Hallelujah! Lift Him up.

Lift your hands to the Almighty God and give Him Glory; give Him Honour, give Him Adoration. Bless His Holy Name that He has kept you to see yet another Month (June 2024)

Thank Him for January and February; Magnify His Holy Name for March, for April, for May. Now Thank Him for June. Give Him all Glory, give Him all Honour. Bless His Holy Name.

Thank You Father – Amen.


We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour;
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour (Jesus).



Ancient of Days we give You all the Glory, we give You all the Honour, we give You all Adoration, because You are worthy to be Praised.

Thank You for all You’ve done for us since the beginning of the year (2024).

Thank You for what You did in January. Thank You for what You did in February. Thank You for what You did in March. Thank You for what You did in April.

Thank You for what You did Last Month (May) and Thank You in advance for what You will do this Month (June) – Father accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name.

Ancient of Days, Your Children have come again today to have an Encounter with You; Please, don’t let us go back the same in Jesus’ Name.

Give us an Encounter today that would benefit our lives forever.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Then shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and Prophesy to them: You will have an Encounter with God today – Amen.

… And then you may Please be seated.

Open your Bible to Psalm 1:1-4

1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.

… Your Success in Life is actually in your hands.

You know this Month we are talking about: “THE ROD OF FIRE.”

Whether you succeed or fail, whether you are blessed or not, whether you Prosper Mightily or you just keep on Struggling; it’s all a matter of your hands.

If you read Luke 5:1-7 you will discovered that Peter fished All-Night and caught nothing. But then the Rod of Jesse – The One called Jesus Christ entered his boat and gave instruction.

After He had finished His own Business He now turned to Peter and said, “Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.”

The same hands that have been casting the net All-Night long, that caught nothing; the same hands now cast the net and came up with such a heavy catch of fish that he needed help to carry the blessing to the Ahore.

I have Good News for Someone who has been labouring, working hard all these years with nothing to show for it – Before this week is over, your hand will be holding the Rod of Fire: Whatever you touch from now on would begin to Prosper (Amen).

When you look at 2 Kings 2:9-22; you will see what happened to Elisha.

Oh! Elisha was a very Successful Farmer, but he surrendered all and began to follow Elijah. And when Elijah was about to leave, he said okay, “what do I give you as Compensation?”

He said, “I want a Double Portion of your Spirit.”

Elijah said, “You’ve asked for a hard thing: but if you see me when I am being taken away from you, you would get what you want.”

… You know the rest of the Story.

Elisha saw him when he was being taken away; and then Elijah dropped the Mantle.

The moment the hands of Elisha touched the Mantle, everything Changed.

Everything Changed because the same famer’s boy now, was able to open River Jordan just like his Master did because he had in his hands something that wasn’t there before.

First of all, let me Prophesy to Someone: From this moment onwards, whenever you Stretch your hands, every Obstructions will part way – Amen.

One Significant thing you need to see here is that, when he now got back to Jericho and the People there said, “we have a Problem.” He told them to bring salt in a New Cruse.

Ordinary Salt in the hands of Elisha became something that can cancel a Generational Curse that had been on Jericho for years.

Why didn’t the People in the Town just take the salt and go and pour it into the River?

They could empty all the sale in Jericho into the River; the Curse would have remained.

But the salt in the hand of Elisha became a Curse Destroyer.

I lift my hands to all of you who are here today, inclusive those of you reading now on the Label of DMC,in that Name that’s above every other name, every Curse in your family is over – Amen.

When you read Genesis 26:1-16, it tells you the Story of Isaac.

There was Famine in the Land – Severe Famine. And he had an Encounter with God, because he was Planning to “Japa.”

But God told him No, don’t move! Just stay here and do what I command you to do and see what I would do.

The Bible tells us in that Genesis 26:12 – Then Isaac sowed in that Land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the Lord blessed him.

Isaac sowed in the Land and his Multiplication began – He became so Wealthy that the King of a Nation came to him and said: Sir, you are Greater than us, Please move on.

All the other People in the Nation also have hands, they were also sowing, but one hand was different from the others – One hand was Producing Abundance, while others were Producing next to Nothing.

And because he was Producing Abundance, everybody had to come to him to buy.

As a result, he Prospered so Mightily, he became bigger than a whole Nation.

In the Name of the One who sent me, your hands will Change this week; and from now on, whatever you touch would Prosper – Amen.

When you read John 6:5-13, Jesus wanted to feed a crowd and there was no food but there was a young boy there who surrendered his Lunch.

As long as the Lunch was in the hand of the boy, it was a boy’s Lunch. But the moment he handed it over to the Hand of the One who is called the All-Sufficient God; suddenly, the bread and fish began to multiply.

It multiplied so much that more than five thousand (5,00) People were fed, and there were twelve (12) baskets extra to carry to that boy’s house.

Until you hand over your Businesses and Finances to the One who can do the Multiplication, it would remain just as it is (in your hand).

The Bible says clearly in John 12:24 – Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it Produces much grain.

I am not talking to you this Morning about Ordinary Sowing; I am not talking to you this Morning about Ordinary Giving; I am not talking to you this Morning about giving an Offering,

I am talking to you about Surrendering all your Life, your Business, your Finance, everything you are, into the Hand of God.

Because the moment you do so, you have handed that thing to the One who is the Baptizer with Fire – And every bit of Him is Fire.

