1. The Most High Reigneth
    The Most High Reigneth
    The Most High Reigneth in our lives today.
    The Most High Reigneth
    The Most High Reigneth
    The Most High Reigneth in our lives today.

There are some songs that we like to sing.

One of them is the one we just sang now.

Another one is:

  1. Hallelujah for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.
    Hallelujah, Hallelujah Praise the Lord
    Hallelujah for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.
    Hallelujah, Hallelujah Praise the Lord

It is a song that is sang in Heaven and also on Earth.

It is essentially telling us that our God is Omnipotent and He reigns, both in Heaven and on Earth.

It is a great Privilege to be able to speak at the RCCG Congress of 2020; under the broad theme of: “IT IS TIME TO FLY”.

But I have been requested to speak on the topic: “FROM CHURCH TO KINGDOM”.

I will be looking at a very important question: “Should Christians be involved in Politics?”

Most Christians, even non Christians will have very clear answer to that question.

Their answer would be in the negative – Basically, a Capital “NO” for two (2) very important reasons:

  1. Christians are not supposed to engage in Politics which is regarded as dirty.
  2. More importantly, most People really know that Christians are supposed to talk and Preach about Jesus Christ and has nothing to do with Politics.

I would like to thank God for the Privilege given to me by the Authority of this Mission to speak on this Subject.

I just Pray that everyone that listens or read it on the Label of DMC will come to a different conclusion that is for the betterment of our Nation – Amen.

I’m making five (5) Major Points as we look closely at the Scriptures and the issues connected with Politics.

  1. The first Point is to define who a Christian is?

The Bible teaches us that a Christian is somebody who has given his life to Christ. Someone who has accepted Jesus Christ into his life and who has also agreed that the Lord Jesus Christ will lead him in every aspect of his life.

That is why the writer of the Book of Romans tells us in Chapter 8:14 that: As many as are led by the Spirit of God, alone are known as the children of God.

Even the Lord Jesus said the same thing that my sheep hears my Voice.

It is not that they heard my Voice or they will hear my Voice, but they constantly hear my Voice and they follow Me and I know them because they follow Me.

I Pray that if there is a Christian who has not been hearing Christ and has not been following Christ; that beginning from today, they will begin to hear Him by the Power of the Holy Spirit and begin to follow Him and He will know you – Amen.

For He tells us that your life is secured in Him and no one can take you out of His hands – John 12:27.

So, the Christian is somebody who follows Christ, who actually is committed to the Promotion of the Kingdom of God on the face of the Earth.

The Lord Jesus Christ demanded from His followers That everyone of them should Pray this Prayer on a daily basis: “Thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done on Earth, as it is done in Heaven”.

That means that we are committed to the Promotion of God’s Kingdom on Earth as well as already established in Heaven.

Mathew 6:9-10 and especially Verse 33 says that: We must seek first, we must take as Priority the Kingdom of God and His righteousness on this Earth and as we do that, He will take care of all that concerns us.

Unfortunately, sadly, many of the 2.5 Billions Christians who actually alleged to be Christians; do not actually seek the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ as a matter of Priority in this world.

Our Prayer is that as a result of this Congress, as a result of what we are sharing today or you reading now on the Label of DMC, something gainfully will spring up because our Lord Jesus Christ made it clear that if we seek His kingdom first, He said we should not worry about the things that the People of the world are looking for.

In other words, He will help to build our own lives and ensure that we meet the Goals and reasons why He created us .


Many People have a total misunderstanding of what politics means.

Politics is the Process by which every society comes to conclusion concerning acceptable and unacceptable conduct and in sense of what the Society should seek and what it should not seek.

A society might decide that it is wrong to steal what belongs to someone else and once Society decides that; anyone who is found to have stolen something will be Punished by the Society.

It is politics that settles that.

It is politics that will also decide wether we will make do with the resources that is available in the society – More bullets or more bread; wether we will make better roads or we will focus on stealing them without any consequences.

Politics is therefore the basis of Culture.

The Latin and Greek origin of it actually talks of it as the Culture or Policies that are Pursued before Government are born.

That is why it is so important that we have a Good understanding of what Politics is.

In 1955 in this Country; Nigeria, a Government that was committed to abundant life for all, Pursued Free Education for everyone – Wether rich or poor, everybody can go to school. That was in 1955.

It took another forty five (45) Years for the rest of the world to follow that same Position because the Culture, the Politicians of that time made up their minds that no matter what it was going to cost, in the Western Region, they were going to Pursue Free Education.

