DATE: 14TH MAY 2023



I have a Father
Almighty Father
He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords
I have a Father


King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Father of all fathers; the Ancient of Days, the Unchangeable Changer, the Controller of the Future – We Worship You. Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

My Father and my God, I’m committing all Your Children into Your Hands – Everyone of them here today or reading now on the Label of DMC; lay Your Mighty Hands on them.

Let Your Anointing flows through them and do something Marvellous in their lives.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

We want to thank all those who made this Day Possible and I believed that He will do something today in your Life that He has never done before – Amen.

John 14: 21 AND 23:

  1. He that hath my Commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
  2. Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my Words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Because you are Young Adults, the implications is that the Greater Part of your Life is still ahead.

I have Prayed for you before I left home this Morning that in the Name that is above other names, none of you will die Young – Amen!

And if you don’t die Young, it means that I won’t die Young and I will be around for quite a while – Amen!

And I am just eighty one (81) years old now.

From what I have seen over the years, I know that there are Struggles ahead and Battles to be fought.

Somebody said that if you don’t want to have Enemies, then you must be contended. But if you want to be Somebody in Life, you want to be Successful in Life, you want to reach the Top in Life; then get ready for Battles.

And he gave a very Good illustration – If all that you have is one shirt and one trouser or two, a 3rd-Hand Bicycle, living in One-Room Apartment somewhere in Mushin (DMC NOTES: Mushin is a Low Earner Income Area in Lagos State Nigeria); then at Night, you don’t need a Bodyguard.

What are they Guiding? Who is coming to steal a 3rd-Hand Bicycle?

If however you go to Ikoyi or Victoria Island (DMC NOTES: Both Ikoyi and Victoria Island are Highbrow Cities areas in Lagos State Nigeria); you will discovered that most of the houses there are like “Small Prisons” – Surrounded by High Walls and some of them even with barb wires on top of the Walls.

Why? Because you go beyond those Walls, you will see cars of all kinds, you will see Treasures that People will intend to steal.

And People also will struggle with you in the Place of work, in the Offices and everywhere.

There will be a little bit of Struggle if you want to be Distinct!

I used to be a University Lecturer and when we look at Results of Jamb and we have Cut-Off Points. And we say that Cut-Off Points shall be say 270.

And then all of a sudden, you find that at that Level of Cut-Off, there are at least a hundred (100) Students with 270 and we have room for only one more.

… Somebody has to come out of the crowd to fit in.

Is there anybody here listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC who wants to be Outstanding in Life? – The DMC FAMILY MEMBERS!

Let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

So, I want to tell you a Secret or two (2) – This is a Hang Out and I Hang Out!

Maybe next time that we are Hanging Out, we will bring food along so that we can hang out for the whole Day and take things easy and not be in a hurry.

If you are Holy, God will be by your side all the time!

He said: Be Holy for I am Holy – Birds of the same feather flocks together.

That is why Holiness is the Master Key!

But apart from the Masker Key – “Holiness”; the other Key that can guarantees your Future, that will guarantee that your Future will be absolutely alright is “Evangelism”.

I am going to Prove it to you in a moment.

The Master Key is Holiness – Be Holy for I am Holy”.

But there are Keys and Keys – I have spoken to you about that in the Past!

I. Faith is a Key – A Very Powerful Key. If you believe, all things are Possible to him that believes.

Faith is Important – Without Faith, it is Impossible to Please God.

But Faith is limited – There are limits to Faith because the Bible says that Faith worketh by Love.

So, Love is even more Powerful Key than Faith!

The Bible made it clear that you can raise the Dead, you can do whatever but if you don’t have Love; you are wasting your time.

… So, Faith is Limited by Love!

II. And Love is limited by something the Bible called “Dissimulation”.

Love must be without Dissimulation!

DMC NOTES: Dissimulation means – To disguise or conceal under a False Appearance; dissemble: to dissimulate one’s true feelings about a rival. Acting in bad Faith; Deception by Pretending to entertain one set of intentions while acting under the influence of another.

