Shout a Powerful Hallelujah – Halleluyah!!!
We give Glory to the Almighty God who has made this Year’s Convention Possible.
He has brought us together to meet Him Personally, the Bright and the Morning Star.
I want to use this opportunity to thank my father and my mummy in the Lord: Daddy and mummy Adeboye for the opportunity to use this Platform to be a blessing to the People of God.
I also want to thank the Assistant General Overseer in charge of the Youths, the fatherly Pastor Amenkhienan and the Leadership of the Youths for putting this year Convention together.
I want to believe that the Almighty God will always remember you and also bless every one of you in the Name of Jesus.
I particularly trust God that this Convention will be an awesome Convention and at the end of it; there would be great Testimonies – Amen.
May the Almighty God continue to take the Youths of the Redeemed Christian Church (RCCG) from Glory to Glory in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.
If you don’t mind please turn with me your Bible to the book of Romans 12:1-2:
- I beseech you therefore Brethren by the Mercies of God that ye Present your bodies a Living Sacrifice, Holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable Service.
- And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your Mind, that ye may Prove what is that Good and Acceptable and Perfect Will of God.
May the Lord bless the reading, the interpretation and the understanding of His Words in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.
The Topic before us this very day is titled: SANCTIFIED SEXUALITY.
Because of the Pervasion of Sex and Sexuality in our world today; People including Believers tend to forget that God is the Author of sex; that God created sex.
In Genesis 1:27; the Bible says God made man male and female – That was when God created sex.
He made man male and female. He placed in man the organ necessary to have sex and to have sexual intercourse.
And when He made this like every other creations God made, He looked at it in Genesis 1:31; He says this is very Good.
In other words; sex is a Good thing. Sex is something that God ordained for the Pleasure of man.
Unfortunately it has been Perverted and several People in the world have embraced the Perversion of sex.
But as a child of God; when we talk about Sanctified Sexuality, we are talking about sex as approved by God.
There is a way that we can get involve in sex that it is Good in the sight of God and that is why the Scriptures says when we get born again that we should Present our bodies as a Living Sacrifice unto the Lord and this is a reasonable Service.
… Present your Spirit, Present your Soul, Present your body as a Sacrifice unto God.
And He say to us that we should not conform to the world. We should not do things the way the world does them.
Instead we should be transformed by the renewing of our mind so that we can Prove what that is Good, what is that Acceptable and that which is Perfect in the sight of God.
In other words; it’s time we do things as Believers, we should always focus on doing things:
I. That is Good in the sight of God.
II. That is Acceptable to God.
III. That is Perfect in the sight of God.
These three (3) conditions must be the conditions with which we live our lifes.
And when we do these things, we are living a Sanctified life and the issue of sex is not an exception.
Not only when we do this; can it be said that we had sex or sex in a Sanctified way.
I Pray for someone under the sound of my voice that: If you are going to engage in sex at all it would be in a Sanctified way – Amen.
And when we want to look at the Subject of sex, which kind of sex is Good in the sight of God? Which kind of sex is Acceptable to God? Which kind of sex is Perfect in the sight of God?
In other words; what kind of sex fit to these three (3) Concept of Sanctification?
The answer can only be found in 1 Corinthians 7:1-2:
- Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is Good for a man not to touch a woman.
- Nevertheless to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband.
Verse one (1) of 1Corinthians 7 say to us categorically that it is a Good thing for a man not to touch a woman.
Young boy don’t touch, young adult don’t touch.
If you have to touch, the Person must be your wife according to verse two (2) or he must be your husband.
So sex is only Permitted in Marriage.
And the Scriptures categorically makes it clear that young man if you are not married don’t touch.
In fact Jesus said don’t look because if you look at a Person lustfully, you have committed adultery with the Person.
So, as a young man the counsel is don’t have sex at all. If you would have sex let it be with your wife, let it be with your husband.
