I have a God who never fails
I have a God who never fails
I have a God who never fails;
Who never fails
Who never fails forevermore!
Amen Jesus never fails
Amen Jesus never fails
Amen Jesus never fails
Jesus never fails,
Jesus never fails forevermore!
Lord Jesus, the One who says: if we ask anything in Your Name it shall be done; we worship You!
We Thank You for what You have done in the first three (3) days of this Congress;
And tonight the Eve of the “BIG DAY” itself; we come before with Thanksgiving, knowing fully well that our tomorrow is going to be Glorious.
Please, accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name!
You can also listen to the audio here: The Kind of Prayer That Can Cause You To Fly – Pastor E.A Adeboye
We are going to cry unto You tonight, we are going to Pray all manners of Prayers tonight;
Father, even as we Pray answer us by Fire.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Well, we Thank the Almighty God for what He had already done the first three (3) days of this Congress.
We give Him Glory and Honour because we know that tomorrow (Friday, 11th of December, 2020) will be extremely Glorious.
And usually, on Thursday of the Congress is the day for PRAYERS.
Our Text will be Genesis 32:24-28;
24 And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.
25 And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.
26 And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.
27 And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.
28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with olGod and with men, and hast prevailed.
Somebody is going to Prevail tonight – AMEN!
Destinies will be changed even tonight – Amen!
Somebody will get a NEW NAME today: A New Name that signifies Victory; in Jesus’ Mighty Name – Amen!
For lack of a better word I don’t want to say “Casual” so I call it “USUAL”.
I mean, there is a Prayer you would Pray when you wake up in the morning – If you are a Christian, definitely you will Pray!
There is a kind of Prayer like the one written in Psalms 103:1-5: “Bless the Lord Oh my Soul, bless His Holy Name.”
Then you begin to think of ALL He has done for you:
You wake up in the morning: you lift your hands – Your hands can be lifted!
You lift your legs – The leg can still function; you open your eyes – You can still see; your ears can still hear; you open your mouth – You can still speak!
Definitely, You want to Pray a Prayer of Thanksgiving – blessing the Name of the LORD.
There is a Prayer you Pray when you want to Eat; if you are a true child of God you want to bless the food.
There is a Prayer you Pray when you want to travel;
If you are a true child of God, I mean before you leave home you will Pray: God Please, go with me, Protect me to and fro; don’t let me run into trouble, don’t let me run into an accident.
… So I call them USUAL PRAYERS!
And there are some of us who, by the Grace of God; have included in our “Usual Prayers” we pray even when we want to take a bath.
We ask the Almighty God to cover the water we want to use in His Blood.
Because from experience, we have learnt that we should Pray over these things.
But I want to talk tonight very briefly, because I want you to spend quality time in Praying.
I want to talk about the kind of Prayer (first of all): that CONTOLS THE HEAVENS.
… That is a HIGHER LEVEL of Prayer!
- In Joshua 10:10-12; JOSHUA PRAYED
And told the Sun to stand Still; not to set yet; he told the Moon hey! stay where you are, I have not finished my business yet.
And that is the kind of Prayer I believe you should be Praying
I. If you feel that AGE is creeping up on you and you still have a long way to go. You haven’t achieved your Purpose yet.
You can tell the Sun ‘Stand Still’; the moon ‘stay where you are’ because I still have a lot to do for God.
II. It is a kind of Prayer that you would say: I REFUSE to DIE now! I’m going to live, I’m going to declare the Word of God.
III. It is the kind of Prayer you Pray when you find yourself approaching a situation; where Medically speaking; you will not be able to do certain things anymore.
And you say: No, No, No! I’m not ready to retire yet.
… It is a Prayer that can control the Heavens.
- And then, there are Prayers that can bring even Angels down.
You call Angels to come down and do your bidding; like in Daniel 6:1-end.