The only Key that has no Limits at all that can open any Door is Holiness!

But next to Holiness is “EVANGELISM”.

Let me just spend some time showing you how that is – And it is so important.

If you are committed to Evangelism, your Victory is Guaranteed – You can’t lose a Battle if you are committed to Evangelism!

Why? John 15:14; Jesus Christ said that you are my friends if you do whatsoever I Command you.

And then Proverbs 8:17 says: I love those who loves me; those who seek me early will find me.

And then the Bible Text that I read to you – John 14: 21 and 23; it kept on saying:

I. Do what I asked you to do, you will be my friends.

II. And if you are my friend, my Father will love you.

III. And if my Father loves you; Romans 8:37 says that you will be More Than a Conqueror – That means that you will win all battles.

People have wondered how with the crowd that God has been Pleased to surround me with – Churches in over one hundred and ninety (190) Nations of the world; how come that with all these responsibilities, your Blood Pressure (BP) is normal?

Because I know that at the end of the Day, I will win – It is not Possible for me to lose a Battle.

Why? Because I am committed to Evangelism – That is the Secret!

You are Evangelising, God will love you and if God loves you, you will be More Than a Conqueror!

More Than Conqueror means that you will win without a fight!

That is why you don’t find me anywhere saying anything when all manners of People are speaking rubbish against me.

I don’t bother wasting my time to reply them because I know that at the end of the Day; I will Laugh Last!

… Evangelism is the Secret!

In 2 Corinthians 12:15; Paul the Apostles said that I will gladly Spend and be Spent for the work of God.

And the Almighty God said that in that case – Well, let us make you Special.

Acts 19: 11-12; the Bible says that God Performed Special Miracles by the hands of Paul so that from his body; Aprons and Handkerchiefs were taken to the Sick and the Sick were healed and those who were Demonised were Set Free.

How beautiful will it be if your Handkerchiefs can cast out demons?

And believe me honestly – I have said it again and again and it is going to come to Past – That a Day is coming when you as a Member of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); and you are walking about in the Market Place and Somebody bumps into you accidentally; that Fellow will receive a Miracle (Amen).

Because if you will take Evangelism seriously, Anointing will flow from you!

You have heard the Story – I travelled Abroad and came back from America and was very tired. And one of my daughters came to me and say: Daddy, Please help me.

What is the Problem? Her Grandmother is sick. They operated on her and because of her Old Age, the Place operated upon refused to heal. And it was in her Stomach – So that whenever she ate, the food will just be coming out.

And the Doctors said that there is very little they could do because the woman was Old. So, they put her in a Very Special Room.

And the Grand daughter said that all I am asking for is for you to come and Pray for her. And it was quite a Distance from Lagos.

I said that I am sorry – I’m tired. But get me an Handkerchief – I Prayed over the Handkerchief and said: Take it to your Grandmother.

She took it there, lay it on her and by the following Morning, they couldn’t even find the Place they operated.

I Pray that you believe – That a Day is coming that your Handkerchief will raise the Dead (Amen).

How? Evangelism! That is the Secret!

Some time ago, one President’s Daughter was getting married and I was invited to come and Preach. And I accepted it because it will give me an opportunity to Preach the Gospel.

After I finished talking to the Husband and Wife, I talked to the People Present and I made an Altar Call.

Someone contacted my son and said: What kind of Man is your father? Making an Altar Call in a President Daughter’s Wedding?

… The reason I came is so that I can be able to Preach the Gospel!

Evangelism is the Secret!

And then, there is this issue of Distinction – The issue of being the Best among Equals!

Which is what you are going to become – Amen!

In Acts 5: 14-16; the Bible said that God Performed Great Miracles by the hands of the Apostles.

Everyone of the Apostles Performed Great Miracles.

But then, it went on to Single Out Peter – That in his own case, his Shadow was healing the Sick.

Oh, the Other Apostles too were Good and Performing Miracles but there is Somebody who was Special, Different and Distinct.

Why? If you read Acts 2: 1-41; you will discovered that on the Day of Pentecost; while others were also talking, the One who Preached that Sermon was Peter.

