DATE: 23RD JUNE 2024


Let Us Pray!


He is a Miracle Working God
He is a Miracle Working God
He is the Alpha and Omega
He is a Miracle Working God


Ancient of Days, the Miracle Working God.

Your Children are Proud of You because we know that with You, all things are Possible.

And we ask Lord God Almighty to Please accept our Thanks.

Ancient of Days, I’m crying to You today for all Your Children – In all our lives Lord, Please do something Unique, do something Special, do something Miraculous and let Your Name forever be Glorified.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Prophesy to one (1) or two (2) People near you and say that: “Today will be a Great Day in Jesus Name” – Amen.

And then, you may Please be seated.

As we continue in our Series: “For Whom The Heavens Open” and we come to Part 48.

And we will move to Joshua Chapter 11.

And again, we will not read the whole Chapter but we will encourage you to do so on your own. And by now, you too might even be able to discover some things in every Verse.

But today, we will just take two (2) Verses – Verses 21 and 22: Joshua 11: 21-22.

  1. And at that time came Joshua, and cut off the Anakims from the Mountains, from Hebron, from Debir, from Anab, and from all the Mountains of Judah, and from all the Mountains of Israel: Joshua destroyed them utterly with their Cities.
  2. There was none of the Anakims left in the land of the children of Israel: only in Gaza, in Gath, and in Ashdod, there remained.

Joshua just went on rampage with the Almighty God backing me up – He was just conquering the Land.

And he came across the Giants – The Anakims, and began to wipe them out from Hebron, Debir, Anab, from all Mountains of Israel; Joshua destroyed them utterly with their Cities.

However, there was no more Anakims left in the Land except in Gaza, in Gath and in Ashdod.

If there is any Lesson that you must learnt from this Passage, it is: “LEAVE NO GIANTS IN ANY PART OF YOUR LAND”.

… Joshua allowed Giants to thrive in Gath – Let us just pick Gath as an Example, and you know what that one led to.

Because years after Joshua had gone – In 1 Samuel 17: 1-16; a Giant came out of Gath and his name is called Goliath. And he terrorised the Nation of Israel for forty (40) days.

I. The error of one Man or the Act of Omission of one Man could lead a whole Nation into “Perpetual Slavery”.

Because Goliath of Gath said to Israel in 1 Samuel 17: 1-16: Hey, send me one Man to fight me. If he defeats me, I will become your Slave; if I defeat him (And he was sure that he will), you will become our Slave.

Don’t let us kill you – Just one Man to one Man!

If Goliath had won, a whole Nation would have gone into Slavery because of the Act of Omission of Joshua.

II. If Goliath had won, David would have lost his Kingdom.

Because in 1 Samuel 16: 11-13; David had just been anointed King.

It was in the Next Chapter now that the devil brought forth Goliath.

And if Israel had lost the battle against Goliath; there would have been no Kingdom for David to reign over.

And you know what? Our King of Kings – The Saviour, the Grandson of David would not have been able to come!

A Single Error of a Man could affect the whole Nation!

III. And when you read 2 Samuel 21: 15-24; out of Gath came another Giant that would have killed David before his time.

The Bible said that the Children of Israel went to war again. David went with them and one of the Giant from Gath when David became tired wanted to kill him.

Thank God that Somebody came to his rescue.

The Bible says in Galatians 5:9 – It says a little leaven, unleaven the whole lump.

In Matthew 15:13; the Lord said that every Plants that my Father had not Planted shall be rooted up.

… He didn’t say some of the Plants; He said everyone of them.

2 Corinthians 6: 14-18 made it clear: Don’t Compromise with evil.

When you say that something is not “Too Bad”; it is already Bad.

He said that you must be Separate.

Oh, he is my friend and we have been close for years. It is only that he is not a Child of God – Then that Friendship must stop until he becomes a Child of God.

Because 1 Corinthians 15:33 made it clear: Evil Communication corrupts Good Manners.

So, you are a Child of God and you are still in intimate Fellowship with Someone who you know is clearly on the side of the devil? – Watch it!

