DATE: 23RD JUNE 2024



We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour


Ancient of Days, we give You all the Glory.

The I Am that I Am, the One who has no Beginning and no Ending, the Unchangeable Changer – We want to Worship You.

Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Father, we are Praying that today as Your Children gather here in Your Name, You will answer all our Prayers.

You will bless Your Children and You will bless this Community (DMC NOTES: Dallas Texas).

And even as we are Re-Dedicating this Building to You today Lord: We ask that this Place will become a Miracle Center.

If the Sick comes here, let the Sick be Healed.

If the Captives comes here, let the Captives be Set Free.

If the Barren comes here, let the Barren becomes Fruitful.

If the Poor comes here to Worship, let the Poor begins to Prosper.

And Father, every Prayers Prayed here, Please answer by Fire.

And let the Miracles begins right now.

Even as we Dedicate this Building to You in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: God will Surprise you today!

And then you may Please be seated.

Well, I am delighted to be with you here today!

And as Mummy said – You are the first People we are visiting after a Wonderful Meeting at The RCCG Redemption Camp in Dallas Texas USA.

And I want to join my voice to that of my wife and say: Welcome, God Bless You!

The one who spoke to you is a Prophetess – So, she has already Prophesised that very soon, you will be Ordained a Pastor.

Mr and Mrs Davenport happened to be among the first friends that I ever made in America!

And if you want to count the number of Private Homes where I have stayed in America, you are not likely to get ten – But I have stayed in their home.

To tell you the Truth – I have known them before The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) started here in USA.

I was going from their home to the Airport when God spoke to me – And He said that the Headquarters of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) is going to be here (DMC NOTES: Referring to Dallas Texas in USA).

At that time, we haven’t even started a House Fellowship – And so, God is Faithful!

And this family had been my friend ever since – They have been to Nigeria too.

And they have come today because they said: Oh, are you coming to visit us for Lunch or Dinner?

I told them: Sorry sir, because of my Assignments this time, I won’t be able to come.

And they say:: Okay, we will come to the Church to come and see you.

God Bless you sir and ma!

Now, if the Introduction is that long; that means that the Sermon will be very brief!

Well, you can open your Scriptures to Isaiah 56:6-7:

  1. Also the sons of the Stranger, that join themselves to the LORD, to serve him, and to love the name of the LORD, to be his Servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from Polluting it, and taketh hold of my Covenant;
  2. Even them will I bring to my Holy Mountain, and make them Joyful in my House of Prayer: their Burnt Offerings and their Sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine Altar; for mine House shall be called an House of Pprayer for all People.

The beauty of coming to Church is to come to have a Meeting with the Owner of the House!

And when you considered the Story in Mark 2: 1-12:

That is the Story of a Man who was Paralysed from neck downwards and his friends heard that Jesus Christ was in the House.

And you know that wherever Jesus is, that is where God is – “That is the House of God”.

And they brought their friend to Him.

And they had to break through the roof of the House because of the crowd; so that they will be able to laid down their friend at the Feet of Jesus Christ.

You know the rest of the Story – They carried that Man in but he went out on his own.

  1. So you can see Clearly that in the House of God, Burdens are lifted.

Some of us are here today and we are still Burdens on some People.

From today onwards you will be a Burden to Nobody – Amen!

Why? Because Jesus Christ is the Burden Bearer.

The Bible says that He has carried away our Burdens.

He Himself said Clearly that: Come unto me all ye that Labour and are heavy Ladened and I will give you rest.

So, I am Prophesying to Someone here today that because you have come to the House of God; whatever that Burden is – That Problem that you can’t even talk to anybody about, you won’t take it back home (Amen).

  1. In the House of God, Faith is Rewarded!

When Jesus Christ saw the Faith of the People lowering that Man through the roof into His Presence, He said that I must do something about the Faith of these People to show them that by Faith, you can receive any Miracle.

The Bible says in Hebrews 11:6; it said that anyone coming to God must believe that He is (Meaning He exists) and He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

You are in Church this Morning because you believed that there is God and that He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

I am Standing here as His (God) Representative to say to all of you who has come to Church today – Because you had come, my God will Reward you (Amen).

In Mark 9:23; the Word of God says: If only you can believe, all things are Possible to him that believes.

Because you are here today and you came in Faith; whatever is it that you want God to do for you, He will do it for you – Amen.

I need to tell you a Story quickly:

A Great Prophet said to an Elderly Man at the beginning of a Year – Thus saith the Lord: Put your house in order because you will die this year.

The Man said: What have I done?

The Prophet said that it is not a Question of what you did or not done; God just want you to know that it is your last year on Earth.

Is there anything that I can do to avoid Death? The Prophet said No.

Okay the Man said that: Will you help me to tell God at least let me see December 31st – Afterall December 31st is still Part of the year.

Oh the Prophet said: No Problem! All He asked me to tell you is that you are dying this year.

The Man said: Good!

December 31st came and he was still alive.

He woke up very early in the Morning and began to run towards the RCCG National Headquarters Parish at Ebute Metta Lagos State.

He didn’t take any bus because he didn’t want an Accident.

Every Fellow he met on the way, he dodged them because they could be the one coming to kill him.

One way or the other, he got into the Church and said: Ha, ha; I am in the House of God, the Death that will come and kill me here, I will like to see that Death.

That Man lived for many years more because God choose to honour his Faith.

You have come by Faith now and God will honour you today – Amen!

  1. In the House of God; ‘Glory Ahead’ as we discussed in our Last Conference can become ‘Glory Now’.

Why? In John 2: 1-12; the Bible tells us that there was a Wedding and the People invited Jesus Christ to the Wedding.

So that day, the Wedding Party became the House of God because God was there.

