Let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Now they are showing you on the Screen a couple of People who have been raised on their Wheelchairs.

And Daddy asked me to tell you that in the next five (5) Minutes, He wants to heal One Hundred Thousand (100,000) People – And all He wants you to do now is that we should just keep on Praising Him.

Just go ahead to Praise Him – Magnify His Holy Name, Bless Him more and more. Glorify His Holy Name.

Praise Him – His Healing Power is flowing and He is reaching out to you – as you can be one of the Thousand People.

We will soon hear your Testimony – Just keep on giving Him Glory!

Hallelujah – Amen!

Oh Lord, Thank You!

Daddy says that He will “Double” the number if you Praise Him for another five (5) Minutes – He will heal another One Hundred Thousand (100,000) People (DMC NOTES: Making it now 200,000 People).

Praise Him, Glorify Him as there is Nothimg “Too Hard” for Him to do.

Thank You Daddy! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen!

Daddy asked me to tell Someone here or reading now on the Label of DMC:

He simply says: “No more Miscarriages” – Amen

Thank You Daddy!

Daddy asked me to tell a Student:

He says that: “You will never fail again” – Amen.

Oh Lord, Thank You!

The Lord asked me to tell Someone:

He said: Those that are waiting for you to weep will wait Forever – Amen!

Daddy says that Somebody said: When will God remember me?

He asks me to tell you – Tonight!


We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour

Daddy says that I should tell Someone who has been listening closely and waiting for God to mention your case.

He ask me to tell you: “All is well with you” – Amen!


My Father and my God, tonight is Your Night.

Feel free Absolutely to do what you want.

Just Glorify Your Holy Name.

Let Heaven come down and we will return all the Glory to You.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two ((2) People and say: “Your Miracles are just Beginning” – Amen!

And then you may be seated; except those of you who are born in the Month of August!


Let those who are born in the Month of August shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

My Father and my God, I Commit all Your Children born in the Month of August into Your Hands.

Eight (8) is the Number of New Beginning – To everyone of these Your Children, let there be a New Beginning .

A New Beginning of Joy, of Success, of Promotion, of Anointing, of Miracles, of Signs, of Wonders, and of Mighty Testimonies,

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Congratulations, those of you born in the Month of August!


  1. Next Month (September 2024); is going to be a very Special Holy Ghost Service for those who are Trusting God for the Fruit of the Womb.

It is going to take Place on Friday, 6th September 2024

And you should tell all your Relatives and all your friends that there will be a very Special Meeting here (DMC NOTES: Meaning at Redemption Camp) for those Trusting God for the Fruit of the Womb.

  1. Next Month (September 2024); there won’t be Shiloh Hour because the Special Holy Ghost Service for the Month of September 2024 is already meant for those of you Trusting God for the Fruit of the Womb.

DMC NOTES: This simply means there will be only the Monthly Divine Encounter Service for the Month of September 2024 – Fixed for Monday, 2nd of September 2024.

  1. For this Month of August 2024; the Monthly Divine Encounter Service and Shiloh Hour Service will hold on Monday, 12th August 2024.
  2. For your Information, God has given us the Theme for Next Year’s Convention – The RCCG 73rd Annual Convention 2025.

And the Theme is: “THE OVERCOMER”.

DMC NOTES: The RCCG 73rd Annual Convention 2025 will take Place from Monday, 4th to Sunday 10th August 2025.

  1. And the Lord has also given us the Theme for our RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2024.


DMC NOTES: This will take Place from Monday 9th to Sunday 15th December 2024.

  1. I need your Help over something very serious.

As you can see, by the Grace of God; the Church of God is Marching on.

Whatever the devil has tried; he has failed – The Church is Growing!

And we are in very serious need of Accommodation for Programs like this (Annual Convention), Holy Ghost Congress and so on.

We need more Dormitories, more Toilets and more Bathrooms.

And I mean: We need them in Hundreds!