Proverbs 13:24 made it clear: You walk with Wise Men, you will be Wise. But the Companion of Fools shall be destroyed.

You must not Compromise and you must not let anything that is not of God remain in your Life!


On the issue of just allowing a Little beer – I’m okay.

I have only one little Problem and one little habit – Afterall, I am a Human Being and Human Being cannot be Perfect.

Read about him in Genesis 6: 6-8 and then Genesis 9: 9-19 – It will tell you the whole Story of Noah.

At a time that God wanted to wipe out the entire Human Race, the Bible says that Noah found Favour with God.

What a Great Deliverance for him and his entire family?

But then, when you get to Genesis 9: 20-25; the Bible said that Noah began to drink just a little bit of Wine once in a while – Not too much.

It is just that one day, a little at a time just become a little “Too Much” and he became drunk.

He was lying naked in the Tent – One of his three (3) sons saw him and went to tell the other two (2) laughing: Come and see Papa o? Papa is lying naked.

The other two (2) covered the Nakedness of their father.

The Almighty God rescued you and your family when the whole world was wiped out. Just a little Wine at a time and with your own mouth Placed a Curse on one of them?

The devil is saying: You think God has rescued you? I will destroy one-third of your Heritage!


Consider the Great Deliverance – Genesis 19: 1-25.

You know how God rescued Lot and his family from Sodom and Gomorrah.

When he was even slowing down, the Angel grabbed him by the hand and say: Hey, let us go!

But then you know his end – In Genesis 19: 30-38; his two daughters said one to the other: We are not in a Town and we are hiding somewhere now where there is no Men. Let us make our father drunk so that he can sleep with us.

Lot with that Great Deliverance that he got from God; fathered two illegitimate boys – One for the Older daughter and one for the Younger daughter.

It was just a little Wine once in a while and the devil moved in and destroyed the entire Legacy of Lot.

If you go through the Scriptures and just follow the two sons that came through that illegitimate Association; and you will hear God Pronouncing curses upon curses upon the Heritage of Lot.

I have told you a Story before – That a Hunter went to hunt, saw a Leopard, killed the Leopard.

And after he killed the Leopard, he turned round and saw that there is a Little Baby Leopard left behind by the Leopard that he has killed.

And he took that Little Leopard home.

When the King saw him bringing in a Little Leopard, he said, No; you can’t bring this kind of animal into the Village.

He said: Oh, this one is a Little one – It is harmless.

And so the Little Leopard began to live in the Village and it became a Pet to the first and only son of the Hunter – The boy could ride on the Leopard.

But the Leopard began to grow.

And one day, the son of the Hunter was riding the Leopard to the River – Just Playing on it.

And then he fell down from the back of the Leopard and his leg was cut open by a thorn and he began to bleed.

And the Leopard saw blood flowing – What is this? And licked the blood.

And suddenly, everything that made a Leopard a Leopard came to the front.

Before they knew what was happening, it has killed the son of the Hunter and it has come to the Village causing destruction right, left and center.

Because a Little Leopard will become a Big One and a Big Leopard will kill.

That thing that is in you that you are calling “Not Too Bad”; just a Little Habit – Get rid of it.

In 2 Corinthians 5:17 – What the Bible says is that: If anybody be in Christ, he is a New Creature; Old Things has Passed away, all things are to be made New.

… “All” and not “Small”.

Colossians 3: 1-10 says: Hey, if you are really, really bent on going with Jesus Christ; you must put to death everything that is not Divine.

Galatians 2: 20-21; Paul said that I am Crucified with Christ.

When you are Crucified, then you must be dead – You must be dead to your Old Self.

Your Best Friend – The Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 5: 28-30 warned you.

He said: If your Eyes will cause you to Stumble, Pluck it out; if your Right Hand is going to cause you to Stumble, cut it off.

That Little Weakness – Cry to God about it today that the Almighty God will take it away from you!

You need to know that the God we serve is a God of Details!

When you read Deuteronomy 28: 1-2; it stated clearly that you are to hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God, to observe and to do all that He Commands you.

… Not “Some” but “All”.

