Let Us Pray!


We give You all the Glory
We give Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give Honour


Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending; the One who was, the One who is, the One who is come; the Almighty, the Unchangeable Changer, the King of Glory, the One who never lost a war, the One who can never fail – Glory be to Your Holy Name.

We Thank You for what You have done in the First Year of our Governor; we Thank You because we know that You always reserve the Best till the Last and so we know that the Second Year will be far better than the First Year.

Father, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

My Father and my God, we commit Akwa Ibom State into Your Hands:

You are the One who said that if my People that are Called by my Name will Humble themselves and Pray; You said that You will hear from Heaven and will heal our Land.

Father, heal Akwa Ibom State!

My Lord and my Saviour, because it is the People who made up this State, I’m Praying tonight that You will heal every Person Present tonight and reading now on the Label of DMC.

Whatever may be the Needs of those of us who are here Lord or reading now Online on the Label of DMC; God Almighty, let the Needs be met tonight.

And as you are Healing Akwa Ibom State Father; Please heal Nigeria, heal our families, heal our Businesses, heal everything that is sick in our Nation and let all just be well Oh Lord.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

And then shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People – Tell him or her: Neighbour, I love you but tonight, my Miracles will be bigger than yours.

And then, you can Please be seated.

I want to Thank the Almighty God for bringing me back to Akwa Ibom State.

I think that I come here so frequently that I can begin to say that this is my Second Home – Glory be to God!

Our Great Governor – We Thank God that when the Righteous is in Authority, People rejoice.

We Thank God for your Life, we Thank God for the Peace, the Progress and the Prosperity that we can notice – Already, it is becoming more and more evident since you took over the reign of affairs of Government.

God will continue to be with you sir and He will move you from Glory to Glory – Amen!

DMC NOTES: Pastor Umo Bassey Eno (born 24 April 1964) is a Nigerian Clergy and Politician who is the Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. He was the former Commissioner for Lands and Water Resources in Akwa Ibom State, and the founder of All Nations Christian Ministry International.

I want to Thank God for the Brother who spoke before me – The Brother who brought the First Word.

What a Word? I think we should give the Almighty God a round of applause – That was wonderful.

And you must Please Permit me to Salute all my fathers who are seated on the Altar here.

We Thank God for our lives – It will be well with you all in Jesus Name (Amen).

The Evidence of your Greatness is that you allow a “Small Boy” like me to come and represent you.

Thank You very much – God Bless You!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18:

  1. Rejoice evermore.
  2. Pray without ceasing.
  3. In every thing give Thanks: for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

This Passage is asking us to do three (3) things:

  1. It says that we should rejoice.

Probably because the Scriptures says: The Joy of the Lord is your Strength.

Probably because anybody can rejoice when they just have a Victory but it takes a Man of Faith to rejoice even before the Victory happens.

It took Faith for the Children of Israel to shout Hallelujah before the Wall of Jericho fell down.

And just in case there is anyone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – There might be Wall of Jericho before you; before the next shout of Hallelujah, that Wall will come down (Amen).

So, let me hear Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

  1. Then it asks us to Pray without ceasing.

I will come back to this in few Minutes time.

  1. Then it says; In everything give Thanks.

It doesn’t matter your Present situation, the mere fact that you are still Breathing shows that God has not finished with you yet!

The Bible says: Everything that has Breadth, Praise the Lord.

So, anyone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC, who is still Breathing at all; let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

As long as you are still Breathing, they can’t bury you. And if they can’t bury you; it means that your end is not in the hands of any Doctor and your Future is in the Hands of the One whose name is Omega!

And do you know what Omega said?

Say ye to the Righteous, it shall be well with him.

Now coming back to the “Pray without Ceasing” – I will use one little Story in the Bible as a Case Study for the “Little Message” that I’m about to bring concerning Praying without Ceasing!

That Little Story is in 2 Kings 6: 1-7.

The Bible says that the Sons of the Prophet – Those who are Studying under Elisha; came to him and said: Sir, we have become so many; the Place we are dwelling with you has become “Too Small”. We have Prospered and Accommodation is now our Problem.

And they say that we Pray you sir, give us Permission to go to Jordan – Let each one go and bring Piece of wood so that we can build a bigger Accommodation.

And he (Elisha) said: Permission granted.

