If you have Jesus Christ, shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Just allow me to thank the Lord for our father in the Lord – Pastor E.A Adeboye and our Mother in Israel – Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye.

And all the Governing Council, All the Senior Leaders that are here – we want to greet you.

I bring you Greetings from Zambia and I want to also express our gratitude to the General Overseer (GO) and Mama GO for their visit to Lusaka, Zambia in June, 2019. We are very very grateful our lives will never be the same again.


Father in the Mighty Name of Jesus; we want to thank You for who You are, for what You mean to us – That You are our everything, You are our All in All: In You we move, in You we live and in You have our Being.

Ancient of Days we bless Your Name; We thank You for this Great Program; we thank You for what You did on Monday, on Tuesday and what You are doing today – Father, receive all the Glory.

We ask Oh God for Your Holy Spirit to break these Words, to give us Understanding and that at the end of the day; there will be Great Turnaround.

Thank You Father that this Meeting is not by accident but it is for You Oh God to bless Your children.

Hear us now Oh God and bless us in Jesus Name.

… And everyone say Amen – Amen!

I want you to turn your Bibles with me to Genesis 1: 1-5

And you will note that a number of People (The Youths) quoted these repeatedly yesterday and so to me, it is a confirmation.

  1. In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth.
  2. And the Earth was without Form and Void and Darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
  3. And God said, Let there be Light and there was Light.
  4. And God saw the Light, that it was Good: and God divided the Light from the Darkness.
  5. And God called the Light Day and the Darkness He called Night. And the evening and the morning were the First Day.

Also, go to the Book of Revelations 21: 1-5

  1. And I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth: for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away; and there was no more Sea.
  2. And I John saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a Bride, adorned for her Husband.
  3. And I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying, Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His People, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God.
  4. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more Pain: for the former things are passed away.
  5. And He that sat upon the Throne said, Behold I make all things New. And He said unto me, Write: for these Words are True and Faithful.

Tonight, by the Grace of God; I will be speaking to you on what has been Titled: ALL THINGS BECOMES NEW.

And this particular Theme is in the background of “THE GREAT TURNAROUND “

A Study of the Bible will reveal God is in the Business of Initiating New Things. New Things is God’s Trademark.

The Bible begins with a New Heaven and a New Earth with an addition of a New Jerusalem.

In between, things went terribly wrong – Man sinned, evil came into the world, the best became corrupt and it is now according to Apostle Peter being ready to be destroyed by Fire.

But God Turn Around by His Grace; initiated a Plan of Salvation to reconcile Men back to Himself. Restored the Heaven and the Earth by making everything New.

Whenever God Promises to do something, He ushers in a New Season.

New Season provides an environment for things to happen.

Through Jesus Christ, God has been working on Earth and in Heaven to bring about His Purposes.

I want to share four (4) Things that are arising from this:

  1. The New Creation of the Heavens and the Earth.

Creation is a Product of New Things.

In Genesis 1:2; we observed God introducing New Things both in Heaven and on Earth.

We are told that the Earth was without Form: That there was no Order; that there was Chaos.

God created Light and Darkness; Land and Sea, Waters Above and Below; the Skies, the Sun and the Moon; Plants, Animals, Reptiles.

And at the end, His Crown of Creation – MAN in His Own Images and Likeness.

So, when we look about the Earth; we see that it was a New Thing – God brought it out from nothing. He spoke the Word and the Earth spring forth

What you see when you look up, what you see when you look down, what you see when you look around you; God created it.

He began the beginning. He is the Author of New Things. New Things are His Trademark.

He declared in Isaiah 43:19 – Behold I will do a New Thing.

The same God wants to do a New Thing in your Life; He wants to do a New Thing in your Church; He wants to do a New Thing in your Marriage; He wants to do a New Thing in your Business; He wants to do a New Thing in your Ministry; He wants to do a New Thing in your Relationship.

Every time that you Pray; you need to understand that we Worship the God of New Things and He is ready to do New Things.

1. The New Man in Christ.

In 2 Corinthians 5:17; it says that: If any man is in Christ, he is a New Creature; the old has passed away and the New has come.

The New Birth is important of New Things.

We are all born into Adam’s Physical Race or family – When we sin, we have inherited his sinful nature and God’s Punishment.

Adam was a Representative created for Humanity.

Adam sin brought evil on Earth, corruption on Earth, brought separation, Spiritual Death and Physical death.

But the God of Turnaround initiated Reconciliation.

John 3:16 says: For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son. That whosoever believes in Him should not Perish but have Eternal Life.

God did a New Thing. He offered Mankind a New Birth. He offered Mankind a New Life.

I want you to understand that a Believer is not Reformed, a Believer is not Rehabilitated, a Believer is not Rejuvenated. But the Believer is a New Creation with a New Earth and a New Spirit.

