DATE: 26TH JULY, 2020
Let Us Pray!
Immortal God
Invincible God
Immortal God, how Great Thou Art.
Immortal, Invincible, the Only Wise God we worship You.
The Alpha, The Omega, The Beginning and The Ending; The One who is, The One who was, The One who is to Come; The Almighty we bow before You.
The One who can Leap us High; The One who can bring up even a beggar from the dunghill and bring him to the Throne Room, we worship You.
Accept our worship in Jesus Name.
As we come before You today Lord God Almighty in all the lives of all Your children – Please Prove Yourself.
This very day; let Your children realised that You are More than Sufficient – Solve all their Problems, meet all their Needs.
And Please Lord, by the end of today; let their Joy Overflow.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Let someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
We want to continue with our Series which we started some weeks ago: MOVING FROM LOCKDOWN TO LEAPING UP – PART 6
And our Bible Text which we have read again and again has been Acts of Apostle Chapter 3 from Verse 1 to 8 – Which we won’t bitter to read today because we have read it so many times.
We will just read a Supporting Bible Text in Matthew 6: 25-33:
- Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
- Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
- Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
- And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
- And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
- Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
- Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
- (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
- But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
We are talking about Leaping Up from Lockdown.
In one of our discussions; we have discussed how high the Almighty God will lift you.
But there is a saying that: The one who doesn’t know how his Peers Prospered will struggles till he dies.

That is if you don’t know the secret of the Prosperity of your colleague; you would struggle and struggle and struggle trying to catch up with him until you die.
I mean for example in 2 Kings 4: 1-7; I wasn’t there but we all know the story of the widow that was a Destitute and the Creditors were coming to sell her sons and then she cried to the Man of God.
And all of a sudden, within a day – She Paid up all her debts up and she became extremely rich and was just enjoying life.
I’m sure the colleagues will be saying: Wait a minute, yesterday we are all Poor and you are even the Poorest of us. I mean you even have to borrow our “Empty Vessels”.
The only thing that we saw was that – You lock the door on yourself and your sons. By the time the door opened; you were no longer the same.
… We were on the same level, what happened?
So, today; I want to talk to you on the “Shortest Way to the Greatest Height”
- And I’m going to ask us to first of all take a little Study of Solomon in 2 Chronicles 1: 6-15 – You know the Story.
Solomon offered a thousand Burnt Offerings to the Almighty God. God came to him: Son, what do you want?
I. He said give me Wisdom and Understanding.
And then he gave a reason why he wanted Wisdom – He asked for Wisdom!
Proverbs 4:7 says: Wisdom is the Principal Thing. So, make sure you get Wisdom and in all your getting make sure that you get Understanding.
When God said: Why do you want Wisdom my son of all the things that I can give you?
He said: So that I can Judge Your People Rightly!
Jesus Christ said: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness – Every other things will be added.
Why do you want to Prosper? Why do you want to be Great? Why do you want to reach the Highest Possible Height?
… Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Every other things that you can ever ask for will be an addition – God will give them for you for Free!
I have told you before the Story of the origin of the Holy Ghost Service (HGS) – My Birthday was approaching, I was in London Preparing the Sunday School Palmplet for The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) when God said to me: Son, what do you want for your Birthday?
And I said because I wasn’t aware that God could be interested in the Birthday of anybody – Talkless of me.
Daddy, is that You? If it is You, can you repeat the question?
He repeated the question and I said: Well, if it is that You are asking me for – All I want for every Member of my Congregations is that they will get a Miracle.
I was seeking for His Kingdom. I want to do it creditably!
That is why the Holy Ghost Service (HGS) has been on since 1986 and it has been waxing stronger Day by Day.
That is why anywhere I go in the world and I say we want to hold the Holy Ghost Service (HGS); they don’t have to beg People to come.
God responded to Solomon – Ah, the reason you want Wisdom is so that you can do my job? – The job that I have given you creditably?
He said: Ok; I will give you Wisdom
You will be the Number One (1) when it comes to Wisdom.
In 1 King 4: 30-31; the Bible says: Solomon was Wiser than all Men – That is Number One (1).
God said: Not only will I make you Number One (1) where Wisdom is concerned; I will make you a “Uniquely Soul” – There will be No King before you; none like you after you.
The Bible says in 1 Kings 4:34 says: All the People from all Kingdoms came to hear Solomon because there is no other Person like him – They all came to him!
You know that God can bless you so much – I know that this will be difficult for you to swallow – But God can bless you so much that all the Nations of the world will come to you to borrow – Amen.

