DATE: 20TH JUNE 2024

BIBLE TEXT: 1 KINGS 19: 19-21


The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Jehovah, the Man of War
Your Mercy endureth Forever and Ever
Oh Praise His Holy Name.


The Ancient of Days, the One who has no Beginning and no Ending.

God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, God of Akindayomi (The Founder of RCCG) and The God of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – We Worship You.

Receive all the Glory today in Jesus Name.

Thank You for what You did Yesterday (DMC NOTES: Day 1 of the Conference), Thank You for what You have been doing since Morning and Thank You for what You will yet do before this Week is over.

Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Lord, as we continue with our Study, Please continue with us.

As we are listening to Your Word; the Power to heal that is in Your Word, let it become Operative.

At the end of everything, let Your Name be Glorified.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: God is going to bless you more!

And then, you may Please be seated.

And open your Bible to 1 Kings 19: 19-21.

1 Kings 19:19-21:

  1. So he departed thence, and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen before him, and he with the twelfth: and Elijah passed by him, and cast his mantle upon him.
  2. And he left the oxen, and ran after Elijah, and said, Let me, I Pray thee, kiss my father and my mother, and then I will follow thee. And he said unto him, Go back again: for what have I done to thee?
  3. And he returned back from him, and took a yoke of oxen, and slew them, and boiled their flesh with the instruments of the oxen, and gave unto the People, and they did eat. Then he arose, and went after Elijah, and ministered unto him.

We are talking about Glory Ahead!

When I became a Christian, I spent Quality Time Studying certain Characters in the Bible because I wanted to be like them.

I. I spent three (3) years Studying Elijah.

Anytime that I am in my Private Study, I Studied Elijah.

I will be talking to you about Elijah if the Lord tarries!

I loved Elijah and you will see the reasons:

☆ I like the Man who can Pray for 2 Minutes and Fire will fall.

☆ I like the Man who can say: If I be a Man of God, Enemies roast and they roasted.

I like that kind of Power because we are living in a very dangerous Country as at that time – We thought that it was dangerous then! Anyway Glory Ahead!

II. But after Studying Elijah for 3 years, it just occurred to me that there is Somebody who got a Double Portion of his Spirit – Maybe, that is the Fellow that I should be looking at more Closely.

I am still Studying Elisha because I found out that everyday, I discovered something New about him.

III. Of course in addition, I Studied People like Paul.

I like Paul because he was a Professor and he was so Mightily Anointed.

IV. I Studied Peter because he was an Ordinary Man who became very, very Extraordinary.

So today, I want to share a little bit with you concerning what I learnt Studying Elisha as it relates to Glory Ahead!

One of the things that I discovered in Studying Elisha was that he was Chosen before he knew it.

He didn’t know that God was already discussing about him with Elijah while he was busy being the son of a Successful Farmer.

And suddenly I realised that anybody who is going to finish well somehow somewhere; God has made up His Mind concerning you.

I have a rough idea that the reason you are here today or reading now on the Label of DMC is because somehow in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, you are going to finish well.

But I also discovered that God may Choose and He retains the Power to unchoose.

You remember that He was the One who said to Eli in 1 Samuel 2:30 – When He said: I said indeed that you and your father’s house will Stand before me forever.

And then He said: But now, I say be far from me.

I discovered early in my Christian Walk with God that the English Man who made Pencil also made Eraser.

So, I will crave for your Indulgence that you Pay some close attention to what I am going to share concerning Elisha.

It might not be very Deep Theology – The kind that some of you will be expecting.

It will be Probably something that by now you that I am known for – Practical Christianity!

  1. The first thing that I noticed about Elisha is something called: “Total Surrender”.

The moment that he realised that he has been called by Elijah throwing the Mantle on him; he yielded Completely.

He made sure that the Instrument that he had been using in the farm was destroyed so that he won’t return.

In Luke 9: 61-62; Jesus Christ said: If you have laid your hands on the Plough and you look back, you are already disqualified.

In Philippians 3: 7-10; Paul said: Everything that was Gain to me, I let go for one Purpose – That I may know Him!

I knew early in my Christian Life that this Journey is going to require “Total Commitment” – That it is either I am a Christian or not.

It wasn’t long before I discovered that God says: If you want to be hot, be hot; if you want to be cold, be cold – He has no room for Lukewarmness.

So, maybe you might need to re-pack your load – If your Commitment to serving God is not one hundred Percent, think again!

  1. I discovered that this Young Man – Wealthy and Influencier; decided to serve his Leader “Beyond the Call of Duty”.

2 Kings 3:11 made it clear that he poured water in the hands of Elijah.

And I checked from those who knows the Bible more than I; that it wasn’t just a Figurative Statement, he actually did it.