The implications of these verses of Scriptures that we just read. It simply means:
- That sex is not Permitted between a man and several women.
It is not Good, it is not Acceptable, it is not Perfect in the sight of God .
Or between a woman and several men.
Such sex is not Good, is not Acceptable neither is it Perfect.
The Scriptures says: Let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband.
- It means that same sex marriage; homosexualism.
It is not Good, it is not Acceptable; it is not Perfect in the sight of God.
So, young man, young girl; don’t get yourself involve in it.
Also listen to the audio here: Sanctified Sexuality – Pastor Zion Okuneye
It is Perversion of what the Creator meant sex to be.
- What about sex between a father and a daughter or between a mother and a son or between brothers and sisters – Which is called incest.
Such kind of sex is not Good, is not Acceptable neither is it Perfect.
- What about sex between a married man and an unmarried lady nor between a married woman and an unmarried man – It is called adultery.
It is not Good; it is not Acceptable neither is it Perfect in the sight of God the Creator.
- What about sex among Singles who are not married, among youths who are not married – It is called fornication.
It is not Good; it is not Acceptable neither is it Perfect.
All of these Perversions have become embraced by the world but for a child of God, for you it is not Good, it is not Acceptable neither is it Perfect.
If you do these you are not observing Sanctified Sexualism.
What is the reason behind this Perversion?
I would like to quickly give you five (5) reasons:
- Reason behind this Perversion is our wrong “Perception of love”.
The world has defined love in a wrong way. It is believed that when two (2) individuals are having sex regardless of who they are that they are making love but that is not the truth.
That is a lie from the devil.
The wrong “Perception of Love” have made People to have sex and kiss one another and romance one another against the Will of God.
Sex does not necessarily mean love.
What is love?
1 John 4:8 it says: “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love”.
What is the definition of love?
God is love. It simply means that.
– Pastor zion okuneye
And I give you a New definition from today that: Love simply means Godliness.
When you see a man or a woman living a Godly life; that Person is manifesting the Nature of God which is love.
And that is why the Bible says: He that loveth not does not know God, for God is love.
What are the wrong Perceptions of love?
For instance if love were to connote everything about sex or sex is love; it means that you are telling us that God that doesn’t have sex cannot love.
God is sexless and yet He is the epitome of love.
You cannot hear or it has never been written anywhere that God had sex. And yet He is the epitome of Love.
If sex is truly love what you are saying is that you cannot love your brother, you cannot love your sister, you cannot love your father, you cannot love your mother because it is excepted you love these People without having sex with them.
If sex were to be love, Prostitutes will be the greatest lovers – But we know that prostitutes do it for the gain they want to get.
Sex does not necessarily mean love.
You can go and ask Samson – Because of illicit sexual relationship, Samson ended up as a servant as against being Lord over his enemies.
… That will not be your portion in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
Even kisses and embrace and romance – There are People who have kissed People and have Plotted their downfall and destruction.
A good example is Judas and his Lord Jesus Christ – With a kiss he betrayed Jesus.
People can have sex with you, People can kiss you and Romance you and yet they are Planning your destruction.
Sex does not necessarily mean love. Any sex outside of Marriage is wickness.
The Scriptures says: Whatsoever you want others to do unto you, do also unto them.
Just as you will not be happy to see a man sleeping with your sister or with your mother don’t do the same to others – It is wickedness in the sight of God and wickedness in the sight of men.
So the wrong Perception of love has made People to Pervert Sexuality.
From today as you receive understanding you will deliver yourself in the name of Jesus – Amen.
God is stretching forth His Hands as you hear these Words to deliver you from all such Perversion in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
- Is sexual Pleasure?
The truth be told – There is Pleasure in sex.
When you reach orgasm you enjoy the Pleasure in sex and as a result of this Pleasure in sex many have Perverted it.
Many have even gone to the extent of self inducing themselves unto Masturbation.
All of these Perversion is not Good, is not Acceptable neither is it Perfect in the sight of God.
