What a Mighty God we serve
What a Mighty God we serve
Heaven and Earth Adore Him
Even Angels bow before Him
What a Mighty God we serve.


Ancient of Days, we Worship You. The Father of all fathers, we Magnify your Holy Name.

You are the Father of the fatherless; You are the Husband of the Widow; You are the Everlasting God – Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Father, Your Children are here tonight; I Pray that You will bless them, You will bless their families, You will bless their Businesses, You will bless their Churches.

I Pray that everything they touch will Prosper; that everything they need to be “Real Men”, You will make available to them.

I Pray that they will serve You till the very End.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Now, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: “I am Proud to be a Man”.

And then, you may Please be seated.

You know that it is something wonderful to be a Man because God Himself is called “God, The Father” – That is something very Special!

And when God was going to create Man, He started with the Man and later on, He decided, let us add the Woman.

Somebody said that in the Beginning, God created Man and all was well. Then He created a Woman and you know the rest of the Story!

Thank God for Woman – Without them, there will be no children.

May God bless all our Mothers – Amen!

The Topic is: “RIDING THE WINDS”.

The Wind as you know in the Scriptures is Symbolic of the Holy Spirit.

According to Acts 2: 1-4; the Bible tells us that the day the Holy Spirit came, it came in as a Rushing Mighty Wind.

Rinding the Wind therefore has to do with your Relationship with the Holy Spirit!

But there are various ways you could relate with the Holy Spirit:


And if you do so, like you can learnt from the trees in the bush – Wheh the Wind is blowing; the huge and strong trees always try to show the Wind that I will be here for long: We are Strong and we are Deep Rooted.

And they end up being Uprooted.

When you go through the Scriptures, you will find several Examples of those who resisted the Wind and they ended up being Uprooted:

I. Goliath said that he is defying the whole of Israel.

And when you defy Israel, you defy her God.

II. Then you can come to Daniel Chapters 3 and 4.

And you will see a King who said: Who is that God that can deliver you out of my hand?

Yiu know the end of the Story – For seven (7) years, he ate Grass like an animal.

III. Then you can go on to Acts 13: 5-12.

And you see a Socerer who tried to resist the Wind.

And he ended up being blind even if it is only for a Season.

IV. And you can look at Acts 12: 1-end.

And you will see a King – A very Powerful King who resisted the Wind.

He killed one of the Apostles and then tried to kill a second.

At the end of the day, he was eaten by Womb.

I think you can tell your Neighbour – “Never resist the Wind”.

Because if you do, the Wind has enough Power to Uproot anything!

There was a little Storm earlier today (Thursday, 6th June 2024) and Part of the Problem it caused is still on the Expressway – People who are comimg for The RCCG June 2024 Holy Communion Service are still on the road.


That is the Example of Ordinary Grass – Whenever the Wind is blowing, the Grass bowed.

And after the Wind had done its work, the Grass Straightens up again.

I. You can bow to the Wind and be Preserved.

In 2 Samuel 12: 1-end; David had sinned against God and God sent His Prophet to go and tell him that you have done this and thought that I didn’t see you.

Immediately, David said: I am downfall – I have sinned.

God said: Alright;

  • Since you have bowed your head.
  • Since you didn’t say I am the King and who is this Prophet.
  • Since you have admitted that you are wrong.

I won’t kill you!

You can Submit to the Wind and be Preserved!

II. Then you can flow along with the Wind.

And wherever you go; you bring Refreshments, you bring Joy, you bring Peace, you bring Miracles.

Acts 8: 5-8 – Philip full of the Holy Spirit went to Samaria and by the time he finished there, there was Joy in the whole City.

I hope Men are listening even as they read now on the Label of DMC – You flow with the Wind, you will become a Blessing.

Because when the Wind is blowing, Miracles are bound to happen.

And you read the whole Chapter (DMC NOTES: Acts Chapter 8); you will discovered that a Socerer had been in the Town that has been dominating the People and holding sway over them.

