DATE: 19TH JUNE 2024



There is None Holy as the Lord (Holy as the Lord);
There is None besides Thee.
Neither is there any rock like our God
There is None Holy as the Lord (Holy as the Lord).


The Holy One of Israel, we Worship You. We appreciate You. Thank You for the Salvation of our Souls. Thank You for the Grace that has kept us thus far.

Thank You for the unbelievable opportunities that You have given to us to be Workers together with You.

Father, accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.

Almighty God, it is to You Your Children are gathered this week, in our individual lives, and in the Ministries You have committed into our care:

Father do something New, do something Wonderful, let Your Glory descend and give us a taste of it.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, let Somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Please, shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell him or her: God will surprise you this week.

And then you may Please, be seated.

Let me start by saying you are all Welcome, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

The God you have all come to meet will not disappoint you, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

Let me add that the Bible says, let the People Praise Thee; then God, even our God will bless us. Even the whole Earth will fear before Him.

Now that tells us that there are Categories of Blessing – There’s a kind of Blessing that would cause the People around you to fear.

And God says He releases that kind of Blessing when all the People Praise Him.

Which means that kind of Blessing would not be released when ‘not all’ are Praising Him.

I was delighted to see many of us singing, dancing, rejoicing as they were taking the offering.

But from where I was seated, I saw at least two (2) People who were not joining us – They were standing at attention! Busy with their Mobile Phones.

And it grieved in my Spirit: because by their actions, they have reduced the kind of Blessing that all of us could have received.

So, the next time we are Praising God and you find somebody near you not joining in, tell the fellow “for God’s sake and for my sake, Praise God.”

May I now ask somebody to shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

You would be amazed that the two (2) People I mentioned earlier didn’t shout (laughter)!

One more time, let everybody Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.

Okay! God Bless You. You may Please be seated.

Before we Proceed, I learnt the Youths and Young Adults (YAYA) have some Questions for me.

… Quickly, we will take the Questions before I Proceed.


DMC NOTES: Question and Answer Session as Moderated by Pastor Leke Adeboye.

Good Evening everybody!

Daddy, we are grateful for this opportunity to ask a few Questions”


Sir, Can we establish a Group of Representatives of YAYA to speak for Age Sixteen (16) to Thirty (30) in the RCCG System at the Tables where decisions are being made?


It is absolutely okay for a Representative of any Age Group to be at a Meeting where decisions are made; to make a Presentation.

But to become Part and Parcel of that Level were decisions are made is not Scriptural.

If they have something they want to say, they can request for audience at the Level where decisions are made – They can come, and make their Presentations.

The Authority will listen to them, give them assurance that they will definitely consider what they have said; after serious Prayer, and get back to them.

That I can guarantee from now on.

… Please, clap well if you are clapping.


Daddy, what steps can be taken to reduce Church Leadership Politics and Invites among the Senior Pastors and Regular Pastors in the Mission (RCCG)?

And how can the Leaders be held accountable to Prevent discouragements among the next Generation?


That’s a serious one!

All we can do is remind these Church Leaders that our Number 1 Goal as a Member of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (Pastor or no Pastor) is to make Heaven.

If these People forget Heaven and begin to play Politics; it would be sad that they are Leaders on Earth and they would end up as Leaders in Hell. We can only tell them the Truth – We can’t force it into their brains.

We have seen Top Leaders forgetting their Original Goal; in what you call ‘In-House Fighting.’ Because, if I am going to Heaven, and that’s my Number 1 Goal; and you are also going to Heaven, I don’t see me fighting you: We would be Partners in Progress.

But if one is going to Heaven and the other has deviated from the Narrow Path; that’s when Problems come. So all we can do is remind them (like I’m doing now).

Which is one of the reasons why the Theme for our Annual World Convention 2024 in Nigeria this Year (DMC NOTES: Starting from 5th to 11th August 2024); is “HEAVEN.”

Because it looks as if some People have lost focus of Heaven. It does not Profit a Man if he gains the whole world and loses his Soul.

So the Leaders are hearing me now, Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: We know that America is the bedrock of Democracy; but I’ve said it again and again, “God is not a Democrat.”

Democracy is the Government of the People, by the People, for the People – I hope I got the sequence right?

But you didn’t hear the Word ‘God’ in that and you will not find Democracy in Heaven.

Because, wherever there is Democracy, automatically there is Politics. If you don’t allow God to rule through you in His Church, you will have to deal with Him.

Because He says in Matthew 16:18: And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church; and the gates of hell shall not Prevail against it.

… So, if you become a ‘Gate of Hell’ in His Church, He will know how to deal with you.

