Let Us Pray!


You are Worthy to be Praised
You are Worthy to be Praised
My Redeemer
You are Worthy to be Praised

… Repeat!


King of Glory, You are Worthy to be Praised.

Jehovah El Shaddai, You are Worthy to be Praised.

The All Sufficient God, You are Worthy to be Praised.

Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.

We want to Thank You Lord God Almighty because we know that You have heard our cries concerning our Nations.

We Thank You very, very much because we know that You have taken Absolute Control now.

Please Lord, we are Praying that as you have turned the tides against the virus; the tides will remain Permanently turned.

We are Praying Lord God Almighty that everything anyone could have lost during this Lockdown – Particularly Your children; restore to them seven (7) Folds.

And speak to us again today Lord.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

We are continuing with our Study on: “The Wonders of God.

And today, we want to talk about: THE WONDERS OF DIVINE PROMOTION.

Our Bible Text will be in: Psalms 75; 5-7

  1. Lift not up your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck.
  2. For Promotion cometh neither from the East, nor from the West, nor from the South.
  3. But God is the Judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.
The Wonders of Divine Promotion include the fact that:
  1. God can Promote anyone – Absolutely anyone.

In 1 Samuel 2: 7-8; the Bible says that it can Pick up a beggar from the dunghill – You can’t go lower than that: A beggar who is living on the dunghill.

God can pick up a beggar from the dunghill and keep Promoting him till he begins to dine with Kings – That is some very serious Promotion.

… God can Promote anyone.

And my Prayer is for everyone listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC that your Promotion will come rapidly – Amen.

  1. He (God) Promotes the “Most Unlikely Person”.

1 Corinthians 1: 26-29 tells us that the People God will choose are usually: The Foolish, The Weak, The Base, The Despised, The Nothings.

In other words; People that the People of the world would consider as: Foolish, Weak, Base (Useless), Despised (People will look down upon them and say: How can these be the one to be Promoted?) and The Nothings (Those who are Nothing).

And a Classical Example; you will find in 1 Samuel 9: 1-21.

The Bible says: God Promotes these People for His Own Purpose.

In choosing a King, the first (1st) King of Israel, the Young Man that He told Samuel that this boy is coming to you – I want you to anoint him to be Captain over my People.

That is the Purpose I’m making him King.

The boy said when he was told that God is going to anoint him as King; he said: Ha, Ha; my Tribe is the smallest Tribe in Israel, my family is the smallest family in our Tribe – How can you talk of me becoming King?

I have Good News for those of you who are listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC: In the Name that is above every other names; that Position that you cannot ever thought you can be in; may my God put you there – Amen.

I’m going to mention some cases in the Scriptures for you to illustrate my Points:

But I want you to know from the word go that:

  1. If God Promotes you; it is not for your “Selfish Reason”.
  2. If God Promotes you; it is for His Purpose.
  3. When He Promotes you; it is so that you can serve others.
  4. When He blesses you; it is so that you can be a Blessing.

I am telling my children in one of our Morning Devotion – I said: A tree does not Produce fruits for itself to Produce.

You will never find an Orange tree sucking Orange; you will never find a Mango tree eating Mango.

… The tree Produces fruits for others to benefit – Please, put that in Mind.

CASE NO 1: Let us start with Moses.

According to Exodus 2: 11-15; Moses was a Fugitive – He was running away from Pharaoh because he has just committed murder.

But by the time we get to Exodus 7:1; God said: I have made you a “god” to Pharaoh; I have elevated you to a level so far above Pharaoh that one day; he will look at you and think it is “God” talking to him.

But do you know the Purpose why God Promoted Moses?

Exodus 12: 30-36 – It was so that he could deliver a Nation!

Because He Promoted Him; that is why in Exodus 14: 21-28 – Just by lifting up his hands at all; it could clear a Way through the Red Sea for a whole Nation.

By the time we get to Exodus 17: 8-13; you will discovered that the hands of Moses determines the Conqueror of wars.

