it says in Hebrews 1:9: For thou has loveth Righteousness and hated Iniquities, therefore your God has Anointed thee with the Oil of Gladness above only.

But when there is sin, sin makes one to go down.


Are you here today and you have not yet given your Life to Jesus Christ.

I am about to Pray for you now and I trust my God that within the next 24 Hours; your Level will Change – Amen.

But before I Pray for you so that God won’t leave anybody behind:

You know that you are here and you have not given your Life to Jesus Christ; I just want to Pray for you – Wherever you are, just lift up your hands to God as I Pray for you now!


Father, I Pray for everyone including that my Brother; Lord of Heaven the Grace of Salvation rest upon them right now in Jesus Name.

Every Garment of Iniquities around your Life, I Command them to Catch Fire now.

Power to go and sin no more, receive it now.

A New Life, a New Identity, a New Personality and a New Realm.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Now, Stretch forth your hands to this Altar now – The Bible says that by the hands of Prophets, He brought them out (DMC NOTES: Hosea 12:13).


Father, we just want to say Thank You.

We give You Praise because our Time of Change and Moment of Change has come.

Lord, I Stretch forth my “Prophetic Hands” towards all these Your Children; wherever they were before this Day, I Command a Change in the Name of Jesus.

Out of the Valley of Depression, Valley of Disappointment, Valley of Barrenness and Emptiness, Valley of Joblessness – Come out of it in the Name of Jesus.

As from today, I Welcome you to the Higher Ground, to the Next Level, to a Better Level and to a Greater Level.

The Bible says that when others are saying there is a Casting Down, it says you and I will say there is a Lifting Up.

I speak to your Life and to your Destiny:

  • You are Lifted in the Name of Jezus,
  • You are Elevated in the Name of Jesus.
  • You are Promoted in the Name of Jesus.

Jehovah Jireh – Forward Ever and Backward Never

Very soon, this Place will become “Too Small” and they will be holding Multiple Services in the Name of Jesus.

We Stretch Forth our hands to this Empty Land – We Possess it in the Name of our Lord Jesus.

This Parish becomes a Model to the whole world.

We receive everything that will make us Comfortable here in the Name of Jeaus.

As you Step Out tomorrow, you Step Out to your Next Level: Your Destiny Helpers will locate you; Opportunities that has eluded you, take them back in Jesus Name.

And when Next that I see you, I will see you at the Topmost Top.

You are not coming down again.

The Law of Diminishing Returns will not affect you.

Higher and Higher, you will go – From Glory to Glory, Favour to Favour, Righteousness to Righteousness, Holiness to Holiness, Purity to Purity and Opportunity to Opportunity.

Never to be Stranded, never to be Limited, never to be Stagnated, never to be Frustrated and never to be Defeated in the Name of Jeaus.

And your hands will always be at the Top.

So shall it be – In the Name of God The Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Shout: “I am Lifted”.

Shout: “I am Promoted”.

Shout: “I am Elevated”.

Celebrate the Name of the Lord – Hallelujah!

Sing this “Prophetic Song” and it is going to take you to the Next Level:

Lifted, I am Lifted
I am Lifted by Your Words
Out of Sin and Sorrow
Into the Presence of the Lord.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

STOP PRESS: Out and ready for Pick Up – Our Year 2023 RCCG Programs covering all Programs, Inclusive Weekly Messages of Pastor Mensah Otabil, Apostle Joshua Selman, Bro Gbile, Pastor Paul Enenche and Pastor Poju on a 16GB Flash from our Stable. Call/Text/WhatsApp 08023604721/08066497178/08059821748

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