More than that, there’s very little we can do, because “Politicians will be Politicians.” And they pay the Price at the right time. Okay!

Thank You Daddy.

Please, if you are clapping, clap very well


Daddy, we’ve heard you say it repeatedly in the Morning Devotionals this Season that you have asked God not to allow you visit RCCG North America because there are other Places to visit.

Sir, what should RCCG North America do to ensure that you will keep coming Year after Year, until the Trumpet sounds?


I have a Commander-in-Chief, and I will always obey Him. He is fully aware that a Soul is a Soul – Whether an American Soul, an Egyptian Soul, a Japanese Soul.

He knows that His Church is in close to Two Hundred (200) Nations of the World.

He knows that there are many of these Nations that I have never visited once.

He knows that we have to love our Neighbours like ourselves.

That if you have been visited dozens of times, and there is Japan, Iraq, Iran, Libya that have not been visited once; He might expect you to be considerate and let those People have a taste of what you’ve been enjoying over the years.

So, what can Americans do to cause me to begin to come year after year as we used to do in the past?

They would have to talk to my Commander-in-Chief – If He says come, my answer would be, Yes LORD.

If He says, these People are already over-fed, let’s go and feed those who are hungry – “Yes LORD” will be my answer.

One thing I know though is that, in a way I cannot explain, He has a very great Love for America.

Daddy, Thank You Sir.


Daddy, there’s a Mass Exodus of Youths and Young Adults (YAYA) from the Mission (RCCG) due to Indiscipline and some other issues and Lack of the Raw Manifestation of the Power of God in Services and Programs.

How can we fix this Sir?


I think the Elders are here, inclusive the ones reading now on the Label of DMC:

I. Because the Word of God made it clear: “These People will not believe unless they see Signs and Wonders.”

And I believe this will drive the Elders to their knees.

There is only One Miracle Worker, and that is God. And if you know how to approach Him there would always be Miracles, Signs and Wonders.

The Holy Ghost Service started in Nigeria in 1986 – Inspite of all the traffic jams, and all manners of hardship; every First (1st) Friday of the Month, the Place is packed at the Redemption Camp.


  • Because they know if they get there, they will hear from the Holy Spirit.
  • Because they know if they get there, Miracles will happen.

But then, behind the scene is the fact that the little Vessel that God is going to use will lock himself up for days, before the Holy Ghost Service.

To say Daddy; You have to do something because Your People are coming.

So the Elders will wake up, begin to spend Quality Time with the Miracle Worker.

We don’t go to the “Green Room” before Ministration; but we go to the Prayer Room:

  • To seek the Face of the One who must go with you to the Pulpit for anything to happen.
  • Go to the One who knows who and who will be coming to Church; what and what are their Needs?

And be able to meet those Needs through you as you open your mouth to speak; because you have already spent time with Him.

If the Battery is not Charged, at the crucial moment when you want to start the car, there’ll be failure.

… That’s Number one (1).

II. God does not need to Perform Miracles through the Elders alone.

Philip was a Young Man – He belonged to the Group of YAYA.

He left the Elders in Jerusalem, went to Samaria and turned the entire City upside down, because of the Signs and Wonders that God Performed through him.

So I can say this: The Youths who are leaving the Church to go and attend another Church where he says Miracles are happening; is like someone who sees his father’s house leaking and instead of fixing the leak, decides to go to another man’s house.

The Youths, if they find that the People at the Top are tired; should cover the Nakedness of their Leaders, by crying to the Almighty God and saying: “Your Promises are for those who believe” – not those who are Elders”.

… And I hope that is clear?


Sir, when Elijah was leaving, the Mantle fell for Elisha. How do we Prepare to be able to receive the Mantle?

Even if it’s coming like Agbada that we might have to cut to a waistcoat, so that some of us will share it.


Elisha did not ask for Position of Leadership.

Elisha did not say to Elijah, “I want to be the Leader of all the Sons of the Prophet at your departure.”

My advice to the Young Ones is: Don’t seek Position, Seek Anointing.

If you seek Anointing and you get it; “The Gift of a Man will make a way for him.

Please, can we stand and say: Thank You Daddy for this opportunity?

Help me celebrate our Daddy.

Thank You Sir.

Thank you Youths and Young Adults (YAYA). Your tomorrow would be alright – Amen.

Please, be seated!

If I were to Charge for the information you have received thus far, you would have to pay me at least a couple of Millions of Dollars (Laughter).

God will bless my Young ones; and He will bless the Older ones too – Amen.

Our Theme is: “GLORY AHEAD”.