When the Amalekites came to fight against the children of Israel; it was the hands of Moses; the hands of an “XY” Fugitive that determined the way the war was going.

Like I said: The Wonders of God is that He choose the “Most Unlikely Person” for Promotion.

Can you imagined the hands that has killed before now becoming so Powerful that when it is lifted up; Victory is won?

May I decree to somebody listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC: That my God will Promote you so much so that when you lift up your hands in Blessing People suddenly they will become Victorious – Amen.

CASE NO 2: David.

Do I need to tell you that David was Nobody?

1 Samuel 16: 11-13; the Bible tells us that when God wanted to appoint a King in his family; He choose the only one that nobody will bring forward for consideration.

All the big ones, so big that even the Man of God made a mistake thinking that this one must be the one that God will choose.

As a matter of fact; as I used to tell People: That Man of God made seven (7) mistakes in one (1) day.

He saw the biggest one and say: This is the one.

God said: No, No, No.

Then they brought the second (2nd) – Oh, I’m sorry that I made a mistake the first time; this must be the one?

God said: No.

It was after he has made seven (7) mistakes that God said: Wait a minute; the Person won’t bring him out but I have already decided that he will be the one I will Promote.

Have you been Forgotten? Have you been Sidelined? Are your Relatives saying that there is Nothing Good that can ever come out of you?

I have Good News for you: God will Promote you – Amen.

Do you know that when God Promoted David, it was so that he could single handedly deliver a Nation from Terrorism?

1 Samuel 17: 1-51; for forty (40) days, Goliath terrorised Israel.

But when the Shepherd Boy that was Promoted by God to be King came to the scene; the Terrorist was silenced.

You know the Bible says in Ezekiel 20:30 – God said: that I sought for a Man (Just one Man) who will stand between the Gap between Me and the People so that I won’t destroy them.

He said: I found None.

Maybe, God is waiting for you; maybe you are the one God is waiting for – The one that God will Promote.

If you are the one; may God find you today – Amen.

And then when you look at 1 Samuel 22: 1-2; the Bible tells us that when David went to dwell in the Cave of Adullam – All the brothers, all members of his family, those who despised him, those who won’t Present him for considerations came to join him.

And all those who are distressed, all those who ate bankrupt, all those People who are discontented, displeased gathered themselves together to him and he became Captains over them.

It wasn’t long that he turned all these riffraff to what the Bible called: “The Mighty Men of David” – You can read about them in 2 Samuel Chapter 23..

When God Promotes a Man, it is so that he can help others to fulfill their Destiny.

When God Promotes you; it is so that you can help others to become who God wants them to be.

That is one of the reasons that I thank the Almighty God for The Redeemed Christian Church of God.

That is one of the reasons I don’t say a word when People begin to criticise me that we Plant so many Churches.

Because in the Process of Planting so many Churches; several People who would have remained in one (1) Big Church doing nothing other than Singing, hearing Sermons and going home – And of course Giving Offering because that is one of the Points they criticise us on.

They becomes themselves Pastors because they become enabled by the Special Grace of God to become People who will be Anointed to cast out devil, to heal the sick.

Many of them wouldn’t have discovered their Purpose in Life but for the fact that they are “Sent Out”.

The Purpose of God Promoting you is to help Others to become what God Planned for them to become.

I am Praying that those of you who will be Promoted as a result of the Word of God that you are hearing today or reading now on the Label of DMC; you will remembered when you get to your Throne to help Others fulfill their Destinies.

CASE NO 3: – Let us consider Elisha.

Elisha was a farmer boy – You know very (1 Kings 19: 19-21).

And then the Almighty Promoted him and all of a sudden according to the Word of God in 2 Kings 2: 9-15 – This farmer boy became one of the Greatest Prophets of the Old Testament.

This fellow became so Mighty that because he requested for a “Double Portion” of the Spirit of Elijah, he Performed double the Miracles that Elijah Performed.