Give Him the opportunity, there he goes – He Preached one Sermon and won 3,000 Souls; the next Sermon he won 5,000 Souls and the next time he Preached he won uncountable number (The Bible called it Multitudes).

By the Grace of God, I don’t have anything to be Proud of because every things I did is by the Grace of God!

But I have always loved to be Distinct even when I was in the Primary School – If I come Second, I will cry because I wanted to be the first.

Is there anybody here who want to be first in everything? Let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Some time ago, I was speaking at the University of Lagos – All big, big Dons were there and I had an opportunity to boast because the boasting will lead to Salvation.

I told them that Standing before you is the first Man who got MSc in Mathematics of this Great University – They clapped.

I said I then went on to be the first Man to get the PhD in Mathematics of this Great University – They clapped.

I said today, I am becoming the first Man ever to get three (3) Post Graduate Degrees of this University – I worked for the MSc, I worked for the PhD and they dashed me the DSc.

(DMC NOTES: MSc means “Masters of Sciences”; PhD means “Doctor of Philosophy” while DSc means “Doctor of Science”)

DMC NOTES: You are get to read the Full Text of the Referenced Message by Pastor E.A Adeboye Preached in Unilag during the Unilag Special Holy Ghost Congress on the 6th of February 2020 under the Theme: “Let The Fire Fall” from this Link:

And I told them that the Secret is Jesus Christ.

I. To get one Honourary Doctorate Degree is a very Great Achievement because they don’t give Honourary Doctorate Degree to any Dick and Harry.

II. To get two (2) Honourary Doctorate Degrees means that you are Special.

III. To get three (3) Honourary Doctorate Degrees, then you must be “Extra Special”.

IV. You go through the who wide world – From the beginning of History; the number of People with five (5) Honourary Doctorate Degrees, they are less than one thousand (1,000).

V. Your father (Pastor E.A Adeboye) has eight (8) Honourary Doctorate Degrees.

When the number of Honourary Doctorate Degrees got to seven (7); I said that is enough and I said I don’t want more.

Then Oral Roberts University – This is the first Pentecostal University in America and first in the World. They said that we must give you one. I said that I am sorry and I am not interested as I have seven (7) and it is enough.

They said: You are not coming, we will bring it to you!

DMC NOTES: Oral Roberts University is a Private Evangelical University in Tulsa, Oklahoma USA. Founded in 1963, the University is named after its Founder, Word of Faith and Prosperity Doctrine Preacher Oral Roberts. And on the 7th of December 2022, Dr. William M. Wilson (The President of Oral Roberts University) came to the Redemption City of God, Nigeria to Present to Pastor E.A Adeboye; a Doctor of Divinity for Distinguished Service in Spiritual Leadership Degree Award. You can get to Watch the Video of the Presentation on this Link:

And I know that you will believe me because you are Believers – My cry to my God had always been: Lord, let my children be Greater than I.

… So, you are going to be Greater than I. But the Secret is Evangelism!

They didn’t give me Honourary Doctorate Degree in Oral Robers University because of my MSc in Mathematics; they gave me because I Preached the Gospel.

They didn’t give me Honourary Doctorate Degree in the University of Toronto in Canada because I had PhD in Mathematics – No! No!! No!!!

Most of the Honourary Doctorate Degrees they gave me is either “Doctorate of Divinity” or “Doctorate of Theology”.

Preaching the Gospel makes you Distinct – You Stand Out among several People.

Let me give you maybe two (2) more Points:

When you are Preaching the Gospel, you Stand a very Good Chance of “Universal Recognition”.

I was saying Loud and Clear “Amen” when Mummy was Praying that you will not end up as “Local Champions” and you must be known throughout the world.

In Acts 19: 11-17 – This is the Story that you know about Paul casting out Demons and so on.

And there were seven (7) sons of Sceva – A Jew and Chief of the Priests; who said that we know the Method that you are using. You just say in the Name of Jesus, be healed and the Fellow will be healed.

So, they saw a Mad Man and they say in the Name of Jesus that Paul Preached, come out!