A Believer shares in the Divine Nature of God.

You can get People to come to Church but only the Holy Spirit can give them a New Heart.

You can get People to raise their hands but only Jesus can change their lives.

I want you to understand that God offers a New Life and He offers a New Birth. It is this God who makes everything New.

… Have you received this Jesus?

In John 1:12; the Bible says: But as many as received Him, to them gave He Power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name.

2. The same thing I want to show you is that a New Season deserves a New Thing.

God works in Season. Nature revolves around Season. Seasons are Powerful – they come and go.

A Season is an appointment, it is a Window, it is a Phase.

Countries have Seasons, Organizations have Seasons, Churches have Seasons, Ministries have Seasons, Individuals have Seasons – A Season of Birth, A Season of Preparation, A Season of Battle, A Season of Victory.

… Seasons provide an environment for things to happen.

Whenever God desires to do something; He will usher in a New Season.

Our father in the Lord declared a Theme for this Congress: THE GREAT TURNAROUND.

He announced a New Season – It is a Season of Turn Around.

The Grace of God is available for your Turn Around; The Mercy of God is available for your Turn Around; The Power of God is available for your Turn Around.

I don’t know who I came to Preach to this Evening; but I believed that I came to speak to somebody – You came here looking for Turn Around; you came here that your situation may change. I came to tell you that the Grace of Turn Around is available – Amen.

You may ask the Question: How will my Turn Around come about?

I want you to know that every time God does something in your Life; when God marks you for a Turn Around then He will do a New Thing.

We have already established that God is a “God of New Beginning”.

I came to Prophesy to somebody that there is a New Beginning coming in your Life – Amen.

There is a Turning Around coming in your Life – Amen.

You will not go back the same way you came – Amen. You will collide with God even as our father Ministers.

I want you to understand that there is a Season for your Turn Around. Refuse to take “NO” for an answer. Reach out with your Faith and believe God for a Turn Around.

When your Turn Around comes; it will be: New, Great, Mind Blowing, Leave you Speechless.

… If you are the one shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

God is a God of Turn Around

Do you know that this Meeting is a Set-Up?

You may have thought that you just came but I believed that you came for your Turn Around.

The God of New Things is about to do a New Thing for you – Something that will overwhelm you; something you won’t be able to explain because He is a God of New Things.

3. This is a New Heaven and a New Earth – We read this in Revelations 21: 1-5.

The sin of our first parents – Adam and Eve brought evil on Earth, corruption on Earth, death on Earth.

God drove them out of the Garden of Eden.

The Garden of Eden was Paradise – so they lost Paradise.

Through Jesus Christ, the Process of Restoration started. He started it with a New Birth and it is working.

In Revelations 21: 1-5; God initiated a New Birth and a New Earth and an Eternal Earth.

Romans 8:18; we are told that Creation is groaning, waiting for its Redemption.

In addition, we see here that there will also be a New Jerusalem that will be created.

And then the beauty of it is that God will live among His People, God will wipe every tears from their eyes forever and ever, there will be no death, no Pain, no sorrow, no mourning – What a Pleasant Home.

Whatever you are going through child of God; I want you to understand that there is a New Heaven; that there is a New Earth coming.

This Earth is not all there is.

God is telling us that He will do a New Thing. And the New Thing that He is going to do is to make everything to be New.

Can you imagine a New Birth, a New Heaven and then see that there will be no Pain, there will be no sorrow, no mourning – God will do a New Thing.

I see here that the Paradise which we lost; which our forefathers lost in the Garden of Eden is restored to us in Greater Glory, in Greater Measure. God will come and dwell with us.

If in the Garden of Eden, God did not dwell with Adam and Eve – He visited them.

But we are being told here that God will come and dwell with Man – He will come and dwell with us.

And then He says that: I am making everything New.

How can I experience New Things in my Life as I close .

I want to share a number of things that will help you to experience New Things in your Life:

1. Believe that the God that you serve is a God of New Things.

From Genesis to Revelation; God is always doing New Things.

Believe that God is a “God of New Things”.

Every time there is crises, every time there is Problem, every time the People of God stagnates, every time the People of God are afflicted; God will do a New Thing – Amen.

That this Congress will not end He will do a New Thing in your Life – Amen.

There is a Great Turnaround that is coming in your Life – Amen.

If you are the one shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

He will do a New Thing n your Life – Amen.

It is not by Might nor by Power but the Spirit of the Living God.

Some of you are asking: How will it happen? How will God do it?

My friend, leave the how’s to God. H is a God of New Thing. He created the Heaven and the Earth – Your Problem is nothing to Him.