… He said: You will lend to Nations – That is His Promise!
So, all the Nations that can’t Balance their Budget will come and say: We have heard of you that God has blessed you so much and there is no way you can ever finished what He has given to you – Can we borrow a little ?
And then if you are like me – By the Grace of God, I will be one of the People in that Category – Then I will say: You want to Balance your Budget?
No Problem, how much do you say you Need?
This much? – I won’t even give you as a loan but as a Gift; Subject to one (1) condition: You will allow me to Preach in your Kingdom Free of Charge everyday.
II. And then God said: In addition to the Wisdom that you asked for; I will make you the Richest!
… He (Solomon) didn’t ask for money, he didn’t ask for wealth.
1 Kings 10: 1-7 tells us that when the Queen of Sheba was coming to visit Solomon – She came with the intention of surprising him with her own wealth.
The Bible said that she came with Camels loaded with Very Precious Gold and Precious Stones.
… She wanted to impress Solomon.
But when she came and saw the Prosperity of Solomon; she said that they didn’t tell me – They told me how Wise you are; they told me how Rich you are – I came to impress you but when I arrived; I saw that they didn’t tell me the “Whole Truth”.
The Lord said: I will not only make you the Richest; I will make you “Uniquely Soul”

1 Kings 10’23 says: Solomon exceeded all the Kings of the Earth for Riches and for Wisdom – All the Kings of the Earth!
III. And the Almighty God said: Ok, you said you want to do My Will; you want to look after My People and that is why you asked for Wisdom?
You can also listen to the audio here: Audio – From Lockdown To Leaping Up (Part 6) – Pastor EA Adeboye
… God said: In addition to that; I will give you Honour!

What is Honour?
Honour is what you give to somebody who doesn’t need anything else!

