You are God
From Beginning to the End
There’s no Place for argument.
You are God all by Yourself.
… Repeat!
Authority in Heaven we give You all the Glory, Honour and Adoration.
Thank You for this Privilege to be Partakers of what the Lord is doing in our Mission in this Season.
Thank You because the entrance of Your Words is going to give Life and give Understanding to the Simple.
Father, we Pray Oh God that You will use the Channel of my Voice to Penetrate on the heart of men and to the conditions of their lives.
And that we ask Oh God that Your Word will do Wonders and do Wonderful Things in the life of Your People in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And Father, we ask Oh God that if You can do this for us, we Vow not to share the Glory with You.
That all Glory, Honour and Adoration will be return back in Jesus Faithful Name we have Prayed – Amen
Glory to Jesus.
I want to use this opportunity to thank the Almighty God for this Privilege and Awesome Opportunity He has given unto me to be Partaker of what the Lord is doing and bringing the Word of God to us in this Particular Season.
I sincerely and humbly thank my father in the Lord – Daddy E.A Adeboye and my beloved Mummy in the Lord, Mummy Folu Adeboye.
Thank you for what God is using you to do in our Generation and thank God for your Sacrifice of Praise.
Thank God for your sacrifices.
We Pray for you Oh God that you will finish very well and finish strong in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
We appreciate the Authorities and the Leadership of National Youth and Young Adult – Our Beloved Daddy, AGO in Charge of Youth and Young Adults Affairs, Daddy Peter Amenkhienan. Thank you very much for this great opportunity.
I want to speak on that Theme of our Convention, which is called: WONDERFUL.
I am going be taking my Bible Text from the Book of John 4:1-30.
It is the story of the Samaritan woman and her encounter with Jesus at the Jacob well.
So, it is a story that you already know and I’m very sure you are going to be blessed by the time we are through with this Particular Encounter.
So, I won’t bore you with the long story of the whole Chapter. I will only pick some relevant Verses for the explanation of what the Lord has in store for us – while I Paraphrase the story.
I’m sure you are not interested about the story. You are interested about the Mystery.
So, permit me to start reading from John 4:6. Then I am going to read Verse 7 and then we Proceed and jump to the Verses that are relevant to what God is going to do.
- Now Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied from His journey, sat thus by the well. It was about the sixth hour.
- A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink.”
- Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?” For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.
(I am going to read Verses 10 and 11)
- Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the Gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”
- The woman said to Him, “Sir, You have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. Where then do you get that living water?
(Now let me jump to Verses 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19)
- The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw.”
- Jesus said to her, “Go, call your husband, and come here.”
- The woman answered and said, “I have no husband.” Jesus said to her, “You have well said, ‘I have no husband,’
- For you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly.”
- The woman said to Him, “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet.
(I will read just Verses 28 and 29, and I will Purse the Bible reading for now)
- The woman then left her water pot, went her way into the city, and said to the men,
- “Come; see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?”
May the Lord bless the reading of His Words in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
Now, shortly before I Proceed, let’s quickly lay a Foundation by the way of Simple definition.
Our Theme for this Particular Convention says: WONDERFUL
And the word called WONDERFUL is a combination of two (2) words.
I mean, this word ‘Wonderful’ can be splited into two (2): WONDER + FULL.
In other words; Wonder has capacity to enter into his Fullness.
But the word ‘Wonder’ means something Amazing or Surprising.
But when such Positive surprises have become a constant regular occurrence in somebody’s life, in somebody’s family, in somebody’s business, in somebody’s ministry and the Amazing Wonder now enter into it’s ‘Full Length’, enter into it’s ‘Fullness’, enter into it’s ‘Overflowing Level’; then you call it WONDERFUL.
Now, let me explain a little bit further with about three (3) Scenarios so that I can lay a Proper Foundation before we go into our Bible Text.
Just like if someone’s Mind is full of something that we may say that the Person is Mindful of that Particular thing.
