Let Us Pray!
The Most High Reigneth
The Most High Reigneth
The Most High Reigneth in my Life today
The Most High Reigneth
The Most High Reigneth
The Most High Reigneth in my Life today
The King of Kings Reigneth
The Lord of Lords Reigneth
The Most High Reigneth
The Most High Reigneth
The Most High Reigneth in my Life today
Father Almighty: The King of Kings; the Lord of Lords; Jehovah El Shaddai – Glory be to Your Holy Name (Hallelujah!)
We Thank You for another Sunday; Thank You for keeping us alive and well.
We are asking Lord God Almighty that today as Your Words will be going forth: You will solve all our Problems, Change all our anxieties to Mighty Testimonies.
Prove Yourself Oh Lord; let the world know that we are serving a Living God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
We want to continue with our Study on the Wonders of God!
And today, we will be talking about the Wonders of His Supremacy!
Psalms 33:11 says: The Counsel of the LORD standeth for ever; the thoughts of his heart to all Generations.
You must allow me to boast about my Father today.
Every child loves to boast; especially the boys. They love to boast about their father: My father is the Strongest; My father is the Tallest; My father is the Richest et cetera, et cetera.
Well my Father is SUPREME: The Supreme One, The Sovereign One, The Original Majesty – That is my Daddy!
In Psalms 115:3; it says my daddy is in the Heavens and He does as He Pleases.
I. My Father was not Elected into His Position and so you cannot; I mean you just cannot remove Him from His Throne.
II. He wasn’t Ordained by any General Overseer; so you can’t cancel His Ordination.
III. He wasn’t employed by anybody; so you can’t sack Him.
- He has no Beginning, He has no Ending.
… And since you don’t know His Beginning; there is no way you can tamper with His future.
- In Ecclesiastes 5:8; it tells us that He is Higher than the highest.
… So, you think that you are high; you are low beneath the feet of my dad.
Because Isaiah 66:1 says: Heaven is His Throne, the Earth His Footstool.
No matter how high your Throne is; you are still under the feet of my daddy.
If you do not like what I’m saying; I’m sorry about that as there is nothing you can do about it- I’m just telling you the Truth about my daddy.
- According to Psalms 33: 8-9; when He speaks, it is done.
… You don’t have to go and debate it – Once He has spoken, it is a “Settled Matter”.
- And do you know what? – He declares the End from the Beginning.
… Before anything happens; He will tell you what is going to happen.
- Isaiah 46: 9-10; He said: I am God and there is none else like Me.
- I like something He said in Isaiah 43:13 – He says: Ever before there was day (Talking of day and night); He said I was God.
And then He made a Statement and I hope all those of you who thinks that you are Big you will listen to this – He said: Nobody can deliver you out of my Hands.
He said: When I decide to work, nobody can hinder Me.
And that is Good News for those of us who belongs to Him
- Do you know that He said in Deuteronomy 32:39 that: Anyone that I kill stays dead and the one I choose to keep alive nobody can kill.
… That is my daddy!
- And He says: I am the Promoter.
So, if you say that you are High and you are in a Lofty Position; Hey it is because I Put you there.
Psalms 75: 5-7 says: Promotion is not from the East, not from the West, not from the North, not from the South – He said: I decide who I’m going to Promote.
And He said something in Deuteronomy 28:13 and I love it.
He said when I Promote you; you stay Promoted.
He said when I said that you will be the Head, you are Head; when I said that you will be Above, you will be Above only.
You wonder where I am going? – I said that I want to boast a little bit about my daddy. So, you should allow me!
- The thing I love most about the Supremacy of my Father is that He has the Last Say!
… So, you can say what you like; you can do what you like; at the end of the day my Father will say: Have you Finished?
In Proverbs 19:21; He said: Many are the devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the Counsel of the Lord thou shall stand.
I think they put it in one English Proverbs when they say: Man Proposes but God Disposes.
… My Father has the Last Say!
Which is Good News because it means:
I. Sickness does not have the Last Say.
It doesn’t matter what the nature of the sickness is; it doesn’t matter how long it has been; my Father has the Last Say!
Because according to Exodus 15:26; the Bible calls my Father: The Lord that healeth thee.
So, if you think that the sickness that you are struggling with is the one that is going to finish you.
Maybe you have heard doctors Reports and they said this and that – Tell the doctors that sickness does not have the Last Say; my Father does.
The Bible is full of examples – We can talk about: Lepers that He touched and they became Clean, we can talk about the woman with the Issue of Blood that just touched the hem of His Garment and instantly what the doctors said that they can’t handle, He dealt with in a moment.
