Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Before I Pray for you, I think that Mummy will want to say: God Bless You.


Let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

I want you to turn to your Neighbour Right and Left and tell him or her that: “This is a Great Day for me”.

We are very happy and delighted to be here today.

And I sincerely want to Salute the Continental Pastor and his wife – DMC NOTES: Pastor and Pastor (Mrs) Kalu Ndukwe (RCCG Continental Overseer, Africa Continent 1).

The Lord will keep you going and you will finish well – Amen!

As for the Regional Pastor and his wife – They have been my “Good Friends” for years in the sense that I just love their Nature.

DMC NOTES: Pastor and Pastor (Mrs) Yemi Lebi are the PICR and WPICR, RCCG Region 2.

And I Pray that God will keep you till the end and you will not fall by the way side but you will finish well – Amen.

All my Colleagues in the House – All the Pastors and their wives; Assistant Pastors (A/P); Deacons/Deaconesses; I want to say Good Morning.

And to the Church as a whole, I want to say Good Morning – It is a Great Day for you!



You are the Mighty God
The Great I Am
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
You are the Mighty God
The Great I Am
Hallelujah, Hallelujah


Almighty God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords – We want to Thank You because You know the End from the Beginning.

And for everybody, there is always a Set Time for Favour.

Thank You because the Time for Your Children has come.

Please, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Within the next few Minutes Lord, in the lives of these Your Children, Perform a Miracle, do something Mighty and do something Unforgettable.

Let this Day mark a New Beginning for them.

Let all their Problems be over now.

And let them serve You till the End.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, let Someone shout another Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Now, shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: God bless you – Good Day!

You may then Please be seated.

There is no doubt about it that there is Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC; whose Miracles can no longer wait.

And if you are the one; you will get your Miracle(s) today – Amen.

Because it is a Miracle that I am here today!

The Plan was that I was going to visit one of your Province in Region 2 and then all of a sudden, your “Big Pastor” come and said: You are going to visit a Province under my Region, what about those of us at the Regiinal Headquarters?

I just looked at him and said: This Man must be joking – When do I begin to visit two Churches on one Sunday after a Holy Ghost Service?

So, I told him – That was on Thursday, 6th June 2024.

I said: Yes sir, Thank You very much. We will let you know by Saturday – I said that so that I can get rid of him.

But after he left, God said that you are going there.

There is no doubt about it – God has Someone in Mind!

DMC NOTES: Daddy GO had been earlier Scheduled to Pronounce a Father’s Blessing on RCCG LP 51 and Agboyi-Ketu LCDA Ketu Lagos – Watch Out for a Comprehensive Coverage of this Service ONLY on the Label of DMC!

  1. In Matthew 8: 1-3; the Bible told us that Jesus Christ was comimg down from the Mountain and there was a Great crowd following Him.

And then a Leper came to Him, Worshipped Him and said: If thou willeth, You can make me Clean.

I know that You can do it but whether You will be willing, I don’t know.

Well, the Bible says that Jesus Christ said: Well, why not? And He touched him and He made him Clean.

You see, when you Study the Bible, you will discovered that more than ninety nine Percent of the Miracles Jesus Christ Performed, He Performed them when He was going somewhere else – When He was Passing by or when He was on Transit.

A Good Example is the one that I just shared with you.

But you can see many, many other Examples:

  1. For Example in Mark 10: 46-52; the Bible says that He was going somewhere and then Bartimaeus heard that he was Passing by and said: Ha, my Day has come.

He woke up that Morning as a Beggar, but Night Time, he was a Celebrity – His eyes had been opened.

  1. When you read Mark 5: 25-34; the woman with the Issue of Blood heard that Jesus Christ was Passing by.

Jesus wasn’t coming to her – Jesus was on his way to Jairus house.

But this woman said: You are Passing by, if I have to steal my Miracle, I will get it.

  1. When you read Mark 5: 2-20; Jesus was going somewhere else and just Passed by where this Mad Man was.

And by the end of the Day, the Mad Man was not only made Whole, his Destiny that the devil has destroyed was fully restored.

Whenever Jesus Christ is Passing by, He does something Special – He distributes Miracles and He puts an end to Sorrow!

  1. I mean Luke 7: 11-15; Jesus Christ was going on His own and there was this woman who was going to bury her only son and they clashed on the way.

The Result – The Dead came back to Life.

Jesus Christ may be going somewhere else today but He has decided to Pass by your Side.

It will be your fault today if you don’t grab your Miracle!

I’m going to Pray for you and then I am going to beg those of you who are In-Charge here to give you at least 5 Minutes to Pray the kind of Prayer that you have never Prayed before into your Life.

You are going to be telling Jesus Christ – You are Passing by me today; even if I have to steal my Miracle, I must get my Miracle today!

So, let us Stand on our feet:


My Father and my God, I just want to bless Your Holy Name.

I know that You are the One who said that I just must come here today – It is not in my Plan; but it has been in Your Plan even before the world began.

And I Thank You for all those who are here today and Privilege to read it now on the Label of DMC.

On their behalf, I say Father accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.

You asked me to come here and I have come – I have come to Represent You.

Please Lord God Almighty, this “Very Day”; grant the Request of Your Children.

That Miracle(s) that will Transform their lives Completely, give to them today.

Whatever You have to do Lord God Almighty; so that these Your Children will never forget today, Father do for them in Jesus Name.

Heal the Sick today, Set the Captives Free, make the Barren Fruitful, let the Stagnant begin to Accelerate and Surprise them Lord.

Both these Your Children inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC and myself Lord; let this Day be Unforgettable.

They are going to be crying to You today Lord:

Because a Day like this comes only once in a Lifetime; Please Daddy, whatever they ask You this Morning, grant to them.

And if there is a Sinner in the House; before the end of the Service today; let that Sinner be saved.

Thank You Almighty God.

As a result of this visit Lord God Almighty, let there be many Testimonies.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


For 5 Minutes: That which is the Most Important in your Life and that which you need to make your Joy Full; go ahead and ask God!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

STOP PRESS: Out and ready for Pick Up – Our Year 2023 RCCG Programs covering all Programs, Inclusive Weekly Messages of Pastor Mensah Otabil, Apostle Joshua Selman, Bro Gbile, Pastor Paul Enenche and Pastor Poju on a 16GB Flash from our Stable. Call/Text/WhatsApp 08023604721/08066497178/08059821748

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