… Leave the how’s to Him. He will do a New Thing in your Life – Amen.

2. Trust God for a New Thing.

God operates with Faith.

Without Faith, it is impossible to Please God.

As you are listening to various Messages; all you need is one Word; all you need is a Phrase, all you need is just a Sentence: Believe that your Story will Turn Around, believe that and God will do it for you.

God will do a New Thing but you need to Trust Him, you need to believe in Him and then He will do a New Thing.

The Testimonies that we are hearing are to build our Faith; the Testimonies that we have been hearing are to inspire us; they are to convince us that it can be done. That God can do it – If He has done it for others, He will do it for me.

So, you need that Faith to believe that God is going to do a New Thing.

3. A New Thing may be different from your Expectations.

The Problem with many of us is that we have worked out how God should bless us, we have worked out how God should heal us, how God should supply the money that we need, how God should supply the lady that we need.

Listen to me; God works in Strange Ways, Strange Processes to fulfill.

God will do what you are not expecting – God will surprise you.

May the New Thing that God will do in your Life surprises you – Amen.

Don’t put God in a Box.

While you are here; Dream Big, expect Big Things from God – God will do a New Thing.

If God can call things out of Nothing, how much more is your little issue?

God will do a New Thing in your Life – Amen.

Get Ready. God is about to do a New Thing in your Life – Amen. And you will celebrate – Amen. You will be able to give Thanks to God for what He is about to do for you – Amen.

4. We need to Ask for the New Thing – Prayer receives, Prayer Possesses.

Elijah received the Promise of Rain. But when he looked up, the Skies was blue – there was no sign of rain

But He has a Promise. He took that Promise to God in Prayer. He climbed Mount Carmel and Prayed the rain through.

Am sure that all of us will identify with Elijah. All we have is a Theme of Turn Around.

When we look around us; we are not seeing anything around us – How is it going to happen?

But what we have is a Word from the Lord – A Word of Turn Around.

Listen my friends, take that Word in Prayer – Pray it though. Refuse to take “NO” for an answer.

Elijah Prayed persistently. Elijah Prayed without taking “NO” for an answer. And Elijah Prayed with Expectations – He sent his servant and said to him: Go and look towards the Sea for a Cloud of rain.

And the servant came and said: I didn’t see anything.

But Elijah did not give up. He kept Praying – Why?

Because he knew something that delay is not denial.

And I came to encourage somebody here that delay is not denial. God will answer you – Amen. God will come through for you – Amen.

Elijah kept on Praying. He sent his servant for the fifth (5th) time; the man came back and said that am not seeing anything. Your Prayers are not working.

But do you know what?

The Man of God kept on Praying because He knew something that His Silence is not a “NO”.

The fact that God is silent does not mean that He will not answer you.

I came to tell you that this Year before the Holy Ghost Congress ends; God will answer you – Amen.

You are carrying home a Testimony – Amen. God will answer you – Amen. He will do a New Thing in your Life – Amen.

If you are the one shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

5. Praise God for your New Thing.

Before you see it, before it happens; begin to Praise God for a New Thing.

And as you do that; God will release a New Thing in your Life – Amen.

All you need is to Praise Him.

One of the things that I have always heard when I come here is Praise, it is Thanksgiving.

And we hear this again and again but yet we don’t engage it.

We need to be able to thank God, to Praise God for the New Things even before they happen.

Get ready for your New Things. God is the Initiator of New Things. Creation is a Product of New Things. God offers New Life, God offers a New Nature in Christ Jesus.

Through Jesus, God has been doing New Things for His People.

We are in a Season of Turn Around – Anything can happen.

It is your Time of Turning Around – Amen.

It is your Season of Turning Around – Amen.

The devil cannot stop you – Amen. Your enemies cannot stop you – Amen. Nobody will stop you – Amen.

… It is your Season!

I want to invite you as you Pray two (2) Prayers Points and then I will sit down.

Say Oh Lord my God; arise from Your Throne of Grace and do a New thing in my Life that will bring my Turn Around in Jesus Name.

… Lift up your voice and Pray that Prayer.

Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Say Father, You are a God of Turn Around. By Your Mercy, do a New Thing that will surprise me in Jesus Name.

… Lift up your voice and Pray that Prayer.

Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


Father in the Mighty Name of Jesus; We Thank You because You are a “God of New Things”; that You are a “God of Turn Around”.

Father, our Prayers is that Oh God grant Turn Around in our Lives: Do something that will surprise us; do something that a man cannot do for us. Grant us Mind Blowing Testimonies.

Father, visit us Oh Lord; hear our Prayers Oh Lord; cause us to go back with a Song of Rejoicing.

Do a New Thing in our lives in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

The Lord bless you and the Lord shine upon you and the Lord give you Peace.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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