Let us lift His Name on high and give Him Glory for what He is set to do tonight.

Let us thank Him for the First Session, the Second Session and for what He will do tonight again.

Just say Father, I thank You, i give You all the Glory, I honour Your Name. Thank You because i will experience a Turnaround tonight. Thank You because my name will be changed, my situation will changed, I will be elevated, transformed, renewed, revived.

Thank You, Thank You; I give You all the Glory.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshiped – Amen.

Listen to me tonight; when a Lion roars, no one knows what the lion is saying. No animal in the jungle understands the statement.

But when the lion roars everyone trembles. When the lion roars, everyone is afraid without understanding what the lion is saying.

Prayer is the Believers’ roar.

When a Believer is led to Pray in the Spirit, he speaks to God.

The same way a lion understands the language of other lions; a Believer also begins to speak Mysteries unto God.

For one (1) minute tonight, I want you to begin to roar in the Spirit and begin to Pray in the Spirit. Begin to open your hearts, begin to open up your expectations.

… Thank You Father!


Great are You Lord
Great are You Lord
Great are You Lord
Great are You Lord


Father, again tonight, we ask tonight that Your Words again will come with Fire.

It will change us, it will transform us and it will lift us up.

In Jesus’ Powerful Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Can you jam your hands together even as you take your seat tonight.


I want to bless the Name of the Lord for the great opportunity to bring to us God’s Words tonight.

And I want to celebrate my father and my mother in the Lord – Daddy and Mummy GO (General Overseer) for this great privilege.

It is my Prayer tonight that as the Word of God comes; after this moment you will have a Testimony to share in Jesus Name – Amen.

Quickly, I will be talking about: The Great Turnaround.


However tonight, I want you to take note of 2 Kings Chapters 6 and 7 from the beginning all to the end.

But for the Purpose of our discussion tonight; I will only be able to deal with 2 Kings 7:1

“Then Elisha said, Hear ye the Word of the Lord; Thus saith the Lord, Tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria.”

Let me first start by saying that: Whenever a man experiences delay; it is not subject to God, because when God says a thing it happens immediately.

Samaria was ready to wait till tomorrow. So, the Word of the Lord that came to them that: By this Time tomorrow.

I don’t know if there is someone here tonight who is saying that what I want for my own Life is tonight.

If you are here and that is your Story; lift up your hands to God and say: Today is my Day – Amen!

When we talk about Great Turnaround; we are talking about a sudden change, usually to a more Pleasant situation.

We are talking about a man who his Past when compared to his Present becomes unbelievable.

We are talking about a man whose life has experienced a radical change. Who when he begins to explain that this was my Past, everyone even around him begin to call him a liar.

A Turnaround is Visible.

A man who has experienced a Turn Around does not need to explain too much concerning what has happened to him in his life.

When a man begins to talk about something that has begin in his life; it is a Proof that not much has happened.

It is usually when a man is in an unpleasant situation that he begins to cry: God turn my Life Around.

Because when a man is Healthy, what other Turn Around is he looking for? – He is already Healthy.

When a man is Wealthy, what other Turn Around is he looking for? – He is already Wealthy.

So usually, when a man in a Negative situation, his cry becomes: A Turnaround.

But the way Life is, everyone always have at least an area where he still desires that God will turn his life Around.

But in the text that we read (2 Kings 7); it was the Story of Samaria

Samaria had been besieged by famine – A famine that makes a King Powerless.

What do you do when you are the Solution Provider and you are in Problem?

What do want a doctor to do on the day that he is the one that becomes sick?

… That was the Problem that this King find himself – He was the one to bring about Solution but all of a sudden, he became the one in a Powerless situation.

The situation has so much deteriorated in Samaria that the Word of God said that People began to eat their children.

And it was upon these crises that He sent a Word to Elisha.

And Elisha the Prophet of God, a Prophet who does not need information to download information. He does not get his own information by data but he understands the Ways of God such that the things in another bedroom God begins to reveal to him – That was the Prophet Elisha.

And while the servant of the King yet came; the Word of the Lord came to Elisha in that Bible Text that we read in 2 Kings 7:1.

It said: “By this Time tomorrow “

How can a man predicts tomorrow?

Even today, man has no Capacity over it. Yet the Prophet of God rose up and said: By this Time tomorrow

Many People has made Promises concerning tomorrow but they died that day.

Yet a man rose up and said: By this Time tomorrow

But as I look at that Bible Text properly, I realised that Elisha did not speak his own words

Elisha said that I heard the Lord.

And it is upon the Words of the Lord that he looked at them and said to them: By this Time tomorrow, everything will change – Amen.

