DATE: 16TH JULY 2023


Let Us Pray!


I am Serving the God of Miracle
I know, Yes I know
I am Serving the God of Miracle
I know, Yes I know


Miracle Working God – Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, the One with whom Nothing shall be Impossible; we Worship You.

We Thank You for Your Goodness, for Your Mercy, for Your Support, for Your Provisions.

Thank You for Healings, Thank You for Your Deliverance, Thank You for Miracles, Signs and Wonders.

Father, Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Today again Lord God Almighty, You the Unchangeable Lord; Prove Yourself in the lives of Your Children, do Marvelous Things, Fulfill all Your Prophecies in our lives and let Your Name be Glorified.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

We want you to Salute one (1) or two (2) People and tell them that: What God has Planned for your Life had come to Pass – Amen!

And then you may Please be seated.

We will be moving to Paet 21 of our Series on: “For Whom The Heavens Open” using the Life of Joshua as an Example!

Joshua 6:2 – And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the King thereof, and the Mighty Men of Valour.

Last Week, we spoke about “The Issue of Prophecies”.

We defined Prophecies as God revealing what He is about to do because even though God is the Almighty, even though He is Sovereign and does as He Pleases in the course of Heaven; He is still so Generous that before He does anything, He will reveal it to His Servants – The Prophet.

And so, we went through the Scriptures and we saw again and again how He Prophesised and the Prophecies came to Past.

Today, we want to look at the Prophecies that He gave in Verse 2 to Joshua!

He said to Joshua – I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the King thereof, and the Mighty Men of Valour.

  • I have given you the City.
  • I have given you the King.
  • I have given you the Mighty Men of Valour.

How come the Almighty God says that He has given Jericho, the King and the Mighty Men of Valour?

  1. He has given Jericho because He owns Jericho – Psalms 24:1 says: The Earth is the Lord and the Fullness thereof.

… Jericho was Part of the Earth.

He owns Jericho because:

I. He Created it.

Genesis 1:1 says – In the Beginning, God Created the Heaven and the Earth.

That is why in Africa – At least in my own Part of Africa (Nigeria); a Traditional Ruler of a Town is called “The Owner of the Town”.

Now, the current Traditional Ruler might not be the owner but his Great, Great Grandfather founded the Town and that is why we called them “The Owner”.

So, He owns your City/Town/Village – Which is why you as a Christian should not fold your hands and let the devil rule your City/Town/Village.

That City/Town/Village belongs to God!

So, any evil force roaming about in your City/Town/Village is an Intruder – Go home and chase it out in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ (Amen).

  1. But He did not just give you Jericho, He gave you the King.

So, the King is the Pretender – Claiming to be the Owner of Jericho.

And so God said: Alright, I am giving you the City and I am giving the Fellow who says that He is the King.

Why? – Daniel 4:25; the Bible says that the Most High rules in the affairs of Men and gives it to whomsoever He Pleases!

So, you think that you are the Owner of the Town – No! If He puts you in Charge, He just did it because that is what Pleases Him for that moment.

So, if you get in Authority and you forget who puts you there; just remember 1 Samuel 2:7 – God can raise up and He can pull down.

He has done it before and He can do it again.

He can do what He likes with anything and with all things – Why?

John 1: 1-3 – In the Beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same has been with God from the Beginning and by Him were all things Created.

And you know what? – Revelation 4:11 made it clear – He created all things for His Pleasures!

Do you know what that means?

He Created you for His Pleasures; He Created everybody for His Pleasures – So, if you cease to bring Pleasures to Him, He can remove you and put in a Substitute.

Whenever He puts you in any Position at all, remember that you are there to give Him Pleasures – Never forget that!

And as I have taught you before – For every Person He puts in Position, He has a Substitute waiting. Just in case that you gets there and forget who has put you there.

You can’t hold God Captive – Even as He is Pulling you out, He will put Somebody else in.

  1. And then, He went on forward to say that – I have given you the Mighty Men of Valour that says that we are the one Protecting the City.

Well, how could He give Mighty Men to Joshua?

Because according to Joshus 40:29 – He is the One who gives Strength to the Mighty.

… So you are Mighty? Where do you get the Might from?

You think that you are Powerful? But it is written – God has spoken once, twice have I heard it that Power belongs to God.

