Let Us Pray!


Immortal God
Invincible God
Immortal God
How Great thou Art

The King of Kings
The Lord of Lords
Immortal God
How Great thou Art

The Lord of Hosts
The King of Glory
Immortal God
How Great thou Art


Our Father and our God, we Worship You. There is no One like You, You live forever and You are never Limited by anything – You are not Limited by Age, Death, Resources; because all things belong to You.

You are the All Sufficient God, You are God and God alone – We Worship You.

Father, we want You to know that we are Proud of You – We are Proud to be Your Children and we are Proud that our Father is so Great, so Wonderful, so Powerful. Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

We are here again Lord God Almighty and it is written that in Your Presence, there is Fullness of Joy.

Let our Joy be Full today!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell him or her – Your Joy will be Full today!

And then, you may Please be seated.

We are now on Part 25 of our Series: “For Whom The Heavens Open!

And we have been using Joshua as our Case Study.

And we bless the Name of the Lord that He has been giving us Revelations upon Revelations from the Life of this Great Man of God.

Our Bible Text still remains Joshua 6: 3-5 – Even though our focus will be on Verse 4 today.

Joshua 6:3-5:

  1. And ye shall compass the City, all ye men of war, and go round about the City once. Thus shalt thou do six days.
  2. And seven priests shall bear before the Ark seven Trumpets of rams’ horns: and the seventh day ye shall compass the City seven times, and the Priests shall blow with the Trumpets.
  3. And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when ye hear the sound of the Trumpet, all the People shall shout with a great shout; and the wall of the City shall fall down flat, and the People shall ascend up every man straight before him.

We have been looking at this Passage now for a couple of our Series:

  • We have discussed the Routine of going round the City once a Day for six (6) Days.
  • And then in the Last Series (Part 24); we discussed the Issue of the Number Seven (7). And that every Numbers has its own Significance.
  • We spoke Particularly about Number Seven (7) being the Number of Perfection, Rest, Blessedness and Breakthrough.

But there is something in Verse 4 of our Bible Text (Joshua 6:4) that we cannot ignore:

And seven Priests shall bear before “THE ARK” seven Trumpets of rams’ horns …

Meaning that: The Ark of the Covenant of God is to go with them as they go round the City!

The Greatest Secret of Success is “Divine Presence”.

If God is Present with you, you just keep on Succeeding as it is not Possible for you to fail if God is going with you everywhere that you go!

  1. In Genesis 39: 1-3; the Bible tells us that God was with Joseph.

It was because God was with him (Joseph) that is why He found Favour as God was with him even in Slavery.

In Genesis 39: 20-23; the Success of Joseph in the Prisonyard was because God was with him.

  1. In Exodus 3: 7-12; when God told Moses that I want you to go to Egypt and bring my People out.

And Moses said: Lord, aren’t you forgetting something – I am a Fugitive, as I ran away from Pharaoh. Now, you want me to go and tell him to let go the People he has kept in Bondage for hundreds of years.

God said that I will give you one assurance – I will be with you.

  1. In Joshua 1: 1-5; when God spoke to a Servant – You are to become Head of State and where your Leader failed, you are going to Succeed.

He (God) told Joshua – As I was with Moses, I will be with you.

  1. In 1 Samuel 17: 33-37; when King Saul said to David – You can’t fight Goliath as you are a Little boy. Goliath is a Veteran as he has been a Warrior from birth.

And David said that I have killed a Lion before, I have killed a Bear before; the God who was with me then will take care of this Goliath.

Saul said: Go and the Lord be with you!

  1. In Jeremiah 1: 1-8; when God said to Jeremiah that I am going to send you to this Rebellious Nation.

But Jeremiah said: But I am a “Small Boy” and I don’t even know how to speak et cetera et cetera.

God said: Don’t look at their faces; I will be with you.

  1. In Acts 10:38; the Bible says: How God Anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power, who went about doing Good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil.

Why? For God was with Him!

  1. In Mark 16: 15-30; Jesus Christ told the Disciples – I want you to go into the whole world and continue to Preach the Gospel to every Creatures.

As you go, Signs will follow you – You will cast out Demons, you will heal the sick et cetera et cetera.

The Bible said that they went everywhere – Miracles, Signs and Wonders began to happen because God was working with them.

The Greatest Secret of Success is Divine Presence.

And so I Pray in the Name that is above every other name that everyone of you listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC; God will be with you – Amen!

Now, the Ark of Covenant is the Symbol of Divine Presence – That is what the Ark of Covenant represents.

Where the Ark of Covenant goes, God goes!

In 1 Samuel 4: 1-8 – When the children of Israel were facing battle with the Philistines and the Philistines were winning.

The Elders says: Hey, we know why we are losing – The Ark of the Covenant is not here. Let us go and get it!

So they sent home and brought the Ark of Covenant to the Camp.

