DATE: 10TH MAY 2024


Let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.


Ancient of Days, we Thank You for bringing us here again. Thank You for Your Love and Mercy towards us.

Thank You for Past Ministers’ Conferences and Thank You because we know our tomorrow would be alright.

Please, accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

Father, it is a New Day – For all of us, let it be a New Beginning of Progress, of Joy, of Anointing, of a Closer Walk with You;

A New Beginning of everything Miraculous, and a New Beginning of everything Divine.

And Father, I Pray that the New Dawn that is dawning today will never become Night again.

During this Particular Ministers’ Conference, Father meet all the Needs of Your children.

Don’t let any of us go back home with any Problem.

Thank You for those who are already here and Thank You for those who are on the way.

Just Thank You for everything!

And as Your Word would be going forth, let the Power in Your Word bring Healings to Your Children.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: You are Welcome, God Bless You.

I am extremely delighted to see all of you.

Our Meeting this year (2024) has Proven to the devil that Light cannot run from Darkness.

Sooner or later, Light will Shine in Darkness and the Darkness will discover that the One who is called the Light is the Almighty God Himself.

And I want you to know that this is not an Ordinary Ministers’ Conference – This is a Statement of Victory.

Victory for you, for your family, your Churches and Everlasting Victory too – Amen!

I bring you Greetings from my wife – She couldn’t be here because God has been answering your Prayers and the work has been Increasing since the last time we met.

And occasionally now, we have to divide ourselves into two (2) – One taking care of one aspect, while another is taking care of the other aspect.

But you can be sure she is Praying for you.

God Bless You – Amen.

Thank You for bringing us here Lord!


Incidentally the Theme for our Ministers’ Conference this Year is “Promoted for a Purpose.

Because at the end of last year (2023) during the Congress, God Repositioned us – He Promoted us.

Why did He Promote us?

Now, we go to Mark 3:13-15

13 And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him.

14 And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach,

15 And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils:

You have been Promoted! Even if you don’t know it, the devil knows it – You have come a very long way.


And we are here to find out – Why has God Promoted you? What is it that has made you Special?*

When you go back to your Past, you would discovered that Psalm 40:1-3 actually has been written about you – That we were once in the deep miry clay. And then we cried unto the Lord and He heard us:

I waited Patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And he hath put a New Song in my mouth, even Praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.

I know it’s true of many of us. And how I know how true it is of me?

But for God, I won’t be where I am today – If He had not saved my Soul, I was heading straight for Hell. And funny enough, most of the time I was even enjoying it.

Many of us who can remember those days, that when we sinned we boast about it – When we lie, we would say, “we sat him down” (Mo gbe jo ko).

Some of us, when we got drunk, the following day we would say, “yesterday was bad.” And we would say it with Pride.

… Am I making any sense at all? Yes Sir!

We were heading straight for destruction, and the enemy sweetened it; until the Almighty God stepped in and brought about a Change.

The Bible says in 1 Peter 2:10 – Which in time past were not a People, but are now the People of God: which had not obtained Mercy, but now have obtained Mercy.

Once upon a time, we were not recognised by God – And that is true of everyone of us, Particular those who were Gentiles.

You would remember the Story of the woman who came to Jesus, asking for Mercy – She said, my daughter is grievously vexed of the devil. And the Lord wasn’t even answering her a word. When finally He answered, He said: I can’t give the bread of children to dogs (Matthew 25:23-26).

We were in the Category of dogs. But according to 1 Peter 2:9, the Bible says, But ye are a Chosen Generation, a Royal Priesthood, an Holy Nation, a Peculiar People; that ye should shew forth the Praises of him who hath called you out of Darkness into his Marvellous Light:

We have come a long way!

  1. God has Promoted us from being Fools to becoming Wise:

We were fools before, because we didn’t really recognise God – We didn’t give Him the Position He deserved in our lives.

And Psalm 14:1 says, The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

We said that God didn’t matter.

I remembered when I was in the University; we were in Categories:

  • There were those who said there is no God at all.
  • There were those who said maybe there was God once, but He is dead.
  • Those of us who thought we were the very best of them said well, maybe God is somewhere in Heaven or whatever they call it. Over there He is minding His business, and I am minding my own .
  • And there were some of us who said well, maybe God created the Heaven and the Earth like they say; but He has lost control.