If He gives you a little bit of the Power, don’t forget the Source of the Power!

He alone is the Almighty – Genesis 17:1, He says: I am Jehovah El-Shaddai; the God who is More Than Enough, the Almighty.

In Genesis 18: 9-14; when He was talking to a woman about becoming Pregnant at the age of ninety (90) and the woman was Laughing – He said: Who do you think is talking to you and you are Laughing? Do you think it is your Husband?

He says that: Is there anything “Too Hard” for me?

Luke 1:37; He was talking to a Virgin and He says that you don’t even need to meet a Man. If I want to make you Pregnant, I will make you Pregnant.

He said: Because with God, Nothing shall be Impossible.

But then, there is something very interesting here – When He said that I am giving you “The Mighty Men”.

Just Overlook the Adjective – “Mighty” and look at the “Men” – “Mighty Men”.

They may be “Mighty” but they are still “Men”!

And if they are “Men”; then they are Dust!

In Genesis 3:19; He says: For Dust thou art, and unto Dust shalt thou return.

As long as we are talking about Men; remember that Men are Limited no matter how Mighty!

I. Men can be Limited by Age – Ecclesiastes 12: 1-7.

If you are a Man, you will grow Old.

And I like the way Solomon described what happens when you grow Old:

  • He talks about the Grinders becoming few or cease (DMC NOTES: Ecclesiastes 12:3).

And then the Dentist will be removing your teeth one by one.

I saw the Picture of Somebody they called the Oldest Person in the world – There is hardly any teeth left in his mouth. And I was just wondering – How come you will say that you are still enjoying this world and you can’t even eat meat anymore?

  • He said those who are looking out of the Window will be Darkened. He is talking about Light (DMC NOTES: Ecclesiastes 12:2).

That as you grow Older, for one reason or the other; all those things you could have read when you are a Child, you begin to need Assistance.

  • He even said that your legs will begin to Shake/Tremble (DMC NOTES: Ecclesiastes 12:3)

I don’t know why this Man will have to give us this kind of Descriptions!

If you are a Man, you will grow Old – Age will limit you!

II. If you are a Man, you will be Limited by Sleep.

No matter how Strong you are, no matter how Mighty you are; when Sleep comes, with all your Mightiness you become Nobody!

1 Samuel 26: 7-25 – King Saul was surrounded by his Bodyguards – Mighty Men of Valour; but they all fell asleep. The King was Sleeping, the Bodyguards surrounding him were all asleep as well.

And David came when they were all Sleeping and he took away the Spear of the King.

He got far away and then shouted – Hey you Soldiers, you are supposed to be Mighty Men, taking care of the King. Where is the Spear of the King?

I Pity those of you who trust Bodyguards; I Pity those of you who trust Nightguards – If God wants to kill you; He will put all of them to Sleep. They will be dead long before they wake up. Because they are Men and so they must get tired.

And the Bible tells us in Isaiah 40: 28-31 – Only God does not get tired; as even Young Men will become Weary.

2 Samuel 21: 15-17 tells us that even ‘The Giant Killer”; David grew Faint in Battle. And he could have died if Help doesn’t come.

III. And of course, they are Mighty Men but they will die one day.

It is incredible to read in 2 Kings 13:20; it says that Elisha died.

The Man with the Double Portion of Anointing died.

Samuel, “The King Maker” in 1 Samuel 25:1 also died.

The King Maker and King Remover died!

IV. Mighty Men are Limited because they can’t even withstand Fire.

Isn’t it interesting in Daniel 3: 19-22 – It was the Mighty Men that threw Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego into the Fiery Furnace that died.

The heat of the Furnace killed the Mighty Men.

V. Mighty Men can go Mad – Daniel 4: 28-37.

A whole King became Mad for seven (7) years with all His Might.

VI. Do you know that Mighty Men can die of Thirst?

Judges 15: 14-19 – Samson had just slaughtered a thousand People with the Jawbone of an Ass and then he became thirsty.

Remember what he said? – Oh, unless I get water to drink, I will die.

Take water away from Mighty Men and see how Mighty they are!

VII. And do you know that Mighty Men can still be frightened by Dreams.

Pharaoh had a Dream in Genesis 41: 1-44 and he woke up and the Dream frightened him.