Just like if someone’s Mind is full of something that we say that the Person is Mindful of that thing.
David was explaining that to us in the Book of Psalms 8:4: What is man that You are Mindful of him? And the son of man that You visit him?
Can I explain something in this Particular Place?
Meaning in most cases that it is what your Mind is “Full of” that visit your life or you eventually visit.
In other words, it is what your Mind is Full of that visits your life or eventually you visit.
That is why the Scriptures says: Guide thy heart with all Diligence because out of it comes some Issues of life.
Because whatever your Mind is Full of, has the Capacity to Penetrate into your Life and Destiny without your Permission.
So, if your Mind is full of sin, full of immorality, full of big brother naija (BB Naija), it won’t take too long before those kind of atrocities maneuver their way into your life and Destiny without your Permission.
And likewise; if your mind is full of God, it is what bothers you that bothers God. If what bothers God bothers you; if what burdens you burdens God – It doesn’t matter how busy God is He will find a way to visit you because your Mind is full of Him.
And I have confidence to say this to you without missing words that we are a Covenant Church that is full of God and God is full of us.
God is always full of us and we are also full of God.
And that is why it doesn’t take God anything to visit us in our Holy Ghost Night.
It doesn’t take God anything to visit us in our Services. It doesn’t take God anything to visit us in our Programs.
I am also confidence, He will visit us – Not because we gathered in the Redemption Camp. He will visit us because we are the People of Covenant.

How can I announce to somebody? – It doesn’t matter wherever you are hearing me now all over the world or reading on the Label of DMC; the God of Adeboye will visit you – Amen.
I say the God of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) will visit you in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
Let me Push a little further: A man can be Full of Prayer – And when a man is Full of Prayer; you simply say the man is ‘Prayerful’.
That was what Apostle Paul was trying to explain in 1 Thessalonians 5:17.
Apostle Paul say: Pray without Season.
It is a level of a Prayer that has entered into it’s “Full Capacity”.
When we started Praying and Practicing Prayer: We first of all begin to wake up with alarm; we first of all begin to wake up with Time Table; we first of all begin to beg somebody to wake us up.
But as we are increasing in Capacity; as our Prayer Level begin to enter into it’s Fullness; as our Prayer Level begin to enter into its “Full Length”; now we Pray behind our Computers.
When we are on the road we Pray. When we are going on the road we Pray. When we are speaking we Pray. When we are gisting we Pray.
… Something is just Praying inside of us.
In the car you are Praying, when you are in the Church you are Praying, outside Church you are Praying.
You can also listen to the audio here: Wonderful – Deacon Bayo Akinduyite
… Something is just Praying inside of you.
Can somebody Pray in the Holy Ghost right now?
Can somebody Pray right now because somebody’s life is about to enter into it’s Fullness.
Your Spiritual Destiny is about to enter into it’s Fullness.
There is a Season of Fullness. This is a Season of Fullness.
Get ready to enter into Full Capacity.
Let me explain this.
Joy can also be Full – The Joy of a man can also be Full.
And if the Joy of a man is Full, you simply say the man is Joyful.
And that is what the Scriptures was confirming to us in the Book of Psalms 16:11(a): You will show me the Path of life; In Your Presence is Fullness of Joy.
Can I explain something here?
That means Joy has the Capacity to be at empty levels.
Joy has the Capacity to be at Zero Level.
Joy has the Capacity to be at Middle Level.
And can I announce to you also that Joy has the Capacity to be at Fullness Level.
I feel like Prophesying.
Can I Prophesy? – It is like I feel it?
That it does not matter what have tampered with your Joy; before this Convention is over your Joy will enter into its Fullness in the Name of the Lord Jesus – Amen
I’m not unaware of the situation of things. I know COVID-19 has tampered with your Finances – Your Joy over your Finances is not Full. Your Joy over your Health is not Full. Your Joy over your Physical Life is not Full.
Even Lockdown has knocked down some Spiritual Life.
