Right back from the time of creation, man has been endowed with so many promises, potentials and innumerable number of blessings. It is however quite sad that they are yet to have any commensurable results to show for such immense endowments from God. An average man can therefore be simply viewed as being so fully loaded but yet a gross under-achiever in life – even as we speak, they are not able to break away from this ugly trend of event of things till date sadly.

The question that will readily therefore come to the mind of an agitated mind is: “What reason(s) can be adduced or attributed for this monumental evident of failure by Man?

Obviously the reason(s) may not be far- fetched: Man is sowing into an unfertile land that is just too dry and hard for any seed to break-forth out successfully no matter the kind of efforts expended by the man. One basic truth of life is that every breakthrough efforts that Men had devised require breaking up of a “Fallow Ground”. As human being, we all have “Fallow Grounds” that needs to be broken, lands that need to be possessed, songs that need to be sung, poetries that need to be recited, books that need to be read or written, projects that need to be initiated and business that need to be incorporated before there can be the Beginning of Increase in the life of such a Man!
To break-forth your “Fallow Ground” however you must do the following: stir up that hidden quest inside of you, step up to attain Greater and New Heights, Open and create New Door Opportunities and then find/embrace better alternatives which can all be achieved mostly by clinging squarely to God Almighty.

As you commence the New Year, it is time that you follow a New Path of Life and allows God to lead and guide you to your Promised-Land.

To achieve this however, all you need do is to make “Positive Confessions” of all those Good Things that you desire in the New Year. Also, begin to think of “New Solutions” to pending problems around you – shift your focus from the “good-old-days” but set your affections on “better-days-ahead”.

More than ever before, make personal resolutions that as from today you will cease to sow your seeds in the wrong places (rocky or thorny grounds) but rather on good loamy soils.

… By so doing, you will surely become a “Beautiful Fruitful Garden” like the Garden of Eden that God planted Himself. And ultimately, your life and destiny will change significantly to God’s Glory all through the course of the New Year and beyond!

Friends….the choice of what you want is definitely yours….



Moses Durodola

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