Behind every voice of a Prophet is the Voice of God. That is why the Motto of any Prophet is: Thus saith the Lord!

Any Prophet that speaks his own wisdom is always put to shame. But every Prophet that hears the voice of God; they can speak His utterances and it will begin to operate in the dimension of men.

So therefore, every Great Turnaround in any man is traceable to the Word of the Lord that came to him.

Because the Power of any Word is determined by the Person saying it

Jeremiah 10:6 says: Forasmuch as there is none like onto thee, O LORD, thou art great and thy Name is great in Might.

So, it is the Great God saying Great things that bring Great Turn Around.

But the Wisdom of God as recorded in Psalms 24:4-9.

David began to say: The Voice of the Lord is upon the Waters, the Voice of the Lord is Powerful, the Voice of the Lord is Full of Majesty, the Voice of the Lord breaketh the Cedars, the Voice of the Lord breaketh the Cedars of Lebanon etc.

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and that Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things (Listen to me tonight); all things were made by His Words.

His Words is quick, the Words is Sharper than any two-edged swords.

It was His Words that found Joseph in the Prison and made him a Prime Minister.

I Prophesy to somebody here tonight; may the Word of God finds you.

When the Word comes three (3) things happens and we see this in the Bible Text.

1. When the Word comes, all of a,sudden Darkness changes to Light.

Because if you read in that Chapter 7; the Story was the story of four (4) Lepers who are sitting by the gate. Not knowing what will happen.

All of a sudden, light came and they began to ask themselves: What are we doing here?

A man will continue to accept the abnormal as normal until the day Light comes.

In Africa today, whenever the cloud is heavy and rain is about to fall; if I ask us what happens?

We know the answer.

What happens? – They take light.

Is that not the normal thing? – No.

But because we have been used to an abnormal, we begin to accept abnormal as the normal.

But on the Day Light comes, you begin to know this is normal, this is abnormal.

So when light came to them, immediately they jack up: Why sit here till we die?

Not knowing that a Word has been Spoken by God.

Psalms 119:130 says: The entrance of His Word, it gives light.

Genesis 1:1-2 says: In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. The Earth was without Form and Void. And God said: Let there be Light.

When the Word comes, what is coming is the Light.

The Bible told us about Joseph – Walking to and fro without an understanding. And all of a sudden, he met a certain man and the man said to him: Your brothers are there.

… On the Day you hear the Word; your Light has come.

I Prophesy again into your Life: In the Name that is above every other names; Light will visit you tonight – Amen.

2. In 2 Kings 7:18; Scarcity became Abundance.

It was little, nobody could feed. And all of a sudden God’s Words brought about Abundance.

… And He shall supply all your Needs according to His riches, according to His Scale of Wealth.

Every areas of your Life that you are experiencing Scarcity will turn to Abundance – Amen.

You see the reason why we are Prophesying tonight is not because I came but because I was sent

When a man is sent, he has a type of Authority that People won’t understand.

That was how I treated my sisters: I was the last born, so every time I needed something; I will go and meet mummy. And as soon as mummy say go and call her; I will go there with boldness – Mummy is calling you.

It is on that Wisdom that I bring boldness, standing on existing Protocol and standing with the Faith of my Father in the Lord: Your Scarcity turns to Abundance – Amen.

3.Prisoners all of a sudden became Princes.

They were Lepers but in 2 Kings 7:10; the Word of the Lord said: They took an information to the King.

Princes are the ones who sit in Council to decide the Economy of a Nation.

Lepers by the Word of God took the information to the King.

I don’t care of your situation, I have come as him that was sent. I don’t care of the circumstances: I am decreeing to your Life – Your Turn Around has started now – Amen.

What is God’s Expectations for you tonight?

  1. Come to God if you want a Turnaround.

Exodus 3:3, Moses said I will turn to see the Great sight.

Daniel 6:10; the Bible said that: And Daniel changed and face Jerusalem.

Psalm 121:1 says: I will lift up my eyes to the Hill from whence cometh my Help?

It is what a man goes to that he turns to.

Remember Lot’s wife; as she was going she turned back and she became a Pillar of Salt.

But my own Bible told me in Psalms 34:5 – Those who looks up to Him their faces are radiant and they are never put to shame.

Shame is disappearing in your Life – Amen.

2. As you turn to Him, begin to Prepare for the Turn Around.

Everyone should be able to Predict by your level of Preparations.

Preparation is Expectation; Preparation is Anticipation; Preparation is Positioning; Preparation is Watching and Preparation is Observing.

Genesis 18:1-3, the Bible told us about Abraham – He sat by the entrance of the gate.

Who was he waiting for?