And one of them said: Sir, Thank You for granting us Permission; Please come along with us. And he said okay, I will come along with you.

Then they got to Jordan and they began to cut down trees and all of a sudden, the axe head fell off into the River Jordan.

And none of the Sons of the Prophet could swim and even if they could swim; they didn’t know about diving. And if they could dive, River Jordan is not a very Clean River – You can’t see the bottom.

So, the Fellow who was cutting the tree cried out to the Man of God and said: Ha, my Lord; we borrowed it. We are in trouble and so what are we going to do?

And the Man of God told him – Show me where it fell. And he showed him.

Then he cut a Piece of tree, threw it into the River and the Incredible happened – The tree that is supposed to float sank, located the iron head, transferred the Anointing of Elisha to the iron and the iron that is supposed to sink jumped to the surface and began to float.

Then Elisha said: Okay, pick it up and he did.

That is the end of the Story!

But from that Little Story, I just want to bring to you few Points to show you that you must Pray without Ceasing:

  1. When all is well: When your Coast is Enlarged, when Accommodation becomes a Problem, when no Single Bank can contain your Wealth – Pray!

Pray because when all is well with you, the enemy will be right around the corner Planning to attack.

When you read the Book of Job Chapter 1, you will discovered that Job did nothing wrong.

All was well with Job – Wonderful family, beautiful daughters, strong boys, a lot of Prosperity; that was when the devil said to God: Do you think that He is serving you because he loves you? He is serving you only because he has Prospered. Let us give him a Test.

The Word of God is clear – The most dangerous time in the Life of a Man is immediately after a Victory.

When everything is going on fine, that is when Men attempted to become careless and that is when you find it difficult to Pray at Night.

In those days when you are Sleeping on the floor; at one time or the other at night when one side is Paining you, you will turn over.

And in the Process of turning over, you can Fire a Prayer or two to God – God Almighty, I hope that one day you will give me a bed.

But when the time comes and you are Sleeping on a Waterbed, Electrically Controlled and the Room is Cooled, Electrically Controlled; you don’t wake up by Night to Pray.

And yet, that is the time when you must Pray – When all is well.

Ask David, he will tell you as it is written in 1 Samuel 18: 6-9:

It was when David was returning from the Slaughter of the Philistines, following his Victory over Goliath. That People were Singing – Oh King Saul killed in thousand, David in ten thousand.

That was when the trouble of David began – That was when the father-in-law started throwing Spear at him.

… When all is well, Pray!

Years ago, an American came to Preach in our Church – And you know the way Americans Preach; jumping up and down.

So, he was Preaching and was doing it in the American way. And all of a sudden, he came down and stopped before a Young Man and said: Thus saith the Lord – If you will serve me, I will make you a Millionaire. And the Fellow jumped for Joy and we were all very Jealous.

At that time; that Man, his wife and five (5) children were all living in one room. And God said that I will make you a Millionaire.

Within six (6) Months, the tides turned and this Man moved from one Bedroom to a Flat. He bought a car, and also bought a car for his wife.

But then, we didn’t see Brother in Church anymore.

What happened? I sent for him – Oh, the Lord has been so Good. You know Business everywhere – Last Sunday I was in Geneva, by the Sunday before, I was in Switzerland.

Is it Sunday that you must go for all these Meetings?

He said that you know these People they feel more relaxed at Weekends.

Sir, I was there when God said that if you serve me, I will make you a Millionaire.

Ha, you can be sure that I Worship Him everywhere I go.

The next thing that I heard was that he had Heart Attack – He is a Young Man! And so I sent People to go and Pray for him and he got well.

And I said what happened?

They gave him a Contract to build something for them in Abuja – It was when Abuja was being built. And in the Contract, they said when he has gotten to a certain level, they will pay him two hundred and fifty something Million – That was in the days Naira was Stronger than the Dollars.

A week to that deadline, they cancelled the Contract – And that was why he had Heart Attack.

I told him that you forgot God when Prosperity came – Maybe, you will return to Him because God is interested in your Soul than in your Wealth.

… When all is going well – Pray!

I decree tonight that your Blessings will never become a Curse – Amen!

  1. When you are Planning your Next Project – Pray!

The Sons of the Prophet said: Daddy Prophet, we want to build a bigger home – They informed a Representative of God.