That one said: Jesus Christ I know, Paul I know; but who are you? And beat the hell out of them.

There was a time I visited an African Country and I wanted to say hello to the President.

The Vice President heard that I was around and was at the Airport and told me that the President was not around.

And over there in the Lobby where we were waiting over, the Vice President came and asked me to Pray for him there – I lay my hands and Prayed for him.

We went into the Country, did what we came to do and then left.

The day after we left, the President heard that I had been around. And because he didn’t travel, he said that how come? It can’t be? Daddy GO was in my Country and he didn’t visit me?

I was told that he wasn’t in.

And then he found out that the one who told me that he wasn’t in was his Vice President – Ha, he fired up the Vice President.

You know – God bless Africa. He fired him first before consulting with the Assembly.

Do you know what the Vice President said – He said no Problem, he has laid his hands on my Head.

He said: You fired me? I am the one taking over your Position.

Evangelism can give you “Universal Recognition” – Just keep on Preaching the Gospel, and you will get to a Level that you can’t even Dream Possible (Amen)!

Finally, if only you can keep on Preaching the Gospel, all your Needs will be met.

I am not the One who said so – It was Jesus Christ in John 15:16.

He said that you have not Chosen me but I have Chosen you and Ordained you; that you go and bring forth Fruits and make sure that your Fruits abide.

He said then anything you ask the Father in my Name, will be given to you.

That is a way of saying that: All your Needs will be met. All you need to do is win Souls and you will be amazed as to how quickly God will be answering your Prayers!

God is not answering Adeboye’s Prayers because he went to Bible College – I never went to Bible College. But it will be Good to go. It is only in my own situation, God was in an hurry.

He is not answering my Prayers because I can Fast – Yes I do Fast once in a while forty Days and 40 Nights or a little more.

But I know People who has Fasted more than that – I knew Somebody who has Fasted for seventy Days and seventy Nights.

So, what is the Difference?

I. How come he will just Pray a “Small Prayer” and the next thing that you will hear is Testimony?

II. How come he will just see you and say: “God Bless You”; and suddenly Doors begin to open?

Because of that “Simple Secret” – Evangelism!

In Luke 6:38 – He said: Give and you shall be given.

Many People used that Verse when they want to collect Offerings.

It is true for collecting Offerings but it has a “Deeper Meaning” – God says: Give me what I want and I will give you what you want. Give me Souls and then I will make sure that what I will give you, it won’t be just enough but it will be running over!

Win Souls and see God embarrassed you with Blessings!

I know Him – I have been working with Him for quite a while.

And by the Grace of God, I have children, People that the Almighty God saved through my Preaching; who are ready to do anything I ask.

And some of them have embarrassed me with so many times that I have ceased asking.

And so, when I didn’t ask, they Guess.

I have told you of three (3) of my Men – They got Born Again through me and when I want to go on Holiday once a Year, they come along with me.

And when they say: Let us go Shooping in the early days; I will go with them and they will load me with all kinds of things.

And when I don’t need things anymore, they will say let us go Shooping and I will go with them.

And when I won’t say that I want to buy anything and they will be watching me – If I looked at anything twice, they will buy it.

So, I stopped going out with them.

Keep winning Souls – God will embarrassed you with Blessings!

Some of you can bear me Witness – I got to the Altar at the Redemption Camp during one Divine Encounter Program and I announced to my Children – Please, don’t buy me more cars, I don’t need more cars.

They didn’t say anything!

I got home – From the Altar to my house, there were two (2) Brand New cars waiting for me. One Mercedes X-Class and the other a BMW Series 7 or something.

And I told the boys who brought the cars – I said I don’t want more cars. They said that we have already bought these ones.

And one of them said: Just sit down in my own, drive round the Redemption Camp with it and then give it out.

The other one said: Please sir, don’t just drive round the Redemption Camp with mine, drive it to Ebute Metta (DMC NOTES: Ebute Metta is where the The RCCG National Headquarters Parish is located in Lagos State Nigeria).

God can embarrassed you with Blessings if you are doing Evangelism!

