DATE: 27TH APRIL, 2021

TEXT: MATTHEW 25:20-30

Let somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

We want to appreciate God for the rendition of The Choir. The Almighty God will continue to bless you – Amen!

You are a wonderful set of People. We are Proud of the Talent God has given you. God bless you for using it to Glorify God – Amen.

Please keep it up, remain focused and God will enlarge your Territory – Amen.

Shall we just Pray!


Give me Grace to follow,
Abundance Grace to follow;
Give me Grace to follow,
Your Grace is enough for me.



Father Almighty, we Thank You! We are grateful to You for another Privilege to come to this Platform to Dig Deep into the Word of God.

It is only Your Word that gives Light and Understanding to the Simple. We say Thank You for giving us Your Word, Your Majesty and Excellence.

King of Glory and Eternal God, what a Great and a Good God You are!

Thank You Father.

Lord Almighty, we are here today. You are the Word of life and we want You to teach us.

Lord, I confess that I don’t know anything. Teach me and instruct my heart and every heart reading now on the Label of DMC.

All the People that are watching and listening; Lord, we ask that on this Particular day, we will be able to utilise the deposit of God in our lives.

Lord, do so and much more!

We ask today, that You Pray for our Spiritual Parents – Daddy and Mummy GO. Let it be well with them; continue to Glorify Yourself in their lives. Magnify Your Grace more upon them.

For every lover of our father-in-the-Lord and the Word of God, let them be blessed and answer all their Prayers.

For those who are requesting for Prayers on this Platform and those who have received Counsel and are satisfied and giving Encomium to God; Please, receive their Thanksgiving!

Lord, at the end of today again, let us have reasons to Testify.

Spirit of the Lord, take over and let all things be done in accordance to Your Will.

And when all is said and done: whether our life is short or long, let us use the same to serve You and make it to eternal life.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – Amen!

Praise the Name of the Lord – Hallelujah!

We want to appreciate God again today. And for our Daddy-in-the-Lord. May the Lord continue to bless him and keep him, in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

We Thank God for all the Media Outfits – especially DOVE MEDIA and DMC; who are relating these Messages to the entire Globe.

The Lord will continue to bless your Outfits – Amen!

Please keep it up, and Continue to do the Good work. And let the Good comments about what God is doing through you continue to roll in.

… And you will be blessed eternally, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.


Matthew 25:20-30.

It is a long Passage, and it will help us buttress the story there (The Parable of the Talents).

20 And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.

21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

22 He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.

23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

24 Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:

25 And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.

26 His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:

27 Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.

28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.

29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

The Lord bless the reading and hearing of His Words in the Name of Jesus – Amen.


If you notice that you have been caught in your Comfort Zone; if you feel like you are spinning your wheels, but you are not moving closer to your Goal. Or you feel like not having what it takes to do what you need to do; or if you feel that your Destiny has been on the same level; that you are investing efforts but not getting enough Results to show for it – I think this Study of today is specifically for you!


Here are some Practical Ways to energise and move towards your Destiny. And utilise what you have towards fulfiling your Destiny.

I want to look at Few Points as our time will Permit today from our Text – Matthew 25:20-30.

One Servant was given five (5) Talents, the Second Servant was given two (2) Talents and the Third Servant was given one (1) Talent.

The Servant who received five (5) Talents returned with extra five (5)!

The Servant with two (2) Talents also returned with extra two (2) Talents.

But the Servant who received one (1) Talent complained about why he was given only one (1) talent; and the Master said the Talent should be taken from him and that he should be cast to utter darkness.



President Theodore Roosevelt (one time America President) said: “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

You should always start from where you are, with what you have that very moment.

To use what you have effectively:

I. You have God’s given ability to Perform at the level you never thought Possible.

It is only when you use what you have at hand, that you can get to that level.

In Romans 12:6, reading from Living Bible; this is what it says: “God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well.”

The empowerment in you is a Gift from the Holy Spirit.

In 2 Timothy 1:14 (Living Bible) – “Guard well the splendid, God-given ability you received as a Gift from the Holy Spirit who lives within you.”

… You are given Gifts by God.

II. What you have at the moment is what you can handle.

According to Matthew 25:14, each of the three (3) Servants were given Talents according to their Individual Abilities.

“For the Kingdom of Heaven is as a man travelling into a far Country, who called his own Servants, and delivered unto them his Goods.”

