TEXT: MARK 16:15
Please really shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Am sure that all the Ordainees have a copy of the Sermon Outline?
Am sorry there is an error where I quoted that 19,100 people are being Ordained. The Record truly shows 12,800 – Am sorry about that.
“There is a difference between speaking as a Leader and speaking as a FATHER”.
The Leader is primarily “Project Oriented” but the FATHER is “People Oriented.”
As I was preparing for this Meeting, the burden that God put in my heart (in addition to a few other things He showed me) was that: I should address you as a FATHER.
I would never have claimed that myself; but since the impression was very strong in my heart, I will do just that!
So I will be a little slower than I would normally preach, just to make sure what am saying SINKS into our hearts.
I have about five (5) Prayer Sessions:
- The Opening Prayer
- The Closing Prayer, and then
- The Prayers for each of the Sections that you have in the Sermon Outline.
And the First Prayer Session, I would like us to rise and really pray with all our hearts, and ask God to ACTIVATE HIS CREATIVE WORDS IN ME.
… Ask for yourself!
Please pray that Prayer: that the Creative Force of the Word of God would be ACTIVATED in your life.
ACTIVATE Your Creative Word in me, Oh God. Let Your Words dwell in me with Creative Force, Creative Power, Creative Ability. Oh God, Your Word; let it not be the LETTERS to me; let it be SPIRIT, let it be LIFE! Your Word oh God, ACTIVATE in me: its Creative Force, its Creative Power.
We ask oh God that as this Message comes, that it will work in everyone of us with Creative Force, with Creative Power!
In Jesus’ Name we have PRAY – Amen!
You may be seated, please.
“And he said unto them, GO YE into ALL the world, and Preach the Gospel to EVERY Creature.”
As I all looked at this Passage, I felt that Jesus said this with a Father’s heart – a Father that is BURDENED. A Father that has Vision – He’s not a Father that is visionless, He’s not a Father that is Passionless, He’s not a Father that has no direction. But One that is really BURDENED!
Because this was the key thing; it was more important to Him at the time of His departure than any other issue: GO YE! – “And GO YE into ALL the world, and Preach the Gospel to EVERY Creature.”
And because the Lord Jesus Christ said this; we have Prayed that He will ACTIVATE the Creative Power of His Words in us.
We would take that “GO YE” and allow it to work in us – allow it to work in every perspective of our lives.
We will allow it to work; in our Ministries, in our Marriages, allow it to work in our Health, in our Finances, our Academics, our Businesses.
When He said: “GO YE!” He meant what He was saying – Go and Preach, go to all the world and Preach to every Creature.
This will lead me to the Second Prayer that I want us to Pray. You can sit down as we pray this prayer: Ask God to saturate us with the PASSION for souls.
Can we say Father; saturate me with the PASSION FOR SOULS!
Please pray that Prayer in the Name of Jesus Christ – Father saturate me with the PASSION for souls; with the desire to get people saved! The Passion for souls. Please Lord, please in the Name of Jesus, Oh God saturate us with the PASSION for souls. Lord Jesus, let this be the thing that is ruling my life. Let the Fire burn in my heart and in my bones. Passion for souls, we ask for everyone of us – Not just to know it, not just to experience it, but we will be saturated with the PASSION for souls.
Thank You Father! In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed – Amen!

So “SECTION A” of our Outline made a statement. It asked a question this morning (it’s actually supposed to be a question): WHAT’S BURNING?
And why that question is asked is because (as you see in the First Scroll); “Whatever is burning in your heart is ruling in your life.”(2ce)
Even when Jeremiah said he wasn’t going to Preach to the world; but the Word was burning in his heart and burning in His Bones. And so he couldn’t stop himself – he couldn’t resist it.
If it is the Word burning in your heart, and burning in your bones: you can’t stop Preaching that Word.
Paul said: Woe is unto me if I preach not the Gospel. Woe is unto me, I have no other reason to live.
In fact, Paul was so convinced about it. The Word was burning in his heart so much that he couldn’t stop.
The other way to put it is: let me be accursed if I Preach not the Gospel.
“The thing that is burning in your heart is the thing that is RULING your life.”
If you check your life, you will find out that the most outstanding Passion that you have is the same thing that colours everything about your life, your Ministry, your Marriage, your Finances, even your Health.
… Everything is coloured by your “Most Outstanding PASSION!”
What is the Fire that you have?