When the Ark of Covenant arrived, they shouted loud!

The Philistines heard the shouting, and said: What is going on? And they said that the Ark of Covenant had come to the Israelites Camp.

The Philistines were frightened – God has come to battle. And they said: Ha, we are downfall. Who is going to deliver us from this God?

When you look at Numbers 14: 39-45 – After the Spies came back from spying the Land and they said that we can’t go into the Land because the Land eat up their Inhabitants thereof et cetera et cetera.

And God sent Moses to tell them – Alright, tell them that if they don’t want to go, then they won’t go. You are going to Perish.

They said that we are sorry and we are ready to go.

Moses said that it is “Too Late” now as you can’t go anymore. God has said that the way is shut against you.

They said that we will go!

Moses said fine, it is up to you if you want to go. But the Ark of Covenant will not go with you.

The Bible said that they went without the Ark of Covenant and the Enemies dealth with them.

Don’t go to war without the Presence of God!

Now, the Ark of Covenant – Representing the Presence of God is so Powerful that no Demon can withstand it!

In 1 Samuel 5: 1-3 – When the Philistines captured the Ark of Covenant.

Hey, we have gotten that thing these People (Israelites) relied upon and it is now in our Possession. And they put it in the house of their God – Dagon by name.

By the time they returned the following Morning, Dagon was lying down flat – Bowing to the Ark of Covenant of God.

They said: Dagon, what are you doing? Don’t shame us. They picked up Dagon and set it on its feet again.

When they returned the following Morning, according to 1 Samuel 5: 4-5; Dagon is no longer not just on his face; his head is broken and his hands were gone.

You can’t fight God and wins – If He knocks you down, it is to warn you. If you get up again, and said that you want to continue the fight; then you will lose your head.

But why have I brought the Ark of Covenant before you today?

Am I asking you to go and search for where the Old Ark of Covenant is, so that you can bring it to your house? – No!

The Truth of the matter is that you can become an Ark of Covenant for God!

You said: How? It is very Simple!

Revelation 3:20 says: Behold, I Stand by the door and I knock. If any Man will hear my voice and open the door to me; I will come in unto him and begin to live with him – Eating and Drinking.

And remember that wherever God is, that is where the Ark of Covenant is.

In John 14:23; Jesus Christ said that if you Love me, you will keep my Words; then my dad will Love you. And then both of us will come in and live in you.

What do you need to do?

  • Love Jesus Christ.
  • Obey His Commandments
  • Himself (Jesus Christ), and His Father will Love you and they will both come in and live in you.
  • So wherever you go, it will be the Ark of Covenant going,
  • What will follow? And then you will win every battle.

2 Corinthians 2:14 – It says that we should give Glory to God who always causes us always to Triumph.

Because where the Ark of Covenant is, there is Victory!

1 John 4:4 says: Little children, you have overcome them.

Why? Because Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.

Why have you overcome now Little children?

Because you are now the Ark of Covenant of God – You are carrying inside of you the Greater One.

So that wherever you go, all you need to do is to say – In the Name of Jesus Christ and Knees will begin to bow (Philippians 2: 9-11).

When Jesus Christ is in you; the devil knows that here comes an Ark of Covenant – You may not appreciate it but it is True!

I quickly remind you the Story of one Young Fellow who went somewhere and came back loaded with Demons – So loaded with Demons that he couldn’t sit down, he couldn’t stand up but can only lie down like a Vegetable.

And they brought him to the RCCG National Headquarters Parish at Ebute Metta in Lagos State Nigeria.

And I saw him and guided by the Holy Spirit, I said to him that I want to Pray with you and that he should kneel down. And he said that I can’t kneel down.

I said that I Command you to kneel down. He said that in whose Name? And I said in the Name of Jesus and he said that is different and he knelt down.

I Prayed for him and casted the Demons out of him.

And after that, I said get up and he said that I can’t stand up.

I said that I Command you to stand up. And he said in whose Name?

… Oh, how sweet the Name of Jesus is!

I said in the Name of Jesus and he said that is different.

He got up and I told him to go home, take his bath and go to work. He said that I can’t walk.

I said that I Command you. He said in whose Name? And I said in the Name of Jesus.

And I’m commanding today that every Mountains before everyone of you listening to me now or reading now on the Label of DMC; will move in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

In Acts of the Apostles 8: 5-8; the Bible said that when Philip got to Samaria, Full of the Holy Spirit; it is as if the Ark of the Covenant has arrived.

The Bible says: Demons were screaming and getting out; so that the whole City became safe and there was Great Joy in the City.

Go to your City as an Ark of the Covenant of God – Christ is in you, God the Father is in you, the Holy Spirit is in you. You are an Ark of Covenant of God and so go and chase out every Demons in your City.

But I must tell you the whole Truth – Why the Power of the Ark of the Covenant of God remained Solid; it can be trouble in the wrong hands!