And the reason why God is speaking right to you is that you might be delivered – Receive your Deliverance from Masturbation in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
The Bible says in 1 Timothy 5:6 – It says: But she that liveth in Pleasure is dead while she liveth.
Apostle Paul was addressing issues in the lives of widows – In those days, there were some widows who were just moving around the Church and having illicit sexually relationship because they have lost their husbands and Apostle Paul say this is an indication of Spiritual death.
So, if you are engage in sex as unapproved by God; it is an indication that you are dead Spiritually even though you live.
As a child of God you must know how to direct your sexual Passions.
There are other areas you can direct your Strength to, that you can get Pleasure:
For instance:
I. Direct your Pleasure for now as a young man, as a young girl to study your books.
Seek to gain Success in your Academics.
II. As a young man, as a young lady direct your Pleasure towards your Goal in life.
There is coming a time you will be married and then you can have sexual Pleasure – Be Patient, your time is coming.
III. But as a young man as young lady, direct your Passion towards working for God and living for His Glory.
Job 36:11; it says: “… We will spend our days in Prosperity and our years in Pleasure”.
There are better Place where in you can find Pleasure.
God told me sometimes ago that the highest form of pleasure found in His Presence – According to the Scriptures in Psalms 16:11 it says: Thou will show me the Path of life: In thy Presence is fullness of Joy: at thy right hand there are Pleasures for evermore.
The Pleasure you get in the Presence of God is far higher and greater than any other Pleasures in other Places, particularly also in sex.
Even if you are married; your moderation should be known even in sex.
You can’t be having sex every day. It is not expected that you give yourself to sexual relationship everyday because you are married.
Some are even married but they are having Pervasive, illicit sexual relationship.
For instance they say oral sex, it is not Good, it is not Acceptable and it is not Perfect in the sight of God.
There are better things you can grow Spiritually.
Give yourself to Spiritual things and grow and enjoy the Pleasure of God which is far greater than any other Pleasures in the world.
In His Presence, there is Fullness of Joy and at His right time Pleasure forevermore.
So, because of the Pleasure in sex, sex is Perverted.
- Bad company. No matter how Good you are; if you follow the wrong crowd you will become a bad Person, you will become influenced to begin to do things wrongly.
And because of bad company because you associated yourself with the wrong set of People, you are now involve in illicit sexual Perversion but the Lord is delivering you today in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.
1 Corinthians 15:33; it says: “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt Good manners”.
No matter how Good you are; you can be corrupted – When you have bad friends that give you bad counsel; when you have bad friends that instructs you in the wrong way or influence you.
A Good example is the story of Tamar and Amnon his brother. .
Unfortunately when Amnon had that Passion towards his sister; he got Counsel from a bad company, he got Counsel from Abinadab who gave him a wrong Counsel.
And as a result of that, Tamar was defiled.
Everyone you are associated with, mark what they tell you, mark where you get your Counsel from, stop receiving Counsel from evil and wicked youths.
Follow Righteousness, Godliness with those that call upon the Name of the Lord and you will be delivered from sexual Perversion.
Make up your mind not to stay in a closed place with anybody. You may call that Person your fiancée or your fiancé.
Make up your mind not to stay in a closed place alone with the opposite sex if you know you have a Strong derive and Passion towards a Person.
Avoid that Person, avoid being alone with that Person.
The Scriptures says: Flee fornication – It didn’t say run away, it didn’t say walk away, it says flee.
From today receive the Grace to flee in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.
2 Corinthians 5:17; it says: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a New Creature: Old things are Passed away; behold, all things are become New”.
This includes your friendship.
That is what the Scriptures says: We should not be unequally yoked together with Unbelievers.
From today, if you need to change your friends, your circle of friends change it now in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
For birds of the same feathers they flock together; may you begin to flock with Spiritual People, People that will lift you up Spiritually, People that with encourage you as iron sharpeneth iron so does a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. May your friends be people that can sharpen you in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
Carnally Minded! – What is it that occupies your mind? What is it that takes hold of your heart?
