DATE: 30TH JUNE 2024


Let Us Pray!


Immortal God
Invincible God
Immortal God
How Great thou Art


Father Almighty, we Worship You.

Immortal, Invincible, All-Wise God, the One who has no Beginning, who has no Ending – We Adore You Lord.

Thank You for Preserving us, Thank You that thus far You have helped us, Thank You because whatever You have done in the Past, You can always repeat it in the Present and even do more in the Future.

Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Today, as we Your Children gather before You; if there is anything in our Life that is not allowing our Joy to be Full, Please remove it today.

If there is anything in our Past that is waiting for us in the Future to cause us trouble; my Father and my God, Please Uproot it today.

Let our tomorrow be alright.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Well, you might want to Prophesy to the hearing of your Neighbour and say: “God is going to bless me Mightily today”.

Let’s be seated.

We want to continue with our Series on: “For Whom The Heavens Open” and we have come now to Part 49.

And our Bible Text for today will be Joshua Chapter 13.

And in Joshua Chapter 13, we will be discussing only one Verse – Verse 1 (Joshua 13:1).

Joshua 13:1 – Now Joshua was old and stricken in years; and the LORD said unto him, Thou art old and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much land to be Possessed.

It is one Passage in the Bible that the Almighty God will use to wake everyone of us up.

Because what God was saying here is: Joshua, I gave you an Assignment and now you are Old and you have not Completed the Assignment.

In Plain Language, God is saying: Joshua, you have failed me!

I Pray that none of us will fail God – Amen!

I have always said that if a Student were to Grade his Papers, he will score himself 100%. It is when the Teacher does the Grading that the Teacher will then be able to say: Ha, Ha; you didn’t even score 50%.

It is very essential that you must know that the Testimony of God concerning you is what mattered – Not what you think of yourself, and not even what People are saying about you.

Oh, there is no Person like you? – You are the best of all fathers, there is no mother like you, no Singer like you, no Musician like you, no Teacher like you!

… What is God saying about you?

Because to us, Joshua was a Great Champion – I mean consider all he has done:

☆ He was the one that took over from Moses.

☆ He led the children of Israel to cross River Jordan.

☆ He was the one who led the children of Israel when they Pulled down the Wall of Jericho.

☆ And then, He Performed all kinds of Miracles, Signs and Wonders.

☆ He led the children of Israel to destroy Ai as well as destroying all the Enemies of all those who became their Allies.

☆ And He wiped out many of the Giants with very few Exceptions.

And now, he is Old – According to Bible Scholars, he was 110 years Old when God spoke to him now:

Joshua, you are Old (God Himself said so) – If we are to look at this, we will spend some time because many of you when People tell you: Oh, you are looking Younger; God is counting the Year.

You can dye your hair black so that People will think that you are a Young Man – Don’t worry, the Calendar in Heaven is turning.

You say: God is not interested in your days? Oh, He is!

We need to know:

  1. Our God is a God of Purpose.

Revelation 4:11 – Everything that He made was for a Purpose.

Jeremiah 1: 4-5 – Before I formed you, God said that He knew you; while you are still in your mother’s womb, He has already settled your Purpose.

In Jeremiah 29:11 – He said that you are brought into this world for a Particular End. And He called it “Expected End”.

… You are created for a Purpose!

  1. Because God is a God of Purpose, it means that you are Promoted for a Purpose.

A. If He has Promoted you, brought you to whatever Level you are now; it is for a Purpose!

If you don’t believed me, read Romans Chapter 9 and see what God said concerning Pharaoh from Verse 17 – Pharaoh, He said: I raised you up for a Time like this; so that when I drowned you; the world will know who is the King of Kings.

B. When He Picks up a Man from Nothing and raises Him high; it is for a Purpose!

I. In 1 Kings 17:1; the Bible talked about Elijah – The Tishbite and of the Inhabitant of Gilead.

It didn’t even mentioned his father’s name – To tell us how little his Beginning was.

But you will discovered one funny thing about him (Elijah) – Even the very name was for a Purpose.

The Bible made it clear that when your Parents are naming you, He was right there behind the scene.

Because when you get to 1 Kings Chapter 18 – When Elijah Prayed and Fire fell down and the whole Nation was saying: Jehovah is Lord.