After Preparing the food, he won’t just come to Oga and say: The Table is set.

He will say: Sir, can we wash your hands?

He helped his Master even to the Point of washing his hands.

2 Chronicles 2:15 made it clear that Paul (Another of my friend) said: “I will gladly Spend and be Spent”.

I was among the People you will call rich in the Church at that time – Lecturer in the University at a time there were only 5 cars in the whole Mission.

My car was 2nd Hand Used – Pre-Owned as you call it here and yet, it was Probably the Newest because my own car then, you don’t have to push it before it works.

But when it comes to filling the Ground where the RCCG Headquarters Parish is now – Many of you had no idea that the Land of the Parish was so small and next to Lagoon.

On both sides of our Land, there were Saw Millers and they had Mountain of Dusts. We were allowed to take as much as the dust that we wanted. And we carried the dust to fill the Land and push the water of the Lagoon away.

I had my own basket and it was a “Big One” because I was enjoying the ability to do something for my God who saved my Soul.

I still remembered like yesterday – We were carrying Saw Dust with our baskets (Myself, my wife and others).

There was Traffic Jam in Lagos and Somebody saw someone comimg into the Chudch in his car and thought maybe there is an Escape Route there and he followed; only to discovered that there was no Escape Route there – And he happened to be one of my Students.

He drove in, saw me carrying a “Big Basket” of Saw Dust on my head and he shouted: Ha, Oga!

I smiled at him – I am Oga in the University but in the Hand of the Most High, I am just a Servant.

That is the kind of Commitment that you need to Pay attention to – ” Committed to God beyond the Call of Duty!

I could easily have said that I will employ Labourers to carry those things for me – At least, I had enough money to do it; but I wanted to do what the others are doing.

“To Spend and be Spent” – The same thing was said in another form by Paul in Acts 21: 8-14.

He said that I am ready not only to be bound but to die if Possible for the course of Christ.

… Total Commitment – Serving beyond the Call of Duty!

  1. I discovered that for Someone who is looking at the Glory Ahead and you are willing to Pay any Price for it; he Choose to be different.

When others were mocking him – Your Master is going to be taken from you today; your think that you are Special; now we will see what you will do when your Master is gone.

He just told them – Shut your mouth!

… He Choose to be Different!

You too, you have to choose to be different.

2 Corinthians 6: 14-18 says that you must be separated if you want me to receive you.

Joshua 24:15 says: As for me and my home, we will serve the LORD.

In Psalms 108:1; David said that my Heart is fixed within me. And He said that I will Praise the Lord.

In Psalms 34: 1-3; the same David said that: I will bless the Lord at all times, his Praise shall continually be in my mouth.

It is only in Verse 3 that he said: Bless the Lord with me.

In other words, if you like Praise Him with me, but as far as I am concerned, I don’t mind Standing alone.

You have Probably heard this Story before:

One day, by then I was among the Workers and my wife was in the Choir. Whether you believed it or not, I too tried to join the Choir.

Papa Akindayomi called a Worker’s Meeting and said: We have an urgent Need. All you Workers, go and close down your Accounts in the Banks and bring all the money there to the Church.

I went home – Close my Accounts and my wife did the same thing. There wasn’t much money there but we just obeyed and cleared the whole thing and brought the money to Church.

The following Sunday, Daddy called another Worker’s Meeting and said: Praise God, the Need has been met.

And then he said: By the way, how many of you Closed your Accounts like I asked you to do?

I raised my hand, my wife raised her hand and I looked round, no other hand.

That day, I heard the Voice of God! May you hear Him today – Amen!

Because I began to think – Am I not takimg this thing too far? Have I missed Madness with my Christianity?

And God spoke and said: No my Son, it is just a Test!

I Set Up this Test so that everybody will know why I am doing what I’m doing when I take you to where I am taking you – Nobody will be able to complain.

… Learn to choose to be different!

Suppose I should just say that we have a Need here at the RCCG Redemption Camp here in USA – Everybody here, go and close your Accounts and bring the money.

Do you know why I laughed? I’m sure that many of you will say: If you don’t mind taking Credit Card!

  1. You must know when to say: No Sir!

In 2 Kings 2: 1-8; three times Elijah said to Elisha: Thank You, You have tried and you have served me; now you can turn back from here.

And he said: Sorry sir, I have obeyed you on all things up to this moment. But this question of going back from you? It is not going to be.

Romans 8: 35-39 stated clearly: Nothing is going to separate us from the Love of Christ.

