Shall we Please be Up Standing?


Holy Words long Preserved
For our walk in this world
They resound with God’s Own Heart
Oh, let the Ancient Words impart.

Ancient Words, ever True
Changing me and Changing you
We have come with Open Hearts
Oh, let the Ancient Words impart.


Most High God, we Honour You.

We bow our Hearts in Adoration.

Certainly there is None like You in Heaven Above, on Earth beneath – None can be compared with You.

You do Marvellous Things – And that You have shown us at this Convention: You do Awesome Things!

Receive our Praise in Jesus Name.

Precious Spirit of God, like we have not seen before; at this Segment of this Mornig Service; Glorify Jesus Mightily.

Take over from the hands of Man, speak to us in a way that we will Understand, let this Word Profit us and let our Profitting be made known unto all Men.

Thank You for having Answered.

In Jesus Nane we Pray – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

I Thank the Lord for His Faithfulness in the lives of our Parents-In-The-Lord – And I want to appreciate them for this Opportunity to bring the Word at this Closing Session of the 72nd Annual Convention of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

I have been asked to speak to you on the Topic: “THE HEAVENLY CHOIR”.

And Permit me to Congratulate all those who are Ordained today!

And I Pray that the Oil on our heads will never run dry in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

Revelation 15:2-4:

  1. And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the Victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.
  2. And they sing the Song of Moses the Servant of God, and the Song of the Lamb, saying, Great and Marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of Saints.
  3. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and Glorify thy Name? for thou only art Holy: for all Nations shall come and Worship before thee; for thy Judgments are made manifest.

We have had such a Great Convention by God’s Grace – The type that we will not forget in an hurry.

We sang, we danced, we clapped, we jumped and our Earthly Choir did a Great job leading us to honour our God and to exalt His Holy Name.

… It has simply been Awesome!

Heaven has been bought to Earth in the Past 7 days in a very Profound way and manner!

Our Bible Text of today, however has helped to inform us that there is a Choir in the Waiting or under Preparation that will carry out what we have seen this week on a Greater Scale and with much Higher Intensity.

This will take Place in Heaven!

What we have seen this week is therefore a taste of what is to come and a taste of what is awaiting us in Heaven.

Now, it is important to state that – Those who will be Part of this Heavenly Choir; those who will be Singing the Praise of our God over there for Eternity, will not be Limited to the “Tribulation Saints”.

They are those that escaped the Great Tribulation as we read in the Bible Text of today.

But it will also include the “Triumphant Saints” – That is all others that made it to Heaven as recorded in Revelation 19: 1 and 6:

  1. And after these things I heard a Great Voice of much People in Heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and Glory, and Honour, and Power, unto the Lord our God:
  2. And I heard as it were the Voice of a Great Multitude, and as the Voice of many Waters, and as the Voice of Mighty Thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.

I Strongly believed that the experience of the Past 7 days of Heaven on Earth; is a Reminder as well as a Wake Up Call.

First as a Reminder to say to us: Hey, something bigger and extremely more Powerful is ahead.

There is an Incredible Massive Choir under Preparation who will sing the Praises of our God in Heaven for Eternity.

What we have seen this week – That Lasted for just about 7 days; what is before us will Last for Eternity.

I Pray for Someone: May you make it to Heaven to be Part of this Choir in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen!

Secondly, it is a Wake Up Call to those who may have been Sleeping or have not taken the matter of Heaven seriously – To Wake Up and begin to live with the End in Mind; so as not in any way miss being Part of the Heavenly Choir.

Just as you have been told in: Romans 13:11-12:

  1. And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our Salvation nearer than when we believed.
  2. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of Light.

What those who were Ordained today and respectfully every Single one of us; I have been sent to tell us that it is high time to begin to do the Last Things.

Because as we have just heard, now is our “Ultimate Salvation” nearer than when we just first believed!

It is a very known fact that when the End is near, People commit to doing the Last Things!

Just as when a Man at an Old Age who knows that the End is near, will start to put his house in order – Doing the Last Things!

For Example, God instructed King Hezekial when he was to died, to put his house in order in 2 Kings 20:1.

Beloved, if there is a Message at this Glorious Convention of Heaven, that Heaven wants to leave with us; it is that now is the Time to begin to do the Last Things that will ensure that we do not miss being Part of the Heavenly Choir, who will sing the Praises of our God for Eternity!