All they were saying is that: “Elijah means: Jehovah is Lord.”

So, he came into the world even already bearing a name that is going to be chanted on Mount Carmel.

He was nothing but God turned him to a Prophet for a Purpose!

II. You know the Story of Moses!

When He was Pulled out of the water.

That Lady thought that she was just giving him a name for fun – Well, we shall call his name Moses because he was Pulled out of the Waters.

And you know the rest of the Story of Moses – His entire Life was Practically dominated by water:

☆ He turned water to Blood.

☆ He Parted the Red Sea.

☆ He turned Bitter Water to Sweet Water.

☆ He brought out Water out of the Rock.

☆ And you know what: He didn’t even get to the Promised Land because of Problem with Water.

  1. And you know very well that wherever God Places you, it is for a Purpose – You are Located for a Purpose.

You are not where you are allocated right now accidentally – It is for a Purpose!

Esther 4: 1-end; Mordecai said to Esther – You are a Slave Girl o, but now you are the Queen and living in the Palace. Who knows if it is not because of a time like this that God brought you to where you are.

Our God is a God of Purpose:

☆ He created you for a Purpose.

☆ He Promoted you for a Purpose.

☆ He Located you for a Purpose.

I. You can talk about Samuel – When God took him to the house of Eli.

If you read 1 Samuel Chapter 2; God has sent a Prophet to go and tell Eli: Hey, you are misbehaving – Your children are not doing my Will and you are not doing what you should do about them. I will fight you.

Eli said that it is a Prophet talking – Don’t you know who you are talking to? I am the “Real Prophet” in the Land.

And then God spoke through the mouth of a child – If you won’t hear from a Prophet, hear from a boy who has never even heard the Voice of God before and who was running to you sir saying: “You call me?”

II. And when you read 1 Samuel 16: 1-end.

After God Anointed David as King; He arranged for him to go and live in the Palace to begin to sing for the King so as to refresh him when he is being tormented by the Demons.

Why? So that David who has been a Shepherd Boy; may learnt the ways of the Palace – This is how you will behave when you become King; this is the Protocol.

The Crucial Thing about your Purpose is that it is tied to a Time Schedule!

There is a Time Limit for you to fulfill whatever Purpose God has for your Life – Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8.

You must do what God wants you to do within the Time He has Scheduled for you to do it.

I mean, imagine Jeremiah 8:20 – Imagine the cry of a Nation: They say that the Harvest is Past; Summer is gone and we are not saved.

There are many People in your Family who are gradually Passing to Eternity and they are not yet saved.

Why? Because you have not done what you are supposed to do.

God saved your Soul, Placed you in that Family to see to it that every Members of your Family at least will hear the Gospel.

And you haven’t done much – Some of them are slipping away!

As far as God is concerned, in John 9:4 – The Lord Himself said that the Night cometh when no Man can work.

Work while it is Day because the Night is comimg when no Man can work.

In Luke 13: 31-33; Jesus Christ said concerning a Particular King that was after His Life.

He said: Go and tell him that I still have three (3) more days to go.

He said that I will work today, I will work tomorrow and then I will work on the 3rd Day – After that one, then I can go home.

The Problem with you and I is that we don’t even know how many days we have left.

Some People live to be 70 before they die; some never reach 40.

And until you finished your Assignment, if you die; you will get a Query when you get to Heaven.

And what is very important here Beloveth Children of God is that God is not interested in how much you have already done!

He is only interested in what is left undone.

Joshua had done a lot but God is saying that you haven’t Completed your Assignment and you are Old.

In 1 Samuel 15: 1-29; it wasn’t that King Saul doesn’t wiped out the Amalekites; he got into trouble because he spared the King and some animals.

Remember that Paul said in Philippians 3: 1-14 – He said: All that were Gain to me, I have Surrendered it to Jesus Christ, that I may know Him et cetera et cetera.

He said that I have not yet finished o – I am forgetting everything that I have achieved in the Past and I’m Pressing forward.

Until we get to 2 Timothy 4: 6-8 – He said: Now, I have finished and I can go now.