The Wind blew as Philip came along.

And like God said to us at the Beginning of the Year – The Wind is blowing. And when the Wind is blowing, Secrets will come out.

DMC NOTES: Let’s get to remind ourselves about the Prophecies for Year 2024 by Pastor E.A Adeboye:


As Transcribed from the Stable of Discovery Media Crew (DMC) – Usage as Published under our Copyrights is only Permitted!

I am tempted not to say anything about the New Year (2024) for two Major reasons:


There are all kinds of Prophets that are already Prophesying and I’m not a Prophet – I’m just a Pastor.

So, maybe we should leave the Prophesying to the Prophets.


You know that a “True Prophet” will tell you what God says. And what God says many atimes is not what you always want to hear.

I’m going to start with Nigeria.

And the reason I’m going to tell you the little that I can about Nigeria is because Somebody says that if you jump from a Storey Building, you will not be as wounded as if you are Pushed.

Because when you jump, you will Prepare for the Landing.

Everything that God is saying centers around one little Sentence – Which interestingly I heard from those who are Dramatising; even though they don’t know what they are saying.

You can write it in Capital Letters:: “THE WIND IS BLOWING”.

So, you should include in your Prayer that the Wind should blow you Good – Amen!

The Wind is already Blowing and you can’t stop the Wind!


  1. As far as Nigeria is concerned my Beloveth Children; things will get “Worst” before it gets “Better”.

Mark my words – That is what Daddy says!

You are already complaining that things are Hot – The Good News is that the Wind is already Blowing but it is going to get “A Bit Hotter” before it begins “To Cool Down”.

… That is what Daddy told me o, and that is not what I will love to hear but that is what He said – It will get “Worst” before it gets “Better”.

  1. Talking about Nigeria – Because the Wind is Blowing, some “Serious Secrets” will come to the Open.

You know the Elders has a Proverb – If the Wind blows, you will see the anus of the Chicken.

Don’t lose Hope o! Because the Wind is Blowing; it means sooner or later things will get Cool.

So in case you are thinking of “Japaing”; there are some of us who can’t “Japa” – We can’t go anywhere as we are here whether we like it or not; and we will Survive.


  1. The Lord made it clear to me that because the Wind is Blowing, there are some People who will start this Year (2024) as “Nothing” but before the end of the Year; they will become “Significant”.

And He (God) illustrated it – He showed me from the Bible that when He Created Man, He just took Mud and then the Wind blew on the Mud and the Mud became a Living Soul.

So, some will start this Year as “Nothing” but before the end of the Year; they will become “Significant”.

  1. Just like those People who are doing the Drama were talking about.

There will be many Opportunities this Year (2024) – So, get ready for them.

This is what they called Insider Information – You are hearing about it now before the Opportunities will begin to come.

The Girl who was talking to her husband in the Drama – And I was laughing when the husband said: How long will this continue? That he has to soak Garri in the Morning.

Ha, I said that you better Thank God that you have Garri to soak.

And the wife said: When the Wind is Blowing, some People will build a Wall while some other People will build a Windmill.

I said: Who told her that?


  1. Because the Wind is Blowing, there will be Divine Interventions in those Places in the world where things are Hot.
  2. The Almighty God assured me that there will be quite a few Medical Breakthroughs Particularly in the area of Incurable Sicknesses like Cancer, Asthma, Hypertension, Sugar Diabetes.

God said that because the Wind is Blowing, there will be quite a few Mighty Breakthroughs Particularly in the areas of Medicine.


  1. The Almighty God want me to tell you that are in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) “Ground Shaking Miracles” will Increase this Year.
  2. But God asked me to warn you:

The Mantle of Elijah will work in the hand of Elisha but the rod of Elisha will not work in the hand of Gehazi.

Why? Elisha wants Anointing but Gehazi wants Money.

God will use some of you Mightily this Year.

  1. The Lord says that a New Gospel Artist is going to arise in our Church this Year.
  2. The Lord asked me to tell those of you that are Members of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) that as we begin to Praise God the way we ought to; He will open “Mighty Doors” for you Particularly where there was no Door before.