And then, they ran out of Wine – Embarrassment came knocking on the door.

And then, the mother of Jesus Christ went to Him and said that they lacked Wine.

Jesus Christ said: Mama, my Day to Perform Miracles is yet to come.

The mother turned to the People who had been waiting there and said: Hey, whatever He asked you to do, just do it.

The One who said that the Time is “Not Yet”; in less than one hour saw to it that “Not Yet” become “Now”.

I want to Pray for Someone inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC from the bottom of my Heart – All the Blessings that are supposed to come to you in I year, 2 years or 5 years time; any Great Things that God has Planned for your Future, will begin today (Amen).

  1. And then Jesus Christ said: My House shall be a House of Prayer.

You know that the Bible says in Jeremiah 33:3 – He said: Call on me and I will answer you.

That is the Promise of God – He Promised that He will answer Prayers!

And then, He quickly put it in Fine Prints – Seek the Lord where He may be found; Call on Him while He is near.

Which means that if you are Calling Him when He is already far away, you may have Problems!

But in the House of God, there is no doubt about it that He is near!

Oh, when I am travelling on the Highway; if I Pray, God will answer – There is no doubt about that.

But occasionally you yourself can Testify to that – You have Prayed and God seems to be far away.

And because He is Invincible, you don’t even know whether He is to your Right or Left or far away.

Afterall, He has to take care of the whole world.

And then, He might be Paying attention to Somebody who is facing an Earthquake somewhere and your own Problem is Minor.

But in the House of God; you are sure that He is in – He is not far but near.

So, if you call on Him there, then you can be sure that He will answer you.

Years ago, we had a Convention at the RCCG Redemption Camp in Nigeria – Very Big Convention and we had a lot of walking and running around to do.

By the time the Convention was over, I was glad but I was very, very tired.

So, I came to my house, gathered my children together and Prayed a very short Prayer.

You know the kind of Prayers you Prayed when you are tired – Almighty God, Thank You for today; see You tomorrow!

I was so tired that I couldn’t even remove my dress and shoes.

I told my wife: Please, I want to sleep now and I don’t want any disturbance.

As I hit the bed and I was already drifting off to sleep; my wife came knocking at the door.

I said: What is it? I told you that I must rest now!

There is a woman who came from the North – She has been travelling for days and she insisted that she must see you.

Why don’t you tell her I am tired and resting? We told her?

She came, asked the children: Is daddy in and the children said Yes. But he has said that he is not seeing anybody here again today.

The woman said: Who said today? I am going to sit in the front door; anytime he chooses to come out, he must see me.

So my wife said that I know that you are tired; you better add this to your tiredness.

So, I had to get up and I came to her – What is the Problem?

She said: All I just want you to do is just to speak to my Head – This Head that has been refusing Miracles.

Just speak to the Head and say: Just stop refusing Good Things.

I speak to your Heads including the Heads of all The DMC Family Members and say: “Your Heads will never refuse Good Things” – Amen!

God is in and you are in His Presence and so you will get your Miracles!

Only one Fellow can go out of here without receiving a Miracle today – It is the One who will not stop sinning.

Because in Isaiah 59: 1-2; the Bible says that the Hand of the Lord is not Shortened that it cannot save, neither is His ear heavy that He cannot hear.

He said: But your Iniquities have separated between you and your God that He won’t even hear you,

God is saying that as long as you are living in sin; it doesn’t matter how hard you cry.

When He doesn’t even hear, how is He going to answer you?


That is why in the next 2 or 3 Minutes that I have:

If there is anyone here and you know that you are living in sin and you know that you have not given your Life to Jesus Christ.

Or you say that you are Born Again but you know that you are still living in sin.

Because this is a Very Special Day; I beg you that before I say four (4); come and Stand before the Altar so that together we can cry to God for the Salvation of your Soul, and the Forgiveness of your sin.

And then, whatever you ask God, God will give it to you.

I’m counting now! If you want to come come quickly.

Please talk to God – Ask Him to have Mercy on you, ask Him to save your Soul, ask Him to forgive all your sins and Promise Him that you will serve Him from now on.

And the rest of us – Please, Stretch your hands towards your New Brothers and Sisters and Intercede for them.

Pray that the One who saved your Soul will save their own Souls also.

Please, Pray for them for just 2 Minutes.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


Saviour, I want to bless Your Name.

I want to Thank You for Your Words and I want to Thank for these Precious People who has decided that they wanted to Surrender their lives to You.

Please receive them, have Mercy on them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins, write their names in the Book of Life and Oh Lord, let them become Members of the Family of God.

And from now on, anytime they call on You, answer them by Fire.

And let them serve You till the very End.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

I have few Minutes to go.

I will first Pray for you and next you will Pray for yourself – Whatever you want from God, you will ask after I have Prayed for you.


Ancient of Days, I Worship You.

I Thank You for this Wonderful Time in Your Presence.

Thank You that we can come to the House of the Lord to meet with You – Knowing that You are here and that You are a Rewarder of those who diligently seek You.

Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.

Father in a moment, Your Children here will be asking You for Things.

Since this is a Place where You answer Prayers; Please answer them.

Whatever they say they want; Lord God Almighty, before the Sun Sets today give it unto them.

Everyone who has come here to Church today; give them a New Testimony.

And I Pray Lord that they too will serve You till the End.

Thank You Almighty God.

I Pray that in Your Kingdom, none of us will be missing.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


Now, in the next 5 Minutes, I want you to go to God; knowing fully well that He is around:

And ask for something that Only He can do!

You will lift up your Voice to Him and you will forget everybody to your Right and Left and just said:

Almighty God, give me “Dedication Miracle” – A Miracle that Only You can give!

Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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