I was explaining to my children not long ago – When you hear that a University is Awarding an “Honourary Degree” to somebody – They are saying: Here is somebody who doesn’t need anything else. Let’s give him Honour!
In 1 Kings 4: 24-25; the Bible says that: Solomon has Dominion over all the Region, over all the Kings and he has Peace on all Sides round about.
You know when the Almighty God says: Honour Me with your First Fruits; what was it that He was saying?
He is saying: I don’t need your money – Silver is Mine, Gold is Mine, the Cattle upon a thousand Hills are Mine. If I am hungry, I don’t need to tell you but Honour Me and watch Me Honour you in return because He says: Those who Honour Me, I will Honour!
… Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and every other things will be added.,
- Take the Lord Jesus Christ Himself as another example!
In Matthew 6: 9-10 – When He was teaching the Disciples to Pray; the Lord Jesus Christ said that this is how you should Pray: Our Father, which Art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name (I Honour Your Name); thy Kingdom Come, thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
… I just want Your Will to be done; I want Your Kingdom to Come!
In John 4: 31-34; you know the Story:
Jesus Christ was sitting by the Well. A woman came to fetch water and in the meantime; the Disciples has gone to buy food.
By the time they returned; they saw Him talking to this Samaritan woman. And they said: Master, won’t you eat?
He said: I have food to eat that you don’t know.
And they were wondering: Who brought Him food?
He said: My Meat is to do the Will of the One who sent Me and to finish His work.
… My Meat – That which is more important to Me than anything else is to seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.
And He said: I’m willing to do this Will at any cost.
Mark 14:36 – When He was Praying at the Garden of Gethsemane; He said: Dying on the Cross is a Serious matter Lord; my Father can’t we change this thing?
But quickly He added: Not my Will but thine be done!
God responded according to Philippians 2: 9-11; it says: God has Highly exalted Him – Talking of Leaping Up.
Highly exalted Him – How Highly?
Ephesians 1: 19-22 says: The Almighty God has Placed Him far above Principalities and Powers.
Now, when we talk about Heaven being your Limit; that is what we are talking about.
… And gave Him a Name. A Name that is above every other names – The Powerful Name of Jesus Christ.
That at the mention of the Name Jesus Christ; every knees should bow – Whether things in Heaven, things on Earth, things underneath the Earth.
And gave Him a Title – King of Kings; Lord of Lords (Revelation 19: 11-16).
Seek ye first the Kingdom before you begin to talk of Business, Projects and so on and so forth.
- Seek first His Kingdom because when we talk about Leaping Up Materially, God has No Objections.
… Infact He has Pleasure in your Prosperity!
Psalms 35:27 – It says: God has Pleasure in the Prosperity of His Servant.
In 3 John 1:2; He said: I wish above all things that you will Prosper.
The Law of Priority says that the first (1st) thing that comes out of a Man’s Mouth is what is Uppermost in His Mind.
I wish above all things that you will Prosper and be in Health even as your Soul Prospers.
In John 10:10; He says: I have come so that you may have Life and have it more abundantly.
But the question is: Why do you want to Prosper?
After all in 1 Timothy 6: 6-10; the Bible says: Godliness with Contentment is Great Gain.
Why do you want to Prosper then?
Is it according to 2 Corinthians 12:15 – So that you will be able to Spend and be Spent for the Kingdom of God.
And according to Proverbs 19:4; the Bible says: Wealth attract friends.
Do you want to Prosper so that you can attract friends into the Kingdom of God?
After all Proverbs 14:20 says: The Poor is hated of his neighbour.
Will you be telling the Almighty God: My neighbour hates me because I’m Poor. Prosper me so that I can attract friends into Your Kingdom?
Do you want to Prosper so that you can be one of His Treasurers because He is looking for Treasurers?
Luke 8: 1-3 talks about:
I. women who were supplying His Needs.
II. Women who committed themselves into Financing the Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.
III. Women who contributed so much that the Almighty (Jesus Christ) had to appoint Judas Iscariot to be looking after the Finances – Interestingly, he wasn’t contributing, he was just stealing.
Why do you want to Prosper?
I told you before:
- One of my sons came to me and said: Daddy, Please Pray for me that God will Prosper me – I want to be one (1) of the three (3) People who will sponsor the Convention.
I said fine – Are you sure that is why?
He said: Yes – Ok, we Prayed.
The following week, he came back – Daddy, I said God should Prosper me so that I can sponsor the Convention. In my Place of work they sacked me.
I laughed – Are you going to sponsor the Convention on that little salary of yours?
… He heard your Prayers – He has to shut one door to open another.
Two (2) Months later; he brought enough money to take care of at least one third of the Convention.
II. Another fellow heard the Testimony, came to me: Daddy I want to be the one who will singlehandedly sponsor the Convention of this Year.
He said how much?
I said: How will I know? – I don’t know how many People will come but I can tell you how much we spent last Year.
So, I told him – I thought he will run away and not come back.
He came back the following week with a Banker’s Draft.
Later on, I heard that he borrowed the money.
But you know what? – It wasn’t long after that the very bank from which be borrowed the money from he became the Chairman.
… Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness; all other things will be added to you.
- Now, why do want to Leap Spiritually?