Our Bible Text would be: Colossians 3:1-4

1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

WHAT IS GLORY? (Big Question)

Glory is something that is extremely difficult to define.

There are things that you think you know; things you think you can define but you will suddenly discover if somebody pins you down, that you cannot define many of the things you think you know.

For example, if I ask you “what is Distance?”

You will say, “I know distance – It is that thing we measure in miles, yards, feet or meters.

I didn’t say “how do you measure distance?” What is distance?

You’ll say distance is the gap between two (2) things.

Okay! So what is gap? You can’t define distance.

And I ask you, “what is Time?” You’ll say time is that which you measure by hours, minutes, seconds.

I am not asking you, “how is time measured?” But, what is Time?

You may want to get Philosophical with me and say well, Time is a fragment of Eternity – Correct!

But what is Eternity?

You’ll say, Eternity is Time without end.

Okay! So, what is Time? “Time is a fragment of Eternity.” You haven’t said anything!

If I ask, “what is Life?” Life is living (really).

So what is Living? You know, living is being alive.

There are so many things that you think you know; but we really can’t define them.

When we find ourselves faced with such things that are difficult to define, we usually solve the Problem by defining them as the opposite of what they are.

For example, What is Life?

Life is the opposite of Death.

And what is Death?

That is easy to define – Death is Permanent Separation from People, Places and things.

Death is different from a Holiday.

When you are on Holiday, you are temporarily separated from your People, from your house, from your bed (temporarily); but when you are dead, you are Permanently separated.

So Life is the opposite of Death.


You can get a hundred highly intelligent People together; they will give you all manners of definition of Glory, that at the end of the day you won’t even know what they are saying.

So how do we Define Glory?

Proverbs 3:35 says, The wise shall inherit Glory: but Shame shall be the Promotion of fools.

In other words, wise People will get Glory; fools will get Shame.

Wise is the opposite of Foolishness.

Glory is the opposite of Shame.

… That’s the definition of Glory.

And so I Pray for everyone of us: In the Name that’s above every other name, you will never know Shame – Amen.

Glory is directly connected to Wisdom.

We want to discuss about those who are Wise because it is the Wise who would inherit Glory.

  • Who is a Wise man, and who’s s a Fool (very serious business)?
  • How do we know as a Fool?

Very simple! Psalms 14:1 – The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

You want to know a Fool? He is the one who says there is no God.

The implication of saying there is no God – I mean, you can write a Book on that.


  1. A Wise Man Knows the Lord:

Psalm 110:10 says, The fear of the LORD is the beginning of Wisdom: a Good Understanding have all they that do his Commandments:

What does that tell you?

The Wise man knows that there is God; the Wise man fears God.

And according to Hebrews 11:6, the Wise man knows that, not only is there God: He is a Rewarder of them who diligently seek Him.

  1. A Wise Man Fears the Lord:

So the Wise fellow (who is going to inherit Glory) must be a Strong man.

Daniel 11:32 says: But the People that do know their God shall be Strong, and do Exploits.

Proverbs 9:10 puts it this way: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of Wisdom: and the Knowledge of the Holy is Understanding.

… So, the Wise man knows there is God, He Fears Him and ;

  1. He has Understanding:

A Wise man, according to 1 Chronicles 12:32 is someone you can call a Member of Issachar Generation – The Generation that knows what Israel ought to do.

And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do – 1 Chronicles 12:32

  • A Wise Person is the one who knows what American should do now.
  • A Wise Person is the one who knows what RCCG should do now.
  • Going by the Question of YAYA; a Wise Person is the one who knows what to do so that the General Overseer would keep coming every year. That must be a Wise fellow!

… Who is a Wise Person?

  1. A Wise Person is someone Redeeming the Time:

Colossians 4:5 says, Walk in Wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.

If you walk in Wisdom you will redeem time.

When I was talking about things that are difficult to define; I mentioned Time.

The closest definition of Time is to say, “Time is a River flowing, and you can’t stop it.”

Stop a River, it becomes a dam.

And no matter how big the walk, it’s going to climb over it.

A River is constantly flowing; it doesn’t wait for you – The years that are gone, are gone!

To Redeem Time means, if you have lost a year, then in the coming year you must work twice as hard as you normally would work, for you to be able to recover what has gone the year before.

So a Wise fellow is someone redeeming time! And I hope YAYA, you are listening. Because you are young now. But whether you believe it or not; even as I am growing old, you are growing old.

Last year I was Eighty One (81), now I am Eighty Two (82). This year you may be Twenty Five (25), next year you are going to be Twenty Six (26) – We are growing older at the same Place.