The Prayer that Daniel Prayed in the Den of Lions was a Prayer that brought down an Angel to shut the mouth of lions; so that he could come out the following day untouched.
There are many of us who are living among Lions – Lions in the Place of work; even in some cases; Lions in the home where you live, Lions and Lionesses from father’s house, from mother’s house.
And we need to call down Angels to shut the mouth of lions; “So I can continue with my life undisturbed.”
It was the Prayer of Saints in Acts 12:5-11, that brought an Angel down into the Prison; to loose the yoke of Peter and let him out of Prison with the doors opening on their own.
There are times when we need Prayers – When it appears our enemies have shut the doors against us; and they have made up their minds that: “We are not going to make Progress.”
We need to Pray about such People; even if it is to ask that they have just a dream where an Angel can come to them and say – Hey! Leave that fellow alone, that is my child, he is the Anointed of the Most High.
It is a Prayer that can bring down Angels – And maybe you need to Pray that kind of Prayers tonight.
- And then there is a Prayer that can bring God Himself down.
This time, not just an Angel, the Almighty God Himself shall come down!
In Daniel 3: 14-25; Nebuchadnezzar said (when he looked into the fiery furnace); he said: “I thought we threw three (3) men in there?” They said Yes! He said but I see four (4)!
And even though he was an Idol Worshiper, he recognised the Fourth (4th) Man. He said – Hey! the One there is a SON OF GOD.
… There are situations where God will not bother to send an Angel.
Maybe the Fiery Furnace was Too Hot (7 times Hotter); too hot for an Angel. So God Himself came!
… It is a Prayer that can bring God down.
And when he comes, even everybody will know – GOD HAS COME! Because there will be SHAKINGS, there will be TREMBLINGS.
Acts 2:1-4; the Bible tells us that on the day of Pentecost, when the Almighty God came in form of the Holy Spirit; the Place where the Disciples were gathered together SHOOK.
How I wish we were all gathered together here at the Redemption Camp tonight!
But at least, in your own home or as you read now on the Label of DMC; you can Pray and shake your house; Pray until the Almighty God will come down and SHAKE that room.
And in case you think that doesn’t happen anymore you remembered I have told you before in 1979.
When my father in The Lord, myself and four (4) other Persons went to attend a Kenneth Hagin Camp meeting in Tulsa Oklahoma;
We stayed in an Hotel called Mayor Hotel – I am mentioning the name of the hotel in case you have somebody who lives in Tulsa. Find out whether this story is true or not.
That was where my father in The Lord announced that he would be going soon and I will be taking over from him.
It was a frightening Announcement!
And so all of us we were there, we were Praying. we Prayed like we have never Prayed before.
A Revelation that was unexpected; it took us offguard.
I mean, I fell on my face – I was nearest to the door and we Prayed.
Not the Casual Prayer; not the kind of Prayer you Pray with your hands in your Pocket and say – Good Morning God!.
It was a Prayer you Pray when Destiny is at stake – Not just individual Destiny now but the Destiny of a Whole Mission.
And suddenly there was a knock at the door because they gathered together in Papa’s room in the hotel.
And when I opened the door I saw the Engineer of the hotel (a very big Hotel);
And he said – What are you People doing? What kind of Musical Instruments are you Playing?
I said: “We are not Playing any Musical instrument, we are Praying.”
He said – No, you must be Playing very Powerful Musical Instrument.
I said No!
He came in, checked everywhere; he looked under the bed, looked into the wardrobe and was confused!
When he got back to the door on his way out he turned to me and said: “What do you say you were doing?
He didn’t believe me!
And I said why? He said, because the Hotel was SHAKING;
… And we have traced the source of the shaking to this room.
We left! Came back home! And as soon as People left the hotel (all those who we are Guests) they shut the Place down.
They dug round the foundation; because the Hotel SHOOK. They wanted to see “What was the Problem? What is wrong with the foundation?.
… They couldn’t find anything wrong, but it SHOOK.
