The Season we are in now is a period that coincides with the birth of the Son of God and Saviour of the world – JESUS CHRIST!

In Luke 2:7-14, there was an account of a group of Shepherds receiving the News of this Great and Historic event. After the joyful news was released to them the shepherds saw a multiple of Angelic Host praising God. They had no choice than to follow suit and then traced the footsteps to the baby Jesus Christ.

The following events are worth mentioning at this crucial moment of the Epic Event that happened:

  1. While the shepherds watched, they received Angelic visitations. Hebrew 1:13-14 says Angels are Ministering Spirits sent to minister to those in need of salvation. Angels are very powerful beings and an example of Heavenly visitations.

When Heaven visits the earth, Angels are released to strengthened, encouraged and Open Doors. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ this season, Heaven will visit your own earth and you will benefit from such visitations in ways beyond your wildest human understandings and comprehensions.

  1. Another thing that happened was that the Glory of God shone around those visited. Friends, it is an amazing and desirable thing for God’s Glory to shine on you. This season, God’s glory will shine on you and your family. Jesus is the light of men who dispels every form of darkness (John 1:4-5). 1Timothy 6:16 says that God dwells in unapproachable light. However, on that very fateful night that Heaven visited the earth and by extension the shepherds, the unapproachable became approachable. Friends, as the Heaven visits the earth once again in this festive season, every form or manner of hindrance to your breakthrough in life will be removed and you will possess your possessions in Jesus Mighty Name.
  2. Aside this, the Angels began to speak to them and say: “FEAR NOT”. Many people have been battling with so much fear in their life and this has affected the kind of progress they should have gotten in life. I have Good News for you friends even as you approach this uncommon festive season. Is there any area of your life that you have been battling with fear and concluded that your strength cannot carry you through again? The Lord asked me to tell you to “FEAR NOT.” He will for sure sustain you and carry you through by His own strength.

The truth of the matter is that: “every daily effort you fail to make use of gradually erodes your position in life”.

…The choice is therefore yours…”So PAY THE PRICE!”

Merry Christmas to you all!

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