But I think you will remembered the story of the man in John 5: 2-9; who had been sick for thirty eight (38) years and in a single moment my Father was visiting and said to him: Rise, take up your bed and go.
Oh, in Mark 3: 1-5; the Bible tells us that He walked into a Synagogue or Temple and there was a man there with a “Withered Hand” – The hand used to be functional but it Withered.
My daddy didn’t Pray for him, He didn’t lay Hands on him; He just said to him: Stretch forth your hands and the “Withered Hands” heard the voice of my daddy and became “Whole” immediately.
Are you sick? Do you think that the End has come and you will soon die?
I will hear your Testimonies soon even before this Sermon is over or you finished reading on the Label of DMC – Amen.
I want you to check and see that there is still a God who is Supreme, who has the Last Say where sickness is concerned – Amen.
Oh, one of the Testimonies that always give me Joy was that Testimony you heard on Dove Media not too long ago (And I’m sure you read on the Label of DMC) – Of a Sister whose friend has Cancer of the Breast and the doctors said that the only way to help her was to remove the breast – Which they did.
And this my daughter just gave the friend an handkerchief which we had anointed and say: At least, lay it on the Place so that the healings can be fast.
Three (3) weeks later; a brand New Breast grew there.
… It is not sickness that has the Last Say; it is the Great Physician!
II. It is not even death that has the Last Say.
… No, No, No; it is the One whose Name is: The Resurrection and the Life – John 11:25.
That is the Name of my daddy – The Resurrection and the Life. The One who brings the dead back to Life; the One who says to the one living never to die.
And you know several examples: You know Jairus daughter; you know the case of the son of the Widow of Nain.
And then of course, you know the Story of Lazarus in John 11: 39-45.
… Even the relatives of Lazarus said that it is too late – He is dead, buried, stinking.
My daddy said: Didn’t I tell you that if you can just believed; you will see the Glory of God?
Everyone of you listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC; even before I finished speaking or reading; you will see the Glory of God – Amen!
He spoke: Lazarus come forth.
Like somebody said that the reason why He mentioned the name of Lazarus is that if all He has said is: Come Forth; every dead Person in that Grave would have come forth because they heard the voice of the One called the Resurrection and the Life.
I love what one Preacher said: When He shouted and said: Lazarus come forth; death looked around and said which of you is Lazarus?
And that one said: I am the one.
And he said: Ha, Ha; you want to get me into trouble? You want me to be destroyed before my time because it is written that death is the last enemy to be destroyed.
You need to study the cases of where my Father raised the death – He never opened His mouth to say: Death loose that fellow because death is beneath Him. He can’t even mention the name death.
Also listen to the audio here: The Wonders of His Supremacy – Pastor E.A Adeboye
… Oh, death is not the one who has the Last Say. It is my Daddy!
I have not forgotten the Testimony of one of my daughter who was at Redemption Camp here during a Holy Ghost Service (HGS) and got a Phone Call that her daughter in Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) Lagos State, Nigeria was having difficulty giving birth.
Then by the time she arrived at the Hospital; Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) Lagos State Nigeria; the woman had given birth to a set of twins and both the children and the mother had died.
She arrived when they were just taking the two (2) children to the morgue and she said hold on, not so fast.
Took one of the Anointing Oil, drop some drops in the mouth of the children – Hey come out of death.
And almost immediately, the first one came back to Life; turned to the second one: Don’t waste my time. Hurry up!
… Thank God for those who knows their God.
And very soon, the second one came back too.
Around that time, they were bringing their mother – She said hold on. Put oil in her mouth, put an Anointed Handkerchief on her and said: Who is going to look after your children?
She said don’t waste my time, you better come back – I looked after you, you look after your own children too.
… And the body came back to Life!
That God who can raise three (3) People on the same day is going to lay His Mighty Hands on you wherever you are now and every Part of your body that had died will be brought back to Life in Jesus Name – Amen.
III. Poverty is not the one which has the Last Say. It is my Daddy.
My daddy who in Genesis 17:1 is called The All Sufficient God.
My daddy who says: The Earth is Mine and the Fullness thereof – Psalms 24:1.
My Father who says: Silver is Mine; Gold is Mine – Haggai 2:8.
My God who says: All the cattles upon the thousand Hills are Mine – Psalms 50: 10-11.
… He is the One who has the Last Say!
I mean you remembered 1 Kings 17: 8-16.
You remembered the Widow of Zarephath who had one Meal left. My Father stepped in and the Last Meal became the first.