And so they shut down the hotel for thirty (30) Years!
Thirty (30) Years later, I was back in Tulsa; this time I was back with my children, we went for something extremely different
… Now we have Churches in Tulsa!
So, I took my children to go and show them the hotel that SHOOK; and I saw the hotel still closed.
And I had compassion on the Owners; So I laid my hands on the hotel and Prayed a “Simple Prayer”; Six (6) Months later it was reopened.
You can Pray tonight and shake your house; you can Pray and bring The Almighty God down.
This is not an “Ordinary Congress” – It is a Congress where you are going to FLY.
… There is a Prayer that can bring the Almighty God down.
- But there was a Prayer – It is not really a Prayer as such; IT IS A DECREE.
You know, yesterday (Wednesday, 9th of December, 2020); I was talking to you about DELIVERANCE and I talk to you about being so HIGH UP that you can DEAL with troublemakers from your Vantage Point.
DMC NOTES: You can access the Full Text of the Message on this Link:
You know it is written in the Bible in Job 22:21-28; the Bible says, if you satisfy certain conditions;
… And I want you to read that Passage tonight!
It says: “You will DECREE a thing and it shall be established unto you.”
It’s God who says so – God, the ALMIGHTY. The One Who speaks and it is done.
In 2 Kings 1:9-12 (and I referred to it yesterday); when those Soldiers came and they said they wanted to arrest Elijah.
He didn’t Pray, he didn’t say: Almighty God, look at this Soldiers oooo; they have come to Arrest me. Please, come down!
He didn’t say: Oh Lord God Almighty, send an Angel to come and rescue me – No, No, No!
He made a DECREE: If I be a Man of God, let FIRE descend from Heaven.
… “Let FIRE Descend”
He said – If I be a Man of God, let Fire consume you and your Soldiers (You know the rest of the story)!
I’m encouraging you tonight, that you will Pray that kind of Prayer that will challenge all those who are trying to block your way; and say to them: “If you want to roast, come and fight!”
… Oh, I know there are People who would say: That is Old Testament.
Alright! what about Acts 13:6-12?
Paul was Ministering to a Governor; he was Preaching the Gospel to a Governor.
And Bible says: There was a Sorcerer there who said to the Governor: don’t mind him, that is what they always say – he’s after your money.
Paul didn’t Pray, he didn’t say – Almighty God, can’t you see somebody is hindering me from doing the work You asked me to do?
All I wanted to do is win this man.
No! He just looked at that fellow and said: Hey! how long are you going to continue hindering the work of God?
He said, I DECEEE – Be blind!
Oh, Thank God he said: “for a Season”. We don’t know how long that Season lasted.
… I think Children of God should reach that stage!
That is New Testament, and this is Paul the Apostle of Grace; not James oooo. You don’t joke with James!
This is Paul – The Apostle of Grace.
And I think Children of God should be able to say: “Anyone who will not allow me to do the work God has assigned me; you want to attack me? You are welcome! You just want to be BLIND – Come!”
- However, the Most Important Prayer that I want you to Pray tonight: is that kind of Prayer that will CAUSE YOU TO FLY.
And you will find that in the Bible Text that I read you in Genesis 32:24-38:
Jacob knew his brother Esau was coming; they have been enemies now for “Donkey Years” (You know the story)!
And when Jacob was running away from home – after “STEALING” the blessing of his brother Esau;
… That is why the “STEALING” is in quote!
Because he didn’t “STEAL” the blessing; the brother “SOLD” the blessing for a Plate of Porriage Years before!
Jacob negotiated for the blessing and he got the blessing.
Then his brother (Esau) got angry and said: “When my father dies, you are dead, too.”
So Jacob ran!
And he ran and had Prospered mightily; and then he was coming back home!
And he sent a message to his brother – “I am coming home!”
The brother said: Really? – Good! At long last.
… I am coming to meet you with four hundred (400) Bodyguards.