The Last Things to commit ourselves to will include but not limited to the following five (5) things:

  1. Check your Salvation to ensure that you are not carrying a Fake Passport.

This is very important so that you do not get to the Gate of the Heavenly City only to be turned back on the Account that you are not having a Genuine Salvation; which is your Passport to entering Heaven.

Worthy of Note is that: Every Genuine Salvation is Preceded by a Genuine Repentance.

Just as we read in Acts 3:19 – Repent ye therefore and be Converted, that your sins may be blotted out when the Times of Refreshing shall come from the Presence of the Lord.

It is a known fact that many who claimed to be Born Again, have not known what in my Mother’s Language (DMC NOTES: Yoruba Language) is called: “IGBALA” – That is the Redemption of one’s Soul because there was never a Genuine Repentance; thereby Possessing a Fake Passport to Heaven!

In the days when we were getting Born Again; a Common Song meant to get you to check and to be sure that you get your Salvation correctly was the Song:

Are you in the Number
Are you in the Number
Are you in the Number, Saved by Grace?

And if you are Convinced that you are; then you respond:

I am in the Number
I am in the Number
I am in the Number, Saved by Grace

  1. Be Massiveky Committed to Soul Winning.

That very Purpose that you and I are still here on Earth as we were told in Matthew 24:14 – And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be Preached in all the world, for a Witness unto all Nations and then shall the End come.

  1. Be Intentional on ensuring that all who are being brought into the Kingdom of God are also being Prepared for Heaven through a Well Coordinated and Effective Follow Up and Discipleship Process.

Listen to the Scriptures – 1 Thessalonians 2:19: For what is our Hope, or Joy, or Crown of Rejoicing? Are not even ye in the Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His Coming?

Just imagine the Great Drought of Souls the Lord gave to us during this Convention!

It should be stated and observed that we are on Ground to ensure that every Single one of this Convert makes it to Heaven Successfully!

And I am imagining a situation whereby all our Brethrens Ordained today will be Inspired of the Lord as a Mark of Gratitude to Him to Specifically commit themselves to ensuring that all the Souls from this Convention makes it to Heaven!

Take it up as a Project!

  1. Let’s ensure that we ourselves do not become a Castaway!

This informed what Paul, the Apostle wrote saying in 1 Corinthians 9:27 – For I keep under my Body and bring it into Subjection; less that by any means when I have Preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

  1. After we have done all; we must keep Trusting in the Mercy of God to see us through to our Heavenly Home and to make it into the Heavenly Choir.

None of us can make it to Heaven in our own Strength and Ability – We need God’s Mercy after we have done all we can or should do.

This calls for “Continued Humility” and a “Contrite Heart” – Never to Puff Up or be High Minded along the way!

Psalms 51:17 says: The Sacrifices of Gid are a Broken Spirit: A Broken and a Contrite Heart, Oh God thou wilt not despise.


Oh when the Saints
Go Marching in
Oh when the Saints go Marching in
Oh Lord I want to be in the Number
Oh when the Saints go Marching in.


Maybe up till this moment, you are still to make up your Mind to seek the Lord Jesus Christ for the Genuine Salvation of your Soul; I will invite you to take this Crucial Step this Morning so that the rest of us who by God’s Grace have been truly Saved; made it to Heaven to form Part of the Heavenly Choir – You can also be among.

So I invite you wherever you are in this Auditorium or Listening Online or reading now on the Label of DMC – This Last Minute and Last Session of this Year’s Convention; to come and Surrender your Heart to Jesus.

Not your Head but your Heart!

And so, if you want to do so – To give your Heart to Jesus so that one day also, you can be Part of the Saints to be in the Heavenly Choir; I invite you to begin to come now to the front of the Altar so that I can Pray with you for your Salvation.

If you are coming, Please come very quickly because He is here waiting for you.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus Mighty Name we Pray – Amen!


Father, we Thank You.

Your Words says that those who come to You, You will no wise cast away.

These ones has come, Please receive them, save their Souls today, wash them Clean in Your Blood and write their names in the Book of Life.

Give to them Assurances of Salvation, Uphold them till the Very End and use them Mightily for Your Glory.

Thank You Precious Father.

In Jesus Mighty Nane we Pray – Amen!

The rest of us, shall we be Up Standing?


And your Prayer shall be: Father, help me to commit to doing the Last Things and to make it to Heaven to be Part of the Heavenly Choir.

Go ahead and talk to the Lord with all your Hearts!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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