But I believed God knows you can handle much more, with little more Understanding.

Remember; ‘Start with what you have, where you are, and make the best of it.’ – Very important!

III. You may not have Educational or Vocational Training required for the Next Position; however, don’t complain about what you don’t have, use what you have to do what you need to do.

Instead of complaining of what you don’t have, use what you have now. “Create a Plan to move from where you are now, to where you ought to be”.

If you are in an Employment, and you are transfered to another Location or Branch where the Sales and Potentials are limited; make the best use of the situation there!

I know you have heard the Story of two (2) Salesmen, back in the days – Long before the establishment of Bata Shoes Company in Africa.

Two (2) Salesmen were sent separately, to go and explore the Potential Shoe Market in Africa – The first man landed in Africa. Right from the Airport, all he noticed was that ‘People in Africa don’t wear shoes.’

So, he Phoned the home office to inform them of his safe arrival in Africa. But that he was sorry to inform them that People in Africa do not wear shoes. Hence, there was no Prospects for buyers.

Then he requested for a Return Ticket to be sent to him so he could go back to the Home Office immediately.

They sent him a Return Ticket!

However, the Management also deemed it necessary to send another Salesman to Africa to do a Market Survey.

The Second Person arrived Africa with an optimistic Mindset. He actually confirmed that the People walked about barefooted in Africa.

Yet he Phoned the Boss back home and said: “I saw many People walking about barefooted here; meaning there is a Potential Shoe Market here.”

Please, send a Consignment of Footwears down to Africa immediately; because we will make a lot of money here – selling Shoes.

What is the difference between the two (2) Salesman?- “Perception determines your Reality.”

The two (2) Salesmen saw the same thing; but both had different Perceptions.

No wonder the Bible says in Proverbs 23:7 – “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

IV. As you use what you have, Progress will be enhanced.

When you start making Progress, you discovered that you can achieve more than you thought you could ever achieved.

In 2 Corinthians 8:3-4 (NIV); the Bible says: “For I can testify that they gave us as much as they were able, and beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the Privilege of sharing in His Service of Saints.”

Once you start using what you have, where you are; you will discover amazing facts – That you are able to do and accomplish more than you ever thought Possible.

I want you to take note of this Particular statement:

“Once I start using what I have, where I am; I will discover an amazing fact – I am able to do and accomplish more than I ever thought Possible!”


Two (2) of the three (3) Servants in the Parable of the Talents (recorded in Matthew 25:20-30) did what they thought necessary – To add Interest and double whatever Talent they were given while the third (3rd) Servant buried his own Talent.

Probably, he went hunting, fishing or sporting. Maybe he went to sleep everyday, until the Master returned.

He was not doing anything to Prove himself an effective Steward of the Talent which he received.

How many employees go to work everyday to do their work absolutely enough to retain their employment without getting fired?

How many Minsiters go to do their Ministerial Assignments just enough to keep them in their Duty Post?

How many Staff of Organization and Government Workers do their best at work?

And yet, they wonder why they are not being Promoted – Attributing their lack of Promotion to the Prejudice of their immediate Boss.

It is always other People’s fault and never theirs!

Yet, the reality is – Their failure to utilize what they have been given.

And the failure on their Part is what they do when their Leaders are not looking.

Here is the Scriptural Reference for the Workplace – Ecclesiastes 12:14 (in Good News Translation):

“God is going to judge everything we do, whether Good or Bad, even things done in Secret.” – That is loaded!

If you agree to work for an Organization – with Secular or Spiritual; and Purposely don’t give them your best efforts, you are Planning evil.

Psalms 64:5-6 (in the Living Bible Translation) says: They encourage each other to do evil. They meet in secret to set their traps. “He will never notice them here,” they say. They keep a sharp lookout for opportunities of crime. They spend long hours with all their endless evil thoughts and Plans.

It is important, what you do while you are away from your spouse – I am not talking about obvious sins of adultery and illicit affairs.

I am talking about doing things that will suggest that you honour your Spouse.

My wife (for example) like her kitchen to be well arranged all the time.

When I discovered that, I make it a duty to arrange the kitchen whenever she is not around.

What am I doing? – I am honouring her even when she is not around!

*And Proverbs 27:18 (in Message Bible) says: “If you care for your orchard, you will enjoy its fruit; if you honour your Boss, you will be honoured.”

… And yet some People still say: “It is not necessary!”