Whenever you are Planning your next Project – Pray!

Thank God for the Success of the First Year but there will be many Projects you want to Plan for in the coming Year – Pray!

Why must you Pray when you are Planning the next Project?

Proverbs 19:21 says: Many are the devices in the hands of Man but it is the Counsel of the Lord that shall stand.

In every Towns all over the world, there are always “Unfinished Projects” – Giant Houses that are built up to a certain level and then abandoned.

Why? Because when the Fellow Planning that building was Planning it, he didn’t ask God.

Don’t forget that there is only one Fellow who knows the end from the Beginning – He is the One who can tell you: This Project is not for now or this is not the Project that I want for you.

The Bible says it clearly in Acts 15:18 – Known unto God are all His works from the Beginning of the world.

Ask Him – This Project that I said I want to do, is it okay by You?

When you read the Story in Genesis 26: 1-16 – The Bible told us that there was Famine in the Land.

And I hope that my Young Brothers and Sisters are listening!

And Isaac wanted to “Japa” He wanted to run away from the Place.

But God said No, Isaac don’t go – Stay here; this is where I want to Prosper you.

You know the rest of the Story – Within years, Isaac had become so Great that the King of the Nation where he was said to him: Sir, you have become Greater than us; Please move on.

There are some People listening to me here today or reading now on the Label of DMC who are Nothing now; but if you will just let God Plan your Future for you, a day is comimg that the whole Nation will hear about you – Amen!

Some years ago, we have this Program that we take round the Country called “Christ The Redeemer’s Congress”; and I was Planning the next Congress.

And as usual, I went to God to ask Him: Sir, where next?

And God spoke to me – “Go to Ede”.

I said: Why Ede? We have been to Ilesha, we have been to Oshogbo, we have been to Ile Ife (DMC NOTES: All Mentioned Towns are in Osun State and just few kilometres away from Ede).

Ede is less than 5 Minutes drive from Oshogbo; it is less than 30 Minutes drive from Ilesha and so on.

I was Planning to come to Asaba (DMC NOTES: Asaba is a Town in Delta State); but God said: “Go to Ede”.

Thank God that I listened to Him – At that time, Ede was at least 95% Muslims.

So, when I got there and I went to Pay Courtsey visit to the King of the Town; he agreed that he will come to the Program in the Evening.

He came to the Program even though he was a Muslim and I decided to honour him by asking him to speak to his People.

He took the Microphone and began to quote the Bible – He said Silver and Gold I have none but what I have I give unto you – I have Lands, ask for as much as you want.

Today, “The Redeemer’s University” is in Ede because I asked God where do You want me to go.

May I decree to Somebody because from now on, you will Pray before you Plan – The very Best of God will soon come to your Possession – Amen!

DMC NOTES: Ede is traditionally said to have been founded about 1500 by Timi Agbale, a Hunter and Warlord sent by Alaafin (Alafin; “King”) Kori of Old Oyo (Katunga), Capital of the Oyo Empire, to establish a Settlement to Protect the Oyo Caravan route to Benin (127 Miles [204 km] to the Southeast). HRM Oba Tijani Oladokun Ajagbe Oyewusi (Agbonran III) (Who reigned from 1976-2008) as the twelfth (12th) Timi of the Present-Day Ede and Coronated in May 1976 in a Coronation Ceremony that lasted a whole year was the King of Ede on the Throne as at that time in 1982 when they gave the Land to The RCCG. The Current Timi of Ede is HRM Oba Muniru Adesola Lawal Laminisa.

  1. When you are Executing the Project – Whatever Program that you have Planned and you have received Permission from God to do; still keep on Praying.

Because anything can happen – You only knows today and only God knows tomorrow.

In the Process of Executing your Program, an Accident can happen.

While these People were cutting down trees, the axe head fell off.

In Planning and Executing your Program; if you are Praying and there is anything happening that is not Planned for, there is Someone called “The Ever Present Help in times of Trouble” – Psalms 46:1.

If you run into any Problem during the Execution of any of your Program, call on Him!

He is the One who said in Psalms 50: 14-15 – He said that there are Problems only God can solve:

  • And we need Him now like never before in our Nation.
  • And you need Him now like never before in your own Life.

Years ago, when we are going to hold our first Convention at the Redemption Camp – Now called Redemption City in Lagos.