It is in this kind of Congress that if you are sitting comfortably you are wrong. Sit at the edge of your seat, waiting for the Word that is coming so that you catch it

So Abraham sat at the edge of his Tent – Monitoring the movement of men. And by Wisdom he saw three (3) men and that was God.

2 Kings 2:1-12; the Bible said that Elisha watches as Elijah was going. And the Bible said that when the Chariot of Fire picked him up he said: I see it.

The Problem is that the Word came and you miss it.

Jesus Christ entered the City and He wept because the Day of their Visitation came and they missed it.

Prepare for the Turnaround: It can come during the Choir Ministration, it can come during the Offering.

… So Prepare!

3. Release yourself for the Turnaround.

It is only a thing that is Turnable that can be turned easily.

To be Turnable means to be willing to follow instructions.

It means that when God leads you; you will follow.

2 Kings 4:1-7; a Prophet told the woman: Shut the door and begin to pour the oil.

And the woman obeyed and a Turnaround came.

Just the same way, when a man is looking for a Frequency on a radio.

What does he do?

He turns and all of a sudden the Noisemaker becomes the Newsmaker.

There is somebody here tonight; you came here and they thought you came here to make noise. You are going back with Good News.

Finally, anyone that will come for God, must come Raw – Come as you are.

… Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, I will give you rest.

Because He is the Porter, looking for the Clay.

He comes in as a Clay but He leaves as a Valuable Asset.

… That is Turn Around.

God wants to invest in our lives.

I speak to a Generation tonight: God wants to invest in our lives and He is calling us to a Kitchen – A Kitchen where He will introduce two (2) Instruments that will turn things Around.


I. Fire
II. Water

Fire is the Word – Jeremiah 23:9

Water also is the Word.

So, when a man approaches the Kitchen of God; sometimes the knife will come and cut off some things.

Sometimes, the hands of the mother will touch the food and break some things?

But when they are breaking you; others will be Mocking you but God will be Making you.

… He is Making you; He is Preparing you.

Do you know that sometimes in the Kitchen, the mother would have cooked the food to a stage. Even the children will be asking: Give us some but the mother will cover the pot again.

Generation of Young ones listening to me; you can be Anointed for a while but you will be Anonymous.

… God is Preparing and Cooking you.

A time is coming when all of a sudden the woman will be in the Kitchen. Sometimes she can leave the Kitchen and go to the bedroom.

But the aroma will begin to smell.

Even if the woman does not stand up, People will knock her: Madam, what are you cooking?

They may not know you now but what God will do through you will shake the world – Amen.

So still with cooking; let the Fire Purify you.- Let the Fire burn the Pride, let the Fire burn down the Ambition.

Stay and watch how the Father has walked their Path, maintain Integrity and Consecration of the Fire.

Because it does not appear what it shall be. They don’t know what is happening – that is how it happened in the Kitchen.

There is somebody here tonight who should already be on his feet – Praying in the Holy Ghost.

Begin to cry to Him tonight: God am open for Your Making. I will stay until You Make me; I will stay until you Shape me; I will stay until you burn away my impurities.

You can Pray louder than that: I will Pray until my Pure Gold becomes Proved Gold.

I will say Moses Durodola/Titilayomi Ajayi until my wings are full enough to fly.

I am not in a hurry Oh God, make me strong God.

Is that your Prayers tonight?

Lift up your hands and cry to Him: I will wait Oh God.

Are you making a commitment to God that there will be Introduction of His Fire that will make you Men of Gold.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

In a Nutshell, what we are saying that every Creator alive begins by Words.

Before a man goes and fight in the Boxing Ring; there is first a War of Words.

The first time he says: I will sting you like a bee.

… No punches yet sir and yet battles has been made by Words.

There is Power in the tongues.

And one of the things that God wants to do for us in this Congress is to Turn us Around so that we can go into the world and turn things Around.

Don’t you know what He calls us?

He called us the Salt of the Earth.

A Salt is in little quantity but the impact is undeniable.

Our number sir/ma is not a disadvantage.

That we should go into every Systems and by the Word of God, we will Turn Around.

So, tonight as we stand up; I want you to Place your hands over anywhere that you are sick – Anywhere that you have infirmities and you will repeat after me today.

In Matthew 8:9; the Roman Soldier said that I am a man under Authority – I understand the Protocol of the Words: I said unto one Go and he goes and I said to another Come and he comes.

It is upon that Wisdom that we make declarations today as Kings unto God.

Are you ready tonight?

Repeat after me and say: In the Name of Jesus; pain go, cancer go, kidney diseases go, arthritis go, hypertension go, poverty go, infirmities go.

It is done in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Somebody shout JESUS –

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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