Let somebody shout Hallelujah … Hallelujah!

SONG: Praise God Hallelujah, Praise God Amen (2ce).


Father Almighty, we just want to say that we love you. We appreciate you and we Honour you Lord. King of Glory, Lord of Host, our Help in Ages Past and our Hope for years to come; thank you.

Thank you for all what you did during the Convention – Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!! Lord please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Tonight, as we gather together at your table, we pray that you do something New and something that will give us a brand New Beginning.

Father, we pray that as a result of tonight’s Meal, all our Mockers will be Silenced.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed – Amen!

… Let somebody shout Hallelujah … Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) people and say: Happy New Year, God Bless You!


1. And afterwards Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, this saith the LORD God of Israel; Let my people go that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness.

2. And Pharaoh said, who is the LORD that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go.

Who is a Mocker?

A Mocker is someone who says who your God is, where is He and what Power has He?

Pharaoh said: who is your God? He said I don’t know and am not going to obey Him.

Now, when anybody mocks God, when anybody asks who is your God or where is your God? Such people always gets their answers directly from God.

In Psalms 115: 1-3; the bible says: God it is unto you that we are asking for Glory to be given.

If He then said: where is your God. Then tell them that you are in the Heavens and you still do as you pleases.

Daddy has a Good News for somebody here tonight (and by extension reading) that this very Month of September, 2018; all those who has been saying where is your God will be Silenced. Because when Pharaoh said who is God? What can He do? Our God simply answered him and said that I can fight with water you know.

In Exodus 7: 14-21; He changed all the waters in the land of Egypt to blood so that the people could not drink for days – they were dying of thirst.

There are ten (10) major Plagues that God used to answer Pharaoh. We don’t have enough time tonight to go through all of them.

Then in Exodus 10: 21-22; He showed him that He can change “Day to Night” because He is in the Heavens and the Controller of the Sun, Moon and Stars. Darkness so thick covered the land of Egypt for three (3) days – it was such thick that you can touch it.

In Acts 13: 6-12; Paul was preaching to a Governor and a sorcerer decided to attempt to block his way and Paul said: I will show you who my God is. He commanded that the man should be blind for a Season. And all of a sudden; the day became night for that fellow.

Because God is still the same and has not changed; this Month, God will fight your Mockers with water and then change their light to darkness.

And then He decided to show that it is a very dangerous thing to hate Him.

In Proverbs 8: 36; God said that anyone who hates me (Him) loves death.

The last Plague that He visited on Egypt as recorded in Exodus 12: 29-32; was that He visited the house of every Egyptians with death. He killed all their first (1st) borns. By the time that happened, Pharaoh said that now I know who God is, I know that there is no one like Him, I surrender.

As the Lord lives, the One who has called daddy and sent him; all those who has been Mocking you this Month they will be Silenced.

Now there is one little thing that I will want to discuss. There won’t be long sermon today as we are waiting for tomorrow.

Before God will Silence Mockers, He will always separate His own from among them so that when the fire begin to fall it will not burn His own accidentally.

And according to Exodus 12: 5-9; He separated His own by a “Special Meal”. He told them to kill a lamb; to eat the lamb roasted with fire and to use the blood of the lamb to mark their doorposts so that when the Angel of death is passing by, he will pass over them.

Each time we come for the Holy Communion, we are repeating what happened several thousand years ago in the land of Egypt: we are eating the symbol of the body of the Lamb (the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world – that is Jesus Christ). We are drinking the symbol of the blood as symbolized by the wine.

As we partake of this Meal, we are saying to the Angel of death that when you are Silencing Mockers don’t include me among those that you will Silenced.

That is exactly what we are saying.

So when you come to the Holy Communion table, that is why I have cried again and again: don’t treat this Meal as an “Ordinary Meal” as it is not ordinary.

The bible text passage that we read in 1 Corinthians 11: 23-33 says that if you eat it unworthily; it could kill you.

It is a “Special Meal”. It is a Meal related to the Lamb of God who laid down His life so that He can shed His blood for you and His body broken for you.

It is a Meal that you approach with “Tremendous Respect”. It is a Meal that separates Mockers of God from the children of God. It is a Meal that can make all the difference.