And so, I’m going to ask you to decide on your own to build more Dormitories, more Toilets, and more Bathrooms.

And whatever you decide to give; just make sure that whenever you are sending the Project Money – You write: “CAMP PROJECT”.

If you like, you write Dormitories, Toilets or Bathrooms.

Please don’t write the Cheque in my name!

If you write it in my name; what will it go for? – It will go for Pounded Yam!

And the Almighty God will bless you Mightily – Amen!

  1. I also need a Group of People who will Partner with me for the Development of our University – The Redeemer’s University.

I’m Calling on some of you who will love to join a Club called: “Friends of Redeemer’s University”.

And these are the People who will be able to give rapidly to the Development of our University!

They will give something Substantial either once a Year or every Month – For the Development of the University!

Or you may want to build a Building or Faculty at the Redeemer’s University!

Please, if you want to join that Club; Submit your name to my Secretary (Daddy GO’s Secretary).

And the Almighty God will continue to bless you beyond your Expectations!

Glory be to God – Hallelujah!

  1. Some of us who need the Laying of Hands or Baptism of the Holy Spirit or Counselling; the Senior Pastors will be here and at the Old Auditorium from 11am on Saturday 10th August 2024 (Day 6).

If you need any of these, they will be there for you!

By the way, Daddy asked me to tell you that: “This is a Night that you will remember for the rest of your Life – Amen!


The number of children born during this Convention – RCCG 72nd Annual Convention 2024; by 6pm this Evening (Friday, 9th August 2024) has increased to seventy three (73) – We had another Set of Twins today!

And now, we have a Total number of Thirty Nine (39) Boys and Thiry Four (34) Girls.

Well, once again; let the Boys shout Praise the Lord.

And let the Girls shout Hallelujah!

Don’t worry, the Girls are trying to Catch Up – Infact the Twins born today are Girls. It must have been a Special Day for the Girls also.


Two years ago, some People came here – Trusting God for the Fruit of the Womb.

By the time they came during the Last Convention (DMC NOTES: RCCG 71st Annual Convention 2023); they were already Pregnant. But we said that they should wait till the baby arrives so that we can Pray for them.

But then, there were some People who came Last Year (2023) – Trusting God for the Fruit of the Womb and the children have already arrived.

Now, we will want to Pray for these Children – And so their Parents should begin to bring them forward now so that we can Pray for these Children before we Proceed!

And since the Bible says that we should rejoice with those that rejoice; we will rejoice with them as they come.

I think the Choir will be Singing for them while they dance and Praise God!

Can you see the Almightiness of God. Look at all these families; where they used to weep and now God has wiped away their tears.

Look at the hundreds of them here (and the others in the Old Auditorium) – Inclusive those of them reading now on the Label of DMC.

Can you Please, help me shout hallelujah to my God – Hallelujah.

Please, Stretch your hand towards these little ones and Pray for them: that God will Protect them.

That our Joy over them will last forever.

Everybody Please, Pray for these Children – This is what God is doing for us.

Let’s give all the Glory to Him; so that He will do more.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


And so my Father and my God, we just want to say Thank You. Only You can do this – Making the barren Fruitful.

Thank You for that Special Anointing in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

Thousands upon thousands who had been barren; who are now Fruitful – We are Grateful Lord.

Please, accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name.

We commit all these Children into Your hands, Lord. Please, lay Your hands on them Lord.

Protect them from evil; keep Sickness away from them, keep Death away from them.

Let them become Great; let them serve You and let our Joy over them last forever.

And all those who are still believing You for this kind of Joy; by this time next year (2025); let them bring their own Children, too.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

All the Joyous People here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

Let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Some of you made Pledges to God last year, that if He would answer you; you would come back to say Thank You.

Fulfill your Pledges; and God will continue to Bless You.

Let’s give the Lord another round of applause!

And the Choir, you’ll sing for two (2) Minutes, while these People go.

Genesis 1:1-5

1 In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth.

2 And the Earth was without form, and void; and Darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be Light: and there was Light.