Because I know you know that means much more to me than even money.
God wants you to go to Great Heights Spiritually.
I mean John 14:12; He said that the work that I do, you will do also and Greatest works you shall do – He wants you to do Greater Works than He did.
He raised someone who has been dead for four (4) days; He want you to do much more than that.
But why do you want to Leap Spiritually?
In 2 Kings 2: 9-15; when Elijah asked Elisha what do you want?
He said: I don’t just want your Portion of the Spirit; I want a Double Portion.
Why boy do you want a Double Portion?
I. He wanted to be able to go and destroy curses on Jericho – 2 Kings 2: 19-22.
II. He wanted to destroy the yokes of Poverty in the lives of many – And you know the Story as we have repeated it again and again.
III. He wanted to destroy the yokes of barrenness as in 2 Kings 4: 8-17.
IV. He wanted the ability to do Great Things by helping the People of God.
I still remembered the Testimony of a couple that came to us and said: We have been Trusting God for the Fruit of the Womb.
I say fine. So, before we Pray what kind of children do you want: Is it a boy or a girl?
The husband shouted boy, the wife shouted girl simultaneously.
I said ok – What about a set of twins.
I Prayed and the following Year they came – Husband was carrying the boy and the wife was carrying the girl.
Is that why you want Spiritual Power?
I. So that you can establish the Kingdom of God on Earth or do you want it so that you can brag to the whole world – Here comes the Great Prophet, there is no Evangelist like this Man?
II. Do you want the Power of the Almighty God so that you can cure the incurable; so that the Kingdom of God can be established?
In 2 Kings 5: 1-19 – When Namaan was healed and he came back to Elisha and said: Ah, I have been healed, here is money.
Elisha said: I didn’t ask for Power so that I can Merchandise it. I got it free, I made it available to you free
Namaan said in that case: Can I take some soil from your Ground so that when I get back to my Country, I will raise an Altar to your God?
Why do you want to Leap Up High?
The Shortest Way to the Greater Height is to seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and everything will be added into you!

If you are ready to focus on establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth; I will be more than willing to join my Faith with yours and Pray that the Almighty God will grant your request
I may warn you: To whom much is given; much will be required!
Because I remembered very well when I said to the Almighty God: Daddy I want a Double Portion of the Anointing of Elisha; Plus a Double Portion of the Anointing of Peter; Plus a Double Portion of the Anointing of Paul; Plus a Double Portion of the Anointing on the Lord Jesus Christ while He was here on Earth and add everything together and Double again – He is the One who said you should ask.
He answered me and said: Son, you are asking for trouble.
I said: What kind of trouble?
He said that they won’t let you rest.
I said: I don’t mind!
Maybe if I’m to ask now; I will know how I will say it: Maybe I will Probably have said Your Grace will be Sufficient for me.
There is No Limit to how God can take you if you are willing to seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness!

Those of you who are yet to seek His Kingdom; those of you who are yet to even seek for Salvation at all; why don’t you begin from there.
Why don’t you bow your Head and tell Him to Please save your Soul, bring you into His Kingdom – That you Promise Him to serve Him for the rest of your life.
And I will Pray with you in a minute.
And those of you who are already children of the Living God – Why don’t you make seeking His Kingdom, Winning Souls, Establishing Churches, Healing the Sick, Setting the Captives Free so that the Kingdom can grow.
Why don’t you make that your Priority? Why don’t you make that the Prayer you are going to cry to God today.
And I will Pray with you and I trust my Father that He will Help you and answer all your Prayers.
Shall we talk to Him for one (1) minute.
Intercede for those who are Trusting God for Salvation – That the Almighty God will save their Souls and bring them into the Kingdom of God.
That the Kingdom of God may grow and expand.
That His Will will be done on Earth as it is done in Heaven.
Ask God for Grace for yourself – Promising Him: Lord, I will seek first Your Kingdom – If You Prosper me, Your Kingdom will know that You have Prospered a boy or a girl.
You anoint me; I will use the Anointing Lord God Almighty for the Establishment of Your Kingdom here on Earth.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God; I want to Thank You once again for Your Words.
I want to Thank You for those that You have touched – Who has decided that Yes, we will seek You, we will seek Your Kingdom and they want to surrender their lives to You Father.
Please, receive them, save their Souls, wash them Clean with Your Blood, add them to Your Kingdom here on Earth.
And even as You are saving their Souls Father; Please empowered them too.
And all Your children who are determined now that they will Put Your Kingdom first in everything – Please my Father and my God empower them like never before so that Your Kingdom will grow and Your Name will be Glorified.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Let someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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