There will be Invitations from friends – Quote and Unquote, to go to somewhere else – Join another Organisation, start your own Ministries, or Pull your Church out of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

There will be Voices but learn to say: No Sir!

Galatians 2:20 says: I am Crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live. The Life that I am living now, is not my Life; I am living entirely for the One who saved my Soul.

Romans 12:1 says that we should Present our Body, a Living Sacrifice.

You must learn to say: No Sir – There will be at one Point or the other some Forces that will say: Get out and move! There are Greener Pastures elsewhere.

You must know the meaning of “Loyalty Beyond Ordinary”.

When I saw the way things were going in those days – I hope if the YAYA are not here; Somebody will tell them – Let’s kindly share as Documented on our DMC Label to them:

When I saw an Organisation called “Deeper Life” and I saw that a lot of Young People were flowing along with him (DMC NOTES: Pastor William Folorunso Kumuyi – The Founder and General Superintendent of The Deeper Christian Life Ministry).

But I was committed to The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) and we were small then.

That was when God gave me the idea of starting what has now become the Congress.

This is my Father’s House – And a lot of Youths are getting out!

Like my children asked me yesterday (DMC NOTES: On Day 1 of the Conference and it is well Reported on our DMC Label): “What can I do to Protect my Father’s House?”

And so, we started what we began to call: “Christ, The Redeemer’s Cingress”; so that whatever they are looking for Outside, they can find it inside!

One of my early Bible Study Leaders as we used to call them then is your YAYA Intercontinental Overseer (DMC NOTES: Pastor Belemina Obunge).

So, whenever Deeper Life will be holding their Retreats, we will be holding our Congress!

The First Congress that we held was so Successful – And I mean Unbelievably Successful that one of the Men who Sponsored the Program; who even happened to be the one who brought me to The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), called me aside and said: You can see now that you can do a better job than the whole Church – It is Clear!

Continue with this – Call it Christ The Redeemer’s Ministry or whatever Name – I will Sponsor you and you won’t lack Money.

I said: No Sir! I got saved here and here I am staying

At that time, I didn’t know that I will ever become the General Overseer o!

… You must learn when to say: No Sir!

DMC NOTES: The Man that introduced and brought Pastor E.A Adeboye to RCCG, and who happened to be his Uncle is Reverend Fajemirokun.

I give you another Example of a Young Man:

Once upon a time, there was a Church in Nigeria, overseen by one very Wealthhy Man.

And he saw this boy that he has a Great Talent – And told him: Please come and be Playing for me and I will give you Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) Per Month.

That Young Man said: No Sir! I can’t leave my father-in-the-Lord.

You want to know who this boy is – Kunle Ajayi.

DMC NOTES: Pastor Kunle Ajayi (Born June 16, 1964) is a Nigerian Gospel Singer, Songwriter, Saxophonist, Televangelist and the Intercontinental Director of Music at the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

When I heard that he turned down that kind of Offer so that he can continue to blow “The Horn” for Someone he considered to be a father; I Prayed a Prayer for him.

Because myself and the Total Income of the Church as at then not up to that.

I Prayed for him and said: Boy, as I grow, you will grow!

Some People don’t know why I go all over the world with him – He knew when to say: No Sir!

Is Somebody listening to me?

  1. Your Focus must be beyond Ordinary.

In 2 Kings 2: 9-10; when Elijah asked Elisha: What do you want me to do for you? And he said that I want a Double Portion of your Spirit.

Elijah said: You have asked for a Hard Thing. But if you see me you will get it.

The boy must have smiled – I wasn’t there: “See You? ” I have been focusing on you since the day you called me.

I have followed you so far and I am not going to loose focus – Nothing is going to cause me to be distracted.

You see, Hebrews 12:2 says: Looking unto Jesus – That is Focus!

Psalms 121: 1-2 says: I will lift up my eyes to the Hills, from whence cometh my Help? My Help comes from the Lord.

Psalms 60:11 says: Vain is the Help of Man.

Therefore, Focus on the One who has Called you!

I. Focus on God and not even on the General Overseer.

Elijah may call you, but it takes Only God to Prepare a Table before you!

I have said this again and again – I have heard People say: Sir, we have served you!

I say: Hey! I am the one you have been serving all these years? What a waste of Life.

Adeboye will go sooner or later – If the Lord tarries, I am going.

I didn’t know when yet – He hasn’t tell me yet.

If He tells me, I will let some of you know that Baba is going.

But God won’t go anywhere!

When Elisha was about to cry for Help after Elijah left; he didn’t say: Where are you Elijah?

What did he say? Where is the God of Elijah?

He was aware that Elijah may go, but God will remain.

It takes the Eyes of your Understanding being Opened!