Daniel 2: 1-end – It tells us the Story of another Mighty King. We are talking of Kings so Mighty that they Practically rule the world?

He had a Dream and forgot the Dream and when he woke up he was Shaking.

VIII. And when you read Esther 6: 1-11; you will discovered that even a Mighty King might not be able to Sleep – God just decided to take away the Sleep.

It says that in the Night, the King could not Sleep.

Thank God that the Bible says that He gives His Beloveth Sleep.

When God wants to Punish you and you say that you are Mighty; He can make sure that you can’t even Sleep.

IX. And do you know that Mighty Men can destroy themselves with their own Weapons.

Take the Example of Goliath in 1 Samuel 17: 45-51 – After David knocked down Goliath with a Stone, the Bible says that there was no Sword in the hand of David.

If David had a Sword,, the Sword would have been “Too Small” for the neck of Goliath.

But Goliath has a Sword “Big Enough” to take off his Head.

When you read Esther 7: 1-10; it is the Gallows that Haman Prepared for Mordecai that he was hung open.

Stop being afraid of Mighty Men – They are small in the Hand of God!

Let me begin to round up by telling you that – Your Daddy (God) is the Almighty God.

  1. He lives forever – Not Limited by Death.

Deuteronomy 32:40; He says – I lift up my hands to the Heavens and I say I live forever.

  1. He is never Tired – Isaiah 40:28.

Because He is never tired, that is why He never needed to Sleep.

That is why only People like me can Sleep very soundly at Night – Once I commit my Sleep into His Hands, I just Sleep off.

I used to tell People that I Sleep like a baby – When babies Sleep, they Sleep without concerns for tomorrow.

Babies doesn’t care what goes on because he knows that by tomorrow; there will be food – The Problem is not his own.

  1. Your God is not Limited by Fire.

In Daniel 3: 20-27; the Bible tells me that He was the 4th Man in the Fiery Furnace.

The Fire that killed the Mighty Men had no effect on Him!

Why? Because He Himself is the Consuming Fire – Hebrews 12:29.

  1. And you know what? He never grows Old.

Psalms 90: 1-2 says: From Everlasting tp Everlasting, He is God.

That is why He calls Himself “I Am” – Never “I Was”; not a question of “I will be”. He said “I Am” – Exodus 3:15.

So, I want to encourage those of us who are Children of God – You have the Best of all friends!

But I want to warn those of you who are not His Children – He could be the worst of all Enemies.

  • An Enemy who can never die.
  • An Enemy who can never get tired.
  • An Enemy who neither Sleep nor Slumber.

That is a terrible Enemy to have.

Cross Over to his Side!

There is a Popular Saying – If you can’t beat them, then join them. You can’t beat God, join Him!


So, if you will like to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ today, bow your Head wherever you are and cry to Him.

Say: Lord have Mercy on me, save my Soul, I want to be on Your Side, I want to be on the Winning Side. Take over my Life Lord and I will Serve You for the rest of my Life.

Even as I Pray for you now!


Ancient of Days, I want to Thank You.

The Lord of Host Himself, the One who is never tired, the One who is never weary, the One who never Sleeps nor Slumber – Glory be to Your Holy Name.

I’m Thanking You on behalf of all those who has made up their Mind to say – Alright, I want to surrender to this Almighty God.

Father, Please receive them, have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wash away all their sins, write their names in the Book of Life, receive them into the Family of God.

Father, I Pray that as long as they Choose to serve You, Please Uphold them till the very End.

As for all those who are already Your Children, my Father and my God; Please every Enemies that they may have – No matter how many, no matter how Big; bring them down under their Feet.

Show to the Enemies of the Living God that those who are fighting against the Children of God are fighting against their Father and they are fighting against the Consuming Fire.

Prove Yourself Oh Lord and let Your Name be Glorified.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Now, I want to rejoice with those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ today. And I want to Promise you on behalf of my Father in Heaven that I will be Praying for you.

So, if you will Please contact me very quickly and let me know your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests; I Promise you that I will be Praying for you.

And then try and locate one of the Branches of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) near you and contact the Pastor there and tell him that you have just given your Life to Jesus Christ and he will tell you what to do next!

God Bless You!

Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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