Elijah Performed seven (7) Major Miracles while Elisha Performed fourteen (14) Miracles – The 14th one even after he died.

But then: Why is it that God choose this farmer boy for Promotion?

Nobody would have thought that a farmer boy will become such a Great Prophet.

Oh, if you read 2 Kings 2: 19-22; so that he can begin to destroy curses on Nations.

Jericho has been under a curse for years; the farmer boy became a Prophet and in a Single Statement, he destroyed the curse upon them.

If you read that Section: 2 Kings 2: 19-22; the Bible says that the River or the water of Jericho was healed from that day onwards according to the word of Elisha.

I’m Praying for you who will be Promoted today as a result of Sermon: From now on, when you decree on a curse to be broken it will be broken – Amen.

But when you read 2 Kings 4: 1-7; you will see Elisha sitting down in his house, making a decree and a “Destitute Widow” never had to lack again.

You know the Story: The Widow came to him – I am bankrupt, the Creditors have come to Close Up on me and my children.

And he didn’t move – He just said: Go and do the following and the Widow never had to lack again.

I’m Praying that when God will Promote you today; all the Needs of those who will come to you for Prayers will be instantly met – Amen.

You know: 2 Kings 5: 1-14 tells us the Story of Naaman – That Great General who has leprosy.

But because God has Promoted a farmer boy to a Mighty Prophet; he decreed Power into River Jordan so that when the General went and wash their; the reproach was let behind in River Jordan.

We can go on and on to consider all the other Miracles, Signs and Wonders that God Performed through Elisha but just one more.

In 2 Kings 13: 14-19; the Bible says that even when Elisha was dying, he was still decreeing the future of a Nation through the King – Oh King, do this, do that and he said this is what will follow.

You know that if God Promotes you; you can decree the future of your Nation!

I know that nobody believed me – I believed situation around us might not suggest that the Prophesy can ever come to Past.

Oh, I know that it doesn’t look likely – Not with all that we are hearing, not with all the corruption.

We thought that there was corruption before; now we are beginning to discovered “Corruption Squared”.

But I want you to know that there was a time in 2 Kings 7: 1-11; at a time that things were so bad in Samaria – That women were eating their children because of hunger.

A Man of God Prophesied (Elijah Prophesied) and said that within twenty four (24) hours; nobody will want to buy food because food will be surplus.

The Highly Intelligent Counsellor of the King said: How can this ever be?

The Man of God said: You will see it happen but you won’t Partake of it.

So, if you don’t believed my Prophesy – That is no Problem, just keep your doubt to yourself!

But as the Lord lives, the tides is going to turn for Nigeria – Amen.

And if you claimed it for your Nations, how glad I will be because sooner or later the Earth shall be filled with the Glory of the Almighty God even as the water covers the sea – Amen.

CASE NO 4: The case of Joseph.

If you read Genesis 37: 2-11; you will discovered that Joseph was not the first (1st) born – He wasn’t at all.

How God could Promote this boy is still an amazement to me because if you read that Passage very well; you will find out that this boy wasn’t the best boy – He will always report evil things about his brothers.

… He was always bringing evil reports to his father!

And yet the Almighty God decided that he will be the one who will rule, that his brothers will come and bow down to him.

… He was given Preeminence!

We are talking about: The Wonders of Divine Promotion.

When he was sold into Slavery in Genesis 39: 1-6; he became the Head of Slaves. He became a Slave so highly Placed that the one who bought him according to the Word of God, left everything in his Charge.

The Bible says that the only thing that Portiphar knew about was all he ate – Joseph was in control of everything.

When he was thrown to Prison for refusing to sin against God in Genesis 39: 19-23; he became the Head of all Prisoners.

So, when God Promotes you, you are Promoted!

The Bible says that the Jailer left everything in his hands.

And like I have said before: If you are the Prisoner in Charge of the Prison; then the Prison cannot be such a bad Place at all because you will decide what you want to eat and how you are going to eat it.