As far as God is concerned, there is no room for Lukewarmness.

Revelation 3: 15-16 made it clear – You want to be cold, then be cold.

You don’t want to be a Christian, alright Stand clear and let everybody know that you don’t want to have anything to do with Jesus Christ.

You want to be on the side of God? Ha, He said that you must be so well known that everybody will know that this Fellow is for Jesus Christ.

It is either you are one hundred Percent cold or one hundred Percent Hot – He said that He will not tolerate one leg in the world and one leg in the Church!

So, if you are Lukewarm, He will spue you out of His Mouth.

The Bible made it clear – If you offend in one aspect of the Law; you offend in all.

As far as Gid is concerned, Half Obedience is worst than Disobedience!

If you don’t want to obey Him, don’t obey Him at all – But don’t obey Him halfway and think that will be okay.

1 Samuel 15: 1-29 – The King Saul lost his Crown because of Half Obedience.

Ecclesiastes 10:1 tells you that dead flies can spoil a Good Ointment.

He said that you need to know: When you are a Man known for Wisdom, and known for Honour; a Single folly can destroy your Reputation!

Beloveth, the Sin of Omission can be Extremely Dangerous!

I have shared with some of us before:

In Luke 16: 19-31; the Bible tells the Story of a very Rich Man who was Celebrating – Everyday was Christmas. And there was this Poor Beggar with sores all over him.

The Beggar will come to the Table – Sit down at the bottom on the Ground and any crumbs falling down from the Table of this Rich Man, He will Pick it up and eat. And the dogs will come and lick his wounds.

And the Rich Man didn’t chase him away and he didn’t ask him not to eat the crumbs – He did Nothimg; neither Good or Evil.

But because of his Sin of Omission; the Beggar died and went to Abraham’s Bossom, and the Rich Man also died and went to Hell – For doing Nothing.

Joshua made a Great Error in allowing Giants to remain in Gath!

Don’t make a Great Error today by delaying your Salvation because you know only today and only God knows tomorrow!

2 Corinthians 6: 1-2 made it clear: Now is the Accepted Time.

Today is the Day of Salvation – Don’t leave it till tomorrow!

☆ Don’t say that I will think about it.

☆ Don’t say that I will do it at a Convenient Time – There is no Convenient Time like today.

It might be an Error of Omission, if you don’t Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ now!

I. And you who knows that you have a Restitution to make; don’t delay it till tomorrow.

II. You know that you can help Somebody, don’t delay till tomorrow.

Don’t leave any Giants behind in any Part of your Life because a Leopard will become a Big One.

The Error of Omission today can create a Problem for you tomorrow!

My Prayer to the Almighty God is that: He will let this Message sink deep into your Heart so that you will never delay again and you will never commit an Error of Omission again – Amen!


As for those of you who will want to Surrender your lives to Jesus Christ; this is the Day and this is the moment.

Please bow your Head wherever you are and cry to the Almighty God:

Ask Him to have Mercy on you, ask Him to Please save your Soul, ask Him to forgive you today and save you today.

And Promise Him that from today onwards, you will serve Him.

Cry to Him and say: Lord, I have come; save me right now and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

Thank You Lord!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, I want to say Thank You.

I want to give You all Glory and Honour for all those who has heard Your Words – Particularly those who has made up their Mind: No more Delay.

As they have come to You now, Please receive them, save their Souls right now, let Your Blood wash their sins.

Please Lord, write their names in the Book of Life right now, receive them into the Family of God today and let them remain yours forever.

As for the rest of us who are already Your Children: Everything that we have been delaying, and everything we should do; Please Lord, even today give us the Grace to do them Promptly.

And every Little Giants living in our lives; my Father and my God, let them be put to death today.

So that very, very soon; we will have “Real Cause” to Glorify Your Name.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Now, I rejoice with those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ:

I want to assure you that by the Grace of God; from now on, I will be Praying for you.

So Please Contact me – Let me have your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

And I Promise you that I will be Praying for you.

And then contact the nearest Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to you – Tell the Pastor there that I sent you and he will tell you what to do next.

God Bless You – Amen!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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