We were Fools, and yet we thought that we were Intelligent.

But now, by the Grace of God, we are no longer fools – We know there is God, and we know He is God Almighty.

So we have become wise because, it is The fear of the LORD that is the beginning of Wisdom: and the Knowledge of the Holy is Understanding (Proverbs 9:10).

… God has Promoted us from being fools to becoming wise.

  1. He has Promoted us from Shame to Glory:

Because the Bible says in Proverbs 3:35 – The Wise shall inherit Glory: but Shame shall be the Promotion of fools.

Oh! We have come a long way – Now we look forward to Glory.

Because according to Colossians 1:27, the Bible says: To whom God would make known what is the riches of the Glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the Hope of Glory:

Everybody has one hope or the other:

  • Some People are hoping for the day of trouble: that’s why they wear Charms.
  • The reason why some People are stealing, amass Wealth is because they are waiting for the day they call “The Rainy Day”.

And of course, the Rainy Day surely would come. Just like it is already coming now that the Wind is Blowing.

And the money that some People enmass, that they thought Nobody would ever discover; the Wind is Blowing.

Let the Wind Blow, because we have nothing to lose. And know our tomorrow would be alright.

  1. Promoted from Total Weakling to Great Ability:

According to John 15:5 – He made it clear, without me you can do Nothing.

But with me, you can say, according to Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ which Strengtheneth me.

From weakling to People with the ability to do anything.

  1. Promoted from children of the devil to Children of God:

We were once children of the devil; today we are children of God. And according to 1 John 4:4, even the Greater One dwells in us. We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit; we are Overcomers and we have been highly Repositioned.

The Question now is: For what Purpose?

Because God never does anything without a Purpose. Even things you thought happened by accident, God did it on Purpose.

I have quite a few friends, Particularly in one part of the world; and their complaint is, we don’t even know our fathers. Papa would come, meet there Mum, and disappear.

When they complain I always tell them, don’t grumble; Papa came and did what God wanted him to do.

God had a Plan that a Particular Man would meet a Particular Woman to Produce you – He finished his job and disappeared.

Because God knew from the very beginning of the world that if that Man should stay, you would pick up some terrible habits from him.

So he did his job, and God moved him out of the way.

God has a purpose for everything He does.

Revelation 4:11 tells us that He made all things for His Pleasure – God created you so that He can be Pleased.

One way or the other, before you leave this world, your Life will bring Pleasure to God – Amen.

When you read Romans 9:27, He said He made Pharaoh so He could drown him: that the whole world may know that there is only one King of all kings.

Whatever Problem you have had thus far is leading you to something Great – Amen.

You can just take the example of Joseph and see how:

  • The hatred of his brothers led to his being sold into Slavery.
  • The temptation of the wife of Portiphar led him to being thrown into Prison, because he refused to sin.

But he had to get to Prison to be able to meet the one who would lead him to the Throne.

Everything that is happening in your Life is happening for a Purpose – Both the one that you think is evil and the Good ones.

If there had not been a big Problem in my Life that my Mathematics could not solve, I won’t be sitting before you today.

When I had a Problem that all the beautiful Hymns and highly Educated Sermons in the Cathedrals couldn’t handle, somebody led me to the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – Me, a Lecturer in the University in this Church? But God was working His Purpose out.

And He is working His Purpose out for your Life – Amen.

That is why He has Promoted you – He has a Purpose.

There are Sinners outside there.

There are even some People who are in Church, People that are referred to as “Customers.”

You will understand this better if you listened to last Month’s (May 2024) Holy Ghost Service Message – DMC NOTES: You can read the Full Text of the Message on the Label of DMC using this Link:

They came wanting something from Jesus – That’s all a Customer to Jesus does! and said: “As soon as I get it I would go”.

Don’t deceive yourself – There are People like that still in the Church.

That is why some People come to Church and after some time you won’t see them again.

A Man came to Ebute Meta (DMC NOTES: RCCG National Headquarters Parish) several years ago, stiff as iron rod – He couldn’t bend his hand, everything was Straight.

We asked him, “would you give your Life to Jesus Christ? He said, that’s why I’m here.

We Prayed a Simple Prayer, and immediately he became normal – He came to church Singing and dancing.

But after some time, we didn’t see him again. So we followed him up: Brother, why are we not seeing you again?

He said, what’s the Problem? Is it your Church that healed me? We said, No Sir!