If you think you are covering Good Ground, you have to wake up and realise, like I told the Elders not too long ago: you have to keep running to remain where you are – That’s Redeeming Time.

  1. A Wise Man Builds on the Rock:

According to Jesus Christ in Matthew 7:24-28, a Wise man is the one realises that the house that is built on a Rock and the house that is built on Sand look alike until the Storm comes. It is the Storm which will come that will differentiate between the house on the Rock and the house on Sand.

Somebody said, what is the difference between he who pays his Tithes and he who does not? The Time of Crisis will make the difference.

  • Nobody knows the value of an umbrella until it begins to rain.
  • Nobody knows the value of a father until you have a Problem that all your Education cannot solve.
  • Nobody knows the value of Solid Doctrine until you come face to face with a Problem that all your Grammar and Gymnastics cannot handle.

When I came to the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); I was among the most Educated – I was a Lecturer in the University. But the People I met, they might be illiterate – Which is what I called them.

When they asked me to give my Life to Jesus and forsake my sin, I looked at them: What is wrong with these People?

I had a Problem, they told me: We can Pray and the Problem would be solved.

I said, tell me how much I would pay?

They said, give your Life to Jesus Christ, He will solve your Problem.

“What are they calling sin? They don’t even know Philosophy!”

Until God, who loves me spoke to me and said: You are Educated and you have a PhD. But look at these ignorant People as you call them; look at their face, can’t you see Peace? And they are not asking you to surrender to them. They are asking you to surrender to your Maker.

That’s when I gave my Life.

There are so many of these Young Churches; they are telling you: Grace alone is all you need. You don’t have to do anything. As soon as you give your Life to Jesus Christ, that’s fine! You will make it to Heaven.

One of them is even saying in Nigeria recently that once you are Born Again you can even commit Suicide and you will still make it to Heaven.

The unfortunate thing is that, by the time some People find out that they are wrong, it might be too late.

Some of you Young ones look at us older People and you call us “Old fashioned” – That’s correct!

Because God is the most “Old fashioned” Person you can ever think of. He has been wearing the same Garment before the world began.

He never Changes fashion: He has been wearing Light, and He will continue to wear Light.

So, if we are Old fashioned, we have a reason – Because we want to be like God.

You think it’s Old fashioned to say, “Be Holy”. But that’s the Master Key!

You Young People want Change – Which is fine!

God is called the Unchangeable Changer – Change is welcome.

But Please, understand that there is advantage in those who don’t Change – Their Closeness and Association with God.

In the olden days when there were no sophisticated equipment for Navigation; and you go in the ocean for days. You’ll get to a Stage where everything you look at is only water. The wind has blown you here and there, and you might not even know your way back home.

At Night, if you look at the North, there is this set of Stars called, the Northern Stars: wherever you saw them, that is the North. And they come out every night – They don’t Change.

So, when you are in the midst of the ocean and you don’t know where to.go; you look for the Northern Stars.

When you find them, you’ll know that is North.

And from there, you can then calculate the East, West and South.

Once upon a time, when we wear the face cap, the sharp edge Points forward.

Then a time came, the Young ones say No! It should face backward.

After sometime, they said No, it should face the right.

Then they said No, it should face the left.

At a stage they don’t even know which direction anymore.

But then, there is the old ones – They know where the thing should face.

Because it takes the Wise Man to know, you must build your house on solid Rock.

Someone said not too long ago: “Pastor Adeboye, I have been watching you from afar for more than thirty (30) years; you have not Changed.”

That’s good recommendation – Build your house on Solid Rock !

Any kind of Faith that tells you that God would be responsible for everything, that you don’t have any contribution to make at all, is an irresponsible Faith.

God will play His part; but you must play your part – That’s an indication of a Wise fellow.

  1. A Wise fellow is the one who will let go what he couldn’t keep, so that he can gain what he shouldn’t lose:

In Philippians 3:7-10 Paul Apostle said, But what things were Gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.

You know the result – In Acts 19:11-12, the Bible says, God Performed Special Miracle by the hand of Paul.

A Miracle is already a Special Intervention of God.

Special Miracle means Special, Special Intervention.

He left everything – That you can’t take to Heaven anyway! And then he got something Eternal.

  1. A Wise Man is an Incurable Soul Winner:

Proverbs 11:30 – The fruit of the Righteous is a tree of Life; and he that winneth Souls is Wise.

A Wise fellow is an Incurable Soul Winner who will win Souls at every opportunity.

He knows that the Spiritual controls the Physical.

That’s why I said, don’t bother yourself about Physical Position – Just get the Spiritual.