We are in the midst of a Jungle – What you see now is not what it used to be some forty something years ago.

We have announced to the Church that we will gather here for our Convention – And so everybody was already excited as they wanted to come. Then we are getting ready.

Then we have a big Problem – The Land is clay and as we are digging wells. We dig well this day and we reach water. We go to bed happy that at least there will be water by tomorrow Morning; but the well would have collapsed. And we have a week to go to the Convention and the People were coming and we were far from any Town.

I cried to God – Daddy, You are the One who showed me this Place; Daddy I got your Permission before I brought the People here for the Convention.

What am I going to do?

And I remembered that day as yesterday – Sunday Evening, one Man was driving past and he saw what was going on: Caterpillars et cetera and he branched.

He said: What are you People trying to do here? And I said that we want to hold a Convention.

Oh, Christian Convention? I said Yes. He said that is a wonderful idea and he said what do you need?

I Pray for Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – In your Time of Need, God will send Help to you (Amen).

And I said that what we need is water- We have this Problem with water: As we are digging the well, it is Collapsing.

He said what you need is a Bore Hole – And I said I know that but where is the Money? It is when you don’t have Money that you begin to dig well by yourself.

He said I will build you one!

I said Thank You very much but we have only one week to go – He said that is enough time.

That very Night, Engineers came and by the following Sunday when the People were arriving for the Convention; water was flowing freely.

When you are in trouble, cry to Him!

I Prayed a Prayer when I landed in this Town in the Afternoon – I told my Father that I have a very Special Request: Anyone of you in dire need of Help; before this Day is over, the Almighty God will send Help to you (Amen).

  1. Be Specific when you are asking God for Help.

Because the Man of God asked the Son of the Prophet – Where did the axe head fell? Show me!

Be Specific when you are asking God for Help!

In Mark 11: 22-23; the Bible says: “Have Faith in God”.

And then it went on to say that if you have Faith and you doubt not; you will say to this Mountain – Specific Mountain and not all Mountains.

And say: Mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea – It says that it will obey you.

There are many things that you could ask God for, but when you are about to ask Him, Please be Specific!

There are many Projects that the Government could execute in the comimg year.

In our Prayers during these three (3) days; let us be Specific on which one we want God to execute for us!

As for those of us who are here tonight; when in a moment it is time; you will be Praying – Pray Specially because your Problem might be different from mine.

I. Some of us need Financial Breakthrough – That is almost everyone of us.

II. But then, there are some of us – All we need is Healing.

There are People who are rich but who can’t eat you know!

III. And there are some of us – What we want is the Fruit of the Womb.

Be Specific!

Why? Because what you ask for is what you will get.

Stop this kind of Prayer that says: “God bless me”.

Bless you how? What is it that is Uppermost in your Heart? What is the most urgent thing? What is your Priority?

And then, when you are about to Pray, don’t ask God for “Small Things” because the God who can make iron swim; is still on His Throne!

I. There is a God that can reverse the Irreversible.

II. There is a God who can make the “Absolutely Impossible” to be Possible.

And that might be one of the reasons why He brought you here tonight.

It might be the reason He brought me all the way from Lagos to share this Little Words with you.

And many of you know much more than I am sharing but maybe God brought you here tonight to remind you:

  • That He is still on the Throne.
  • That He can still do the Impossible.
  • That He can still bring back all the opportunities that you have lost.

Just tell Him Specially what you want and don’t ask Him for Small Things!

Because the little that I have learnt of God is that He feels insulted when you ask Him for Small Things because He is the Almighty.

He doesn’t want you to ask Him for things “Ordinary Human Beings” can do!

I. He Prefers you ask Him what the Doctors say is Absolutely Impossible!

You will say: Thank You Doctor, let me go to the Great Physician.

II. Ask Him when your Bankers says they are about to come and Close your Company.

Say: Lord Thank You, I know that You will show Yourself as the All Sufficient God.

… Ask Him for Great Things.

There is a Story that I used to tell my children which has turned many of them to “Tremendous Prayer Warriors” – Which has Changed their lives dramatically.

It is a very Simple and funny Story:

There was a Man in Lagos years ago so rich that everybody know him – His name is Da Rocha.

But when the Relatives go to him and ask him for help; he will say: I work for my Money, go and work for your own.