In fact I recommend to people that: “The Word should be written in your heart with BLOOD and FIRE”.
And when I say: BLOOD and FIRE; I mean the Word should be written in us with Blood – that is, it is something worth dying for.
… The Gospel is something worth dying for.
It’s a true statement that “Whatever is not worth DYING for is not worth LIVING for”.
The Gospel is worth Living for, and the Gospel is worth dying for.
If something burns in your heart to the point of desperation; that you say: Look, even is this will cost my life, it is Worth doing. Then nothing can stop you.
You are UNSTOPPABLE, when a Passion holds you to the point of life and death. When it is an issue of life and death; then that thing is written in you with BLOOD; and it is written in you with FIRE!
When it burns in such a way that ‘out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.”
In the THIRD (3RD) SCROLL we talk a little bit about “MISSIONARY”
While I was praying, if what I received is correct; this Batch of Ordainees will have the Strongest impact in Mission’s work, in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, so far!
In fact there were two (2) illustrations that came to me as I was Praying.
I kept hearing the Word “ZEBEDEE” (repeatedly).
And I said, how is Zebedee related to those to be Ordained.
And what came to my heart is that: Jesus changed their names to the sons of THUNDER (2ce).
And then the second thing that came to me is that the number of you who will follow what God has told them will be known the way George Muller is known in Bristol .
Anybody who goes to Bristol, and mention George Muller, in fact it is an household name in that place (even after decades that he died).
… He made an impact in that Town that nobody has ever made.
God is sending you (a number of you) to Towns, to Cities, to Villages where you will make an impact that will keep your name indelible, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen!
And the most important thing about the Missionary is what is burning IN HIS HEART – A true Missionary has THE WORD burning in his heart.
If the Word is burning in your heart; nobody at all will be able to stop you.
And then in the FOURTH (4TH) SCROLL; we are talking about your ULTIMATE POTENTIAL.
The Word of God is the SEED for you to manifest your Ultimate Potential.
There are three (3) MAIN LEVELS Of POTENTIAL:
No. 1 is your PERSONAL Potential – What you are able to do without another person’s help.
And of course that is not so much. There isn’t so much any of us can do without another person’s help.
The second level is your “Added Potential”.
Your “Added Potential” comes to Optimal level when all those who can help you; you operate in such a way that they help you.
When God sends you help from the Sanctuary; sends you help from Zion; sends you help from Heaven. And you allow all those Helpers to help you – You enter into the “Added Level” of your Potential.
And your “Added Potential” can be Exponential – it can multiple in a way that people will wonder where you came from and where you have being. Just because people are helping you:
“You are as great as the number of people and the kind of people who are Helping you.”
… That’s your “Added Potential!”
Your “Ultimate Potential” is when God takes over what you are doing.
When God begins to do for you; Exceedingly Abundantly above all that you can ask or think; and it is ccording to His Power that works in you.
Your “Ultimate Potential” results from your response to the “Creative Force” of the Word of God.
The “Creative Force” of the Word of God is activated by the Holy Spirit.
… So your “Ultimate Potential” results from THE WORD!
If the WORD burns in your heart; you will go beyond your “Personal Potential”, you will go beyond your “Added Potential”, you will enter into your “Ultimate Potential”.
Can somebody shout Hallelujah? – Hallelujah!
Then in the FIFTH (5TH) SCROLL: we say that every Activated Word of God, is SPIRIT and is LIFE.
If it is not Activated, it is a Letter. But if it is Activated, it is Spirit. It affects the Spirit and it affects the Life.
When the Word is Activated in you, you will have “Genuine Converts” – People who become Born Again and they can last. They will remain in Christ! Because the Spirit and the Word are working in your life.
Anytime you find out that you are not burning in your heart for Soul Winning; the Word of God is going down – the Word Level is going down!
It doesn’t matter the position you occupy, anytime you noticed that the Fire for Evangelism has gone down; the Fire for the Word has gone down!
And I say it again: “It doesn’t matter the position you occupy, when the Fire of the Lord is burning in you, you cannot cannot stop telling people about Jesus Christ”
… You just can’t stop!
And God will have Mercy on us in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen!
We will pray our third PRAYER to prepare our hearts for the next Section of the Message.
Someone would say it’s the same thing as the first. No, it’s not the same thing – There is PASSION for souls and there is SOUL WINNING PASSION.
PASSION for souls drives you – gives you the desire, the intensity to win souls. But the actual SOUL WINNING Passion – the nitty gritty of Soul Winning is another thing.