And I repeat the Prayer of Paul for all of you – The Prayer in Ephesians 1:18.

He said that I Pray that your Eyes of Understanding be Enlightened (Opened).

It takes the Eyes of Understanding being opened for you to know that you are not serving a Man!

If you serve a Man, you are wasting your efforts!

II. You are not even to say that I have served The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

The RCCG is not an idol.

If you are Serving The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); sooner or later you will discovered something about the Church that you don’t like!

We are not Perfect yet as we are just Evolving!

If you are talking of “The Theory of Evolution”; and you want to apply it to anything; then apply it to The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

We are simply a Pentecostal Church that is Evolving and showing others the way!

We are walking in a Path that we have never walked before!

When I became the General Overseer, the only thing that we have apart from Deacon/Deaconess and Pastor is the Area Pastor.

As we moved along, the need for Zonal Pastors came and then we jumped to State Pastors.

But soon, we discovered that the State Pastors were calling themselves Governors and so I said that we will Change the Title – That was when we moved from State Pastors to Provincial Pastors.

… You can’t be a Govetnor of a Province!

And then, we move forward – Evolving. And then from Provincial Pastors to Regional Pastors and so on.

And now too, we are talking of Continental Pastors.

You have never heard these Titles before!

And so, when a Child is walking along a Path that he has not walked before; he is likely to Stumble once in a while!

We are not Perfect but we are going to Perfection!

… We are on our way to the Glory Ahead!

And the reason I don’t share too much of the Glory Ahead again with many of you is because some People that I shared some of these things with; one way or the other, they missed it – They are no more with us!

But there is Glory Ahead!

But stop saying that: I am serving the General Overseer or The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – You are Serving God!

Because if you don’t focus on God; even some Church Leaders will discourage you – Like my Young ones said on Day 1.

Because it is not all those who started the race who will finish it.

How can Pastor “So and So” do this thing to me?

Pastor “So and So” became a Pastor when he was focused on God. But as soon as He get to Position, he lost his Focus.

I have told you before:

☆ Long after Power has gone, a fan is still rotating.

☆ Long after Power has gone, the water in the Fridge will still be cold.

… But the Power had gone!

My Prayer is that all those who has lost it; the Almighty God will restore them – Amen!

Focus on God:

☆ He was the One who gave the Spirit to Elijah.

☆ He was the One who can Transfer it to Elisha.

☆ He is the One who can Double it.

Focus on God because Promotion comes from God Only!

You may be Promoted by Mam but if Man Promotes you, Man will bring you down!

When you see the way they barter some Head of States, I Pity them – Particularly in your area here (Referring to America) where you have Freedom to do so.

When I see the way they barter these People – But they are the ones who voted them in.

Promotion only comes from God – That is the Truth of the matter!

That is why I told my Children on Day 1 of the Conference (Referring to the Questions and Answer Sessions) – Don’t seek for Position, seek for Anointing.

You don’t need a Title before People knows that you are Higjly Promoted.

Years ago, there was a Church Building built by all the Christians in Nigeria and it is located/Headquartered in Abuja.

And the Day came for the Dedication; and you can be sure that all Dignitaries were there – Bishops, Arch Bishops, Arch Apostles, Most Senior Apostles etc.

One way or the other, this “Little Pastor” was there – Referring to Pastor E.A Adeboye.

As a matter of fact, he wasn’t just there but he was asked to Preach on that Day.

I had to really Pray because Standing to Preach in the midst of all those Great ones, you needed Prayer.

Then it was time to leave when the Service was over.

I have six Bodyguards because I have a rough idea of what is going to happen – Airforce Officer, Military Officers etc.

They went through severe Problems getting me out from the Church into my car.

Why? Because all the People in that Big Auditorium wanted to touch me, including some of the Bishops.

I am a Pastor and I wore my French Suit but somehow, they saw in that Fellow who is not a Bishop, the Promotion of God!

DMC NOTES: The National Christian Centre (Previously known as the National Ecumenical Centre and sometimes known as the National Church of Nigeria) is a Non-Denominational Christian Church Building, located in Abuja, the Capital City of Nigeria. It was Dedicated and Officially opened on the 2nd of October 2005 by Peter Akinola, the Anglican Primate of Nigeria and President Olusegun Aremu Obasanjo as the President of Nigeria. The aim and Objective of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Nigeria in creating the Joint Worship Center is to connect People to Jesus and one another by helping them to grow their Faith, finding the true essence of Christianity and build Healthy Christian Relationships; to foster Ecumenism by Uniting all Christian Denominations in the Body of Christ in Nigeria so as to Promote Understanding, Peace, Unity and mutual respect for each other.