4 And God saw the Light, that it was Good: and God divided the Light from the Darkness.

5 And God called the Light Day, and the Darkness He called Night. And the Evening and the Morning were the first Day.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asks me to tell Someone that:

Your Generation will call you Blessed!

The Lord asks me to tell Someone that up till now, you don’t really know the meaning of “Good”.

But He asks me to tell you; before the end of this Month (August 2024), you will know what “Good” means.


Every Wise Person knows there is someone called God.

According to Psalm 14:1, only fools can say there is no God.

And according to the Word of God in Proverbs 3:35; it doesn’t pay to be a fool.

So there is someone called God. Because the Bible says, The Wise shall inherit Glory: but Shame shall be the Promotion of fools.

… So there is Someone called God.

Those who believe there is God who are here tonight, Please one more time shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

This God, the first time He introduced Himself, He called Himself, the All Sufficient God. (Genesis 17:1).

And then in Luke 1:37, it is written: with this Person called God, there shall be Nothing called impossible.

So, I want to Rejoice with you tonight that your own case will not be impossible with God – Amen.

Now, this God who is All Sufficient – Who can do anything; at the beginning; He created two (2) Principal Things: Heaven and Earth.

  • One of the two things that He created is called Heaven;
  • The second is called Earth.

Heaven was so Wonderful that God decided, I will use this as my Throne.

Then the second one – The Earth; He said, I will use it as my Footstool (Isaiah 66:1).

He created Two (1) Things – One is Wonderful, called Heaven. That is the one we’ve been discussing since this one week.

But the second thing He created, called the Earth, was Problematic. It had all kinds of Problems.

But He controls all Problems on this Earth by putting it under His Feet.

So it doesn’t matter how many Problems you may have, they are under the feet of God.

That is why I can assure you; you will get your Solutions tonight – Amen.

So this God sits in Heaven and from there, He Controls the Earth; and He does so by Speaking.

That is why you should not be surprised that tonight He had been Speaking, even before we started Preaching.

He speaks and the moment he speaks, it is done!

In Psalm 33:8-9, the Bible says, Let all the Earth fear the LORD: let all the Inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.

He has spoken to some People tonight; and it is already done – Amen.

Whether the rest of the People believe it or not, at least Two Hundred Thousand (200,000) People have already been Healed tonight – Amen.

… But He will do more – Amen.

He controls the Earth by sitting in Heaven and Speaking a Word.

In Genesis 1:3; He said, And God said, Let there be Light: and there was Light.

How long did it take before there was Light? The moment He said let there be Light, immediately there was Light.

Everything on Earth was a mess. But once He said, “let there be Light” everything Changed.


It means, Darkness Go; Darkness give way.

And I’m happy to tell Someone that right now, Darkness will leave you alone – Amen.

… When he says, Darkness Go:

  1. Physically, it is Good News for those who are living in Darkness.

Good News for those who have Problems with their eyes.

Because in Mark 10:46-52, when Bartimaeus cried unto Him, that he wanted his eyes to be opened;

Jesus didn’t touch him, He didn’t Pray for him – He spoke a Word, “Let there be Light!”

In the Name that’s above every other name, I decree right now: all of you who have Problems with your eyes, “Let there be Light” – Amen.

… When he said, “Let there be Light – Darkness Go,” it also means:

  1. Stagnation come to an end.

Because when it is dark it becomes difficult to move.

If they take off the Light here right now, majority of us can only do one thing: we’ll just sit down where we are until Light comes.

But when you find in John 5:2-9; it tells us the Story of a Man who had been going round in circles for thirty eight (38) years.

When Jesus got to Him, He didn’t Pray for Him. He didn’t touch him. He spoke a Word, “Rise up, take your bed and walk.”

And the Stagnation of that Man came to an end immediately.

May I decree to all those who had been Stagnant for years: Tonight, let there be Light – Amen.