You know the Story of 2 Kings 4: 1-7.
Remembered the story of that Widow also. When the Creditors were about to close in and she ran to my Father and my Father intervened and the Creditors were put to shame.
I don’t know how He is going to do it but I know that He works in “Mysterious Ways”.
IV. Barreness has not the Last Say. It is my Father who has the Last Say.
My Father who says in Genesis 1:28. He is the One who said: Be Fruitful and Multiply.
… He has the Last Say!
My Father who according to Revelations 3: 7-8; He said: When I open, no man can shut. It is when I shut that no man can open.
My Father who says to Sarah; is still alive, still on the Throne – He hasn’t gone anywhere.
He was the One who said to Sarah: I know that you are ninety (90) years old but nine (9) Months from now; you will carry a baby boy.
That my Father is still on the Throne and He has the Last Say.
I’m sure that some of you will remembered the Testimony of one of my daughters – She has only one boy, just one son.
And she has tried and tried and the doctors has told her: Stop worrying yourself, even that one that you have we don’t know how you got it – It is almost by accident.
And then one day; the boy was Playing with his Colleagues in a Swimming Pool and for one reason or the other; that boy was the only one that got drowned.
I heard the story and say: No way because they said she can’t have another but the only one now is drowned.
In agony; I cried to my daddy and Thank God He heard me.
A year later; the woman they said can never have a baby had a set of twins.
Barreness does not have the Last Say; not in your Life, my Father is the One who has the Last Say.
V. It is not the demons that has the Last Say. It is my daddy.
According to Psalms 24: 7-10; it is the King of Glory (Name of my daddy); the Lord of Host – And I’m believing God that one of these days; I will be able to talk to you about the fact that: My Father is not a Civilian.
He is the One who has the Last Say and not devil.
According to 1 John 3:8; He came into this world to destroy the works of Satan.
So, it doesn’t matter whether it is one (1) demon or seven (7) demons or a Legion of demons; they don’t have the Last Say. It is my Father who speaks and demons must come out.
So, those of you who are struggling with forces of darkness; I’m representing my Father today to say to you: Be Free – Amen.
It doesn’t matter how long the enemies has been tormenting you. I don’t want to know how you got caught in their cubweb; there is a God who is in Heaven – That is my Daddy.
And when He says: Be Free; you are Free.
He says: Whosoever the Son shall set Free shall be Free indeed!
I have told you before; the story of a man several Years ago. When they brought him to me; I was on Holidays at Ilesha – A town in Osun State, Southern Part of Nigeria.
When they brought him, you could see clearly that this is a Mad Man even though he is fairly gentle one.
You could look at him and know – Even the smell coming from him will tell you that this man has Problems.
And when he began to talk; I know that the Problem was a very Peculiar one.
When he scratches his head; beetles will come out. When he puts his hands in his earlobes; cockroaches will come out.
I mean you will think he is a Magician but this one is not tricks – The enemies has so much got him entangled.
But I cried unto my Father.
And I remembered when I was back in Ilesha – A town in Osun State, Southern Part of Nigeria; some couple of weeks later and the same man came and I said who are you? Can I help you?
He said: I was the one who came to see you some weeks ago.
Everyone of you that the enemies has turned your Sun to darkness; I decree today be Free in Jesus Name – Amen.
… Such a handsome man, handled by the enemies, turned to something ugly but my Father has a way of beautifying what the enemies has already deformed.
VI. But do you know the most beautiful thing about His Supremacy of my Father; the one I found most interesting of all is that: Not even ‘You’ has the Last Say!
It doesn’t matter what you think; it doesn’t matter what the level of your Faith; my Father has the Last Say!
Oh, take the example in 1 Kings 19: 1-8; Elijah thought that he has failed.
He said: God I’m a failure, kill me, don’t let us waste time anymore.
But my Father laughed and say you are just about to have a New Beginning.
You think that you have failed? – Listen to me today: You think that you a failure; you don’t have the Last Say!
I am assuring you that: Today, is the New Beginning of Glory in your Life – Amen.
Moses was at the backside of the desert; he has been out of circulation now for forty (40) years; he has forgotten everything about delivering the children of Israel out of the hands of Pharaoh; he has forgotten all his Ambitions.
And so when God says okay Moses; now the time has come; you must now go and bring my People out of Egypt.
He said: God, You are talking to the wrong man. I can’t go because You don’t seems to understand that I’m a fugitive and I’m old, I’m retired.
God said: But you are the one who will do the job.