He said, if you are Sick and you go to the Hospital and you get well, don’t you come back home? (Laughter) – “If you get healed in the Hospital do you stay there?”

When the Problem came back, he knew that when He heals you it is, “go and sin no more!”

*Apart from those who are Customers in the Church, there are those who are Workers – Promoted from being “Ordinary Customers” to becoming Staff.

So if all you are is a Worker, you are already Promoted.

And then of course, some of us get Promoted Higher – We become Deacon, Deaconess, Assistant Pastor, Full Pastor.

And some of us are even Pastors-In-Charge of Regions.

… You are Promoted for a Purpose.


We are going to take some examples, so that we can learn why we have been Promoted.

Because the Bible tells us that whatever had happened in the Past happened as example for those of us who are coming from behind.

So let’s take some Examples:

  1. MOSES:

When you read Exodus 7:1, God said unto Moses, I have made you a god to Pharaoh.

That is a Classical Example of serious Promotion – A fugitive has now become a god to the one who was King.

And you know before the Story ended, Pharaoh had to come to him and say, Please bless me also.

May I Prophesy to someone: All those who have been Pursuing you would come and beg you for Help – Amen.

… But then, He had a Purpose for Promoting Moses:

I. It is to set God’s People Free.

Because, when you read Exodus 3:7-12 that we have been Studying for quite a while in the Holy Ghost Service – When God came down to meet Moses, He said to him, “I have seen the suffering of my People.” And I have decided, it is time to set them free.

I have come to set them free but Moses, I want you to go and bring my People out of Egypt to a Land flowing into with Milk and Honey.

So what would you say is the reason He has Promoted you? He wants you to set His People free.

How can I go to do that?

  • Well, He wants you to teach them that Jesus is the Way. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
  • He wants you to show those who are in Darkness that there is a way out. Colossians 1:12-13, Who hath delivered us from the Power of Darkness, and hath translated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son:
  • He wants you to show them the Truth. The Word of God made it clear in John 8:32, 36 – And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Your duty is to Preach Freedom to the People – And that’s by teaching them the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.

There are many Ministers who are not teaching the whole Truth – They only teach what is convenient for them.

In our Mission we must teach the whole Truth.

There are highly Educated People who would tell you that all that matters is the New Testament – I agree, the New Testament is very important;

But the entire Bible is the Word of God – And God didn’t say you should break it into two (2) and take that which you like.

Whenever you meet People telling you that the part of the Bible they are quoting is in the New Testament, ignore them.

Ask them: Psalm 23:1 – The LORD is my Shepherd; I shall not want. Is that in the New Testament?

Isaiah 54:17 – No Weapon that is formed against thee shall Prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in Judgment thou shalt condemn. Is that in Colossians?

Deuteronomy 28:13 – And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; Is that in Philippians?

But you would discover that when they find anything that is not comfortable, they would dodge it, saying it is in the Old Testament.

I agree that there are Preachers who are highly intelligent – They know Greek, Hebrew and a lot of things that I don’t know.

Like I was telling one Great Church Leader some days ago, I said there is something about Peter I like – Peter said, I am not as intelligent as Paul. Paul is very intelligent; he Preaches very well.

As a Fisherman I don’t understand most of the things he Preaches.

He said, but I know one thing – God is Holy. But as he which hath called you is Holy, so be ye Holy in all manner of Conversation; Because it is written, Be ye Holy; for I am Holy.

I said, that’s enough for me – With that alone, I know I will see God (1 Peter 1:15-16).

My Beloved children, anything at all that tends to draw you away from Holiness, run away from it.

I was telling my children in Europe – We just had our Ministers Conference in Europe on our own Camp Ground. By the Grace of God, you won’t believe it, our Camp Ground in Europe is bigger than the Camp Ground here. There are many rooms there. Glory be to God.

DMC NOTES: You can get to read the Text of the RCCG Continent 9 Continental Ordained Ministers’ Conference 2024 held at the RCCG Redemption Camp Pierrepont Frensham Road Famham in UK Only on the Label of DMC- Visit our Website:

Many times it is difficult for me to understand why God loves us so much in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – It’s amazing!

Because the Camp Ground was built by a Christian Association; but all of a sudden they decided to sell it. And they wanted to sell it for a Price that was very big. And there were several People ready to buy.