It doesn’t matter whether People believed it or not – God knows the Truth:

From the moment that I was 60 years Old, I started Preparing for my Retirement – I said 10 years to go!

But the Almighty God said that you haven’t finished your Assignment – You can’t go!

I thought that He will be Merciful that by the time I am 80 years Old, He will let me go – But He said: No!

As far as God is concerned – When He gives you an Assignment, you must fulfill it or else you will get a Query!

Not too long ago in our Open Heavens Daily Devotional; we Studied John 15: 1-16 – And I remembered very well that the Title was: “You have no Choice”.

DMC NOTES: “You have no Choice – Parts 1 and 2” was the Title of the Open Heavens Daily Devotionals for Sunday, 24th March and Monday, 25th March 2024.

And I explained to my children during our Morning Devotion – I said Hey:

☆ You have no Choice on your Birth.

☆ You didn’t choose who is your father or mother.

☆ You didn’t choose where you will be born.

☆ You didn’t choose the Colour of your skin.

☆ You didn’t choose how tall or short you will be.

God choose all those for you.

☆ Whether you want to believe it or not; you have no Choice on when you are going to die – And that is also in the Hand of the Almighty God.

And He Choose you for a Purpose!

He said that you have not Chosen me but I have Chosen you that you will go and bear Fruits and make sure that your Fruit will abide.

Then if you fulfill your Purpose, anytime you cry to me; He said that I will answer your Prayers.

But He says that if you failed to fulfil your Purpose, you will Pay a very Heavy Price.

He said in Jihn 15: 2 & 6 – He said that if I choose you so that you can bear Fruits and you are not bearing Fruits; I will tear you off.

He said that when I tear you off; you will dry off and end up in Fire.

God wants us to wake up before He will come and remind us – You are Old, you are Stricken in Age and you haven’t finished your Assignment!

And that is why the Bible says in Ephesians 5: 14-17 – He said: Wake Up! Redeem the Time because the days are evil.

Every True Child of God – Wake Up! You have done well, and you have done a lot – Congratulations!

But have done all that God expects you to have done at your Present Age? Because we don’t know how much Time that we have left.

Let’s fasten our belts – Let’s go all out and bring in our Harvest because unless we finished all that God expects from us, His Testimonial will be that you are Old, you are well Stricken in years but you haven’t done all that I asked you to do!

My Prayer is that when we will Stand before the Almighty God on the Last Day; what He will said to us is: Well done, thou Good and Faithful Servant; enter the Joy of your Lord!


As for those of you who has not given your Life to Jesus Christ and you are saying: Oh, I am still Young and I have time, I want to enjoy myself for some time, and then I can consider giving my Life to Jesus Christ.

Ha, do you know how many years that you have to live?

Do you know how many days you have – Our days are Numbered.

So, if you have not Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ; Please do so now.

So that the Almighty God can save your Soul, forgive your sins and He might even Graciously extend your Life.

He could give you an extra 15 years – He has done it before and He can do it again.

But you better receive Him now because tomorrow might be “Too Late”.

So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ; Please bow your Head and I will Pray for you – That God may save your Soul and that He will give you the Ability to fulfill the Purpose of God for your Life.

So, call on Him – Ask Him to save your Soul, have Mercy on you and Promise Him that from now on, you will serve Him.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, once again we want to say Thank You for Your Words and we want to Thank You Specially for those who has decided that no more waiting and we want to Surrender our lives to the Almighty God.

Father Please receive them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins this very Day, write their names in the Book of Life and from now on, let them begin to fulfill their Purpose.

When they cry to You, Please answer them by Fire.

And for all of us who are already Your Children, who had left several other things undone that by now we should have done; Please wake us up so that we can quickly redeem the Time and so that before we leave this world, we would have fulfilled all our Purpose on Earth.

Thank You Father and Glory be to Your Holy Name!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

I want to rejoice with those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ.

Thank You because, it is not “Too Late” for you yet.

And I want to Promise you that I will be Praying for you.

Please Contact me – Let me have your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests. And I Promise you that I will be Praying for you.

And then, as soon as Possible; visit the nearest The Redeemed Christian (RCCG) to you.

Tell the Pastor that you are now Born Again and he will tell you what to do next.

In the meantime – God Bless You!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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