It is not in your Title – When God Promotes you, the world will know that you have been Promoted!

And I am saying to those of you who are listening to me or reading now on the Label of DMC: In the Name that is above every other name, even before Friday Night (Day 3 of the Conference); the devil will know that you have been Promoted – Amen!

Why? Daniel 4:32 says: The Most High rules in the affairs of Men and He gives the whole thing to whomsoever He Pleases.

Please Him and He will Promote you!

I will rather be a Deacon that can raise the Dead than being Most Senior Continental Officer that cannot heal Headache.

When God Pours His Anointing upon you, everybody will know!

There was one girl in Nigeria – Just a Worker and not even a Deaconess.

She was going through the Town of Akure:

☆ She saw a Man who has been a Leper for years and just say: Well, it is written that I shall lay hands on the Sick and the Sick will recover. She lay hands on him and and he was healed.

☆ She saw one Mad Man Fellow, laid hands on the Fellow and he became Normal.

☆ She saw a Fellow who has been crippled before from birth; lay hands on him and he began to walk.

The whole City gathered round her and it took the Police to rescue her.

… A Worker in RCCG? That is the kind of Workers that I want.

And if you can join your Faith with mine, I will decree that by the time you return to your Towns, Miracles will begin to follow you – Amen!

Like I told the Youths yesterday on Day 1 – Elisha didn’t say that what I want is to be a Leader of the Sons of the Prophet!

No, He just said that I want a Double Portion of the Anointing that you have.

When the others saw what he has gotten, they came Voluntarily to bow to him.

  1. Promotion is actually the Beginning of the Journey to Glory.

When God anoints you, the Anointing is to help you to begin a Journey to Glory!

Isaiah 61: 1-3 teaches us one Major Lesson – It is that a tree does not eat the Fruit it Produces!

So, the Fruit you Produce is not for your own Consumption!

☆ Anointing may destroy your own Yokes – That is about all that it will do for you.

☆ The rest of it is to be used for others.

Isaiah 61: 1-3 tells us that the reason why God had Anointed you is so that you can serve.

You are Blessed so that you can be a Blessing!

When you look at the Story of Elisha – The moment that he got the Double Portion of Anointing; he used the Mantle to cross his own River Jordan.

From that moment onwards, he kept on being a Blessing:

☆ Blessing to destroy Curses.

☆ Blessing to the Poor – 2 Kings 4: 1-7.

☆ Blessing to the Rich – 2 Kings 4: 8-17.

☆ Blessing to the High and Mighty – 2 Kings 5: 1-14.

And so on and so forth.

If you are going to be one day called Daddy/Mummy by a King; you must already served the King!

Respect is Earned and not something you can get by Force!

If you say that I lacked respect, I can look at you and say: Well, forgive me for not respecting you but of what Value are you to me?

At least in Nigeria; we respect the Roadside Mechanic with his “Dirty Uniform”.

Why? Because when our cars breaks down, he is the one who will rescue us.

Why are Medical Doctors highly respected?

Because when you are in trouble, that is the Fellow who will come to your aid.

If you are Big and you are of no use for me; then you are just Big for Nothing!

And I hope the Big Churches will take Note of that – You are Big so that you can help the Smaller ones!

Let me Conclude:

Glory is no Glory if it doesn’t last!

2 Kings 13: 20-21 – Elisha died and they buried him.

But there is still enough Anointing left on his bones to raise the Dead.

His Glory lasted even after he was gone – His Glory is still operating.

It is within the Power of the Most High God to anoint you so Mightily that even when you are not around; the Miracles continues.

I will give you a very Poor illustration of what I’m saying:

I went to a Nation to Minister – It was time to leave and I got into the car and the Driver got in too.

And I discovered that the Ladies that has been takimg care of me, they stood by the door. There was another car and I thought that they were going to follow me to the Airport.

But they didn’t – They just stood and waved me bye bye.

And as we were driving off, I just decided to look back and I saw all of them running inside the house.

So I asked the Driver – What do you think is going on? What happened?

Oh! He said that they are all running to go and sleep on your bed.

I said: What about you? He said that I’m wiser than them all.

I said: How? He said I took your towel.

He said that we know that there is Anointing left on that bed. But I am aware that when you go to that bed to sleep, you still wear Pyjamas.

But sir, the towel and your body, Nothing in-between.

My Prayer for you is that God will anoint you that days after you have left a Place; People will still come there and receive a Miracle – Amen!

I want you to talk to God:

Give me the Grace to Pay the Price, but Please anoint me heavily!

Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God and He will grant your Requests in Jesus Name – Amen!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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