But he loved children – He love to give children Gifts. Whatever the children ask him that is what he will give.

And the Relatives discovered that and so anytime they want to ask Da Rocha for something, they will take a child along. And they will Program the child and say, when you get there, he is going to ask you what you want? Ask him for something like this.

So one day, one woman took a girl to Da Rocha and after the Greetings et cetera et cetera, Da Rocha ask the girl what she wants. He knew that his Relatives were Programming children but he didn’t mind.

And the woman had already told the girl – When you get to Da Rocha and he asked you what you want; tell him that I want a house, Land or car; and you do that, I will give you Cookies.

So, they get there and Da Rocha asked the girl what do you want? And the girl said Cookies.

And Da Rocha Pretended he didn’t hear – He was Rich and Generous but he just didn’t want the People to feel they can be lazy and get anything freely.

So he Pretended that he didn’t hear, went into the Bedroom to allow the woman to re-program the child.

And the woman said: What is wrong with you? I said ask for house, Land or car. I am the One who will give you Cookies and not him – You understand? And the girl said yes.

And Da Rocha came out and said by the wat my little one – What did you want? And the girl said Cookies.

And Cookies she get!

Don’t ask God for Cookies tonight!

Do you hear me? Don’t ask for Cookies from the One who is called “The All Sufficient God” – Take Note of that!

DMC NOTES: Candido Joao Da Rocha (1860 – March 11, 1959) was a Nigerian Businessman, Landowner and Creditor who owned Water House on Kakawa Street, Lagos Island, Lagos, and was the Proprietor of the now defunct Bonanza Hotel in Lagos. He held the Chieftaincy Title of “The Lodifi of Ilesa”.

  1. After the iron axe head began to float, it was not Elisha that Picked it up; it was the Son of the Prophet who lost the axe head.

It doesn’t matter what Theologians may tell you – After God has done His bits, you must Play your Part.

There is no doubt about it that everything you can ever need on Earth has been Prepared for you.

By His Stripes you were Healed:

  • By His Blood, you can overcome satan and his Hosts.
  • By the Finished works of Christ, everything that you can ever need is available to you.

But He will Prepare a Table before you in the Presence of your Enemies, but He won’t come down from Heaven to come and feed you.

He will Prepare the Table but you must do the eating yourself.

You have a Piece of Land and you clear the Land.

You are a Highly Anointed Man of God or Woman of God and then you go and stand before the “Cleared Land” Fastiing, Praying and Prophesying for forty (40) Days and forty (40) Nights – I decree, Land grow rice; I Prophesy in the Name that is above every other name: Rice grow! And you didn’t grow rice.

After forty (40) Days, what will grow – Weeds!

You don’t sow, you won’t reap – Don’t let anybody deceive you!

I don’t know too much of the Bible – I am a “Small Boy” and just a Beginner.

I am telling you that I don’t know Theology but I know God,

I don’t know Greeks and Hebrews as I only know English and Yoruba Language.

And in the two (2) Bibles (English and Yoruba Bibles) that I know; it is written: Be not deceived, God is not mock; whatsoever a Man sows, that is what he shall reap ((DMC NOTES: Galatians 6:7).

May I appeal to all of us who wants Mighty Things to happen in the Second Year of our Beloveth Governor – Play your Part!

God will open the Red Sea for you but He won’t carry you across – You must Play your Part!

My Beloveth Children who are Students – I can see some of you and it is for you that I will tell this little Story:

Some years ago in a Particular University, Brothers and Sisters – True Children of the Living God were failing Exams like Nobody Business.

And when I went to visit them, and I heard the Story – What is going on? And I told them: Sir/Ma, don’t disgrace Jeuus Christ. Examination is at hand, that is the Time you are having Fellowship all through the Night.

But it is written: The Holy Spirit will remind us?

I said that He will remind you of everything that you have learnt.

You didn’t Study? And you are Prayijg that you want to Pass?

When you fail, the Holy Spirit will comfort you.

Pray without ceasing as there is a God in Heaven who answer Prayers – He is still on the Throne!

He is the One who said that if you will call on me, I will answer you and I will show you Great and Mighty Things.

But you must Pray:

  1. Pray when all is well.
  2. Pray when you are Planning your Project.
  3. Pray when you are Executing your Project.
  4. Be Specific in your Prayers.
  5. And when God has done His bits, do your own bits.