So, God is expecting you Men to flow with the Wind – Don’t resist the Wind!

I. If you have done anything wrong, quickly Restitute your ways and you will be Preserved.

II. Flow with the Wind and you will become a Carrier of Miracles, of Joy and of Refreshing.

Which brings us to the Main Topic – “RIDING THE WINDS”.

When you ride the Wind, it means that you will end up in Heaven.

That doesn’t mean that you will die Prematurely; but it means that when you finish your Assignment here on Earth, you will end up in Heaven!

I will give you just one Example and then bless you one more time and go.

Because I came to Pray, but since we are all Men; that is why I am sharing this little bit.

When you read 2 Kings 2: 1-end.

You can see a Young Man who decided to flow with the Wind and how He ended up.

But when you see the Master Himself, the Bible made it clear – Yes Elisha saw Chariots of Horses of Fire, but the Bible said that Elijah went up by Whirlwind to Heaven.

I. If you are riding the Wind, it means that if Rapture comes today, you will go.

II. If you are riding the Wind, and you Sleep before the Lord Returns; the Word of God is clear – When the Last Trumpet shall sound, it is those who Sleep in the Lord who will go first.

… You ride the Wind, you will end up in Heaven.

That is Part of the several other things that could happen as a result of you riding the Wind.

Which I know all our Oga’s (DMC NOTES: Meaning Senior Ones) – Those who really knows the Bible; they will teach you during this RCCG Redeemer’s Men Convention 2024.

I’m just adding my own little that a “Small Pastor” like me can share.

That brings us to one Final Point:

I. The Wind is Symbolic of the Holy Spirit.

II. The Holy Spirit will not allow you to ride Him unless you are Holy.

III. The Holy Spirit is not going to allow you to ride Him with a Baggage of sins.

That is why you fund many atimes that the fan is still rotating but the Power is gone.

That’s why you find a lot of Gymnastics on the Stage – A lot of Jumping Up and Down, Shouting, Noisemaking. And at the end of it all, there is Nothing!

Because those who Pretend to be riding the Wind are riding their own Self.

You must be Holy – Holiness is the Master Key!

You can’t ride the Wind in sin.

Let’s Stand on our feet,

After I have Prayed for you, then I will tell you what you shout Pray about.


My Father and my God, I Thank You for sending Your Words because I know that when you send Your Words, You heal.

And so, I’m committing all these Your Men into Your Hands, Please heal them – Heal their Families, heal their Ministries and heal The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

The Men are the Pillars, Father heal these Pillars.

I know that when You send Your Words, You will not only heal, You will deliver because the Bible says that He sent His Words and it heals them and deliver them from all their Problems.

Father, deliver these Men – Deliver them from Evil Associations, and deliver them from Idols. Almighty God, deliver Your Children.

If there is anything in their lives that could hinder them from ending in Heaven; Oh Mighty Wind of God, blow it open.

Anything that will not allow them to go at Rapture; Oh Mighty Wind of God, blow it open.

It is better to suffer here on Earth than to spend Eternity in Hell – Anything that will not allow these Your Children to make it to Heaven; Father blow it open.

Any Relationship, any Associations whatsoever that can tamper with their Destiny; Father blow it away.

And the Grace to go for You – To be Carriers of Joy, to be Carriers of Miracles and to be Carriers of Your Gospel; Father release unto them.

And give them the Ability to ride on You.

I Pray that in Your Kingdom, not one of them will be missing.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


Now, you have some Prayers to Pray:

  1. Almighty God, for the rest of my Life; don’t let me ever resist you.
  2. Almighty God, for the rest of my Life; let me flow with Your Holy Spirit.
  3. Almighty God, if there is anything in my Life that is hindering Your Anointing from flowing freely in my Life; Please Lord let me know it so that I can Restitute.
  4. If you Return today, help me so that I will be able to go with You.

Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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