  1. A Wise Man is Faithful to the End:

In Revelation 2:10 – If you are Faithful unto Death, God says He will give you a Crown of Life.

I have given you a rough definition of Glory; but the Theme is “Glory Ahead” – So there’s a second word “Ahead”.


As I am sure you know, Life is in Segments: Past, Present, Future. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

Hebrews 13:8 says, Jesus Christ the same Yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

So the Question then is: WHERE ARE WE HEADING?

  • Are we heading for Glory, in which case we say Glory Ahead?
  • Or are we heading for Shame?
  • Are we Wise? Or do we want to continue in our Foolishness?
  • Are we heading for “Well done thou Good and Faithful Servant?”

According to Matthew 25:11-23, are we going to use our Talent the way the Bible says we should use it? You want to know the Truth?

As far as God is concerned, He expects us to double our Congregation every year.

You say, “How can that be?”

The moment you say, how can that be? You lose God.

Why? “For with God Nothing shall bw impossible.

The moment you say impossible, you’ve cut Him off.

Every one He gave Talent to, when they came to give account:

  • Five (5) Talents became Ten (10)
  • Two (2) Talents became Four (4).

An incidentally, the fellow who got one (1) Talent (and didn’t do anything with it) is the one who had an excuse:

Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed (Matthew 25:24).

Put this down (in case you have not heard me say it before):

“The only People who give Excuses are Failures”.

… Never forget that!

  • The reason you fail in your Papers? “The Teacher does not like me.”
  • The reason you failed Mathematics is because the Teacher is a White Man. He is a Racist.

That’s a lie! When you fail say I failed. Period!

Successful People don’t give excuses.

Are we heading for “Well Done!” Or we are heading for “Depart from Me?

There is Glory Ahead, but there is also Shame ahead – Which one are you heading for?

That’s why in the Bible Text I read (Colossians 3:1-4), the Bible tells us to focus on things Above, not on things beneath.

You know it yourself: You go to a Dealer’s Shop, you bought a brand new car, drove it from the Dealer’s Shop to your house. Then you drive it back to the Dealer; it is already “a Used Vehicle.”

Nothing Material lasts!

He says we should focus on things Above and not on things beneath. Then when He shall return, you will return with Him in Glory.

Just focus on things Above and leave the rest to God.

If you focus on things beneath, you are likely to be heading for Shame.

In 2 Timothy 4:10, Paul Apostle said of a man called Demas – In other Places he had called him, my fellow labourer.

But now he says, Demas has forsaken me, having loved the Present world.

The Present world is passing away at an alarming rate but God remains the same.

I met a Head of State (a friend of mine) at the Airport shortly after he became Ex-President. And together we were at the Airport and I shook my head.

A Month ago, he would not be at the Airport. There’s a Special Wing for the Presidential Jets – That’s where he would have been.

But now he is Ex-President.

I was Pastor yesterday, I am Pastor today, I will be Pastor till I see Jesus.

Where are we heading? It is like 2 Timothy 4:6-8: Are we heading to that Place where we can look back with satisfaction and say Lord God Almighty, I’ve fought a good fight. I’ve finished well, Strong, I am going for my Coronation.

Or is it going to be as in Acts 1:15-20. Judas Iscariot was one of us, and had obtained part of this Ministry. But has committed Suicide.

For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his Habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his bishoprick let another take.

Glory ahead, Joy ahead, Promotion ahead, Victory ahead – But it’s up to you. The Choice is yours.

Are you going to focus on things Above or things beneath?

For years my People at home lobbied with me to become Leader of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) – That’s the biggest Christian Organisation.

I told them: Thank you very much! That Position belongs to the Big ones – The Elders. I’m a Small Boy; leave me in my little corner.

Let me run this race quietly behind the scene.

You can be the President of the highest Christian Association in the world; it would be only two (2) Terms.

You can say, I did my best while I was there – That’s Wonderful.

But there is a Position that would be Permanently in Glory.

I beg you my Beloved children, this is a time for serious consideration of:

  • Where am I going?
  • How am I going to End?

Because that’s what matters – The End: the Glory Ahead is what matters.


So, I am going to give you an opportunity to talk to God – I’ve already Prayed for you; and I will keep on Praying for you.

But you go ahead, talk to the Almighty God – Only one (1) Prayer Point tonight:

LORD, have Mercy on me, let me End well.

Shall we go ahead and Pray:

LORD, have Mercy on me, let me End well – That’s all I’m asking for.

If I end well, then all my efforts would not be have been in vain.

If I don’t End well, it means I’ve wasted my Life.

LORD, have Mercy on me, let me End well.

Go ahead, talk to God now!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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