In a moment, we will Pray but let me tell you one thing about God:

Isaiah 59: 1-2; tells us that the Handa of the Lord is not shortened that it cannot save.

Do you know what that means?

There is Nothing “Too Hard” for Him to do.

And then, it says His Ears not deaf that He cannot hear but He said that when there is a sin in your Life, it will act as an Insulator.

The sin will stand between you and God and so He won’t even hear your cry.

And if He does not hear, how can He answer?

Don’t joke with sin – It hinders Prayers.

I am confident that the number of Testimonies coming from tonight Service will be as much as the number of People who are her – Provided all our sins has been washed away!


So, if you are here and you are not sure of your Salvation; if you are here and you claimed you are Born Again but you are still living in sin.

If you don’t want tonight to be in vain over you; come and Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ now – The Blood that Cleanses from all sin us still available.

Jesus Christ has Paid the Price for your Salvation but you have to come to Him to receive that Salvation.

So, I’m going to count from one (1) to seven (7) – if there is anyone here that will say I’m not quite sure of my Salvation, I want God to save my God, I want my sins to be washed away.

Before I say seven (7); come and Stand before the Altar here.

Now, those of you who are already infront and those who might still be on the way; cry to God:

Ask Him to be Merciful unto you, ask Him to save your Soul, ask Him to wash away your sins with His Blood so that Nothing will Stand between you and answers to your Prayers.

Call on Him now!

And Please the rest of us, let us Stretch our hands towards our New Brothers and Sisters and Intercede for them:

That the One who saved our Souls will save their own Souls also.

Pray that God will give them Genuine Salvation and that from now on, things will become New for them.

Pray for then for just 2 Minutes.

Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your Words and I want to say Thank You for these People who has come to Surrender their lives to You.

Please receive them, save their Souls, wash them Clean with Your Blood, receive them into the Family of God and write their names in the Book of Life.

Anytime they cry unto You, answer then by Fire and let it be well with them from now on.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Now we have Prayed for Akwa Ibom State – Don’t worry yourself; the Future of Akwa Ibom State is going to be Glorious and I can guarantee you!

Wheh you have a Governor who will begin a New Year with Prayers; then you know that we are already on the right track.

And God will answer our Prayers!

The next Fellow I want you to Pray for tonight is yourself.

And when you Pray for yourself, knowing fully well that there is still a God on the Throne who answer Prayers.

The Bible says that Weeping may endure for the Night, Joy comes in the Morning.

You will wake up tomorrow with a Testimony – Amen!

But I am going to ask you to Pray now!

And God said: Call on me – He didn’t say murmur or whisper.

You will have about 5 Minutes or so to Pray – Don’t Pray like Ladies and Gentlemen at this moment but Pray like a Warrior.

After God had solved your Problem(s); you can become a lady and Gentleman again.

So, if you know that God is really, really going to attend to you tonight; Stand on your Feet and let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


You are going to lift your Voice to the Almighty God and say: Almighty God, I’m committing my entire Future into Your Hands, take Control Lord, intervene vigorously and just let all be well.

Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God.

Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


Ancient of Days, You are the One who said that if two of us shall agree as touching anything we ask on Earth, it will be done for us by Your Father in Heaven.

Tonight, I’m in Total Agreement with my Brother and Sister, let their Future be alright.

In the lives of everyone here Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; Lord God Almighty, Please intervene.

Father, within the next 24 Hours, in the lives of all these Your Children, let there be Dramatic Changes for the better.

If there is anyone here tonight in need of a Miracle; Father before the Sun rises tomorrow, let that Fellow get the Miracle.

If there is anyone here Lord God Almighty who is not even sure of what is comimg next; my Lord and my Saviour, within the next one year, a Height that, that Fellow cannot Dream Possible take that Fellow to that Height.

Because You are the Almighty, in the lives of everyone of Your Children here or reading now on the Label of DMC; show Yourself to be the Almighty.

In Akwa Ibom State, let there be Light!

I Pray Lord God Almighty that by this Time Next Year; everybody in Akwa Ibom State will look back and say: Ha, this New Year of our Governor is the Best we have ever seen.

Father, so let it be in Jesus Name.

Thank You Almighty God.

Glory be to Your Holy Name.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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