“Darkness go” also means;

  1. Demons Get Out.

In Mark 5:2-20, is the Story of the Man who was Possessed by thousands of Demons.

The One who Controls the Heavens and Controls the Earth by speaking, spoke a Word to the Demons.

All He said was, Go – and they disappeared!

He sits in Heaven, Controls the Earth by speaking – No Struggles, no Gimmicks.

He will simply speak and things will happen.

Tonight He is speaking to the Body of some People; and whatever is wrong with their bodies is going to be put right – Amen.

He is speaking to every situation surrounding some People:

  • He is speaking to Demons saying, leave these People alone.
  • He is speaking to Stagnation: Stagnation is over!

And He is saying, Let there be Light!

When He says Darkness Go;

  1. He is also saying, Sorrow Go.

Because, in Psalm 30:5 He says, weeping may endure for a Night, but Joy cometh in the Morning.

Darkness go, means Joy Begin.

That is why I am believing God for Someone tonight, that from tonight onwards you will never know sorrow again – Amen.

When you go through Scriptures; in Mark 5:35-43, when he got to Jairus’ house and People were weeping because the daughter was dead.

One thing He said is “why are you weeping? The daughter is not dead she’s only sleeping.”

The Bible said they laughed Him to scorn.

But do you know? Before He put an end to the Sorrow of Jairus, He drove out the Weepers.

So, in the Name of the Almighty God, I hereby decree that Weepers will no longer gather in your homes – Amen.

.. When He decrees, Darkness Go! it means no more Sorrow.

A couple of years ago, a Great Man of God came to us and said that in his town every year, somebody Prominent must die. So there is always mourning in the town. He invited us to come.

As God would have it, the town was not far from our Path where we were Going-A-fishing – So we branched at the town and we decreed in the Name of the Almighty that there be no more sorrow in that town.

By the Grace of God, from that moment onwards, yearly Death ended in that town – Hallelujah.

May I decree to all our Traditional Rulers, because the Almighty God was extremely happy today to see you praising Him:

I hereby decree: In your Kingdom, there will be no more Premature Death – Amen.

No more Sorrow – Amen.

There will only be Shouts of Joy – Amen.

So shall it be, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

The Bible says in Psalm 107:20 – He sent his Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their Destructions.

I believe very firmly, that tonight, God is not asking us to do a Big Theological Study of Heaven – All he wants is for us to give Him an avenue to Speak to us.

He has been speaking; and He will continue to Speak – Amen.

So, if the Holy Ghost Service of tonight does not follow the normal Pattern you expect; it is because the Results that would come after tonight would not be the kind you have ever known before – Amen.

The Lord asks me to tell Someone that:

As far as you are concerned, your Journey “Forward” and “Upward” will become Extraordinarily Fast – Amen.

He asked me to tell Someone: He said recently you missed a Breakthrough.

He asks me to inform you: Before the end of this Month (August), you will get a Bigger One – Amen.

He asks me to tell Someone that is listening right now, or reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said you are not going to die very soon – Amen.

… Daddy said, “I thought you will allow me to Speak.”

Ha! Thank You Father.

Is it okay if we just allow Him to Talk? Yes Sir.

I can’t hear your Yes – Yes!

At least, if you know anything about me; you’ll know by the Grace of God, I always Prepare my Sermons – I love to Teach.

But rather than me to teach and give you several things to write down;

  • I would Prefer that Nobody leaves here with any Sickness.
  • I will Prefer that all your Problems be solved;
  • I would Prefer that you don’t know sorrow anymore.

Is it okay if we just allow God to Speak?

If it’s okay by you; shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

When He created the Earth, the Bible said the Earth was confused. It was in disorder. It was empty; until God spoke.

May I decree in the Name that’s above every other name, Confusion will end in your Life tonight – Amen.

You see, when we talk about Confusion, another word for Confusion is what we call a Storm.

In Mark 4:35-41…

Daddy said, “I thought you will allow me to Speak?” Daddy, just go ahead, Speak.