The Bible says in Proverb 4:23: Guide your heart with all Diligence for out of it are the issues of life.
Unbelievers are Permitted to read anything they like and that is why they are Polluted. If you want to be Sanctified, if you want to live Righteously you need to guide your heart.
What kind of Literatures do you look at?
These things matter because they are the things that arouse our sexual desires.
What kind of movie do you watch?
The kind of movie you watch will either make you to be Carnally Minded or Spiritually Minded.
From today, may you begin to read the right things, may you find yourself engross with the Word of God in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
Stop the Pornography, stop watching Seductive Movies.
Occupy your mind with Godly images and you will not fulfill all those Carnal desires that lead to death.
Lack of Passion for God and His Words – Anybody who loves God will enjoy the Pleasures in God; he will not love the Pleasures of the world.
For to love the world is to hate God and to Love God is to hate the world.
And that’s why you must do everything to get God’s Approval – Your desire must be towards God and His Words.
No wonder 2 Timothy 2:15; it says: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly diving the Word of Truth.
Occupy your heart with the Truth and it will be well with you – Amen.
Be a consistent student of the Word of God.
The Bible says in Romans 1:28; it says: Because men refuse to retain God in their heart, God gave them up to a reprobate mind.
The reason for the Perversion is because minds of men are reprobate.
If that is your case receive your deliverance right away in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.
There is a God who is Merciful, there is a God who is Kind, there is a God who you can bring your sexual situation into His hands and He will turn it around for Good.
And if you are here under the sound of my voice or reading now on the Label of DMC and you are a Victim of Sexual Perversion, I like you to Stand on your feet and let’s call upon the Name of the Lord.
- The Bible says: Whoever call upon the Name of the Lord; he shall be saved.
You need to repent and ask God for Mercy and Forgiveness.
If you are not yet Born Again, give your life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you are Born Again, cry to God for Mercy.
The God who answers Prayer will answer your Prayers – Amen.
So, wherever you maybe, I will like you to Pray this Prayer – Say: Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, have Mercy on me, forgive me my sins of illicit sexual relationship and make me a Brand New Person.
Lift up your voice and Pray. Let God hear your voice (speaking in tongues).
Father, here is the cry of your children as they repent from illicit Sexual Perversion. Father deliver them in the Name of Jesus. Make them free in the Name of Jesus.
Those who are not yet Born Again, save their Souls as they cry to you, save their Souls. Have Mercy on them King of Glory; save their Souls in the Name of Jesus.
Deliver your People Oh God from illicit Sexual Intercourse; illicit Sexual Relationship in the Name of Jesus.
Stretch forth your hands of Deliverance, let there be a translation from this moment, from the Power of darkness to the Kingdom of your dear Son and let your Name be Glorified.
Thank you Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we Prayed – Amen.
- The Second Prayer Point I want us to take is taking from 1 Thessalonians 4:3.
It says: For this is the Will of God, even your Sanctification, that you should abstain from fornication.
I like you to lift up your voice and say: Father, it is Your Will that I should be Sanctified, deliver me from every Sexual Perversion in the Name of Jesus.
Let God hear your voice – God it is Your Will that I should live a Sanctified life, therefore deliver me from all Sexual Perversion in the Name of Jesus. Everything that defiles my body, everything that defiles my Soul, everything that defiles my Spirit, King of Glory deliver me from them all in the Name of Jesus.
Thank You Father, we give You the Glory.
For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
You may be seated.
Very briefly I am going to talk about: The consequences of Sexual Perversion and the Solutions.
- Guilt.
When you have Sexual Relationship contrary to the Will of God, not with your wife, not with your husband; you have guilt.
The guilt of sin will always be in your heart each time you see the Person you had sex with, you become guilty or each time you see the relation of the Person you had sex with you become guilty.
