DATE: 7TH JULY, 2020
Praise God!
We appreciate God for the Rendition by the Choir. May the Lord continue to Bless them and Anoint them afresh, in Jesus’ Name.
Shall we Pray:
In the Word of God
There is Power
In the Name of Jesus
Every knee must BOW.
Eternal God; the Lord over all the Earth. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Dear Daddy, we say THANK YOU!
We are Grateful for all Your Goodness, Mercy and for showing forth Your Power in our lives.
Thank You Father Almighty for this Season and Period, there is no accident with You – You are the Almighty God, we say thank You.
Father, we have come to You today again to appreciate You and to sit at Your table and hear Your Word;
We ask Oh God that this Particular Night, You will meet with all of us: You will heal our body and You will heal our Spirit and Soul; and do Mighty wonders by Your Words.
Lord, I Pray that the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of the Truth will break the bread of the Word to us today in the Name of Jesus.
I surrender my heart, my mouth and my head to You that You will take over; You will override and overrule.
Lord, I will disappear and You will appear. And that The Holy Ghost will Minister to everyone connected to this Particular Media or reading on the DMC Label.
And all of us Lord, at the end of today we will have reasons to Testify. And for the rest of our lives, we will continually Testify.
Heal all those People who are looking forward to Healing; Bless all those who are looking for Breakthrough. And Lord, let every crisis in that family be cleared, in the Name of Jesus.
And make available the answers to all the requests of Your children.
Thank You Eternal Father; we bless and Praise Your Name!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – AMEN!
… And let the People of God say: Amen – AMEN!
We want to Bless the Name of the Lord for another Digging Deep!
We Bless the Name of the Lord for the opportunity that this young boy has been given by his own father – my father in the Lord, Daddy E.A. Adeboye.
Thank you Daddy, God will continue to Bless you, in the Named of Jesus!
And we we have received numerous Questions; and we have tried to answer those Questions.
Please, still continue to communicate – to clear all the Questions and all the things you may want to ask.
The Almighty God will Bless you, in Jesus’ Name – Amen!
Or simply Titled: THE LIVING WORD OF GOD.
And I’m going to read from two (2) Readings; they are both in the New Testament: Colossians 3:16 and Hebrews 4:12.
Colossians 3:16:
“Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all Wisdom, Singing Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, with Thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
Hebrews 4:12:
“For the Word of God is Living and Powerful, and sharper than any two-edged Sword.”
The Lord bless the Reading and Hearing of His Words in the Name of Jesus Christ
The whole Bible is one story about JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth:
- One story of LOVE – the love of God to the entire lost world.
- One story of HEALING to the bastardized and sick world;
- One story of SOLUTION to the world that is bewitched with all kinds of challenges.
- One story of SOLUTIONS to solve the problems of the world.
And that is why the Bible said in the Book of John 5:39 – Jesus said to the Pharisee that the Scriptures bear Witness about ME!
On the road to Emmaus; my father in the Lord referred to it in one of his Sermons not long ago! Jesus took the confused disciples through the Old Testament Scriptures, and showed them certain things that the Scripture has said.
And He said to them in the Book of Luke 24:27 – This is what He said (in all the Scripture) the things concerning Himself.
… He REVEALED to them what the Bible says about Himself:
Jesus Christ is the CENTRAL FIGURE of the WHOLE BIBLE; both in the Old and the New Testaments.
In the Old Testament – He is a Hidden and Anticipated REDEEMER.
In the New Testament – He is REVEALED!
We enjoy the New Covenant.
So the main point of the Bible is that we might come to know Him; we might come to enjoy the saving Grace of the Lord.
That we might come to Experience the Salvation of our Maker.
… So this is a Great Thing!
When you read entire Book of the Letter of Paul to the People of Colossian; it is saying this to us.
Look at what it says in Colossians 1:19 – The Bible says: “In Him all Fullness of God was Pleased to dwell.”
In Colossians 2:15: “In Him God has triumph over all the Power of darkness.”
And in Colossians 2:7, the Bible says: “In Him Believers are rooted, built up and established in Faith.”
So, the Word of Christ – the BIBLE; is God speaking to us ABOUT His Son; God speaking to us THROUGH His Son.
Before the Invention of and the discovery of Theory of Evolution; that was given to us by Charles Dewey: All Christians believed that the Word of God is the MESSAGE of God to Mankind.
But when this Evolution came; some People started diluting the Word of God.
They said: No, it is not the story of Love from God to man; it is our story about God!
They began to argue.