Friends, listen carefully: If your Prayer Life can enter into Full Capacity, if your Joy can enter into a Full Capacity, If the Mind of a man can be Full – Wonders can also be Full.
And that is why I know – If there is a Season that God has strategically organized and put together to make sure our Wonder Level leave the Empty Level; our Wonder Level leave the Middle Level, our Wonder Level leave the Zero Level to the Full Level; It is this Season of a Convention tag Wonderful.
… Get ready to be Blessed!
As we look at our Bible Text together because I saw a woman who came with an Empty Level, who came with a Zero Level entered into a Wonderful Level.
And so let me start reading from verse 6 (John 4:6)
Verse 6 told us about Jesus being wearied and tired from his Journey and then finds a resting Place by Jacob well.
I was surprised that even Jesus was tired. And that is why the Scriptures say we don’t have a High Priest who cannot feel our Pain, who cannot feel what we are going through because even Him as a Human, He was tired; even Him as a man, He was tired.
But the Problem is not about being tired – The Problem is about being weary.
I am aware that anybody born of human can be tired in the Journey of Life. You can be tired in the Journey of Marriage. You can be tired in the Journey of your Business. You can be tired in your Spiritual Life. But the problem is that when you are tired and weary, where do you find a resting Place?
Where do you find Succour?
Can I Plead with you?
I know the conditions around are not Palatable. I know the situation around is not easy. But Please I beg you: Don’t go to find rest in Egypt. Don’t go to find rest in the Place of the devil. Don’t go to find rest in the Place where the enemies will complicates your issues – Find yourself to Jacob well.
Somebody say: Pastor, where is Jacob well?
In Verse number twenty (20) of the Book we are reading (John 4:20); the Scriptures says the woman confirm that Jacob well:
- It is the Place where our fathers worship.
- It is the Place of Covenant.
- It is the Place of Rejuvenation.
- It is the Place where insight are being Renewed.
- It is the Place where weakness are turned to Strength.
How can I Push it a little bit further?
I see Jacob’s well as the 21st Century Church.
It doesn’t matter what the Problem the world is facing right now, the Church remains the Solution to the world.
Can I say that again? So that the devil can hear and his father in-law.
It doesn’t matter what the situation of this world and this Nation looks like right now, the Church remains the Solution to the world.
We are the Light of the world, the City set upon the Hill that can never be hidden.
We are the Salt of the Earth.
And we are about to take our Place after this Convention called WONDERFUL in the Name of the Lord Jesus – Amen!
And so the Problem is not being tired, the Problem is where you looks out for rest after your tiredness.
Even the woman – As battered as her life looks like; she find her Place to the Place of Jacob well.
Let me Push a little bit further
So, the woman was introduced to us in Verse Seven (7) – John 4:7
And She came to draw water as well. And Jesus told her, he said give me a drink.
That is also a surprising statement!
For a woman who was looking for succour, for a woman who is already tired, for a woman who her Marital Destiny is already shattered – What Jesus could ask was to give him a drink again?
That is why Unbelievers don’t understand what we are doing in Christendom. That is why somebody who does not understand the knowledge of God can’t understand what we are doing.
But for me; I have understood and I have come to explain to you. This is the Protocol of God from ages.
If you are going to enter His Gates and Penetrate to His Court, you have to come with a “Drink of Thanksgiving”; You have to come with a “Drink of Worship”.
Sometimes you don’t have money, but you can come with an Offer to offer your life.
How can offering your life can be Giving Him a Drink?
Offering is Service and becoming a Worker in the Vineyard can be a Pattern of Offering Him a Drink.
… Your Labour of Love cannot be forgotten – It’s a form of Offering Him a Drink.
Can you offer the Drink of your Destiny?
Can you offer the Drink of your Life?
Can you offer the Drink of your Time?
Don’t argue with your Tithe, it is a way of offering Him a Drink.
Don’t argue with your offering, it is a way of offering Him a Drink.