You carry the guilt all the days of your life.
I have Good News for somebody under the sound of my voice or reading now on the Label of DMC, the Blood of Jesus Christ is available to take away all of your sins and your guilt in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
When you give your life to Jesus and you surrender to Him completely, you are delivered from guilt and there is a need for you to do that expressly and that brings us to the second point or second consequence.
- Shame, Disgrace and Affliction.
Immorality is a sin against the body. It results in shame.
It is a shameful thing that is why it is done in the secret.
From today, God will deliver you from shame in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
It leads to disgrace when you are caught.
The Bible says in Proverbs 6:26 – It says: It reduce a man to a Piece of bread; it brings a man from a Position of Honour to a Place of disgrace.
What about affliction in form of sickness and curses?
All manners of sicknesses that are related to Sexual Intercourses are around today – People are afflicted in every way HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) for instance and the ultimate end is death.
That would not be your Portion in the Name of Jesus – Amen. You will not die before your time because the end result is untimely death.
- What about curses?
There are People who have gone and had sexual illicit relationships that have led to them being cursed.
There are People you sleep with, you carry curses.
A Good example in the Bible was Ruben – He slept with his father concubine and the Bible says when the father got to know about it, and when it mattered the most, when the father was about to bless his children before he leave the world; he placed a curse on Ruben.
He says: My Strength, my firstborn, you will not excel.
Everyone under a curse as a result of illicit Sexual Relationship; receive your Deliverance in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
- What about losses, defeat.
Of course a Good example is Samson again – He lost his two (2) eyes.
Some People have lost Possession – A lot of Possession because they got engrossed and engage in illicit Sexual Relationship.
May God deliver you in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
May you learn to say No to illicit Sexual Relationship in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
- It limits your Greatness in Life.
For instance; I know there are some Revelations a child of God cannot receive if he or she is consistently involve in illicit Sexual Relationship.
When David went to ask for the loaves of bread, the Priest said to him – He said the only bread that is available is only available for men who have kept themselves from women.
- It limits your Greatness Spiritually.
No wonder the Scriptures says even in marriage you should find time to Fast and Pray.
May God help every Married Person under the sound of my voice or reading now on the Label of DMC to be Moderate Sexually in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
So, if such changes you; it doesn’t allow you to be who God wants you to be.
- Plans of God in the life of People have been shattered because of illicit Sexual Relationship.
You can imagine what would have happened if Mary had has Sexual Relationship before the Angel came – Of course, God will change His Mind, and somebody else will take the Position of Mary.
Do you think that Mary was not tempted as a single woman?
Of course she was tempted but she kept herself Pure.
The Grace to keep yourself Pure receive in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
No wonder the Bible says in 2 Timothy 2: 21-22 – It says:
- If a man therefore Purge himself from this, he shall be a Vessel unto Honour, Sanctified and Meet for the Master’s Use and Prepared unto every Good work.
- Flee also Youthful lusts; but follow Righteousness, Faith, Charity, Peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a Pure heart.
Purge yourself from every illicit Sexual Relationship and be Pure. Live a Sanctified Life and God will use you for Great Works, for Great Assignment, for Great Purposes in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
Every traces of illicit Sexual Relationship among the Youths in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) from today they come to an end in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
In some Countries, you cannot be President if you are immoral.
May you not loose your opportunities in life in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ – Amen.
The Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:22 – Flee also Youthful lusts but follow Righteousness, Faith, Charity, Peace with them that call upon the Name of the Lord from a Pure heart.
May that be your Portion from today in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
Why? – Because;
Illicit Sexual Relationship leads to death and life in hell.
… I am sure you don’t want to go to hell.
1 Corinthians 6:9; it says: Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor adulterers nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.
All such People will end up in hell. And I believe that is not your intention.
And because of that; in the Name of Jesus you are made free, you are made whole, you are delivered from all forms of illicit Sexual Intercourse in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
What is the Solution?