You can have PASSION and dissipate it for other things – dissipate it in noise making, dissipate it in anything, but not soul winning.
But when real SOUL WINNING drive (in the Holy Spirit) works in your heart, works in your bones then you will start counting the Converts that you have led to the Lord.
When it is only PASSION, you can have Passion without results. And that means – the real Soul Winning Power, the real Soul Winning Force, lacks a dimension in your life.
When Souls Winning dimension is activated in your life, you will count your Converts; you will know the people you have led to Christ.
If you say you don’t know people you have led to Christ; you can’t remember people you have led to Christ;
… You may have PASSION without Productivity. You may have PASSION without real Soul Winning.
This is why I want us to PRAY! This one, I want us to rise and pray it:
Can we rise and say FATHER: Pour Soul Winning Passion into my heart and into my bones. I want to win souls, I want to count the Converts, I want to know specific Converts. Pour the PASSION for this into my heart and into my bones.
Please go ahead and PRAY in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ: Father whatever it will take, pour Soul Winning Passion, Soul Winning Reaction, Soul Winning Wisdom, Soul Winning Power; into my heart: into my bones.
Oh God, like some people would say: Give me children or I die! Give me Scotland or I Die! Give me Whales or I die! Father, give me SOULS!!!! Pour that Soul Winning Passion into heart and into my life, oh God. That real Soul Winning Passion; the reality of bringing souls into Your Kingdom, pour it into my heart, pour it into my bones!
Thank You Father; in Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed – Amen!
You may be seated!
By the Grace of God I Witness everywhere – I Witness in Plane, I Witness in the Airport, I Witness in the Train, I Witness at every opportunity that God gives me.
Anytime I cannot say that these are the souls that I have won this Year; these are the people I have led to Christ – I know that I need to GET BACK to my place of Prayer and to the place of Fire in the Word: for FIRE of the Lord to act in a way that souls will be saved (and saved in definite ways.
… GO! Keep going!
You see, SCROLL NO. ELEVEN (11): “If you Stop GOING, You Will Stop GROWING In Power.’
If you really want the Power of God, you have to keep going.
Because if fear comes in, for instance and we fear to confront obstacles; then we need Miracles.
More Miracles comes into your life when you have the boldness to confront obstacles.
If Moses hid himself, and God said: “Go and tell Pharaoh”. And Moses just hid himself – he didn’t go to Pharaoh. He wouldn’t have been turning that water into blood; he wouldn’t have called the locust, called the frogs, called the lice. Moses wouldn’t have commanded thunder. The execution of the firstborn wouldn’t have taken place.
But Moses obeyed God and he kept going – as long as God said GO!
Please help be tell your neighbour and says: GOOOOOOOOO! Please make it as long as you can. Just say: GOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Please tell your other neighbour too. Now please tell yourself – Gooooooooooo!
… Keep going; keep going! -Gooooooooooo!
… That is the KEY to Power!
What I call “CHURCHGELISM” is when we settle in our Churches and look for ways to get people from other Churches into our Congregation – I call that “CHURCHGELISM”
It is not fair on the Kingdom of God – because that means there is no increasing in the Kingdom – “If your Parish is increasing without an increase in the Kingdom of God, then there is a problem!” There is a fundamental Spiritual Problem.
God forbid that Parish would increase without an increase in the Kingdom, in the NAME OF JESUS – Amen!
… It is a major problem;
If your Parish is increasing, the Kingdom should be increasing.
Therefore, we must reach out to unbelievers, and win them to Christ – RADICAL EVANGELISM: Winning the people as RAW unbelievers into the Kingdom of God.
In fact, getting them into the Kingdom first; is even more important than getting them into your Congregation.
… We need to think the way God thinks!
By the time you have Preached the Gospel for a while, you will find out that there are many things we do, that are unnecessary. There are many fights we fight that are unnecessary. Many things are just worthless – waste of time and waste of energy.
We need to concentrate on the things that are more important – the REAL PRIORITIES!
And the real priorities are in the HEART of God.
“CHURCHGELISM” is not a priority to God. RADICAL EVANGELISM is a priority to God!
And in SCROLL NO. THIRTEEN (13): It is good that you can use Instagram, you can use Facebook, you can use whatever the names are – all of them – Twitter and so on!
But even as you are using them, please make sure that this is coupled with Spiritual Preeminence.