We heard about it and my children went by Faith and bid for it even before they told me – They want to cause a Good Problem for me.

God spoke to their Leader, “Sell to these People” – Our bidding was the least.

Whether you believe it or not, the Purpose of God for your Life will be fulfilled – Amen.

They agreed that we would pay Six Million Pounds (£6,000,000) – Which was far, far below what they wanted.

We went, looked at the Place and saw some things that needs to be repaired. We said sorry, we don’t think we can pay that Six Million Pounds (£6,000,000) – We will need some Pounds for the repairs. Please, can we pay Five Million Pounds (£5,000,000)?

Because God has already said, “these are the People you should sell it to” they agreed. And all the time that we were doing the repairs they were with us, they were helping us.

You see, when God has made up His Mind to favour you, He He will send help from every Quarters.

Just Please, remember – We believe the whole Bible.

We know there are certain aspects of it that Jesus Christ said, I’ve come to take this one away: you don’t have to go and Sacrifice Pigeon, rams, etc. The Blood of Jesus Christ has taken care of all that.

But the One who said in Isaiah 3:10, “Say ye to the Righteous, that it shall be well with him:” has not Changed.

And based on that only, I can guarantee you, your tomorrow is going to be alright – Amen.

Present Jesus Christ to the People, tell them the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.

If you hear somebody saying, “once you are Born Again you can live as you like; that you would still make Heaven.” Tell him, it is written in Revelation 22:15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

So even if you are Born Again and you are still living in sin and lie, on the Last Day you would find yourself Outside.

But in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I would see all of you in Heaven – Amen.

You can see how glad we are today – Can you imagine how glad we would be when we meet in Heaven?

In the Mighty Name of Jesus, none of you would be missing – Amen.

… He sent Moses to go and bring out His People. But that’s not all.

  1. He sent him to them to Restore everything that the enemy had stolen from them.

In Exodus 13:35-36, when the Children of Israel were leaving Egypt, everything that the Egyptians had owed them – You know that they had been Labouring for “No Pay” for more than Four Hundred (400) years. In a Single Night, they recovered all.

You yourself, you would recover all – Amen.

You are to teach your People how to Recover all:

You must teach the People the way out of Poverty – Don’t close your mouth and say, you shouldn’t teach along that line.

You must teach the whole Truth. What is the way?

According to Galatians 6:7-10, it is what you sow that you will reap.

Many of us are children of Farmers – We know that the Law of Harvest works in us.

Remove Farmers from the Nation, that Nation will Perish very quickly.

Way back in 1960, as a Member of the Literary and Debating Society at Ilesha Grammar School (DMC NOTES: A Secondary School in Osun State Nigeria); we had a Debate. And the Topic of the Debate was, “The Farmer is more Important than the Doctor.”

And I was leading our Team.

The fellow on the other side was very Brilliant; telling us about how good Doctors are and how necessary they are.

He said, when you are sick Doctors treat you.

But when I was born there was no Doctor in town (laughter).

He kept on, Doctors will be there to Prescribe drugs, to write Birth and Death Certificates, etc.

When he had finished I said: Ladies and Gentlemen, Doctors are Wonderful People and we need them.

But we are not saying Doctors are not important, we are saying, “Farmers are more important than Doctors.”

Because if the Farmers are not there, the Doctors would die of hunger.

I told them, we need Doctors on Special occasions; but we need the Farmers everyday.

If I can remembered correctly, when it was time to vote, those who voted for Doctors were Thirty seven (37); while those who voted for Farmers were Seventy three (73).

The Law of Harvest works! – You don’t sow, you won’t reap. And what you reap is going to be Proportional to what you sow.

I told my children years ago that God asked me Son, what kind of Pastor do you want to be? And I told Him Lord, I don’t understand the Question.

As a Mathematician I need to understand the Question before I can answer.

He said, Do you want to be the Best or the Worse? I said, I want to be the Best.

“You want to be the Greatest or the Least?” I said, if I have to choose between the two, there is no Humility in being the Least.

“You want to be the Richest or the Poorest?” I have tasted Poverty, it is not Good. For the first eighteen (18) years of my Life I had no pair of shoes. If I have to choose between being the Poorest and the Richest, I choose Richest.

Not long after, we had another Gathering and God asked me the same Question, and I gave Him the same answer.

He said to me okay Son, from now on, you would be giving me the biggest Denomination in your Pocket.