He said: Not me. You know that I’m a Stamarrer, I’m still stamarrering even before you started speaking to me, I’m a Stamarrer; now that you are still speaking to me; I’m still stamarrering – I’m not going anywhere!
God said: You don’t have the Last Say; you will go!
Not only will you go; when you have brought them out; you will worship Me on this Mountain.
Everyone of you who thinks that Life has Passed you by; I have Good News for you according to my Father in Heaven, the One I represent: Today is the Beginning of your Success – Amen!
In 2 Kings 4: 8-17; this is a story that I love very much.
The Great Woman of Shunem when Elisha said to her: You are going to have a son.
She said: Don’t deceived me!
There are some of you who may think by now that when I’m speaking to you; maybe I’m deceiving you.
How I wish that I’m really a Prophet but I’m a Pastor but I represent my God.
If you think I’m deceiving you congratulations because you don’t have the Last Say. It is my Father who has the Last Say and He is telling you: You believed, you don’t believed; you are doubting, you are not really sure anymore – He said: I will still show you that I’m Supreme, my Counsel shall Stand
… You know the rest of the story!
And when you read Judges 6: 11-16; you find the story of a Young Man there called Gideon.
He was hiding from the enemies so that they won’t take the little Harvest that he has. And the Angel of the Lord came and said: Oh Mighty Man of Valour.
He looked round: Who are you talking to?
The Angel said: You.
He said: Me? – You must have made a mistake sir: My Tribe is the smallest; in Israel my family is the smallest in the smallest Tribe of Israel; I’m the smallest in my family.
Gideon was saying: I’m ‘Small Man” Cubed – If you talk it Mathematically.
But God said: You are My Champion.
When the Almighty God speaks; it is done.
And I feel deep within me that God is speaking something Good concerning someone – Amen!
I believed that you are the one – Amen.
And I believed that I will hear your Testimonies soon – Amen.
Let me conclude by saying this: When you know that God is Supreme; when you know that whatever He says will come to Past; there is a Proverb or a Saying that: If you can’t beat them; why don’t you join them!
Pastor E.A Adeboye
You can’t beat my Father: He Controls the Heavens, He Controls the Earth.
You said: Let Him mind His Own business; He said: You are Part of My business and that is why I’m minding you.
You said: I want to live my Life the way I like; He said: Who gave you the Life?
Remember that sometimes ago; one Federal Minister boasted that he will eject The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) from the Expressway.
I wasn’t around, I was far away doing God’s business.
When I heard; I laughed.
He said: I will see to it that the Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) is revoked.
I said: Ha!
I said his own Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) in this world was signed by my Father.
And if He revokes that; he will be here today and gone tomorrow.
Don’t fight against God – You can’t win!
He is Supreme. Don’t resist Him. Just surrender to Him and your future will be guaranteed!
So, if you are listening to me or reading now on the Label of DMC and you have not yet surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ; Please do so now.
Surrender to the One who is Supreme; the One who cannot be resisted; the Lord of Host Himself.
So, wherever you are; bow your Head. Cry to Him and say: Lord God Almighty; have Mercy on me; save my Soul today and I will serve you for the rest of my Life.
Bow your Head in Prayer and I Promise you; I will Pray with you in a moment; I will join my Faith with yours and I trust my God He will save your Soul, He will give you a Brand New Beginning.
It doesn’t matter what the devil may think; you can become a child of God today because nobody can resist Him.
Cry unto Him, ask Him to save your Soul and I will join you in Prayers.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God; I want to Thank You once again for Your Words and I want to Thank You that You the Supreme Being can even allow an “Ordinary Creature” like us to call You Father.
And I want to Thank You for all those who has heard Your Words and has decided that they will surrender their lives to you today.
Please, receive them, have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wash them clean, save their Souls today, receive them into the Family of God and give them a Brand New Beginning.
From now on; anytime they cry unto You, answer them by Fire.
And Lord God Almighty; all Your children today will be crying unto You – Asking You to demonstrate in their lives, in their situations that You have the Last Say; Please answer all of us by Fire.
Prove Your Almightiness today and we will give you Glory forever.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ; Please Contact me as soon as Possible. I Promised you that I will continue to Pray for you.
… Welcome into my family; welcome into the Family of God.
And the rest of us who are already children of God; I want you to cry to Him today and say: Almighty God, You are the “Sovereign One”; the One who has the Last Say – Speak into my Life.
Let Your Last Say be heard loud and clear by all those forces that are trying to hold me down.
Speak Oh Lord; Speak into my Life.
Thank You Father!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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