Why you keep on arguing is because Jesus answered in Verse number ten (10) – It is because you don’t know the Gift of God.
The Scriptures said: Jesus answered her, why are you complaining?
Yes: I am a Jew; I am not a Jew. I’m a Samaritan, I’m not a Samaritan.
The well is deep; I don’t have anything to draw.
Forget about your excuses – If you understand the Gift of God, the excuses won’t matter.
That is what People also do – We give all manners of excuses just because we don’t want to offer him a Drink.
But if you know the Gift of God, I know you have been trusting God for the fruit of the womb, but guess what:
- It is so that your womb can be Prepared to raise the Next Generational Army.
- It is so that your womb can be Prepared to raise the Next Generational Ambassador.
- It is so that your womb can be Prepared to raise another Vibrant General in our Generation
I know you have been trusting God for Job?
But guess what?
If you know the Gift of God, you will still offer Him a Drink because what God is Planning to do is to make you an Employer of Labour instead of looking for Job.
Let me push a little bit further.
The woman said to Him: Sir, I think the way you are talking I Perceived that You are a Prophet.
That is another Point.
That is another realm of making a man change from his level of Wonder Level that is a Zero Level to a Level where that Wonder can enter into a Full Length and Full Capacity.
Change your Perception about life, Change your Perception about issue, Change your Perception Progress, Change your Perception about Destiny, Change your Perception about People, Change your Perception about this Lockdown and Covid-19.
Some of us have made up our mind. We are too Positive about this Season.
That we know and we are comfortable to declare and declare that 2020 will still end in Joy; 2020 will still end in Praise in the Name of the Lord Jesus – Amen.
Change your Perception!
The woman started changing her Perception because until you change your Perception; your Collection will be affected; until your Perception is changed, your Collection will not be Changed.
Can I Proceed a little bit further, as I begin to Plan to round up?
The woman, then left her Water Pot.
When the Conversation enters into a Level, the Eyes of Understanding of the woman flipped opened and she began to Perceive: ‘I think this man is not ordinary. I think this is Christ”.
And the Scriptures says: Immediately that definition dawn on her; she left her Water Pot.
What looks like your Water Pot?
Can you leave your Past life at the feet of Jesus?
Can you leave your Burden at the feet of Jesus?
Can you leave your Prayer Point at the feet of Jesus?
Can you leave your Prayer Life at the feet of Jesus?
Because if you leave it at the feet of Jesus and you rush to town to give him a Drink; like the woman rush to town to win more Souls. The woman rush to town to do Evangelism.
Do you know why?
She knows as I give Jesus a Drink, a time is coming not too far from now; People will fetch this water for me.
That was what the scripture says: “That always Put the Kingdom of God first and his righteousness and all other things will be added”.
The woman understands that revelation that if you run to go and do what Jesus is asking for first, her water problem won’t be an issue again.
In fact the Scriptures Promise that: A time is coming when you don’t need to search for water because out of your belly shall come rivers of Living Water.
As I begin to round up.
Wonder is the Act of God while Wonderful is the Person of God.
What do I mean?
In Isaiah 9:6, the Scriptures says: For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful …
So, by the encounter that the woman had with the Personality called Wonderful:
- Her Level changed from getting “Ordinary Water” to a Level where her Wonder becomes Full.
- She came to the well battered and shattered; she left the well like a Miracle Wonder.
- She left the well as a Regional Evangelist.
- She left the well as a woman who was Regenerated.
Can I trust God for your life as we begin to Pray unto God right now?
Begin to Pray in the Holy Ghost and say: Father, I want to encounter the Personality of God.
I want to encounter the Personality of Jesus.
If you have not given your life to Jesus Christ, Please go ahead and do that right away, right now.
And if your encounter with this Person called Wonderful, has not been constant, Please go ahead and re-dedicate you life right now.
*And I am Trusting God that the God of Wonder, the God of Adeboye, the God of Wonderful of this Season will change your story forever.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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