And at that time, the biggest denomination was One Hundred Naira (#100) – That was a lot of money then. Naira then was not Naira now. You may not believe it, there was a time Naira was bigger than the Dollar.

Oh! God will Restore the Value of Naira – Amen!

I am not the Richest Pastor yet, but as God lives, what He Promised He will fulfill.

Teach your People, learn how to Sow – It is in Sowing that you’ll reap and be out of Poverty.

Let them know it is written in Luke l6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; Good measure, Pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

It is the Truth, and the Truth is no respecter of Persons.

In my family, every morning at 6:00am, we have our Devotion.

And one day this Particular Passage came in the Open Heavens Daily Devotional – Written by Pastor E.A Adeboye.

And I told my Domestic Staff, you come to the Morning Devotion you bring Nothing. Because after Devotion we take an Offering. Some of you are laughing now! O Yes, we take an Offering and set it for Missions – So you don’t think it is Daddy GO who spends the money.

If you are a Member of the Choir and you sing but you don’t give; you will sing in Heaven. But sowing a Song is not going to Produce Naira. No! What you sow, that’s what you would reap.

So I said, no matter how little, bring something. And they began to do so. And all of a sudden the People who visit: I mean, there are many Visitors coming to our house. They would come, these children would serve them, and when it’s time to go, they would just go.

But the moment these children began to sow, all of a sudden the Visitors began to say: Please, help me give this to that one serving me. Another one would say, this is for the househelp.

What they get as Tips is now more than their Salary.

Because the Law of Harvest would work for you if you want it.

Teach your People, you don’t have to keep quiet about it – Tell them the Truth, that’s the way out of Poverty.

Teach them to Tithe – Don’t listen to those who say That’s Old Testament.

In Matthew 23:23 Jesus Christ said, Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites! for ye pay Tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the Law, Judgment, Mercy, and Faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

Do both! Show Mercy, be Kind, but pay your Tithe – It came out of the mouth of Jesus Christ.

The highly Intelligent People would say, God was speaking only of the Jews; to the children of Abraham, not you – I am talking from New Testament now.

In Galatians 3:29, the Bible says, And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s Seed, and Heirs according to the Promise.

So if what the Law of Tithing says is for the Seed of Abraham, Glory be to God, I am the Seed of Abraham.

The same People Sing:

Abraham’s Blessings are mine
Abraham’s Blessings are mine
I am blessed in the morning
I am blessed in the evening;
Abraham’s Blessings are mine.

They want the Blessings of Abraham, they don’t want the responsibilities. And the Bible says Abraham even paid Tithe.

Teach your People Faith:

I’ve told you before, God is not a talkative.

Psalm 62:11 says, God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that Power belongeth unto God.

But when He said, “Let there be Light” He said it once, and there was Light.

When God wants to tell you something very important He would say it twice. “Verily, verily I say unto you…” – That means, what I am about to tell you is very important.

When He repeats Himself three (3) times, that means the matter is very, very serious.

When He was speaking to Joshua in the Book of Joshua 1:1-9, three (3) times He said, “Be Strong and be of Good Courage.”

When He was saying it the third (3rd) time, you could feel the hint of Anger in His Voice – “I say be Strong and of Good Courage; have I not commanded you?”

And that was on the occasion when He was asking a Messenger to become the Head of State. And this boy knew the State he was being asked to head. His master (Moses) led them for Forty (40) years; it caused him to miss the Promise Land.

His Oga who saw You in the Burning Bush failed, you are asking him to take over – That’s why Joshua was trembling.

So God repeated Himself three (3) times.

But four (4) times – How many times? four (4) times! God said, “The Just shall live by Faith” – Habbakkuk 2:4, Romans 10:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38.

Teach your People Faith.

I would need to be rounding up tonight – We would take up from there tomorrow Morning.

DMC NOTES: You will get this as well on our DMC Website and all Social Media Handles!

But I want you to know one thing – If you want the People to learn Faith, they have to learn it from you. And you have to be the Example.

Let me tell you one thing – When God makes you a Promise, if you share it with People they would laugh at you – That’s how you will know it is God.

I said it sometime ago; People have been laughing at me now for a long time; but many of them don’t laugh anymore.

Because they now know, if this Boy says “God said” he knows what he is saying.

When He said that He would build me a City when I asked Him for a house; even my friends laughed – They are not laughing anymore.