Some of us are beneficiaries of that Free Education System which has transformed most Part of the Country and other Parts of the world that had learned from the Nigeria’s experience.

So, we have different System of Politics in the world today, but the most popular Political System in the world today is DEMOCRACY.

Democracy according to Scholars and Philosophers who have dealt with this is totally grinded in the Christian Philosophy of a quality of opportunities, competitions that is fair, free and judged by Umpires.

So, you find that the Capitalist System which we operate today is grinded in the Christian Philosophy and also People have written about the Protestant Ethics and the rise of Modern Capitalism that have given rise to Democracy everywhere.

So, Politics is actually a Christian creation especially with the Democratic System.

That brings me to the Second (2nd) Point and that is the fact that the Bible teaches us clearly that our God is the Governor of the Nations – Psalms 22:28. All Kingdoms of this world belongs to Him.

He is the One that sets up one Leader and Pulls down another.

The Word of God tells us in Daniel 4:17 that: No one gets into office without the approval of the All Mighty God who is the Governor of the Nations.

Daniel 2:21 also tells us the same thing.

He created us Humans to exercise Dominion on His behalf.

Genesis 1:28 says: We should exercise Dominion over all that He created and even though, the world has fallen through the first man; God did not abandoned that Project – He still in Genesis 9:6; after the flood, instituted Governance and tells us through the Scriptures that if the People who are called by His Name will seek His face, turn from their wickedness and call on Him concerning their Nation, He would heal their Nations.

2 Chronicles 7:14 – we are all familiar with that. But essentially, what God is saying is that: No matter the situation of any country, if the People who are called by His Name would humble themselves, call on Him and turn away from their wickedness and call on Him concerning their Nations, He would heal their Nations.

Many People have been telling us that Perhaps, one of the reasons why many Nations were able to escape from the coronavirus is because the Nations called on God.

And we believed that the God who delivered us from the first (1st) wave will deliver us from subsequent waves – Amen. And would hopefully bring an end to this dreaded disease in Jesus Name – Amen.

  1. The third (3rd) Point that we must make – The Scriptures teaches us consistently that when the Righteous are in Authority, the People rejoice.

The exact opposite happens when the wicked are in Power.

That means – One very clear indication of this is that when the Righteous abandons Governance to the wicked, the Nation will mourn, Poverty will grow, there will be lack of Progress and there will be conflict everywhere. There will be no Peace and Prosperity, and there will be no Presence of God when the Righteous are not in Authority.

… And this is what has happened in most cases!

So, when we say Christians are not supposed to be in Politics, it has always meant the wicked will take advantage of Christian’s Community and put them in disarray, will make Poor the People of this Nation – Proverbs 29:2.

In Jeremiah 29:5-7, the Bible teaches us through the Prophets – This is the Word of the God to the exiles in Israel. He said: Seek the Peace of the Land.

You might be in exile, but the Prophecy says: Seek the Peace of the City and Pray for that City, so that you too could have Peace.

So, if we seek the Peace of our Nation, if we seek the Peace of our City, we too, as Part of the Christian Community, we will benefit from the Peace that will result, from the Progress that will result.

And that is exactly what our Lord Jesus Christ taught His Disciples – That we are salt of the Earth and Light of the world. We are to ensure that darkness does not reign Supreme.

Unfortunately, most of us, we have kept that Light within the four (4) walls of the Church.

But the Counsel of the Lord Jesus Christ is that we are the salt of the Earth, we are the Light of the world and that we will Shine our Light.

Help me tell the Person next to you that: “It is time to Shine your Light”.

It is time to Shine our Light by engaging in the Political Process of our Nation.

  1. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 – The Word of God tells us by the Power of the Holy Spirit that: “Beloveth, I wish above all things that when we come to the Place of Prayer; we should Prioritize Praying for all men – Especially those in Authority, so that they will use their Authority to do three (3) things:

I. They will ensure there is Peace, Progress and Honesty of Purity.

God expects those who are in Power to Pursue Peace, Progress and Honesty of Purity.

But that will not happen except we Pray, except we take it a matter of Priority to Pray.

Ultimately, God’s Plan through history, according to the Word of God is that the whole Kingdoms of our world will become Kingdom of God and of His Christ – Revelation 11 : 15.

Infact, and very important Point to make in terms of answering the question: Should Christians be involved in Politics?

Mathew 28:18-20 emphasizes this word – Jesus says: “All Authority on Earth and in Heaven has been given unto Me”.

He now says: Because He has given us this Authority, we are to go into the whole Earth and ensure that these Nations live according to the Commandment that He has given us.