But I’m going to show you three (things, before I go into what the Word of God has to say.
But hear this story (I don’t know if you heard it before) – A young boy was very confused – He gave his life to Christ and was very confused!
His father was an Atheist, the mother happened to be a Christian.
The father instructed the boy and said: No, we are Products of Evolution – Certain Creatures developed, and metamorphosed into human beings.
And this young boy went to his mother and said: Mom, what about you, what do you have to say?
The mother told this young boy: In Genesis 1:27; God made us in His Own Image. Genesis 2:7 also says that God made us in His Own Image.
She quoted to him Psalms 139:14 – We are fearfully and wonderfully made.
So the boy said: Mom, I’m confused! – Who between you and daddy is correct. Is it you or Dad?
The Mom said: both of us are correct.
And the boy said how?
And the mother said: Your Dad is telling you the story of his own familyline; they come from the Generation of Ape and Monkey that metamorphosed into human being;
I come from the Line of God – Who created the Heaven and the Earth.
She said, that is why I’m fearfully and wonderfully made.
And the boy said: Mom, I think I’m from your family. Can’t you see I’m handsome!
So, you are not a Product of Evolution, you are a Product of God’s Living Word!
Now, if the Bible is about our story of God, not the story of Love to us; there are certain things that I want you to take note of – before I go into the main points I want to emphasis on today.
- If God has not SPOKEN, His PROMISES are replaced by mere WISHES.
… And the Bible is very CLEAR about God speaking to us.
Now, look at it in
Hebrews 13:5. Think on the Promises He said here: “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.”
In Acts 16:31; “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be SAVED.”
In Philippians 4:19, “My God shall supply all your Need according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.”
Who said all these things? – God!
If all these Words were SPOKEN by God; then, it is indeed the Word of God. And we can take it to the Bank, then rest and sleep on it!
… But if they are mere wishes, then we have no Hope!
But they are not mere wishes; they are just the clear Words of God – We have SEEN it been demonstrated. Some of us have EXPERIENCED it!
… I have experienced it – to make it REAL.
The next thing I want you to note: because I want to go a little bit into Theology. Not really Theology, but the Introduction to Theology.
- If God has not SPOKEN, His TRUTH is replaced by MAN’S OPINION.
Now, look at these seven (7) different Passages; I will just mention, I won’t read them out.
Now, the Bible says that God is Gracious, God is Merciful, Slow to anger, Abounding in Love.
These words are repeated not less than seven (7) times in the Old Testament – They are repeated!
Now look at them: Exodus 34:6; Nehemiah 9:7; Psalms 86:15; Psalms 103:8; Psalms 145:8; Joel 2:13; Jonah 4:2.
They are all saying that God is Gracious, Merciful, Slow to anger, Abounding in Love.
These are the Words of God to us.
And if these are not His Words – as they would make us to believe: that it is our story about God;
Then it means those People are just talking from their head, and it may not have any effect!
But if God has not SPOKEN, then you can replace it with Man’s Opinion. And you know, Man’s Opinion changes;
… And that will not sustain our Hope.
- If God has not SPOKEN, His Welcoming us into Peace, into Joy, into Blessing – will just be a journey to SEEK and to SIN.
That is why you have many People today, who are asking God: We are seeking You, we want to know more!
Yes, when Christ dwells in you, you need to know more!
But to think that you don’t have a way; you already have a way!
The Bible is full of demonstrations; in Isaiah 55:3, it says: “Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting Covenant.”
In James 4:8; the Bible says: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
In the Book of Isaiah 1:18; it says “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”
Who said all these?
If God mentioned it, and Apostle James also mentioned it, that God is reaching out to us in Love; that means we can come to Him with confidence.
Please, don’t believe otherwise; the Word of God is God.
The Word of God is GOD; the Word of God is LIVING and ACTIVE.
And Page, every Text, every Word from His Holy Book (the Bible) is a RELEASE from the realm of the Invisible.
… His Promises, I mean Peace, Joy, Blessing.
Now, let me zero in on what I want to emphasis on today.
I will quickly mention what the Living Word Produces (Benefits):
There are many of them, but I will discuss few of them.
Now, if the Living Word of God handles it, you believe it. And you allow it to have effect on you.
… What are the Things that will happen?
- The Living Word of God – GIVES YOU VICTORY OVER SIN.
In Psalms 119:9-1, it says: “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy Word. Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”
In the Book of 1 John 2:14; that Man of God was talking to the People in that Particular Place.
He said: “I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known Him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the Word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.”