And when you put your Finances in the hand of the One whose very hand is Fire, dramatic Changes would happen.

… I will tell you just one Testimony and then it will be time to Pray.

We have just returned from South Africa – On one of the days, they asked all the Businessmen to gather in a room so that I could talk to them. They wanted Prayers; and I told them, “your Business will Prosper.” They all said Amen!

I said, but if you are looking for Miraculous Prosperity, you have to make Jesus Christ your Senior Partner:

All these ideas of “whatever is leftover, I give to Jesus” leave it out. If He becomes your Senior Partner, He would dictate to you how to run the Business.

And I told them the Story you’ve heard before, about a man who started a Business with Five Hundred Dollars ($500) and told God, “I will not insult You with Tithe – I will keep the Tithe 10% and You take Ninety Percent (90%). If You like, bless the Company, if you don’t, it’s up to You – it’s Yours .

And in five (5) years, his Five Hundred Dollars ($500) had become more than Fifty Million Dollars ($50,000,000).

They heard the Story, they all made a Commitment that from that moment onward, they would hand over their Companies, their Businesses, their Finances to God – And I Prayed for them.

By the second (2nd) day, one of them shared his Testimony. He said, for Five (5) years Government sat on his money; the money they owed his company – Millions of Rand; they just refused to pay. He used everything – Relationship with the High and Mighty, going to Court, but they still refused to pay.

In less than Twenty four (24) hours, they called him, they begged him to allow them to pay the money in Three (3) Installments. And that they would give him whatever Interest was necessary.

When you hand over to God:

  • Your hand would become a hand that is holding the Rod of Fire.
  • Everything you touch would Prosper.
  • Every Obstructions on your road will vanish.
  • Everything that is slowing you down would be Consumed by Fire!

Stand on your feet!


How can you submit your Businesses and your Finances to God when you haven’t submitted yourself to Jesus Christ?

That’s why the First (1st) Step you must take is to surrender your Soul to Jesus Christ – Hand over to Him and say, from now on, take over.

You must come to Him first before you can even begin to talk about your Finances.

He said in Matthew 11:28, Come unto me, all ye that Labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Stop Labouring! Come to the One who can give you rest in every facets of your Life.

If you want to give your Life to Jesus, come to the Altar now.

The choice is yours. You can keep on Struggling and Labouring or have an Encounter with Jesus today.

And He will save your Soul and Change everything drastically for the better.

Cry to Him wherever you are right now:

Lord, I am tired of Suffering and Struggling. I have come to surrender my Life to You Genuinely.

Save my Soul, Lord. I want to become one of Your Partners. I want my entire Life to be controlled by You.

Just save my Soul, and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.”

The rest of us, let’s Stretch our hands towards these People and intercede for them.

Pray that the One who saved our Souls will save theirs also.

Call on the Almighty God for them so that God can give them a Brand New Beginning.

Pray for them Brethren!

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Holy Name.

I want to Thank You for Your Goodness, for Your Mercy, and for Your Word.

I want to Thank You for these People who have come this Morning to Genuinely surrender their lives to You.

Father Please, receive them. Have Mercy on them, save their souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins.

Let them become Members of the Family of God.

From now on, whatever they touch, let it Prosper.

Answer their Prayers by Fire! And let them serve You till the very end.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.

Well, Congratulations those of you who have just surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ Genuinely.

I want to Promise you that from now on by the Grace of God, I’ll be Praying for you.

So I will need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

God Bless You!

Well, let’s really clap for Jesus Christ and show Him our Appreciation – Amen!


Well, if you are going to surrender your entire future into His Hands – Your Finances, and your Businesses; you have to show Him by the kind of Offering you’ll give Him today.

You have to show Him that from now on, you would no longer treat Him as if you are doing Him a favour by giving Him an Offering.

You would give to Him today to let Him know, “from now on, You are my Senior Partner.”

So, take your Offering and then with Joy in your Heart, dance to the nearest basket (online) and drop your Offering.

And then we will Bless you, and you will be on your way.

Over to you Choir!


Now I know there are some People who wrote that they wanted Special Prayers. They were invited to come to Divine Encounter.

And I know that there are some of us who are here too who are in need of Special Prayers.

… These People can come to the Altar now, and I will Pray for them.

The rest of us can ask the Almighty God for something very Big and Special for the Month of June (2024) – Something that we will never forget.

Tell Him, I have surrendered all to You now and You are now my Senior Partner – Over to You Lord God Almighty. Surprise me this Month. Bless me in a manner You have never done before.

Even after I have Prayed for you today, make sure you spend Quality Time talking to the Almighty God.

June is a very, very Special Month of Breakthroughs.

*In every Man’s Life, there is a day – A day when You will show Mercy. Let this day be the day for all of us, Lord.


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your Word.

I want to Thank You for the opportunity You have given to us – Your Children, to come and have an Encounter with You.

Father, I have a very Special Request concerning all these Your Children:

Within Twenty four (24) hours, Surprise us all.

Every doors that has been shut against us, within Twenty four (24) hours, force the door open.

Within Twenty four (24) hours, my Father and my God, wherever our Blessing has been hanging, bring the Blessing down.

Within Twenty four (24) hours, all the Requests of these Your Children, Change them to Testimonies.

Father, bless their Offering. Sanctify it, Use it for Your Glory.

Lord God Almighty, before we meet again, let Your Children have Abundance.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let someone shout Hallelujah Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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