And how is that going to happen?

Many times, we thought it means we must cover the whole Earth and that’s fine.

Actually; the Lord Jesus Christ meant that we must invade every Spheres of the Society: Family, Religion, Business of the Economy, the Media, Education, Government and the Entertainment.

These seven (7) are the areas that are called the Pillars of the Society where Christianity has gotten to in a Country and it has not invaded the seven (7) Spheres.

You find out that there are many Problems – You find this situation, for example, the Place called Hollywood, used to be owned by Christians. Infact, some of the very beautiful films that we have watched, such as SOUND OF MUSIC was Produced through the Hollywood owned by Christians but unfortunately, Christians sold it out, and today, we all know what has become of Hollywood – The kind of things and films that are coming out of it, but that will change again as People of God come together and begin to implement Christ Agenda of ensuring that every Nations, every aspects in every Nations, are effectively under the command of the Almighty God.

We find the Lord teaches in the Parable of the Talents in Luke 19:11-15 – Of a Local Man, who went to obtain a kingdom.

While he was gone, he expected his servants to occupy till he comes.

Occupation means to take over.

Especially, when the Citizens of that Country – Verse 14, says, the Citizens begins to say: We do not like this Noble Man.

But the Noble Man did not worry – He says that he has committed his resources to his servants. And the servants has made use of the resources that their Master gave to them.

By the time, the Master came back, he did not have to talk to the Citizens, he talked to the servants and the servants had multiplied the resources he gave to them.

My Prayer is that: We will occupy and multiply effectively the resources that our Father had given to us to advance the Kingdom Agenda – Amen.

Mark 1:15 says: The Kingdom of God is at hand. The first (1st) Sermon of Jesus.

Our Prayer is that by the time the Lord Jesus comes, He will be able to say to us, like He said to those Faithful servants in the Parable of the Talents – Well done, Good and Faithful servants – Amen.

Revelation 5:10; the Lord God says: I have made you Kings and Priest. To establish occupation of all these seven Spheres of the Society.

The kind of anointing that God gave to David is what the Lord has given to us – He combined Kings and Priests. Revelation 5:10-12.

  1. Last point. Almost all the celebrated Bible Personalities Participated in Politics – Abraham, the father of faith. He had a Standing Army, negotiated treaties, fought battles, at least two (2) were recorded for us.

His children: Isaac and Jacob followed suit.

The Modern Day Israel, which is a Seed from Abraham have continued to fight wars – Even though, it is surrounded by enemies, it has always succeeded.

Moses, Joshua, Joseph, Daniel, David, Elijah, Elisha, Ezra, Nehemiah, Deborah, Esther, Practically everyone that you can think of in the Scriptures had Participated actively in the Political Processes.

John The Baptist, why was he beheaded was because he Participated in Politics.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, why was He executed – Because He Participated in Politics, you remember.

The accusation against Him is that He calls Himself the King of Jews.

But He is not just the King of Jews as we all know, he is actually the “King of kings”; The King of all the Earth and very soon, the whole Earth will welcome Him in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

I like to call your attention to the story of Elijah, as I’ m beginning to conclude – In the time of Elijah, there were seven thousand (7,000) other Prophets that were in hiding.

Only one (1) of the Prophets actually engaged in Political affairs by going out to Ahab and actually told him that what he was doing was wrong.

We find the Scriptures encouraging us in James 5:17-18.

Asking us all to be just like Elijah.

I Pray that in this Season, we will be like Elijah and not be like those seven thousand (7,000) Prophets that were in hiding in times of great danger to their Nation in the name of Jesus – Amen.

Praise the Name of the Lord – Hallelujah!

In ending, I will like to talk about the Practical challenges that Christians may face while engaging in Politics.

  1. The Economic means.

The Bible teaches us that Politics cost time, talents and treasure and that is why the rich always rule over the Poor.

Proverbs 22:7 – The Lord’s Parable of the Talent, however, Provides us an insight on how to deal with this.

The Lord is saying that I have given you all the resources.

If we look inwards, and begin to invest in yourself and begin to trade with the resources that you have, we would find out that we have more than what we need at different levels .- Community, Local, Assemblies and the Legislature.

There is a fact we discovered that there are several Positions that nobody is actually contesting for.

  1. Organisation.

We have to organise ourselves.

Only seventeen Percent (17%) of the Population of United Nation’s Population are those that have not been struggling for the homosexual Policy in that country.

And that is the data in most Countries in Europe.

We find a lot of People keeping silent, therefore, they are not counted.