Of course we have heard some of the Solution already:
- You must be Born Again.
- You must Present yourself as a Living Sacrifice unto God.
You must say: Father from today; I Promise that I will not defile myself. I give myself to You, I give my body to You , I give my Soul to You, I give my Spirit to You.
And when you do that; God will release His Grace into your life – Amen.
According to Titus 2:11 and 12, it says:
- For the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation has appear unto all men.
- Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world.
There is a Grace that comes from God that empowers you to deny ungodliness, to denounce Sexual Perversion – Receive that Grace in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
Of course that Grace will work with the Wisdom of God.
- Apart from Presenting yourself to God, when you do God will release His Wisdom into your life.
For the Scriptures says: The fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom.
And honestly speaking; you need Wisdom concerning this matter.
For instance; Wisdom not to stay alone with an opposite sex you know you are having Passion for.
As fiancé and fiancée don’t go to a Lonely Place – Keep yourself Pure.
Avoid the danger of falling into immorality so that you can be blessed and mightily used of God.
The Grace of God teaches us to say No.
From today receive the Power to say No and not to give yourself to immoral act in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
- You must believe that it is possible to live a Pure Life.
If you don’t believe it, you can’t desire it and you can’t achieve it.
And as you do this the God of all Grace will keep you Pure; He will keep you Sanctified; He will keep you Holy in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20; it says:
- What? Know ye not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God and ye are not your own?
- For ye are bought with a Price: therefore Glorify God in your body, and in your Spirit, which are Gods.
Always remember that your body is not your own – It belongs to the Creator.
And if you will be Wise; use it as the Creator will demand that you use it.
As a Wise Person/Youth, direct your Passion to something else – When you are busy, you won’t think of sex.
Mind what you occupy your mind with that cannot be overemphasised.
As you do all of these; you will not be a Victim – Amen.
Let me hear somebody say a louder amen – You will not be a Victim (Amen).
And that is why I will like you to stand on your feet as we take this two (2) Major Prayer Points.
Wherever you are; stand on your feet and we are going to Pray:
- The first Prayer Point we are going to Pray is:
Father give me the Wisdom and the Grace to Prevail over Sexual Perversion.
Lord God; I need the Wisdom and the Grace to Prevail over Sexual Perversion.
Lift up your voice and Pray – Pray with all of your heart.
Go ahead Pray to God, call upon the Name of God – Lord I need Wisdom as to what to do, as to how to walk. Give me Grace, give me Wisdom to Prevail over every form of Sexual Perversion.
I need Your help Oh Lord, help me in the Name of Jesus and let your Name be Glorified.
Thank you Father. Let my body Glorify You, let my life Glorify You, let me live in Sexual Purity in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
- Pray and say: Father help me to be Properly married to my own husband, to my own wife.
The reason why you Pray this Prayer is because the Scriptures says instead of burning get married.
So, lift up your voice and say: Father settle me with my own wife, settle me with my own husband.
Bright and Morning Star; settle me with my own wife; settle me with my own husband.
Lift up your voice and talk to the Almighty God. Lord I want to be settled.
Thank you Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Lift up your voice and say a Powerful amen as I round up in Prayers.
Father in the Name of Jesus; Thank You for Your Words that has gone forth in Power.
I Pray in the Name of Jesus that Oh God; as many that have been delivered will remain delivered forever in the Name of Jesus.
It shall not be a case that the dog went back to his vomits, in the Name of Jesus.
I Pray for all of Your children to receive Grace to say No consistently, No to Sexual Perversion in the Name of Jesus.
From today we receive Grace to live in Purity in the Name of Jesus.
Thank You Everlasting Father, Thank You for the Youth of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Thank You because you will keep us Pure.
At the end; You will use us Mightily to gain the world, to take over the world, to expand Your Kingdom in the Name of Jesus.
Glory be to Your Holy Name – Hallelujah.
For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!!!
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