Let SPIRITUALITY be the thing that is more important to you.
In every age, there is a New Invention; there’s a New Crazy, there’s a New Trend. As that trend flows on – we should use them (as Gospel Preachers) as Vehicles; not loose our abilities our lives in them.
Please these are tools.
You are not supposed to be bound by your phones and become a slave to your phone, a slave to your laptop, your iPad, your system.
Spirituality, Communing with God, hearing from Heaven is more important than Hearing the News of the day:
Knowing what is in the mind of God is more important than knowing what is going on in your Nation.
Because what God says about our Nation is the TRUTH about our Nation. And what God says about anybody is the TRUTH about that person.
SCROLL NO. FIFTEEN (15): At this stage of the Redeemed Christian Church of God; it is important to build a solid system – so that the WORK (all the labours of the years) can last.
But I want to tell you Brethren: DON’T GET LOST IN THE SYSTEM. Because you will be held accountable by God – BY GOD!
It doesn’t matter what the System says about you; what mattered most is what God says about you!
‘DON’T GET LOST IN THE SYSTEM – you can get lost in a System.”
A person gets lost in a System when he is not hearing what God is saying. All he is waiting for, all his directives are EXTERNAL.
God has Chosen you, to use you as someone who contributes to the upgrading of the System by POWER – by the Power of the Word.
Let God so EMPOWER you with the Word that you are an UPGRADER of the System – not someone LOST in the System.
For this reason; SCROLL SIXTEEN (16): EVERY
PROMOTION you are given must be seen as an OPPORTUNITY to INCREASE IN POWER.
Let me tell you what am looking forward to.
I prayed this Prayer SPECIALLY, as I prepared to come here: That a time will come, when you are mentioned somewhere – Ah, that man/woman is a Deacon/Deaconess in the the Redeemed Christian Church of God, people will say: Wooow!
Not because of the kind of car he rides, not because of the kind of dress he wears – but because when they hear “he is a Deacon or she is a Deaconess in the Redeemed Christian Church of God’; they will say: that person must be carrying POWER!
Please someone say Power! Say it loud: POWER!! Say it again, POWER!!!
When they now say: somebody is an Area Pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God – the people will say, please can I see him? I know that if he prays for me I would be Healed. I know if he prays for me it will Change things.
When they now say: Somebody is a Provincial Pastor in RCCG; they will say I just want to touch his dress.
When they say the person is a Regional Pastor – Wooow! They want to touch his car.
Somebody say POWER!
That is what we need in the System – for you to Upgrade the System.
See every Promotion as an Opportunity to increase in the Power of the Almighty God.
SCROLL SEVENTEEN (17): John Wesley said – the WORLD is my Parish!
You cannot say it with ordinary mouth. There is no way the WORLD becomes your Parish if you are not committed to people who PERISH!
It is your commitment to those who are PERISHING that determines how much of the WORLD you can claim to be your Parish.
Am sure we know that Song: Rescue the Perishing; Care for the Burden.
May that kind of burden flourish in your heart, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.
I want us to PRAY – the second to the last Prayer;
PRAYER NO. 4: God let me carry Your Glory (repeatedly). Let me carry it in a TRANSFERABLE manner.
Let me carry Your Glory in a manner that is SUSTAINABLE. Transferable, Sustainable!
Let me carry Your Glory.
Please can we just pray (right now where we are) and just say Father: Please let me carry Your Glory. Everywhere I go to, let me carry Your Glory: let my Shadow heal the sick, let handkerchiefs from my body cast out devils. Let me carry Your Glory. Let demons tremble as I walk in.
Let me carry Your Glory, oh God. Let me carry Your Glory.
Thank You Father, in Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed – Amen!
When the Lord God said “GO YE”; He said tarry in Jerusalem until you be ENDUED with Power from on High.
Tarry until you are endued with POWER. The Power must be coupled with the going.
I want to plead with us, whatever it will cost you to create time and have time alone with God, please do it. Please do it!
An illustration comes to my mind: There was a lady that came to me and said she used to have Revelations but she has stopped (since she got married). I told her that: “Marriage does not stop Revelation”.
I said there is something you used to do before you got married which you have stopped.
She said ok, I used to pray between 12.00am and 1.00am every night – but since I got married I have stopped.
I said what stopped you?
She said I don’t know – maybe tiredness.
I said NO, It is not tiredness.
When does your husband sleep? – She said any time between 9.00pm and 10.00pm.