Jesus our loving Saviour – the Word of God Himself: *”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His Glory, the Glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father,) full of Grace and Truth – John 1:1, 14.
In John 14:6; the Bible says: “He is the Way, the Truth and Life”.
Jesus Himself said in
John 8:31-32: “Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you Free.”
So, the WORD OF GOD gives you VICTORY over sin!
In Psalms 37:31; the Bible says: “The law of His God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.”
So what are we SAYING? The Word of God makes us aware of sin and keeps us from sliding down a slippery slope.
It doesn’t mean that you will never fail, No! Failure is a Lesson.
Many a times, you fail in life to learn a lesson.
Do you plan to fail? – No!
You just walk, and along the Path there are things there.
… But we need not continue to slide down on that!
Peter, after denying Christ severally; he rose again!
And on the Day of Pentecost, the man came into the Scene, and spoke – and many souls came to the knowledge of God.
The Bible will keep you from SIN, or sin will keep you from the Bible.
So, the Living Word of God gives you Victory over Sin.
- The Living Word of God – GIVES YOU ANSWERS TO PRAYERS.
Now, in John 15:7, the Bible talks about how you need to react.
He is talking about when you ABIDE in Him; when you are CONNECTED to the Word – then you have Answers to Prayers!
In Proverbs 28:9, the Word of the Lord clearly says: When anyone turns his ears away from hearing the Lord; then his Prayers will be an abomination.
Jesus said: If we continue in the vital relationship with Him; and in His Word, whatever we ask, we will be given.
And if His Words is in us, we can conclude that we will Pray in His Will.
That is what the Book of 1 John 5:14-15 says – It says: “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to His Will, He heareth us: And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the Petitions that we desired of Him.”
But if we turn our ears from hearing Him, then our Prayers will then become abomination to Him.
May your Prayer not become an abomination – Amen!
Many People Pray today, but you can’t see the effect of the Prayers.
They Pray, they still have difficulties; they Pray, they still live in Poverty.
Maybe you need to check whether the Word of God dwells in you; because it is not just the level of Prayers made; but Who dwells in you!
So, WHEN the Living Word is in operation; Answers to Prayer come.
Are you looking for Purpose in life? – The Word of God is the Only One that can do that.
Now, Jesus was Praying for His Disciples;
And I am one (1) of His Disciples – what about you? We all are DMC Family are also His Disciples.
In John 17:17-18, He says: “Sanctify them through thy Truth: thy Word is Truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.”
So, the Word of God Produces Purpose in Life.
Jesus came into the world to fulfil Purpose.
Likewise, as we study the Word, we find Purpose in Him.
Sanctification is not only setting us apart FROM SIN; but also setting us apart for DIVINE PURPOSE.
So, you want to know God’s Purpose for your Life? You have been wandering in the valley of life?
Except you know the Living Word of God – you are wandering!
… And you will still continue to wander!
But if you know the Living Word of God, you will Fulfil Purpose in life.
You want to know the Purpose for your life?
Delve into the Word until He reveals it to you.
In Romans 10:13-17; the Bible says: Faith cometh by hearing, hearing by the Word of God.
1 Peter 2:2, it says: “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby:”
We cannot grow Spiritually without the Word of God.
If you don’t eat, you may not grow; and eventually you will DIE.
And there are two (2) Ways to grow in the Word of God:
I. You Grow into Maturity.
Peter says (in 2 Peter 2:2) we must desire the sincere Milk of the word of God, to GROW!
Oh, you cannot live on Milk Alone; you also need SOLID food – to be healthy.
1 Corinthians 3:1-2; Hebrews 5:12-14, talk about SOLID Food.
Some of us love swallow; the same thing! And that is why some People are stronger than one other.
… You can’t live on Milk alone, you need Solid food.
II. You want to be spiritually healthy? – Then, go into the Word. INCREASE in Faith.
You will be Spiritually matured when you delve into the Word, and your Faith increases.
Where we read before says: Faith cometh by Hearing, and hearing the Word of God. (Romans 10:13-17).
The Disciples said to Jesus in Luke 17:5: Increase your Faith!
Your Faith can be increased in the Word of God.
Your Faith cannot increase without: Personal Study, Digging Deep.
And you need to attend Fellowship – So that you can hear. “Faith cometh by hearing.
… You hear and your Faith develops!
In Matthew 4:3-11, the Living Word Himself came to the world, and the devil came to Him.
How did He defeat the devil? – He used the WORD.
He was not afraid: ‘Oh, Lord, I don’t want the devil to come to me again.’