I often tell couple: “if you trivialise your spouse, you will also be trivialised.”

Why do you think the Master in Matthew 25 gave His servants Talents and then left?

It was to test their sincerity. He wanted to see what they would do when He was not around.

How do you Perform your duty when your Leaders are not around?

… That is point Number two!


Now, the first two (2) Servants in the Parable of the Talents decided to maximize the opportunities they were given. Whereas the third (3rd) Servant did not.

There are defining moments in our lives and Careers – That we are given Opportunity to change our Destiny.

So, you need to make use of the opportunity you are given, the Promotion, and the Vantage Positions.

I believe the first two (2) Servants were very happy to be given the opportunity to Prove themselves to their Master and they seized the opportunity very well.

In Galatians 6:10 (NIV) – “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do Good to all People, especially to those who belong to the family of Believers.”

In Ephesian 5:15-16 (NIV) – “Be very careful, then, how you live, not as Unwise but as Wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”

In Colossians 4:5-6 (NIV) – “Be Wise in the way you act towards outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of Grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

As unbelievable as it may sound, there are People who sleep away their God Given Opportunities on a bed or Cubicle.

Now, in Proverbs 10:5, the Living Bible says: “A Wise Youth makes hay while the Sun shines, but what a shame to see a lad who sleeps away his hour of opportunity.”

Now, a little difference made in Ephesians 5:15-16 is found in the Living Bible. Which says:

“So be careful how you act; these are difficult days. Don’t be fools; be wise: make the Most of every opportunities you have for doing Good.”

Francis Bacon, an English Philosopher, a Scientist, a Statesman, a Lawyer and Author said this, and I quote: “A Wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.”

What opportunities are you maximising today – Sir and Ma?


The first two (2) Servants were determined to make their Master Proud. And they exhibited the Spirit of Excellence in what they did.

God is looking for Excellent Efforts; even the most seemingly meaningless tasks should be vigourously Pursued.

Luke 16:10 (the New Living Translation) says: “If you are Faithful in little things, you will be Faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.”

Matthew 5:16 (Amplified Bible) says: “Let your Light so shine before men that they may see your Moral Excellence and your Praiseworthy, Noble, and Good deeds and recognize and honour and Praise and Glorify your Father Who is in Heaven.”

1 Corinthians 4:20 (Amplified Bible) says: “For the Kingdom of God consists of and is based on not talk but Power (Moral Power and Excellence of Soul).”

Excellence is one of the Character traits that as Believers, we must have to vigorously Pursue.

In 2 Peter 1:5 (Amplified Bible), the Bible says: “For this very reason, adding your diligence [to the Divine Promises], employ every effort in exercising your Faith to develop Virtue (Excellence, Resolution, Christian energy), and in [exercising] Virtue [develop] knowledge (intelligence),”

I want you to take note of these Three (3) Quotes – They are not in the Bible, but they are Powerful Quotes:

I. “Excellence is not a Skill, it is an attitude.” – Unknown Author

II. “Excellence is in details. Give attention to the details and Excellence will come.” – Perry Parton (Author)

III “Excellence is the unlimited ability to improve the quality of what you have to offer.” – Rick Pitimu (Basket Ball Coach).

What are that saying?

“It doesn’t matter what you are doing, you can still add Excellence to it.”


The Servant who received two (2) Talents did not complain of not getting five (5) Talents like the Servant who got one Talent.

He was happy with what he got and he Proved himself worthy of the trust that was given to him by his Master. Hence, he went ahead and made use of the two (2) Talents he was given.

Do not compare yourself with others – Whether Colleagues, friends or fellow Pastors. And do not complain about what you were not given but make Good use of what is given to you.

In Galatians 6:4-5, the Bible says: “Each of you must examine your own Actions. Then you can be Proud of your own accomplishments without comparing yourself to others. Assume your own responsibility.”

That means you will be accountable for your Actions and Inactions; what you do and what you don’t do; how you react, what you say or don’t say.

So, you can’t blame others for those! Even if you blame others, you will still face the consequences of all your Actions.

Because you are the Master of your Ship, Creator of your Destiny; hence, you should endeavour to inspect whatever you are doing.

And you must make sure they correspond with where you want to be! After doing your best Possible, there should be no need for comparison.

The Bible in Galatians 6:4 says: Pay attention!

You will never succeed in life comparing yourself with others – No way!

Or complaining about what someone else has been given; or for something you were not given.