  1. We must ensure that Charity begins at home.

In our homes, in our businesses, in our Churches; we must ensure that we run “Transparent Organisation”.

  1. We must Pray and Prophesy as God has asked us to do for better Governance.
  2. Speak out – Before, during, and after Election.
  3. There would be the risks of Politics but we must understand that most of these things can be dealt with if we stand together, if we walk together and work together.

We find out that most of these risks can be easily overtaken.

For instance, in 2018, when the registration was going on, around this Community, here in Redemption Camp of The RCCG; we went out and look and we found out that there are some Places, there are very few People, and while we went out to place like Owode (A City in Ogun State), we discovered that very few Christians were there, the People of other Religion were very many there.

It happens that on Election day, only a few number of People actually voted.

My Prayer is that this will change in Jesus Name – Amen.

I will like to conclude by focussing on two (2) important Points:

  1. The evidence that confronts us today demonstrates clearly to us that those Nations that have heeded the Counsel of the Lord Jesus Christ to ensure that their Countries actually become engaged in Christian Ethics they have done better than those Countries that have not done it.

As I travelled, most towns between Africa and Europe; you find out that it is only “Body of Water” that separates us, and that is the Mediterranean Sea.

And the People of Europe, used to be, those who know history, will understand this that the People of Europe are desperately Poor, confused and always at war with each other.

The average life of Europe was describe by Philosophers as nasty, short and brutish – It was their Nature.

They fought war among themselves until the Gospel came.

Remember in Athens, Apostle Paul met with their several gods and with one they tagged the “Unknown god”.

So, they were Idol worshippers and when the Gospel came to them, they threw away their idols, embraced Christ and took this Message of the Gospel to every Parts of the world.

In the meantime, their Education, Economy, Health in the Societal Areas were sufficed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

As People like Pastor Babatunde, Head of the RBC has written and documented and others like myself have been able to transform the Society using the Christian Gospel.

Unfortunately, for us in Africa, we have had so many Christian that Africa has the fastest growing group of Christian anywhere in the world.

Unfortunately, most of the efforts are focussed in the Church – We are yet to move out, we are yet to take the Message out and engage in the atmosphere of Political Processes in our Nation.

The Good News, thankfully, is that the Reddemed Christian Church of God Leadership, last year endorsed we should begin to work on this and some great Good works is happening and we are trusting God that He will cause us to experience a Divine Turnaround in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

In conclusion, I will like to make one Point: And that is that the Major Lesson in the life of Elijah as I have stressed before is that Christians who are expecting the Lord Jesus Christ to come to them. They must study the life of Elijah closely.

Elijah not only neutralsed the evil of his days, including Jezebel, which our Lord Jesus Christ tell us; Revelation 18 : 20 – In the world, in Asia and we can see it in the world anyway, the spirit of Jezebel, seduction, destruction of lives and Properties is now on today.

Elijah, one man was able to stand against that.

The Bible teaches that, we should be like Elijah, a man of Action.

My Prayer is that you and I will carry “Extra Oil” that will enable us engage and neutralise evil forces in our community – Amen.

Like Elijah, the Lord will send His Chariots for us and we will go home on a wonderful ride with the Master – Amen.

I Pray that none of us will miss the ride home in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

That is what matters now. Between now and then, of the Signs of His Coming are very clear.

The Lord Jesus have made it clear in the Parable of the Virgins that He is coming, not for “Ordinary Christians” but for Christians who are alert, Prepared, waiting and full of “Extra Oil” as able to ensure they neutralise the forces of evil.

You and I will not fail Him, and we shall not fail in Jesus Name – Amen.

It is time to wake up like the People of God and begin to make our world a Place like Heaven, so that when the Master comes, He can say to us, well done, Good and Faithful servants, come into the Joy of your Lord, in Jesus Name – Amen.

God bless you – Amen.

And once again, I will like to say thank you for the opportunity to be a Part of this Congress.

God bless you – Amen

shall we Pray!


Our Father in Heaven, we want to say Thank You for this opportunity to be a blessing to Your People.

Holy Spirit, I Pray that as a result of what we have shared today, Your People will begin to seek the Agenda of Your Kingdom.

And as we do, you will transform our Cities, our Nations and ensure that all that the People are looking for will begin to happen to us in Jesus Name.

I Pray that none of us will miss the Rapture and that when you come, we shall hear the Sweetness of Your Voice – Well done, Good and Faithful servants, enter into the Joy of Your Lord in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost – AMEN. AMEN AND AMEN!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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