He will come!
In John 10:10 – He has a Mission: “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy :”
You, get on the Word – Let him do his own business, you do yours!
You see, that is why the Bible says: “(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” – 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.
… Not the ‘TOY of our FUNFAIR, but the “WEAPON of our WARFARE.
I like what the Bible says, specifically in Ephesians 6:12.
It says: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities, against Powers, against the Rulers of the darkness of this world, against Spiritual wickedness in High Places.”
That is why you need to stand! That is why we are talking about the Word of God.
In Hebrew 4:12, it says: “For the word of God is quick, and Powerful, and Sharper than any twoedged sword,”
That is why we are there!
Satan is no match to our Master; Jesus Christ is always the Champion.
I have read in the Scriptures how the devil was ridiculed and humiliated.
And God has equipped us too, to be able to ridicule the devil – So don’t say: ‘I don’t have weapons.’
I tell People anywhere I go: I have POWER, I am not powerless. I have something because He says in His Word (Luke 10:19): “Behold, I give unto you POWER to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”
And in Acts 1:8, He said: Ye shall receive POWER.
… I have got something!
I mean in John 1:12; He says: “But as many as received him, to them gave He Power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name:”
You have got it!
So, if you are not Born Again, please make a decision today.
You want to be successful? – GO TO THE WORD!
Joshua 1:8 says: “This Book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way Prosperous, and then thou shalt have Good Success.”
In this particular Passage alone, there are five (5) Laws: Laws of Vision, Laws of Learning, Laws of Speaking, Laws of Action
… That’s for another day!
Also read: Eliminating Those Little Foxes – Pastor J.F Odesola
But what I want to emphasis today: You need a success in life? – Then you need to delve into the Word of God.
David – the Great Psalmist. The one who at the age seventeen (17) defeated Goliath; in the Book of Psalms 1:2-3, He said: “But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in His law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his Season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall Prosper.”
What are we saying?
You can defeat the enemy by the Word of God; and you can have Success in life.
James 1:25 says: “We have to be DOERS of the Word!”
There was a Book I read; many years ago, when there was the First World War – A woman (in the hit of the battle) was in a small house, in the United Kingdom. And they were bombarding the air, everywhere!
But this woman was sleeping. After everything calmed down, her house was the only building standing, with holes (from bullets) around the building wall.
So, when they noticed some chickens pecking around the house, they concluded there was someone in the house – is the fellow not afraid?
So, a very fierce looking Soldier knocked on the door. And after a very hard knock, a woman came out with her dizzy eyes (around 6am in the morning).
She said: Who is disturbing my sleep?
They said: Are you not afraid?
She said – AFRAID?
She went into the house, brought a Bible and read Psalms 121:3-5:
“Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy Shade upon thy right hand.”
Then she said: The two (2) of us can not be keeping Watch (awake) – So all I have to do is SLEEP!
She said: When Jesus was in the Boat and their arose a storm, He slept. Those who were not asleep, saw the Storm because they were awake.
She said to the Soldier: Are you done?
He said Yes!
She said, goodbye, I want to go back and sleep.
They said it is not safe.
She said God has saved me hitherto, hence I will not leave here.
That is very, very informative: God Almighty has all it takes to Preserve our lives!
Let me mention quickly few THINGS the Word can do for you – I won’t discuss them:
i. The Word gives COMFORT and HOPE- Romans 15:5.
ii. The Word gives GUIDANCE and DIRECTION – Psalms 119:105.
iii. The word makes You and I COMPETENT COUNSELLORS.
… The above are just additional Points!
When you have the Law of LEARNING, you have the Law of SPEAKING.
LEARNING without Speaking is Nothing; Knowledge without Application is a “Useless Knowledge”; Weapons without Usage is Useless.
So, the SPOKEN Word is POWERFUL.
In Isaiah 55:10-11, He said: So shall my Word be that goeth forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto me VOID.
So, when you are going through difficulties; when you are going through certain challenges, like we are now: you need to put the Word in Place.
They woke JESUS up: Don’t You care that we Perish?
He said: You know, you are just troubling yourself!
… Fear has torment: And He has not given us the spirit of fear.
Why are you afraid?
And He stood up and said: PEACE, BE STILL (and there was a great CALM!)
I want you to speak to the situation in your life. I like what the Bible says:
… And I will mention it when I get to: How should react to the
Word of God?
What you speak with your mouth is very important – It is not just enough to read, it is not just enough to memorise, it is not just enough to meditate; you have to SPEAK THE WORD!