Remember, ‘It is a sin to covet the Gift of your neighbour’.

If you spend more time lubricating your Skills, it will not be long before People will start talking about you, too.

Now you are discussing others, the time spent discussing others; use same to lubricate your Skills and you too will be the talk of the Town!


The Servant that was given one (1) Talent buried it because he was a Negative Minded and lazy fellow.

I like what my father-in-the-Lord said recently: “Only Failures make Excuses.”

The third (3rd) Servant was lazy, and busy questioning the Authority. He was also afraid of trading with his Talent and thereby failed to multiply what he was given; including the fact that he buried his Talent.

Look at Matthew 25:18; the Amplified Bible says: “But he who had received the one Talent went and dug a hole in the Ground and hid his Master’s money.”

Excuse me Sir and Ma, before you begin to blame this Servant: Perhaps you too need to look inward. You need to think again!

I. If God gives you ability to write meaningful words and you are able to write Books and Blogs, but refuses to do so; YOU HAVE BURIED YOUR TALENT.

II. You can Write a Script for Drama – If you have not written anyone; YOU HAVE BURIED YOUR TALENT.

III. You can Sing – If you refuse to sing; YOU HAVE BURIED YOUR TALENT.

IV. He has given you the ability to Lead others, and if you have not been Leading; YOU HAVE BURIED YOUR TALENT.

V. You have been given the ability to Teach the Word of God, and if you are not Teaching; YOU HAVE BURIED YOUR TALENT.

VI. If God has blessed you Financially, so that you can Propagate the Gospel and expand the Kingdom of God; but if you are busy gathering Material things that will Perish; YOU HAVE BURIED YOUR TALENT.

I could go on and on mentioning ways you have buried your Talent; but hear the summary of this very point:

… Stop it right now, USE YOUR TALENT.

Whether it is a Talent or Talents; it is time for you to use them while you have the opportunity.

Read Ephesians 3:7 (in Message Bible); there Apostle Paul was explaining to People that he was the least of the Apostles, yet he utilised what he was given.

Your Gifts, Abilities and Talents are from God; what you do with them is your Gift to Him.


All three (3) Servants were given a Test; Two (2) of them Passed the Test and we are greatly Blessed with lots of Benefits.

The third Servant failed the Test, and literally speaking, he ended up in Hell.

Someone once defined Hell as: “The day the Person you became meet the Person you could have become.”

Sadly, like the third Servant, there are so many Believers who are Placing limitations on their lives.

I have often said to People: “The only limitations you face in life are those that are self inflicted, self induced, self retained, self sustained and of course, self defeated.

Mark 9:23 (in KJV) says: “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are Possible to him that believeth.”

In God’s Word Translation it says: “Jesus said to him, as far as Possibility goes, everything is Possible for the Person who believes.”

So, the Scriptures should ignite your Faith because there is no limitation anywhere!

Jesus said ‘IF’. And there are no ‘IF’ among Believers.

In Luke 1:37 (Amplified Bible) – “For with God nothing is ever impossible and no Word from God shall be without Power or impossible of fulfillment.”

… The same word ‘Talent’ is the word ‘Promotion’.

In Psalms Chapter 75:6-7; the Bible says: “For Promotion cometh neither from the East, nor from the West, nor from the South. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.”

Promotion comes from God!

Not only does Promotion comes from God; everything you have and will become, also come from Him.

What are you doing with all you have received so far?

… Use what you have been given today!


If you are there and you are not yet Born Again, Please do so now!

Because, unless you are Born Again, your Talent remains buried as it were!

And if you are already Born Again, but have not been using your Talent; it is time to start using it.

But Please, as we Pray, make sure you have determined to start using what you have, to get to your Destiny.

Shall we Pray!


Father in Heaven, we Thank You! Thank You for the Word of God. Thank You for what You have done.

I Pray for everyone making the decision to get Born Again today; Please, save them and write their names in the Book of Life.

And everyone who has an opportunity lying dormant in their heart and life, as a result of the Digging Deep of today, wake up that Giant and let them utilise it.

So that when the Master comes we will be able to receive ‘Well done, thou Good and Faithful Servant.” And He will receive us into Eternal Life.

Help us Oh God, that the Holy Spirit will continue to stir our hearts to be able to do greater things for You.

Thank You Eternal Father! We bless Your Name.

When we finish our Race on Earth, let us make it with You in Eternity.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – Amen!

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