My son was talking about one drug baron who owns the Prison into which they put him – He was in charge of the Prison.

Can you imagine?

He decides the food he wants to eat, he decides who lives and who dies.

But when God Promotes you; He takes the “Most Unlikely” Fellow and put him in Charge.

But God puts this Man in Charge in Prison so that he could interpret dreams for the Servants of Pharaoh who came to Prison.

Remember that if you are Promoted; you are Blessed so that you can be a Blessing.

You are Promoted so that you can Help Others.

And so, it is not surprising in Genesis 41: 1-44; he ended up becoming “The Controller of Egypt”.

He has Proved his worth as The Chief of Slave, he has Proved that he can be trusted with Promotion when he became The Chief Prisoner.

Now God said: Now you are ready, you can now take over the Greatest Nation of that time.

And like he said in Genesis 50: 15-21; he told his brothers when they finally came and bow down before him and said that we will be your Servant – Those who has said that you won’t reign over us.

He said: Ha, don’t worry yourself. God was just working His Purpose on us so that I can save many Souls alive.

If God Promotes you in your family; it is so that you will Help your family.

If He Promotes you in your Village; it is so that you can Help your Village.

If He Promotes you in your State; it is so that you can Help your State.

If He Promotes you in your Nation; it is so that you can Help your Nation.

Let me conclude:

  1. Divine Promotions is not a matter of Titles.

Please, let us take note of that.

This is important Particularly for those of us interested in Spiritual Matters.

You can be a General Overseer and not have the Powers of a Deacon.

In Acts 8: 5-8; Philip was Deacon but the Miracles, Signs and Wonders that he Performed in Samaria, he brought Joy to a whole City.

There were some Apostles who didn’t do ten percent (10%) of what Deacon Philip did.

And like I have said before: Anybody can call himself a General Overseer – Very Simple.

All I need to do is just go to the Supermarket, buy a big keg of Olive Oil, gather your family members together, sit down and say: Today, I hereby ordained myself as General Overseer. And then pour all the whole bottle of oil on yourself – No Problem.

But are you Promoted by God – Not by Title?

  1. Don’t forget that your Promoter is God and not Man.

Don’t ever forget that if you are Promoted by God; He is the One who Promoted you and so don’t dance to the tune of Men.

In 1 Samuel 15: 16-24; when King Saul became King – That “Most Unlikely” fellow that the Almighty God Promoted to be King.

As soon as he got to the Throne; he forgot the One who put him there and he began to dance to the tune of men.

God sent him on an errand, he failed and gave an excuse that: “I feared the People”.

That is why I’m begging those of you who are listening to me now or reading now on the Label of DMC; who in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ will be Promoted Spiritually – Don’t say because you want to be Popular lower the Standard of God. Don’t Preach the Sermons that will trickle the ears of Men.

Make it “Absolutely Plain”; make it only what God wants to hear. But be Preaching encouragement to Members, to put in the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.

  1. Don’t forget that God is Sovereign

He can do and undo, He can Change His Mind.

Each time we read 1 Samuel Chapter 2; we love to quote Verse 8 and ignore Verse 7 – We should take both of them together.

And 1 Samuel 2: 7-8 says: The Lord makes rich and makes Poor, He lifts up one and Pull down another.

It is now we now get to: He can take a beggar from the dunghill and continue to Promote him until he begins to Play with Kings.

… He can bring Up and He can bring Low!

There is that saying that: It is the same White Men who made Pencil and they are also the one who made eraser.

In 1 Samuel 2:30; He said to Eli: I said indeed that you and your father’s house will stand before me forever; but now I say be it far from me because those who honours me, I will honour and those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed.

He said: I said it.

Oh Yes, it is written forever: Oh Lord, thy Word is Settled.

But If the One who said it now say I am the One who said I’m not saying so anymore.

… He Promotes and He can demotes.

  1. Please, never forget that God always has a Substitute Ready.

You can never hold God to ransom.