That is why am praying for all of you here tonight (and by extension all those reading); who are yet to be true children of God to pleases, please don’t hesitate to come and surrender your life to Jesus Christ.

This Month is very, very Special. Thank God for last Month. Thank God for Dominion. Thank God for the Presence of God – very Mighty here in the manner that we have never seen before in our midst.

The only possible follow-up that we can do is what we are having this Month – that our Mockers will be Silenced.

So if you are here and you have not given your life to Jesus Christ; I will count from 1 to 5 – come and stand before the altar and I will pray with you for your Salvation.

If you claimed that you are already “Born Again” and your life has not changed; then it means that somebody is lying.

So make sure that you have “Genuine Salvation” and you can come tonight because if any man be in Christ, He is a New Creature. He is Different and must be Different.

Those of you that are now in front of the altar cry to the Almighty God now: Father give me Genuine Salvation, save my soul, forgive all my sins and let your blood wash away all my sins. Make me a brand New Creature. Change me completely. Let me become a member of the family of God. Be my Lord and be my Saviour.

And for the rest of us, let us stretch out our hands towards these people and intercede for them. Let us pray that the One who saved our souls will also save their own souls also. That God will give them Genuine Salvation and they will become a “Brand New Creature in Him”. That beginning from now, they will be accepted into the family of God and they will become worthy members of the households of God.

… In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed … Amen!

GO PRAYS: My Father and my God; I want to bless your Holy Name because your Word is “Yea and Amen”. You are the One that says that whosoever come to you, you won’t cast out. These people have come to you now, please receive them, save their souls, let your blood wash away their sins, let them become brand New Creatures in you and write their names in the “Book of Life”. And from now on, let them serve you forever. Please Lord, anytime they call on you from now; answer them by fire. And let them serve you till the very end.

… In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed … Amen!


Tonight, when they serve you the bread and I have given you the go ahead to eat, then you can eat the bread. But when they serve you the wine, you hold on to it until we are all served so that we can all drink it together as one.

When you eat the bread, your prayer is that: Father, everything PHYSICAL that is Mocking God in my Life – sickness, disease, ache, pain, barrenness; that they should all be Silenced even tonight.

Then when they served you the wine, your cry to God will be that: Father everything SPIRITUAL that is Mocking God in my Life – demons, spiritual husbands, spiritual wives, curse, evil covenant; that are all saying where is my God; let them be Silenced Permanently tonight once and for all.

… So shall be it in Jesus Name!

Let us please remained in an attitude of Worship as we take our offering.

Let us pray with our offering that the Almighty God will Silence every ‘Financial Situations” Mocking God in my life. Tonight will put an end to poverty permanently in our life. That in every area that we are suffering Insufficiency, the Almighty God will arise tonight and Silence everything Mocking God in our life.

So lift up your offering as we pray: And so Father, every “devourers” in my life devouring my Finances, Silence them permanently tonight.

… So with that Faith that the Almighty God has heard all your prayers and answer them, dance towards the nearest basket and drop your offerings.


And so Father, we want to say thank you. We know that once you have spoken that it is already done. For all you children who has come here tonight (and by extension all those reading); by tomorrow let them be sharing their Testimonies.

Every Mockers Physically, Silenced them. Every Mockers Spiritually, Silenced them. Every Mockers Materially, Silenced them.

Father, bless the offerings of your children, sanctified it and use it for your Glory.

And please Lord, don’t let your children ever lack again. And let tomorrow be extraordinary. In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed … Amen!

… Now we all know that tomorrow is a very “Special Day” for ALL those who are “TRUSTING GOD FOR THE FRUIT OF THE WOMB.

And not for them alone but also all of us who has “ANYTHING LEFT IN OUR LIFE THAT CAN STILL BE CHALLENGING OUR GOD”.

… Tomorrow is a “SPECIAL DAY” for all of us.

So invite your friends and invite everybody.

Daddy believes that tomorrow will be a kind of Night we have never seen before.

… Those of you that believes that even before tomorrow, all your Mockers will be Silenced; let me hear you shout a very big Hallelujah … HALLELUJAH!!!

Thank you so much for reading.



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