What are my responsibilities to the Living Word?
That is what I want to talk about now. And I will mention five (5) Things or so:
2 Timothy 2:15 says you need to STUDY!
Most People are lazy.
They have the knowledge of Psychology, Philosophy, Theology, Physiology but they are Niblically, Illiterates!*
Study the Word of God: “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the Spirit of the LORD bloweth upon it: surely the People is grass.” – Isaiah 40:7.
- You need to MEDITATE – Joshua 1:8.
I’m talking about how you need to respond; your responsibilities to the Living Word.
… You need to STUDY; you need to MEDITATE.
- You need to SPEAK THE WORD.
… SPEAK the Word!
Help me to tap your neighbour, say: SPEAK THE WORD!
The Bible says in Proverbs 18:21: “Death and Life are in the Power of the TONGUE”
Matthew 12:37 says: “For by thy Words thou shalt be Justified, and by thy Words thou shalt be condemned.”
In the Book of Job 6:25; “How forcible are right Words!”
How can you say: I am sick? – Terrible words!
Let the weak say I AM STRONG! Let the Poor say I AM RICH.
Those are the Words of God – Stop speaking Philosophy; Speak the Word of God.
- You to put God IN REMEMBRANCE.
Isaiah 43:26, God said: PUT ME in remembrance!
There is nothing you are looking for that is not in the Word – NOTHING! Healing, Joy, Spirituality, Marriage. anything!
Once the Word enters you, it is as Good as been done!
- You need to Pray the Word.
Pray the Word, don’t Pray Philosophy!
I have heard People who have Prayed: TRAILER, Jam them; Oh, CATERPILLAR bulldoze them!
As good as that is, Pray the Word! – You need to Pray the Word.
There were few People in the Bible who Prayed the Word:
I. The man called JACOB. He took his brother’s birthright; but in Genesis 32:24-28 – he came to himself alone! And he said: No, this is not the Destiny ordained for me.
… And his Destiny was changed!
II. JABEZ was another Person. What did he DO?
He said: I know You are a Good God; I know the Plans you have towards me (Jeremiah 29:11) – This is not the Plan!
And in the Book of 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, he said: Oh GOD, I REFUSE to be unfortunate!
… And he became honoured!
Your LIFE can Change, your SITUATION can Change, your DESTINY can Change.
Life without God and His Word is meaningless and full of sorrow.
Nothing can give us lasting Happiness and Joy than discovering our Purpose and Destination in the WORD OF GOD.

There is no greater Stability in Life than having Peace – according to the Word of God.
There is always Peace that men are Pursuing that you can get through obeying the WORD OF GOD.
The Word of God is LIVING, ACTIVE, POWERFUL and if you hunger and thirst for the WORD: God can DO IT for you.
if you are not Born Again, Please, make it a date today!
I Beg of you, in the Name of Jesus: don’t waste your life. Don’t waste your life! – COME TO HIM TODAY!
And if you are a Believer: you don’t have time for the Word of God – You have to Pray.
… I Thank God for Prayers and all the likes.
But the WORD OF GOD will help the answers to your Prayer to come FASTER.
Wherever you are, bow your head now: because it is time to Pray.
And if you are giving your life to Jesus, just tell the Lord: I’m giving my life.
And let us know if you are giving your life. Let my father in the Lord know – and he will be Praying for you. And if you need help, let us know!
If you are a Believer, don’t hide – If you are quiet, you will die QUIETLY.
… Shall we PRAY:
Eternal King; we THANK YOU for bringing us Your Word again today;
I Pray for everyone giving their lives wherever they are or reading now on the label of DMC; I Pray that You will SAVE THEM in the Name of JESUS!
Let the Life of God enter into them. Let the LIVING WORD Prove Himself.
And everyone who has been lazy around the Word of God, I Pray You will strengthen them.
Holy Ghost, steer a Revival in their lives!
And let all of us, Oh God, as we Celebrate the Word, as we Exalt the Word; let ANSWERS and MULTIPLE VICTORIES be our Portion.
And when the Roll is called up in Heaven, let us make it!
Thank You Eternal Father! We Worship and we Adore You.
In Jesus’ Most Blessed Name we Pray – AMEN!
Thank you very much!
Let me say to you: your Service is not Total except you give your Offering.
So I will Pray on your offering; and you can put it in the offering basket if you are in Church or send it to your Local Assembly, or your House Fellowship.
And the Almighty God will Bless you!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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[…] Also read: Rediscovering The Living Word – Pastor J.F. Odesola […]