Remember the Story in Acts of the Apostles 19: 11-17 – The Bible says that God Performed Special Miracles by the Hand of Paul so that even his Handkerchiefs was getting rid of Demons.

And then some People said that we see what you are doing – You are just calling the Name of Jesus and these Demons are fleeing.

And so they saw a Mad Man – And they said in the Name of Jesus that Paul Preaches, Demons get out!

The Demon said: Jesus Christ I know, Paul I know – I know a Carrier of Jesus; but who are you?

In 1 Samuel 5: 6-11 – When the Philistines took the Ark of Covenant of God to Ashdod; Ashdod got into trouble.

And so they sent the Ark of Covenant to Gath; Gath got into a “Bigger Trouble”.

So, they sent it to Ekron; the People in Ekron (DMC Notes: The Ekronites) saw the Ark of Covenant coming and they shouted in fear – They wanted to kill us.

You can be an Ark of God if you are willing to live Holy!

  • It is dangerous to be an Ark of God and live a Careless Life.
  • It is dangerous to be an Ark of God and live in sin.

I’m telling you that you can begin to operate as from today as an Ark of God – Casting out Demons, Healing the Sick, becoming a Carrier of Joy and Deliverance wherever you go; Provided that you are willing to live Holy!

Remember what Jesus Christ said – If you will Love me and keep my Commandments, my Father will Love you and my Father and I will come and dwell in you.

Don’t forget the Details:

  • You must Love Him (God).
  • You must keep Hiis (God) Commandments.

I. And don’t forget that one of His Principal Commandments is that you occupy till He comes.

II. One of His (God) Principal Commandments is that you will keep on Winning Souls.

Let me Close with this:

It is a very dangerous thing to be an Ex-Ark of God!

It is better that you have never been an Ark of God, than to be an Ex-Ark of God!

Do you know what that means?

Better not to have been saved, than to be a Backslider!

1 Samuel 10: 1-12 – Saul was a farmer’s boy but he was Anointed by Samuel (He Poured Oil on him).

And he told him that you are no longer Ordinary – The Spirit of God will be dwelling in you.

And as He turned to go, the Bible says that the Holy Spirit took him over and the farmer’s boy began to Prophesy. So much such that all the Prophets are saying: Ha, Ha; is this not Saul? Is he one of the Prophets?

But by the time we get to 1 Samuel 16: 1-14; after Saul now had become “Too Big” for his shoes; after he disobeyed God in 1 Samuel Chapter 15 – The Bible said that when the Spirit of God left King Saul, an Evil Spirit from God troubled him.

I can Congratulate you and say: Now, you understand that you are an Ark of God.

You are Born of God, you Love God, you Love the Lord Jesus Christ, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit dwelling in you; but never Dream of Backsliding. Not even once because Nature has no Room for Vacuum.

If the Spirit of God leaves you, the space will have to be occupied by the Spirit of the devil and the end will be worst than the beginning!

It is our Prayer that the Almighty God who has been dwelling in you will remain there Permanently – Amen!


As for those of you who has not given your Life to Jesus Christ and you say if that is the case, I don’t think that I want to be a Child of God.

Do you know what that one means?

It means that there is something already dwelling in you.

Remember that there is no Room for Vacuum in Nature – If God is not in you, then Somebody is in there.

Each time you tell a lie, the Bible says that you are speaking as a Child of your father. And it says that the father of lies is satan.

So, if you have ever told a lie before, you know who is dwelling in you.

But you can chase him out today by coming to the Lord Jesus Christ and Surrendering your Life to Him.

And then, Jesus Christ will come in.

And you know what? Very soon, wherever you go, you will be going as an Ark of God, Triumphing in every situations.

So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ; will you Please bow your Head and cry unto Him and say:

Hey, II’m opening my Heart unto You, come in Please – Save my Soul, come and dwell in me and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

And I will Pray with you now for your Salvation!


My Father and my God, I want to say Thank You once again for Your Words.

And Thank You for these People who has Chosen now to open their Hearts to you so that you can come in.

Please, save their Souls, forgive all their sins, let Your Blood wipe away all their sins, write their names in the Book of Life and come and dwell in them.

From now on, when they cry to You, answer them by Fire and let them serve You to the End.

And Father, I’m Praying for all Your Children who are already Yours – Thank You for the realisation that they are Arks of Covenant, walking about, carrying You wherever they go.

Please Lord God Almighty, everyday let them Triumph and don’t let them ever Backslide.

Uphold them till the very End Lord!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

I rejoice with those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ Christ.

Please contact me very quickly so that I can begin to Pray for you.

I want to have your names, your Addresses and your Prayer Requests.

And then, Please see one of my Pastors in any of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Churches near you – Tell the Pastor there that I sent you and he will tell you what to do next.

Congratulations – God Bless You!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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