When does he wake up? She said 4.00am.
When you sleep usually around 1.00am. (That time is still open!)
… When she started praying 12.00am to 1.00am she started receiving Revelations again.
Tarry, Tarry! Stay with with God (3ce).
At the end you will find out that when you look back, the things you achieved when you stayed with God have are by far more eternal values than all these running around that we try to do – Running around trying to change things that we cannot change.
It doesn’t matter whom you are; find time to stay with God. Find time to stay with Him.
Tarry until you are ENDUED.
For every opportunity you have, tarry with God to specially ENDUE you for that opportunity.
… The Lord will help us in Jesus’ Name!
Anointing is specific to the kind of Miracles that it may work. But the Glory can work any Miracle.
The GLORY is the Sign of God’s Presence.
By God’s Presence, He decides to do anything He likes – He’s not limited by your own Gifts and Abilities.
The Glory supersedes your Gifts and your Abilities. The Glory supersedes whatever you have learnt, whatever you have experienced, the Glory is superior to it.
And the Glory does not come accidentally; it comes by tarrying!
Tarry until you are ENDUED – till you arre COVERED with Glory.
… That’s what will make the Major difference in your life.
And then, I would also advise – from the TWENTY FOURTH (24TH) SCROLL there:
If two (2) will chase ten thousand (10,000) and one (1) will chase one thousand (1,000).
That means if two (2) people are working separately, they will chases one, one thousand. When you add it, it’s two thousand (2,000). But when they come together, they will chase ten thousand (10,000).
Then whatever it will cost you to work together with your brethren, please do it – DO IT!
Lone Rangers are cutting themselves short.
Lone Rangers – is just like a hand working alone. Let it carry itself wherever it’s going without the legs.
Let the hands feed itself without the mouth.
Work together (2ce); Don’t ever be the Problem. Wherever there is Unity. Don’t ever be the cause of disunity.
Promote Unity, Synergize, Work Together. And get the results that God has Purposed for you.
“Pursue POWER, and never DESPISE Administrators and Administration.”
Became that is the tendency that when you get very highly Anointed you begin to think that those that God has called to handle Administration are no longer Spiritual.
There was one very Spiritual Man of God that God used him to save tens of thousands of people. He made a statement – that was the beginning of the end of his Ministry.
He looked at somebody who was working in the same Ministry and he said that: “That person has as much Holy Spirit as his Dinning Table”.
They said from the moment he made that statement, it was like the Glory was lifted from him.
Don’t look down on Administrators and don’t look down on Administration.
Without Administration there will be no sustainability. Without Administration, you won’t have where to sit. This Public Address System would not be working well. There will be no order!
GOD is the Owner of all Power, and the Bible says: He’s not the Author of confusion – He’s not the Author of Confusion!
He is the Owner of all Power.
Every Power that every other person has is “Delegated POWER”.
And God is not the Author of Confusion. So don’t you ever DESPISE Administration – IT IS IMPORTANT!
Without it, the Revival will begin to go down – it will not be sustained.
So I would like us to rise up and pray the FINAL PRAYER:
This Final Prayer came to my heart (there are 2 dimensions to it).
Ask God for the WORLD – Ask Him: “Give me the WORLD (repeatedly). Make me Faithful where you have kept me now and make me Available. Make me TEACHABLE!
Make me Faithful, Available and Teachable! Make me Faithful, Available, Teachable.
Please Father, give me the WORLD, give me the WORLD; GIVE ME THE WORLD!!!
Please pray this prayer with the whole of your heart – With ALL your heart: give me the Whole World because You have got the whole world in Your Hands.
Give me the whole world; make me Faithful, Available and Teachable; please talk to God….
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
To read other Messages on the Coverage of DMC MediaCrew so far this Year, kindly visit our Website: http://discoverymediacrew.com; follow us on Twitter: @discoverymediac and/or send a Friend Request on Facebook to DMC MediaCrew.
And I can assure you that you will be glad you did as it will avail your first hand access to comprehensive reports of the various Messages of Pastor E.A Adeboye!
It is outrightly wrong and a sin for anyone that wants to swim in God’s Glory to consciously remove the original source of the work that does not emanate for him or her!
Discovery Media Crew … Reaching out to the world through the Power of the Gospel!!!
I am so thankful for the depths of knowledge and wisdom detailed, especially on fact that administrator and administration process are equally important. Also that the glory of God can do anything to that of an anointing
Many thanks crew for the great job