And Jacob had no Army – just wives, children and a lot of flocks.
What am I going to do? And the Bible says, that Night he Prayed.
By the following morning (when you read Genesis 33:1-6): you will discovered that the man who was coming with four hundred (400) Bodyguards; who was coming to kill: RUSHED at him – EMBRACED him! and both were weeping.
What happened between last night and this morning?
I. Oh, somebody had FLOWN from Fear to PEACE.
II. Somebody had PRAYED; and he had flown from death to LIFE.
III. Somebody had PRAYED; and he had flown from rejection to ACCEPTANCE.
IV. Oh, somebody had PRAYED; and he had flown from hatred to LOVE;
V. Somebody had PRAYED; and he had flown from sorrow to JOY;
VI. Someone had PRAYED; and all of a sudden the storm in his life became PERMANENTLY STILLED.
The kind of Prayer that you Pray that will cause you to fly; is the kind of Prayer that cannot wait till tomorrow.
The day was breaking, the One Who was wrestling with him said: “Let me go, the day is about to break!”
Jacob said: Go where?
… Before you go, I MUST FLY OUT of all my PROBLEMS.
Do you know your Problems can be over tonight?
If I were you tonight: I will PRAY! As a matter of fact, if I were you tonight – I will Pray till Day Break.
I will Pray till the Almighty God Himself will say: ALRIGHT! you have WON (laughing)!
… I am going to get out of your way so you can Pray.
But please those of you who are up who up till this moment who have been one leg in and one leg out with Jesus Christ; you need to make up your mind.
You know, the name of Jacob actually has a lot to do with Deception.
Stop Pretending! Let your commitment to Jesus Christ be ABSOLUTE and TOTAL tonight.
Because a night like this come only once in a lifetime!
As for those of you who have not even surrendered your life to Jesus, do I need to beg you?
The word of God makes it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR: It is not that God cannot save; it is just that your SINS will not even allowed Him to hear your cry.
So, if you are listening to me now or reading this Message on the label of DMC and you really love yourself;
And you haven’t surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, Please, do so now urgently!
He will save your Soul, His Blood will wash away your sins, and then you will be able to Pray and He will HEAR YOUR CRY.
… So let us Pray!
Those of you who want to give your life to Jesus Christ, Please bow your head wherever you are:
Cry unto Him: Ask Him to save your Soul, ask Him to wash you clean with His Blood; Promise Him that from now on; you will serve Him and Him alone.
And even those of us who are already Children of the Living God, cry to God tonight, and say: Anything that may hinder my Prayers tonight, Please Lord, remove it with Your Blood.
Let’s Pray that Prayer together for about a minute or two – before I Pray with you and then I release you to Pray.
Oh Father, I just want to THANK YOU: Thank You for Your Words again!
Thank You because I know “with You ALL THINGS are Possible!”
Thank You because I know You answer Prayers.
And I’m asking Lord God Almighty, that those who are surrendering their lives to You for the first (1st) time: Please, save their Souls, have Mercy on them.
This very Night, Lord God Almighty: welcome them into the Family of God. Anytime they cry unto You from now on, Father Please, answer them by Fire.
As for Your children who have surrendered their lives to You before, but they have been lukewarm; today, as they recommit their life to You; Please Lord, receive them Fully in Jesus’ Name.
And as we ALL cry to You tonight, my Father and my God; even before the sun rises tomorrow: let there be evidences that we are already FLYING.
Thank You my Father!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, those of you who have given your life to Jesus; Please, contact me as soon as Possible so that I can continue to be Praying for you and with you.
And as for us; who are True Children of the Living God; let us go ahead and STORM the Heavens with our Prayers tonight!
… Don’t delay till tomorrow (Friday, 11th December, 2020)!
Tomorrow (Friday, 11th December, 2020) is going to be a GREAT DAY: but even by tomorrow, you should have Testimonies – Amen.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name – AMEN!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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