I am not doing anything else – I am not a Business Man; I am not a Politician but I am just a Preacher of the Gospel.

Everywhere I go, I Witness.

I. If I had more time, I could have told you Stories of boys who went on Witnessing and ended up getting married to their Converts.

II. I could tell you Stories of girls who went out Witnessing and ended up marrying their Converts.

Many at times you are in the Church – Looking Right, looking Left and saying: God, where is my Partner? Your Partner may be out there and not yet saved but waiting for you to come and Evangelise to them!

III. Some of you has been Praying – How you can “Japa”?

If I had time, I can tell you of the Story of a Driver who Witnessed to his Boss.

The Boss got Born Again, the Boss became an Ambassador and then travelled Abroad.

And as an Ambassador, she has the right to choose who will be her Driver – So, my Little Boy “Japa”.

DMC NOTES: “Japa”, a Yoruba slang which means: “To run, flee or escape”. And it has taken root in the Minds of Young Nigerians and become something they aspire to, in hopes of a better future in a more Structured System.

Finally, the Bible says in Colossians 1:27 – It says: Christ in you, the Hope of Glory.

If Christ is in you, you can’t keep quiet – It is not Possible.

Out of the Abundance of the Heart, the mouth will speak.

Ask my wife – She will tell you that before I became Born Again, as much as I love her; as soon as I returned from the Place of work, I just say: Hello Darling, how was your work? That might be the last time we will talk.

And then I became Born Again, I can’t keep quiet anymore because the One who is inside of me want me to speak; want me to tell others about Him.

And when Christ is in you; it doesn’t matter what is in the Future; your Future will be Glorious!


  1. And so, if you are in this “Huge Crowd” or reading now on the Label of DMC; and you are not really sure if Christ is dwelling in you. But you want to surrender your Life to Him, you want Him to come into your Life and Control your Life – This is a Good Opportunity.
  2. Now, there might be some of us – Who may think that I am already Born Again. But you are Born Again and you are still living in sin.

I. Maybe the Salvation you got is different from the Salvation I got.

II. Maybe you want to come and say that the kind of Salvation You gave to Adeboye, that is what I want.

That Salvation that will cause me to hate sins; that Salvation that will cause me to Witness everywhere that I go.

If you want to get “Genuine Salvation”; so that you will be sure beyond all doubts that on the Last Day, you will make it to Heaven – From everywhere, begin to come now!

I am going to count from one (1) to twenty (20) because I know that some of you will be coming fro, afar off.

I am counting now!

Those of you already infront – Cry to the Lord and say: Have Mercy on me, save my Soul, let Your Blood wash away my sins and I will serve You for the rest of my lives. Be my Saviour and be my Lord.

And if you are a Backslider, call on Him and say: By Your Grace, I will never Backside again and I will do Your Will for the rest of my Life.

And the rest of us – Let us Stretch our hands towards our New Brothers and Sisters and intercede for them.

Pray that the One who saved our Souls will save their own Souls also.

Pray that the Lord will have Mercy on them, that He will forgive them and that He will give them a Brand New Beginning.

Talk to the Almighty God.

Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


Saviour, I want to Thank You for Your Words and I want to Thank You for bringing these People forward today for Salvation.

Please receive them in Jesus Name, have Mercy on them in Jesus Name, let Your Blood wash away their sins in Jesus Name.

And Lord God Almighty, as you save their Souls, receive them into the Family of God.

And from now on, anytime they Call on You, Please answer them by Fire.

Father, in a short while, I will ask them to cry unto You – I am going to ask that every Requests here tonight or as you read on the Label of DMC; my Father and my God, grant it in Jesus Name.

Miracles Lord God Almighty that will turn each and everyone of us to “Celebrities”; Father grant unto us today.

Let it be well with Your Children and let them be Greater than I.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

I want everyone of us to Stand Up as we Pray this Prayer together:

*I want you to lift your Voice to the Almighty God and say – Father, the “Very Best” anybody can be; make me that.

Please, go ahead and talk to the Almighty God now!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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