If He Promotes you and you think that without you He cannot do anything; if you become an Obstruction to Him – He will just show you that the day I choose you, I also Prepare a Substitute. In case you get there and you forget me, I will just move you out of the Way and bring in the Substitute

When you read 1 Samuel 13: 13-14; the Bible tells us that Samuel said to King Saul: Ha, your Kingdom would have lasted forever but because you refused to obey God completely; He has found another flow to take over.

God does not have to look for a Substitute; He doesn’t Search.

For some thirteen (13) Years; King Saul was still sitting on the Throne but David was already the King – One was carrying the Title, but the Other was the one already approved by God.

Right in the house of Eli, little Samuel was already living – The one who will take over is already there waiting.

King Saul didn’t even knew that the boy they brought to come and be Playing the Harp to soothe him when demons come to trouble him – He didn’t know in time that this is the fellow to take over from him.

It took some time before he looked at the boy and said: Hmmm, the way this boy is behaving; this is the way I was behaving when all was well between me and God – He is likely to be the one to take over.

He tried to kill the boy but he never died.

My Prayer is that God will Promote you – Amen.

When He Promotes you; don’t forget:

  1. That He Promoted you so that you can Help Others.
  2. He does so because you not really Qualify.

… Never forget that one.

If you realised that it is those that did not Qualify that God will Promote; you will stop struggling for Positions.

Anytime I tracked round the world; and I have the opportunity to speak with Ministers in many Nations – They always have one thing that they want me to address.

And that is: There is No Unity among them.

And I have always explained to them: The Problem is not that you don’t want to be United; you all want it.

The Question is: Who is going to be the Head! – You are United.

I always tell them: If you realised that God will choose the foolish ones; you won’t want to be the Head.

If you become the Head; it is an obvious thing that you must be the “Most Foolish” of all.

If you realised that God will only choose the Foolish, the Nothing, the People that are Base – You won’t struggle for Position.

Let God choose you, let Good Promotes you, let Him Promote you quietly, stay in the Background and do Mighty Exploits for God.


Finally, maybe God has been trying to Promote you and the reason He has not succeeded in doing that up till now is that you have been resisting Him.

Maybe He has been telling you: Come to Me and surrender your Life to Me.

The Bible says that if you will humble yourself under the Mighty Hands of God; He will lift you up.

Many of you think that you are Great already; you don’t even know the meaning of Greatness.

Why don’t you come to Him now, surrender to Him, let Him begin to lift you up.

When God Promotes, He Promotes Everlastingly.

So, if you are listening to me now or reading now on the Label of DMC and you have not yet surrender your Life to Jesus Christ; maybe you want to do so now and I’m willing to Pray with you.

So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ will you bow your Head now and let me Pray for your Salvation.

Call on Him and say: Lord, I’m humbling myself before you now; Please save my Soul – I’m surrendering to you, I’m surrendering completely.

You can lift me up at your own leisure but save my Soul today so that I can serve you.

The rest of us: Let us talk to the Almighty God and Promise Him: Father, if You Promote me, I will use the Position to serve You and to serve Your People.

Let us talk to the Almighty God.

Thank You Father – In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


Ancient of Days we want to Thank You once again for Your Words.

We want to Thank You for all those who are humbling themselves now and crying unto You for Salvation.

Please receive them Lord, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins. Please, write their names in the Book of Life and let them serve You for the rest of their lives.

And as many of us that will say: Lord if You Promote me, I will use that Promotion to serve You; if You will Bless me, I will be a Blessing.

My Father and my God; Please Promote us.

We are asking for Your Own Promotion – We are not looking for Titles, we are not looking for Promotions that come from Man.

Rather, we are looking for the Promoting that comes from You.

Please, Lord Promote us, answer our Prayers today and let Your Name be Glorified.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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2 Responses

  1. Amaechi Ngozichukwu says:

    I love these messages and I will like to be receiving them please

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