Daddy asked me to tell Someone:

He said very soon, your Song will be, “Now that the battle is Over” – Amen.

I want to say Amen to this one before I tell you – Amen.

Daddy asks me to tell Someone:

He said, by the time the Sun rises tomorrow, Heaven would have Opened over you – Amen.

I want to say Amen to this one before I tell you one again – Amen.

Daddy asks me to tell you: He said you should enlarge your Capacity to Thank Him.

He said because, there is a Flood of Blessings coming your way – Amen.

Thank You Father.

Daddy asks me to tell Someone: If anybody ask you how things are, your answer will be “Good!”

He said I should tell you: From tonight onwards, because of what I want to do for you, when they ask you, how are things? You will say “Very Good” – Amen.

He asked me to tell Someone;

He said trust Me, whatever I need to do to Silent your Mockers, I will do – Amen.

Daddy said I should tell somebody,: By this shall you know I’m the One speaking through My Servant.

He said, I have a bag full of Wonders for you; and you will get one every Month for the rest of the Year (2024) – Amen.

I’ve never had it like this before – I want to Teach, but Baba says No!

Daddy said Someone is here, or reading now on the Label of DMC – You will understand.

He said, that River will begin to Flow again – Amen.

Thank You Daddy.

At least one more, before I go on (if I have to go on at all);

An believe me, this is for one of us here, or Someone reading now on the Label of DMC:

He asks me to tell Somebody: You will Recover All – Amen.

… I think I better just round up!


  1. A Command from God:
  2. An Advice from God:

Like in Revelation 3:20 – When God said, Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any Man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

It’s an advice, like the first Preacher who Preached that Heavenly Message today told us – You can read Full Text of that Message on the Label of DMC.

And I’m sure for the rest of his Life, he won’t forget the Harvest of Souls of tonight.

It’s an advice when God says, “come unto me those of you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 – That’s an Advice!

Thank God so many People took the Advice tonight.

  1. But “Let there be Light” can be a Cry for Help.

Bartimaeus cried and said, Lord let there be Light and God answered him (Mark 10:46-52).

I am just obeying God – I am not going to say a word because, that’s how much He has allowed me to say.

I am going to ask you to pray. I will give you your Prayer Points.

God is here and He is going to answer Prayers beyond your wildest imagination.

I can only remember one Night in the Past when I had felt His Presence like this.

When I wanted to Preach and He said, “No, don’t Preach; just make the Altar Call,” and I made the altar call and he did what He alone can do.

Tonight He wants to answer your Prayers – He has spoken to you; He may speak more before we go – I don’t know. But this is the way He wants it tonight.


I will give you your Prayer Points and you may want to write them down.

God is here and He will answer you more than your Expectations.

Tonight, He wants to answer your Prayers!

  1. Thank Him that you are able to make it here tonight or connected to this Program wherever you are or reading now on the Label of DMC.

You won’t forget tonight forever – Amen!

Just Thank Him that He is still on the Throne.

  1. You will say: Father, Please speak to my Body.

I don’t just want to be healed but I don’t want to be Sick forever.

  1. You will say: Father, speak to my Soul.

Command It never to draw back from You.

  1. You will say: Father, speak to my Spirit.

Envelope me with Your Divine Spiritual Power.

  1. You will say: Father, speak to my Life.

That Abundant Life that You Promised, I want it.

  1. You will say: Father, speak to my Famiky wherever they are now.

Let None of my Family Members miss Heaven.

  1. You will say: Father, speak to my Future.

Don’t let me ever know Shame again.

  1. And then, you can add whatever Prayer that you want to add to it.

The Altar is Open – Come and Cry to God!

He is here o – Thank Him and Call on Him. And tell Him to just speak!

Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God!!!

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


The Lord will grant your Requests.

He will speak to your Bodies.

From tonight, Sickness will become a Foreigner to you.

From tonight, you will not Backslide.