Take my word for it my Beloved Children – Your tomorrow is going to be alright (Amen).

No matter how ridiculous that may sound to you now – when you consider your Present situation; take courage in the Word of God. He is the Alpha and the Omega. Wherever you are going, He is already there.

When He told my father-in-the-Lord that the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) would spread all over the world; anybody who heard him then would have laughed at him.

And yet today, even in Iran we have a Church that is thriving.

In fact, the Pastor there is always disturbing me – Almost every week he would tell me one Miracle or the other that has happened. And he is an Iranian man.

Whether you believe it or not, I’ve never seen him before.

And over there, when he wants to Pray in Public, because if they hear you mention the Name of Jesus, they could cut off your head. So he would tell his People, this is what I am going to say out loud, but I am talking about the Name of Jesus.

He tells them, I would say, “in the Name of BOJ – Blood of Jesus!”

So how many of you believe your tomorrow would be alright? The DMC Family Members.

Let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.


You are Promoted for a Purpose, that is why we are going to take the Holy Communion.

In 1 Kings 19:4-8, when Elijah thought there was no Hope, and he was asking God, let me die. God told him, “I don’t want to bury my “Wounded Soldier” – I feed them.”

Some of you may look at the situation in the Country and you may think, there is very little Hope. Don’t forget that your God is still on the Throne.

Believe me or not, your tomorrow is going to be alright – Amen.

So God Himself Prepared a Meal, told Elijah to eat.

And He gave him the reason why he must eat. He said, because the Journey is still far.

Many of you may think we are already big; we have not even started the journey yet.


I want you to bow your head and Pray tonight.

  1. I want you to say; Thank You Almighty God for Promoting me. I want to Thank You because You have Promoted me for a Big Purpose.
  2. Tonight Lord, I want You to feed me so that there’ll be Strength for the rest of the Journey and so that Your Purpose for my Life would be fulfilled.

God ahead, talk to God; call on the Almighty.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


Ancient of Days, I want to Bless Your Holy Name.

Thank You for tonight. Thank You for Your Word. Please, accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You for Promoting Your Children. Thank You for Your Purpose for our lives. Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus’ Name.

LORD, feed us tonight, give us Strength for the rest of the journey; and let Your Purpose for our lives be fulfilled.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.


When you take the Bread, you would ask God for Strength.

That as the Bread is entering your body, the Strength you need for the rest of the Journey would be Supplied to you.

And of course when they serve you the Wine, hold on to it until we have all been served. And when it is time to drink, I will tell you how to Pray.

The Lord Jesus Christ; the very Night in which He was betrayed took the Bread and when He has given Thanks, He broke it saying: Take, Eat; this is my Body broken for you; do this in Remembrance of Me.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus b- Amen!

As soon as they serve you the Bread, eat and continue to pray.

Thank you Pastors!

We can all Stand now: The Bread is for Strength, the Wine is for Power.

So when you drink the Wine tonight, you are going to cry to God for Power.

Power to achieve His Purpose, ask Him to give it to you Abundantly.

After the same manner also; He took the Cup when He has sup, saying: This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood, Please do ye as oft as you drink it in Remembrance of Me.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus b- Amen!

Go ahead, cry to Him for Power.

Thank You Lord. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

So shall it be, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

He will give you Strength for the rest of the journey. You won’t Lack Strength.

He will give you Power and you will fulfill His Purpose.

So shall it be. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

We can remain seated in an Attitude of Worship.

You Pass the cups to the aisles so that the Ushers can collect them very quickly.


Now, it is our custom to Thank the Almighty God after Holy Communion.

We want to say Thank You Lord for making Your Body available to be Broken into Pieces for our Healings.

Thank You for Your Blood that You shed to wash away our sins.

Thank You Lord, for making this Power available to us.

So, lets quickly take our Thanksgiving Offering; dance to the nearest basket (online) and drop it.

And then rejoice with your Brothers and Sisters.

Over to the Choir.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

STOP PRESS: Out and ready for Pick Up – Our Year 2023 RCCG Programs covering all Programs, Inclusive Weekly Messages of Pastor Mensah Otabil, Apostle Joshua Selman, Bro Gbile, Pastor Paul Enenche and Pastor Poju on a 16GB Flash from our Stable. Call/Text/WhatsApp 08023604721/08066497178/08059821748

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