From tonight, you will enjoy the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Your Life will be Transformed.

Your Family would serve God.

In all areas of Life, it shall be well with you.

Thank You Father.

Daddy asked me to tell you:

He said, I have heard your Cry – Amen.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

… Kindly go back to your seats.

The Lord asks me to tell someone:

He said: It is not he who starts first that matters, it is who arrives first.

He said I should tell you, those who thought that they had left you behind; you will arrive before them – Amen.

The Lord said there is Someone here, or reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said very soon, when your friends will begin to see My Glory upon your Life. They will ask you, “what happened to you?” And you will reply them, Jesus spoke to me – Amen.

Daddy asks me to tell Someone:

No matter what the Enemy may try, you will never be Grounded again – Amen.


Now, I want to take your Mobile Phone and switch it to torchlight.

There is something we normally do, as an act of Faith – And God wants us to do it tonight.

You will stand and lift your Phone up – Switched to torchlight and cry to God;

  1. Father, let there be Light in my Life; in my Home, in my family, anywhere I go – Amen!
  2. Then you will Pray and say: Father, for the rest of my Life, let me Shine for You.
  3. And you are going to Pray as if you are angry

You will say, in the Mighty Name of Jesus; Because of the Light of God, Satan, leave me alone!

Leave my Family, my Ministry, my Business, my Children alone;

Leave all those who are Precious to me alone

  1. Say Father, don’t let my Light become Darkness.

Go ahead,talk to God.

So shall it be!


Your Light will never go out.

Wherever you go, you will Shine.

The Light of God will always Shine on you.

Darkness will see you and run.

So shall it be!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Now, Wave the Light; make the devil mad! Let him know he can’t come near you now.

Glory be to God.

And then shout a “Great Hallelujah” – Hallelujah.

God Bless You! You may be seated

Many atimes you hear Testimonies – We’ve heard one beautiful one this Night.


When we lift our hands and we ask God to Anoint your Handkerchiefs so that you can take it away as a Mantle and use it for God; some of you think it’s just a joke.

But you’ve heard Testimonies.

Some children were Graduating from Nursery to Primary; and from Primary to Secondary – And I went to attend, because my Grandchildren were among.

… Of course, I love children; everybody knows that.

And so while there, one young boy grabbed my hand and shook it.

After I left, he went to the Chairman of the Board and said to him, “Daddy GO shook my hand; you better come and shake hand.”

It sounds funny, but that little Boy knew he got something.

Somehow, hands are different from hands to.

And I am going to wave this hand again, today – And it will Anoint your Handkerchiefs.

During this Convention we have heard the Testimony of a Young Man who had a Fire Accident – Fire covered all over his body, but at the end of the day, he discovered that as great as the fire was, the dress he wore didn’t catch Fire.

And then he remembered: that was the dress he wore one day when I said, “whatever dress you are wearing is Anointed.” – The dress didn’t catch Fire.

I want to wave my hand tonight; and the dress you are wearing will become Specially Anointed.

But before we do that; because after that you will be asked to Pray – and then be on your way.


Let’s quickly take our Thanksgiving Offering.

As usual, dance to the nearest basket and drop your Offering (Online).

And then, we will continue with the rest of the Program.

Over to you Choir.


Now, take your Handkerchief and lift it up.

As soon as I say: “In the Name of Jesus”; just keep on saying Amen; until I ask you to stop.

Father, saturate all these Pieces of Clothes with Your Anointing.

Wherever Your Children wave this Mantle – Let the enemy Surrender.

When they wave these Handkerchiefs, where there was no way before, let there be a way.

When they wave these Handkerchiefs, Father, let their Red Sea Part.

Let Miracles happen.

And let Your Name be Glorified.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

*Lay the Handkerchiefs on your head and Prophesy to yourself – Mention your name and Pray: *

The DMC Family Members, from now on, it is going to be well with me.

You are unstoppable.

Heaven will begin to dwell with you.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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